126 research outputs found

    Crosslingual Transfer Learning for Low-Resource Languages Based on Multilingual Colexification Graphs

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    In comparative linguistics, colexification refers to the phenomenon of a lexical form conveying two or more distinct meanings. Existing work on colexification patterns relies on annotated word lists, limiting scalability and usefulness in NLP. In contrast, we identify colexification patterns of more than 2,000 concepts across 1,335 languages directly from an unannotated parallel corpus. We then propose simple and effective methods to build multilingual graphs from the colexification patterns: ColexNet and ColexNet+. ColexNet's nodes are concepts and its edges are colexifications. In ColexNet+, concept nodes are additionally linked through intermediate nodes, each representing an ngram in one of 1,334 languages. We use ColexNet+ to train \overrightarrow{\mbox{ColexNet+}}, high-quality multilingual embeddings that are well-suited for transfer learning. In our experiments, we first show that ColexNet achieves high recall on CLICS, a dataset of crosslingual colexifications. We then evaluate \overrightarrow{\mbox{ColexNet+}} on roundtrip translation, sentence retrieval and sentence classification and show that our embeddings surpass several transfer learning baselines. This demonstrates the benefits of using colexification as a source of information in multilingual NLP.Comment: EMNLP 2023 Finding

    English–Welsh cross-lingual embeddings

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    Cross-lingual embeddings are vector space representations where word translations tend to be co-located. These representations enable learning transfer across languages, thus bridging the gap between data-rich languages such as English and others. In this paper, we present and evaluate a suite of cross-lingual embeddings for the English–Welsh language pair. To train the bilingual embeddings, a Welsh corpus of approximately 145 M words was combined with an English Wikipedia corpus. We used a bilingual dictionary to frame the problem of learning bilingual mappings as a supervised machine learning task, where a word vector space is first learned independently on a monolingual corpus, after which a linear alignment strategy is applied to map the monolingual embeddings to a common bilingual vector space. Two approaches were used to learn monolingual embeddings, including word2vec and fastText. Three cross-language alignment strategies were explored, including cosine similarity, inverted softmax and cross-domain similarity local scaling (CSLS). We evaluated different combinations of these approaches using two tasks, bilingual dictionary induction, and cross-lingual sentiment analysis. The best results were achieved using monolingual fastText embeddings and the CSLS metric. We also demonstrated that by including a few automatically translated training documents, the performance of a cross-lingual text classifier for Welsh can increase by approximately 20 percent points

    Distributed representations for multilingual language processing

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    Distributed representations are a central element in natural language processing. Units of text such as words, ngrams, or characters are mapped to real-valued vectors so that they can be processed by computational models. Representations trained on large amounts of text, called static word embeddings, have been found to work well across a variety of tasks such as sentiment analysis or named entity recognition. More recently, pretrained language models are used as contextualized representations that have been found to yield even better task performances. Multilingual representations that are invariant with respect to languages are useful for multiple reasons. Models using those representations would only require training data in one language and still generalize across multiple languages. This is especially useful for languages that exhibit data sparsity. Further, machine translation models can benefit from source and target representations in the same space. Last, knowledge extraction models could not only access English data, but data in any natural language and thus exploit a richer source of knowledge. Given that several thousand languages exist in the world, the need for multilingual language processing seems evident. However, it is not immediately clear, which properties multilingual embeddings should exhibit, how current multilingual representations work and how they could be improved. This thesis investigates some of these questions. In the first publication, we explore the boundaries of multilingual representation learning by creating an embedding space across more than one thousand languages. We analyze existing methods and propose concept based embedding learning methods. The second paper investigates differences between creating representations for one thousand languages with little data versus considering few languages with abundant data. In the third publication, we refine a method to obtain interpretable subspaces of embeddings. This method can be used to investigate the workings of multilingual representations. The fourth publication finds that multilingual pretrained language models exhibit a high degree of multilinguality in the sense that high quality word alignments can be easily extracted. The fifth paper investigates reasons why multilingual pretrained language models are multilingual despite lacking any kind of crosslingual supervision during training. Based on our findings we propose a training scheme that leads to improved multilinguality. Last, the sixth paper investigates the use of multilingual pretrained language models as multilingual knowledge bases

    Multilingual representations and models for improved low-resource language processing

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    Word representations are the cornerstone of modern NLP. Representing words or characters using real-valued vectors as static representations that can capture the Semantics and encode the meaning has been popular among researchers. In more recent years, Pretrained Language Models using large amounts of data and creating contextualized representations achieved great performance in various tasks such as Semantic Role Labeling. These large pretrained language models are capable of storing and generalizing information and can be used as knowledge bases. Language models can produce multilingual representations while only using monolingual data during training. These multilingual representations can be beneficial in many tasks such as Machine Translation. Further, knowledge extraction models that only relied on information extracted from English resources, can now benefit from extra resources in other languages. Although these results were achieved for high-resource languages, there are thousands of languages that do not have large corpora. Moreover, for other tasks such as machine translation, if large monolingual data is not available, the models need parallel data, which is scarce for most languages. Further, many languages lack tokenization models, and splitting the text into meaningful segments such as words is not trivial. Although using subwords helps the models to have better coverage over unseen data and new words in the vocabulary, generalizing over low-resource languages with different alphabets and grammars is still a challenge. This thesis investigates methods to overcome these issues for low-resource languages. In the first publication, we explore the degree of multilinguality in multilingual pretrained language models. We demonstrate that these language models can produce high-quality word alignments without using parallel training data, which is not available for many languages. In the second paper, we extract word alignments for all available language pairs in the public bible corpus (PBC). Further, we created a tool for exploring these alignments which are especially helpful in studying low-resource languages. The third paper investigates word alignment in multiparallel corpora and exploits graph algorithms for extracting new alignment edges. In the fourth publication, we propose a new model to iteratively generate cross-lingual word embeddings and extract word alignments when only small parallel corpora are available. Lastly, the fifth paper finds that aggregation of different granularities of text can improve word alignment quality. We propose using subword sampling to produce such granularities

    Principles and Applications of Data Science

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    Data science is an emerging multidisciplinary field which lies at the intersection of computer science, statistics, and mathematics, with different applications and related to data mining, deep learning, and big data. This Special Issue on “Principles and Applications of Data Science” focuses on the latest developments in the theories, techniques, and applications of data science. The topics include data cleansing, data mining, machine learning, deep learning, and the applications of medical and healthcare, as well as social media

    Predicting Linguistic Structure with Incomplete and Cross-Lingual Supervision

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    Contemporary approaches to natural language processing are predominantly based on statistical machine learning from large amounts of text, which has been manually annotated with the linguistic structure of interest. However, such complete supervision is currently only available for the world's major languages, in a limited number of domains and for a limited range of tasks. As an alternative, this dissertation considers methods for linguistic structure prediction that can make use of incomplete and cross-lingual supervision, with the prospect of making linguistic processing tools more widely available at a lower cost. An overarching theme of this work is the use of structured discriminative latent variable models for learning with indirect and ambiguous supervision; as instantiated, these models admit rich model features while retaining efficient learning and inference properties. The first contribution to this end is a latent-variable model for fine-grained sentiment analysis with coarse-grained indirect supervision. The second is a model for cross-lingual word-cluster induction and the application thereof to cross-lingual model transfer. The third is a method for adapting multi-source discriminative cross-lingual transfer models to target languages, by means of typologically informed selective parameter sharing. The fourth is an ambiguity-aware self- and ensemble-training algorithm, which is applied to target language adaptation and relexicalization of delexicalized cross-lingual transfer parsers. The fifth is a set of sequence-labeling models that combine constraints at the level of tokens and types, and an instantiation of these models for part-of-speech tagging with incomplete cross-lingual and crowdsourced supervision. In addition to these contributions, comprehensive overviews are provided of structured prediction with no or incomplete supervision, as well as of learning in the multilingual and cross-lingual settings. Through careful empirical evaluation, it is established that the proposed methods can be used to create substantially more accurate tools for linguistic processing, compared to both unsupervised methods and to recently proposed cross-lingual methods. The empirical support for this claim is particularly strong in the latter case; our models for syntactic dependency parsing and part-of-speech tagging achieve the hitherto best published results for a wide number of target languages, in the setting where no annotated training data is available in the target language

    Reasoning with Pseudowords: How Properties of Novel Verbal Stimuli Influence Item Difficulty and Linguistic-Group Score Differences on Cognitive Ability Assessments

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    Pseudowords (words that are not real but resemble real words in a language) have been used increasingly as a technique to reduce contamination due to construct-irrelevant variance in assessments of verbal fluid reasoning (Gf). However, despite pseudowords being researched heavily in other psychology sub-disciplines, they have received little attention in cognitive ability testing contexts. Thus, there has been an assumption that all pseudowords work equally and work equally well for all test-takers. The current research examined three objectives with the first being whether changes to the pseudoword properties of length and wordlikeness (how much a pseudoword resembles a typical or common word in English) led to changes in item difficulty on verbal Gf items. The second objective was whether boundary conditions existed such that changes to pseudoword properties would differentially impact two linguistic sub-groups of participants – those who have English as their dominant language and those who do not have English as their dominant language. The last objective was to index and explore performance on these verbal Gf items when pseudowords were replaced with real words. Hypotheses predicting how pseudoword properties influenced item difficulty, how stimulie type – pseudoword or real word, impacted performance across linguistic sub-groups, and how linguistic sub-group status interacted with pseudoword properties were tested. Four sets of pseudowords were developed – short and wordlike, long and wordlike, short and un-wordlike, and long and un-wordlike, as well as two sets of real words – short and wordlike, and long and un-wordlike. Sixteen verbal Gf items, adapted from the LSAT, were developed to accommodate the pseudowords or real words and explore these three objectives. While none of the hypotheses were statistically significant, the results did indicate further areas of exploration. Specifically, verbal Gf items were easier when they featured longer pseudowords and more difficult when they featured un-wordlike pseudowords. Additionally, while performance of English-non-dominant participants was fairly balanced across real and pseudoword sets, English-dominant participants performed better on items featuring real words. Similarly, linguistic status interacted with wordlikeness such that English-dominant participants featured a decrease in performance as pseudowords moved from wordlike to un-wordlike. A full discussion of the findings, their implications, limitations of the current study, and directions for future research are included

    Automatic processing of code-mixed social media content

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    Code-mixing or language-mixing is a linguistic phenomenon where multiple language mix together during conversation. Standard natural language processing (NLP) tools such as part-of-speech (POS) tagger and parsers perform poorly because such tools are generally trained with monolingual content. Thus there is a need for code-mixed NLP. This research focuses on creating a code-mixed corpus in English-Hindi-Bengali and using it to develop a world-level language identifier and a POS tagger for such code-mixed content. The first target of this research is word-level language identification. A data set of romanised and code-mixed content written in English, Hindi and Bengali was created and annotated. Word-level language identification (LID) was performed on this data using dictionaries and machine learn- ing techniques. We find that among a dictionary-based system, a character-n-gram based linear model, a character-n-gram based first order Conditional Random Fields (CRF) and a recurrent neural network in the form of a Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) that consider words as well as characters, LSTM outperformed the other methods. We also took part in the First Workshop of Computational Approaches to Code-Switching, EMNLP, 2014 where we achieved the highest token-level accuracy in the word-level language identification task of Nepali-English. The second target of this research is part-of-speech (POS) tagging. POS tagging methods for code- mixed data (e.g. pipeline and stacked systems and LSTM-based neural models) have been implemented, among them, neural approach outperformed the other approach. Further, we investigate building a joint model to perform language identification and POS tagging jointly. We compare between a factorial CRF (FCRF) based joint model and three LSTM-based multi-task models for word-level language identification and POS tagging. The neural models achieve good accuracy in language identification and POS tagging by outperforming the FCRF approach. Further- more, we found that it is better to go for a multi-task learning approach than to perform individual task (e.g. language identification and POS tagging) using neural approach. Comparison between the three neural approaches revealed that without using task-specific recurrent layers, it is possible to achieve good accuracy by careful handling of output layers for these two tasks e.g. LID and POS tagging

    Multi-view Representation Learning for Unifying Languages, Knowledge and Vision

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    The growth of content on the web has raised various challenges, yet also provided numerous opportunities. Content exists in varied forms such as text appearing in different languages, entity-relationship graph represented as structured knowledge and as a visual embodiment like images/videos. They are often referred to as modalities. In many instances, the different amalgamation of modalities co-exists to complement each other or to provide consensus. Thus making the content either heterogeneous or homogeneous. Having an additional point of view for each instance in the content is beneficial for data-driven learning and intelligent content processing. However, despite having availability of such content. Most advancements made in data-driven learning (i.e., machine learning) is by solving tasks separately for the single modality. The similar endeavor was not shown for the challenges which required input either from all or subset of them. In this dissertation, we develop models and techniques that can leverage multiple views of heterogeneous or homogeneous content and build a shared representation for aiding several applications which require a combination of modalities mentioned above. In particular, we aim to address applications such as content-based search, categorization, and generation by providing several novel contributions. First, we develop models for heterogeneous content by jointly modeling diverse representations emerging from two views depicting text and image by learning their correlation. To be specific, modeling such correlation is helpful to retrieve cross-modal content. Second, we replace the heterogeneous content with homogeneous to learn a common space representation for content categorization across languages. Furthermore, we develop models that take input from both homogeneous and heterogeneous content to facilitate the construction of common space representation from more than two views. Specifically, representation is used to generate one view from another. Lastly, we describe a model that can handle missing views, and demonstrate that the model can generate missing views by utilizing external knowledge. We argue that techniques the models leverage internally provide many practical benefits and lot of immediate value applications. From the modeling perspective, our contributed model design in this thesis can be summarized under the phrase Multi-view Representation Learning( MVRL ). These models are variations and extensions of shallow statistical and deep neural networks approaches that can jointly optimize and exploit all views of the input content arising from different independent representations. We show that our models advance state of the art, but not limited to tasks such as cross-modal retrieval, cross-language text classification, image-caption generation in multiple languages and caption generation for images containing unseen visual object categories