35 research outputs found

    Gender identification through handwriting: An online approach

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    The present study was designed to identify writer's gender trough online handwriting and drawing analysis. Two groups - one of 126 males (mean age 24.65, SD=2.45) and the other of 114 females (mean age 24.51, SD=2.50) participants were recruited in the experiment. They were asked to perform seven writing and drawing tasks utilizing a digitizing tablet and a special writing device. Seventeen writing features grouped into five categories have been considered. The experiment's results show that the set of considered features enable to discriminate between male and female writers investigating their performance while copying a house drawing (task 2), writing words in capital letters (task 3) and writing a complete sentence in cursive letters (task 7), in particular focusing on Ductus (number of strokes) and Time categories of writing features

    Dynamic signatures: A review of dynamic feature variation and forensic methodology

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    This article focuses on dynamic signatures and their features. It provides a detailed and critical review of dynamic feature variations and circumstantial parameters affecting dynamic signatures. The state of the art summarizes available knowledge, meant to assist the forensic practitioner in cases presenting extraordinary writing conditions. The studied parameters include hardware-related issues, aging and the influence of time, as well as physical and mental states of the writer. Some parameters, such as drug and alcohol abuse or medication, have very strong effects on handwriting and signature dynamics. Other conditions such as the writer’s posture and fatigue have been found to affect feature variation less severely. The need for further research about the influence of these parameters, as well as handwriting dynamics in general is highlighted. These factors are relevant to the examiner in the assessment of the probative value of the reported features. Additionally, methodology for forensic examination of dynamic signatures is discussed. Available methodology and procedures are reviewed, while pointing out major technical and methodological advances in the field of forensic handwriting examination. The need for sharing the best practice manuals, standard operating procedures and methodologies to favor further progress is accentuated

    Handwriting Biometrics: Applications and Future Trends in e-Security and e-Health

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    Online handwritten analysis presents many applications in e-security, signature biometrics being the most popular but not the only one. Handwriting analysis also has an important set of applications in e-health. Both kinds of applications (e-security and e-health) have some unsolved questions and relations among them that should be addressed in the next years. We summarize the state of the art and applications based on handwriting signals. Later on, we focus on the main achievements and challenges that should be addressed by the scientific community, providing a guide for future research. Among all the points discussed in this article, we remark the importance of considering security, health, and metadata from a joint perspective. This is especially critical due to the risks inherent when using these behavioral signals

    Automatic Signature Verification: The State of the Art

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    Fingerprint and On-Line Signature Verification Competitions at ICB 2009

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    This paper describes the objectives, the tasks proposed to the participants and the associated protocols in terms of database and assessment tools of two competitions on fingerprints and on-line signatures. The particularity of the fingerprint competition is to be an on-line competition, for evaluation of fingerprint verification tools such as minutiae extractors and matchers as well as complete systems. This competition will be officialy launched during the ICB conference. The on-line signature competition will test the influence of multi-sessions, environmental conditions (still and mobility) and signature complexity on the performance of complete systems using two datasets extracted from the BioSecure database. Its result will be presented during the ICB conference

    Verificaciónn de firma y gráficos manuscritos: Características discriminantes y nuevos escenarios de aplicación biométrica

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Escuela Politécnica Superior, Departamento de Tecnología Electrónica y de las Comunicaciones. Fecha de lectura: Febrero 2015The proliferation of handheld devices such as smartphones and tablets brings a new scenario for biometric authentication, and in particular to automatic signature verification. Research on signature verification has been traditionally carried out using signatures acquired on digitizing tablets or Tablet-PCs. This PhD Thesis addresses the problem of user authentication on handled devices using handwritten signatures and graphical passwords based on free-form doodles, as well as the effects of biometric aging on signatures. The Thesis pretends to analyze: (i) which are the effects of mobile conditions on signature and doodle verification, (ii) which are the most distinctive features in mobile conditions, extracted from the pen or fingertip trajectory, (iii) how do different similarity computation (i.e. matching) algorithms behave with signatures and graphical passwords captured on mobile conditions, and (iv) what is the impact of aging on signature features and verification performance. Two novel datasets have been presented in this Thesis. A database containing free-form graphical passwords drawn with the fingertip on a smartphone is described. It is the first publicly available graphical password database to the extent of our knowledge. A dataset containing signatures from users captured over a period 15 months is also presented, aimed towards the study of biometric aging. State-of-the-art local and global matching algorithms are used, namely Hidden Markov Models, Gaussian Mixture Models, Dynamic Time Warping and distance-based classifiers. A large proportion of features presented in the research literature is considered in this Thesis. The experimental contribution of this Thesis is divided in three main topics: signature verification on handheld devices, the effects of aging on signature verification, and free-form graphical password-based authentication. First, regarding signature verification in mobile conditions, we use a database captured both on a handheld device and digitizing tablet in an office-like scenario. We analyze the discriminative power of both global and local features using discriminant analysis and feature selection techniques. The effects of the lack of pen-up trajectories on handheld devices (when the stylus tip is not in contact with the screen) are also studied. We then analyze the effects of biometric aging on the signature trait. Using three different matching algorithms, Hidden Markov Models (HMM), Dynamic Time Warping (DTW), and distance-based classifiers, the impact in verification performance is studied. We also study the effects of aging on individual users and individual signature features. Template update techniques are analyzed as a way of mitigating the negative impact of aging. Regarding graphical passwords, the DooDB graphical password database is first presented. A statistical analysis is performed comparing the database samples (free-form doodles and simplified signatures) with handwritten signatures. The sample variability (inter-user, intra-user and inter-session) is also analyzed, as well as the learning curve for each kind of trait. Benchmark results are also reported using state of the art classifiers. Graphical password verification is afterwards studied using features and matching algorithms from the signature verification state of the art. Feature selection is also performed and the resulting feature sets are analyzed. The main contributions of this work can be summarized as follows. A thorough analysis of individual feature performance has been carried out, both for global and local features and on signatures acquired using pen tablets and handheld devices. We have found which individual features are the most robust and which have very low discriminative potential (pen inclination and pressure among others). It has been found that feature selection increases verification performance dramatically, from example from ERRs (Equal Error Rates) over 30% using all available local features, in the case of handheld devices and skilled forgeries, to rates below 20% after feature selection. We study the impact of the lack of trajectory information when the pen tip is not in contact with the acquisition device surface (which happens when touchscreens are used for signature acquisitions), and we have found that the lack of pen-up trajectories negatively affects verification performance. As an example, the EER for the local system increases from 9.3% to 12.1% against skilled forgeries when pen-up trajectories are not available. We study the effects of biometric aging on signature verification and study a number of ways to compensate the observed performance degradation. It is found that aging does not affect equally all the users in the database and that features related to signature dynamics are more degraded than static features. Comparing the performance using test signatures from the first months with the last months, a variable effect of aging on the EER against random forgeries is observed in the three systems that are evaluated, from 0.0% to 0.5% in the DTW system, from 1.0% to 5.0% in the distance-based system using global features, and from 3.2% to 27.8% in the HMM system. A new graphical password database has been acquired and made publicly available. Verification algorithms for finger-drawn graphical passwords and simplified signatures are compared and feature analysis is performed. We have found that inter-session variability has a highly negative impact on verification performance, but this can be mitigated performing feature selection and applying fusion of different matchers. It has also been found that some feature types are prevalent in the optimal feature vectors and that classifiers have a very different behavior against skilled and random forgeries. An EER of 3.4% and 22.1% against random and skilled forgeries is obtained for free-form doodles, which is a promising performance

    A Fuzzy Logic Based Novel Signature Verification System on Bank Cheque with Fractal Dimensions and Connected Components

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    Signature plays its authorization role in almost every document. Proper care should be taken for the verification of the genuineness of the signature in legal documents. Signature verification scheme can be online or offline based on the acquisition type. A novel method for offline signature verification in bank cheques is proposed. It is found out that using fractal dimensions for verification purpose improves the accuracy rate. Also the fundamentals of offline signature verification process are discussed. The proposed system uses connected Components Labeling, Fractal Dimensions and Fuzzy Logic for signature verification. The signature is scanned and preprocessed. Using connected components labeling, the signature is split into regions and each region is labeled uniquely. Feature values for each labeled regions are extracted and normalised. Fractal dimensions of signature images are calculated. Extracted feature values and fractal dimensions are compared with the feature values of the sample signatures for its genuineness. Fuzzy classifies the genuine and forged signatures correctly to its fullest extent. Some signatures may have more noise or it may be complex for the system to identify or classify. Those signatures may need some manual intervention. The proposed verification system shows very good results with good sensitivity and specificity. It has an accuracy of maximum 50%

    Drawing, Handwriting Processing Analysis: New Advances and Challenges

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    International audienceDrawing and handwriting are communicational skills that are fundamental in geopolitical, ideological and technological evolutions of all time. drawingand handwriting are still useful in defining innovative applications in numerous fields. In this regard, researchers have to solve new problems like those related to the manner in which drawing and handwriting become an efficient way to command various connected objects; or to validate graphomotor skills as evident and objective sources of data useful in the study of human beings, their capabilities and their limits from birth to decline