158 research outputs found

    Parallel functional programming for message-passing multiprocessors

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    We propose a framework for the evaluation of implicitly parallel functional programs on message passing multiprocessors with special emphasis on the issue of load bounding. The model is based on a new encoding of the lambda-calculus in Milner's pi-calculus and combines lazy evaluation and eager (parallel) evaluation in the same framework. The pi-calculus encoding serves as the specification of a more concrete compilation scheme mapping a simple functional language into a message passing, parallel program. We show how and under which conditions we can guarantee successful load bounding based on this compilation scheme. Finally we discuss the architectural requirements for a machine to support our model efficiently and we present a simple RISC-style processor architecture which meets those criteria

    SwitchWare: Accelerating Network Evolution (White Paper)

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    We propose the development of a set of software technologies ( SwitchWare ) which will enable rapid development and deployment of new network services. The key insight is that by making the basic network service selectable on a per user (or even per packet) basis, the need for formal standardization is eliminated. Additionally, by making the basic network service programmable, the deployment times, today constrained by capital funding limitations, are tremendously reduced (to the order of software distribution times). Finally, by constructing an advanced, robust programming environment, even the service development time can be reduced. A SwitchWare switch consists of input and output ports controlled by a software-programmable element; programs are contained in sequences of messages sent to the SwitchWare switch\u27s input ports, which interpret the messages as programs. We call these Switchlets . This accelerates the pace of network evolution, as evolving user needs can be immediately reflected in the network infrastructure. Immediate reconfigurability enhances the adaptability of the network infrastructure in the face of unexpected situations. We call a network built from SwitchWare switches an active network

    Generic Distribution Support for Programming Systems

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    This dissertation provides constructive proof, through the implementation of a middleware, that distribution transparency is practical, generic, and extensible. Fault tolerant distributed services can be developed by using the failure detection abilities of the middleware. By generic we mean that the middleware can be used for many different programming languages and paradigms. Distribution for each kind of language entity is done in terms of consistency protocols, which guarantee that the semantics of the entities are preserved in a distributed setting. The middleware allows new consistency protocols to be added easily. The efficiency of the middleware and the ease of integration are shown by coupling the middleware to a programming system, which encompasses the object oriented, the functional, and the concurrent-declarative programming paradigms. Our measurements show that the distribution middleware is competitive with the most popular distributed programming systems (JavaRMI, .NET, IBM CORBA)

    A Toolkit for Simulation of Desktop Grid Environment

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    Peer to Peers, clusters and grids enable a combination of heterogeneous distributed recourses to resolve problems in different fields such as science, engineering and commerce. Organizations within the world wide grid environment network are offering geographically distributed resources which are administrated by schedulers and policies. Studying the resources behavior is time consuming due to their unique behavior and uniqueness. In this type of environment it is nearly impossible to prove the effectiveness of a scheduling algorithm. Hence the main objective of this study is to develop a desktop grid simulator toolkit for measuring and modeling scheduler algorithm performance. The selected methodology for the application development is based on prototyping methodology. The prototypes will be developed using JAVA language united with a MySQL database. Core functionality of the simulator are job generation, volunteer generation, simulating algorithms, generating graphical charts and generating reports. A simulator for desktop grid environment has been developed using Java as the implementation language due to its wide popularity. The final system has been developed after a successful delivery of two prototypes. Despite the implementation of the mentioned core functionalities of a desktop grid simulator, advanced features such as viewing real-time graphical charts, generating PDF reports of the simulation result and exporting the final result as CSV files has been also included among the other features

    High-performance state-machine replication

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    Replication, a common approach to protecting applications against failures, refers to maintaining several copies of a service on independent machines (replicas). Unlike a stand-alone service, a replicated service remains available to its clients despite the failure of some of its copies. Consistency among replicas is an immediate concern raised by replication. In effect, an important factor for providing the illusion of an uninterrupted service to clients is to preserve consistency among the multiple copies. State-machine replication is a popular replication technique that ensures consistency by ordering client requests and making all the replicas execute them deterministically and sequentially. The overhead of ordering the requests, and the sequentiality of request execution, the two essential requirements in realizing state-machine replication, are also the two major obstacles that prevent the performance of state-machine replication from scaling. In this thesis we concentrate on the performance of state-machine replication and enhance it by overcoming the two aforementioned bottlenecks, the overhead of ordering and the overhead of sequentially executing commands. To realize a truly scalable system, one must iteratively examine and analyze all the layers and components of a system and avoid or eliminate potential performance obstructions and congestion points. In this dissertation, we iterate between optimizing the ordering of requests and the strategies of replicas at request execution, in order to stretch the performance boundaries of state-machine replication. To eliminate the negative implications of the ordering layer on performance, we devise and implement several novel and highly efficient ordering protocols. Our proposals are based on practical observations we make after closely assessing and identifying the shortcomings of existing approaches. Communication is one of the most important components of any distributed system and thus selecting efficient communication patterns is a must in designing scalable systems. We base our protocols on the most suitable communication patterns and extend their design with additional features that altogether realize our protocol's high efficiency. The outcome of this phase is the design and implementation of the Ring Paxos family of protocols. According to our evaluations these protocols are highly scalable and efficient. We then assess the performance ramifications of sequential execution of requests on the replicas of state-machine replication. We use some known techniques such as state-partitioning and speculative execution, and thoroughly examine their advantages when combined with our ordering protocols. We then exploit the features of multicore hardware and propose our final solution as a parallelized form of state-machine replication, built on top of Ring Paxos protocols, that is capable of accomplishing significantly high performance. Given the popularity of state-machine replication in designing fault-tolerant systems, we hope this thesis provides useful and practical guidelines for the enhancement of the existing and the design of future fault-tolerant systems that share similar performance goals

    Incremental parallel and distributed systems

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    Incremental computation strives for efficient successive runs of applications by re-executing only those parts of the computation that are affected by a given input change instead of recomputing everything from scratch. To realize the benefits of incremental computation, researchers and practitioners are developing new systems where the application programmer can provide an efficient update mechanism for changing application data. Unfortunately, most of the existing solutions are limiting because they not only depart from existing programming models, but also require programmers to devise an incremental update mechanism (or a dynamic algorithm) on a per-application basis. In this thesis, we present incremental parallel and distributed systems that enable existing real-world applications to automatically benefit from efficient incremental updates. Our approach neither requires departure from current models of programming, nor the design and implementation of dynamic algorithms. To achieve these goals, we have designed and built the following incremental systems: (i) Incoop — a system for incremental MapReduce computation; (ii) Shredder — a GPU-accelerated system for incremental storage; (iii) Slider — a stream processing platform for incremental sliding window analytics; and (iv) iThreads — a threading library for parallel incremental computation. Our experience with these systems shows that significant performance can be achieved for existing applications without requiring any additional effort from programmers.Inkrementelle Berechnungen ermöglichen die effizientere Ausführung aufeinanderfolgender Anwendungsaufrufe, indem nur die Teilbereiche der Anwendung erneut ausgefürt werden, die von den Änderungen der Eingabedaten betroffen sind. Dieses Berechnungsverfahren steht dem konventionellen und vollständig neu berechnenden Verfahren gegenüber. Um den Vorteil inkrementeller Berechnungen auszunutzen, entwickeln sowohl Wissenschaft als auch Industrie neue Systeme, bei denen der Anwendungsprogrammierer den effizienten Aktualisierungsmechanismus für die Änderung der Anwendungsdaten bereitstellt. Bedauerlicherweise lassen sich existierende Lösungen meist nur eingeschränkt anwenden, da sie das konventionelle Programmierungsmodel beibehalten und dadurch die erneute Entwicklung vom Programmierer des inkrementellen Aktualisierungsmechanismus (oder einen dynamischen Algorithmus) für jede Anwendung verlangen. Diese Doktorarbeit stellt inkrementelle Parallele- und Verteiltesysteme vor, die es existierenden Real-World-Anwendungen ermöglichen vom Vorteil der inkre- mentellen Berechnung automatisch zu profitieren. Unser Ansatz erfordert weder eine Abkehr von gegenwärtigen Programmiermodellen, noch Design und Implementierung von anwendungsspezifischen dynamischen Algorithmen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, haben wir die folgenden Systeme zur inkrementellen parallelen und verteilten Berechnung entworfen und implementiert: (i) Incoop — ein System für inkrementelle Map-Reduce-Programme; (ii) Shredder — ein GPU- beschleunigtes System zur inkrementellen Speicherung; (iii) Slider — eine Plat- tform zur Batch-basierten Streamverarbeitung via inkrementeller Sliding-Window- Berechnung; und (iv) iThreads — eine Threading-Bibliothek zur parallelen inkre- mentellen Berechnung. Unsere Erfahrungen mit diesen Systemen zeigen, dass unsere Methoden sehr gute Performanz liefern können, und dies ohne weiteren Aufwand des Programmierers

    ADAM : a decentralized parallel computer architecture featuring fast thread and data migration and a uniform hardware abstraction

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2002.Includes bibliographical references (p. 247-256).The furious pace of Moore's Law is driving computer architecture into a realm where the the speed of light is the dominant factor in system latencies. The number of clock cycles to span a chip are increasing, while the number of bits that can be accessed within a clock cycle is decreasing. Hence, it is becoming more difficult to hide latency. One alternative solution is to reduce latency by migrating threads and data, but the overhead of existing implementations has previously made migration an unserviceable solution so far. I present an architecture, implementation, and mechanisms that reduces the overhead of migration to the point where migration is a viable supplement to other latency hiding mechanisms, such as multithreading. The architecture is abstract, and presents programmers with a simple, uniform fine-grained multithreaded parallel programming model with implicit memory management. In other words, the spatial nature and implementation details (such as the number of processors) of a parallel machine are entirely hidden from the programmer. Compiler writers are encouraged to devise programming languages for the machine that guide a programmer to express their ideas in terms of objects, since objects exhibit an inherent physical locality of data and code. The machine implementation can then leverage this locality to automatically distribute data and threads across the physical machine by using a set of high performance migration mechanisms.(cont.) An implementation of this architecture could migrate a null thread in 66 cycles - over a factor of 1000 improvement over previous work. Performance also scales well; the time required to move a typical thread is only 4 to 5 times that of a null thread. Data migration performance is similar, and scales linearly with data block size. Since the performance of the migration mechanism is on par with that of an L2 cache, the implementation simulated in my work has no data caches and relies instead on multithreading and the migration mechanism to hide and reduce access latencies.by Andrew "bunnie" Huang.Ph.D
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