6,875 research outputs found

    Fusing Audio, Textual and Visual Features for Sentiment Analysis of News Videos

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    This paper presents a novel approach to perform sentiment analysis of news videos, based on the fusion of audio, textual and visual clues extracted from their contents. The proposed approach aims at contributing to the semiodiscoursive study regarding the construction of the ethos (identity) of this media universe, which has become a central part of the modern-day lives of millions of people. To achieve this goal, we apply state-of-the-art computational methods for (1) automatic emotion recognition from facial expressions, (2) extraction of modulations in the participants' speeches and (3) sentiment analysis from the closed caption associated to the videos of interest. More specifically, we compute features, such as, visual intensities of recognized emotions, field sizes of participants, voicing probability, sound loudness, speech fundamental frequencies and the sentiment scores (polarities) from text sentences in the closed caption. Experimental results with a dataset containing 520 annotated news videos from three Brazilian and one American popular TV newscasts show that our approach achieves an accuracy of up to 84% in the sentiments (tension levels) classification task, thus demonstrating its high potential to be used by media analysts in several applications, especially, in the journalistic domain.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Medi

    Analysis and automatic annotation of singer's postures during concert and rehearsal

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    Bodily movement of music performers is widely acknowledged to be a means of communication with the audience. For singers, where the necessity of movement for sound production is limited, postures, i.e. static positions of the body, may be relevant in addition to actual movements. In this study, we present the results of an analysis of a singer’s postures, focusing on differences in postures between a dress rehearsal without audience and a concert with audience. We provide an analysis based on manual annotation of postures and propose and evaluate methods for automatic annotation of postures based on motion sensing data, showing that automatic annotation is a viable alternative to manual annotation. Results furthermore suggest that the presence of an audience leads the singer to use more ‘open’ postures, and differentiate more between different postures. Also, speed differences of transitions from one posture to another are more pronounced in concert than during rehearsal

    Theatrical Workshops to Address Non-verbal Features for Teachers in Development of Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

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    In this paragraph, we want to state the importance of the nonverbal competence performed within the classroom as well as the pertinence of implementing drama-based sessions in teachers in development to address this competence. First, we will see how nonverbal features, such as gestures, body language, voice projection, may be useful to complement the message, idea, or emotion that a teacher wants to transmit in a class. Second, we will present three different drama courses offered at Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira (UTP), and finally, we will expose the purpose of this classroom project..

    Empathic Expressions among Three-year-olds in play and interaction in ECEC institutions in Norway: Bodily empathic Expressions ourposed for peers' wellbeing and confirming relationships.

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    This article is based on video observations of three-year-old children’s empathic expressions in the context of playful interactions in Early Childhood and care institutions (ECEC) in Norway. The data were analysed within a hermeneutic phenomenological approach, searching for a system of the children’s self-initiated empathic expressions in their play and interaction. The findings show that young children’s inherent empathy largely appears as an embodied intonation in the other’s emotional state, expressed through facial and bodily intersubjective expressions, followed up with empathy-related responses adapted to the context through physical communication. This study reveals that funny behaviour and play-invitations are empathically motivated actions, making peers happy again and confirming relationships. This new insight contributes to a broader understanding of young children’s empathy and may contribute to developing the knowledge of how ECEC’s educational work can support children’s empathic development based on an understanding of the body’s phenomenology and integrated in children’s play.acceptedVersio

    Application of Texture Descriptors to Facial Emotion Recognition in Infants

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    The recognition of facial emotions is an important issue in computer vision and artificial intelligence due to its important academic and commercial potential. If we focus on the health sector, the ability to detect and control patients’ emotions, mainly pain, is a fundamental objective within any medical service. Nowadays, the evaluation of pain in patients depends mainly on the continuous monitoring of the medical staff when the patient is unable to express verbally his/her experience of pain, as is the case of patients under sedation or babies. Therefore, it is necessary to provide alternative methods for its evaluation and detection. Facial expressions can be considered as a valid indicator of a person’s degree of pain. Consequently, this paper presents a monitoring system for babies that uses an automatic pain detection system by means of image analysis. This system could be accessed through wearable or mobile devices. To do this, this paper makes use of three different texture descriptors for pain detection: Local Binary Patterns, Local Ternary Patterns, and Radon Barcodes. These descriptors are used together with Support Vector Machines (SVM) for their classification. The experimental results show that the proposed features give a very promising classification accuracy of around 95% for the Infant COPE database, which proves the validity of the proposed method.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) under project CloudDriver4Industry TIN2017-89266-R, and by the Conselleria de Educación, Investigación, Cultura y Deporte, of the Community of Valencia, Spain, within the program of support for research under project AICO/2017/134

    Caregiving is also thinking: Maternal cognitions in child abuse and neglect

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    Child-maltreatment has long been recognized as a serious and prevalent social problem with multiple and long-term consequences for child development. This work examines child-maltreatment based on a Social Information Processing model, emphasizing the role of cognitive representations, and errors and biases in processing caregiving-related information on parental responses. Six articles present (a) a set of meta-analyses about the relation between parents’ socio-cognitive variables and child-maltreatment, (b) a systematic review of implicit measures to assess parental cognitions in the context of maltreatment; (c) map and compare cognitive representations about parenting of referred and non-referred mothers; and (d) examine the association of implicit and explicit parental attitudes and (e) errors in emotion recognition, with self- and professionals-reported child abuse and neglect. The results of the reviews indicated that the associations of parental schemata and biased information processing with child maltreatment are significant, as well as that the potential of implicit measures in assessing parental cognitions may be valuable. Moreover, the empirical studies support the hypothesis that maladaptive parenting is characterized by rigidity schemata and associated with inadequate parental attitudes and errors in perceiving children’s emotional signals, but mostly for neglect and particularly when hetero-reported. Theoretically, these findings support the SIP model and emphasize the potential utility of socio-cognitive approaches in the evaluation and explanation of child maltreatment. The reported studies also represent a valuable methodological approach for assessing both maltreatment and parental cognitions. Overall, this work presents a contribution to the still emerging research about parental cognitions in the context of child maltreatment, with important implications for research and intervention.O mau-trato infantil é amplamente reconhecido como um problema social prevalente, com consequências múltiplas e a longo-prazo para o desenvolvimento da criança. O presente trabalho examina o mau-trato à luz do modelo de Processamento de Informação Social (SIP), acentuando o papel das representações cognitivas, e de erros e enviesamentos no processamento da informação relativa ao cuidar, nas respostas parentais. Seis artigos apresentam (a) um conjunto de meta-análises sobre a relação entre variáveis sociocognitivas dos pais e o mau-trato, (b) uma revisão sistemática de medidas implícitas utilizadas para avaliar essas cognições em contextos de mau-trato; (c) mapeiam e comparam representações sobre parentalidade de mães sinalizadas e não-sinalizadas; e (d) examinam a relação entre atitudes parentais implícitas e explícitas e (e) erros no reconhecimento de emoções das crianças, e o abuso e negligência, auto e hétero-reportados. Os resultados dos estudos de revisão indicam que as associações entre esquemas cognitivos parentais e enviesamentos no processamento da informação e o mau-trato são significativas, assim como o potencial das medidas implícitas na avaliação das cognições parentais. Os estudos empíricos sugerem especificamente que a parentalidade desadaptativa é caracterizada por esquemas cognitivos rígidos, atitudes parentais inadequadas e erros na perceção dos sinais emocionais da criança, sobretudo na negligência, e quando reportada pelos profissionais. Teoricamente, estes resultados suportam o modelo SIP e enfatizam o potencial das abordagens sociocognitivas na avaliação e explicação do mau-trato. Os estudos reportados representam também um importante contributo metodológico para a avaliação do mau-trato e das cognições parentais. Este trabalho apresenta assim uma contribuição para a emergente pesquisa sobre cognições parentais no contexto do mau-trato, com implicações importantes para a investigação e intervenção

    Fostering the Development of Empathy in the Classroom: A Strategic Response to the Problem of Bullying

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    This article describes the development of empathy within children and provides classroom-based interventions that will foster its development. The development of empathy is a complex process involving both cognitive and affective functioning and awareness. Various perspectives of empathy are explored including what develops, when it develops, and how it develops. Cultural issues are raised that identify variations in development based on socialisation, gender, and cultural values. Abnormal development of empathy is discussed in the form of aggression and bullying. Interventions for fostering empathy within the victim and the bully and for fostering empathy within the classroom setting are described. The article concludes by placing empathy within the context of the Christian worldview of following Christ’s example and identifies the many benefits of teaching empathy in schools

    Leveraging Previous Facial Action Units Knowledge for Emotion Recognition on Faces

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    People naturally understand emotions, thus permitting a machine to do the same could open new paths for human-computer interaction. Facial expressions can be very useful for emotion recognition techniques, as these are the biggest transmitters of non-verbal cues capable of being correlated with emotions. Several techniques are based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to extract information in a machine learning process. However, simple CNNs are not always sufficient to locate points of interest on the face that can be correlated with emotions. In this work, we intend to expand the capacity of emotion recognition techniques by proposing the usage of Facial Action Units (AUs) recognition techniques to recognize emotions. This recognition will be based on the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) and computed by a machine learning system. In particular, our method expands over EmotiRAM, an approach for multi-cue emotion recognition, in which we improve over their facial encoding module