26 research outputs found

    Investigation of new techniques for aircraft navigation using the omega navigation

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    An OMEGA navigation receiver with a microprocessor as the computational component was investigated. A version of the INTEL 4004 microprocessor macroassembler suitable for use on the CDC-6600 system and development of a FORTRAN IV simulator program for the microprocessor was developed. Supporting studies included development and evaluation of navigation algorithms to generate relative position information from OMEGA VLF phase measurements. Simulation studies were used to evaluate assumptions made in developing a navigation equation in OMEGA Line of Position (LOP) coordinates. Included in the navigation algorithms was a procedure for calculating a position in latitude/longitude given an OMEGA LOP fix. Implementation of a digital phase locked loop (DPLL) was evaluated on the basic of phase response characteristics over a range of input phase variations. Included also is an analytical evaluation on the basis of error probability of an algorithm for automatic time synchronization of the receiver to the OMEGA broadcast format. The use of actual OMEGA phase data and published propagation prediction corrections to determine phase velocity estimates was discussed

    Cryptalphabet Soup: DPFs meet MPC and ZKPs

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    Secure multiparty computation (MPC) protocols enable multiple parties to collaborate on a computation using private inputs possessed by the different parties in the computation. At the same time, MPC protocols ensure that no participating party learns anything about the other parties’ private inputs beyond what they can infer from the computation’s output and their own inputs. MPC has wide ranging applications for privacy protecting systems. However, these systems have been plagued by limited performance, lack of scalability, and poor accuracy. In this thesis, we demonstrate several novel techniques for using distributed point functions (DPFs) in combination with MPC to obtain significant performance improvements in several different applications. Namely, using novel observations about the structure of the most efficient available DPF construction in the literature, we show that DPF keys from untrusted sources can be checked for correctness using an MPC protocol between the two key holders, with direct applications in sender-anonymous messaging. We expand these observations to produce the most efficient available method to evaluate piecewise-polynomial functions, also known as splines. The scalability and efficiency of this method allows for splines to be used for extremely high accuracy approximation of non-linear functions in MPC. Furthermore, the protocols proposed in this thesis far outperform prior solutions both in large-scale asymptotic measurements and in concrete benchmarks using high-performance software implementations at both small- and large-scale

    The design and implementation of a microprocessor controlled adaptive filter

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    This thesis describes the construction and implementation of a microprocessor controlled recursive adaptive filter applied as a noise canceller. It describes the concept of the adaptive noise canceller, a method of estimating the received signal corrupted with additive interference (noise). This canceller has two inputs, the primary input containing the corrupted signal and the reference input consisting of the additive noise correlated in some unknown way to the primary noise. The reference input is filtered and subtracted from the primary input without degrading the desired components of the signal. This filtering process is adaptive and based on Widrow-Hoff Least-Mean-Square algorithm. Adaptive filters are programmable and have the capability to adjust their own parameters in situations where minimum piori knowledge is available about the inputs. For recursive filters, these parameters include feed-forward (non-recursive) as well as feedback (recursive) coefficients. A new design and implementation of the adaptive filter is suggested which uses a high speed 68000 microprocessor to accomplish the coefficients updating operation. Many practical problems arising in the hardware implementation are investigated. Simulation results illustrate the ability of the adaptive noise canceller to have an acceptable performance when the coefficients updating operation is carried out once every N sampling periods. Both simulation and hardware experimental results are in agreement

    Flight demonstrations of curved, descending approaches and automatic landings using time referenced scanning beam guidance

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    The Terminal Configured Vehicle (TCV) program operates a Boeing 737 modified to include a second cockpit and a large amount of experimental navigation, guidance and control equipment for research on advanced avionics systems. Demonstration flights to include curved approaches and automatic landings were tracked by a phototheodolite system. For 50 approaches during the demonstration flights, the following results were obtained: the navigation system, using TRSB guidance, delivered the aircraft onto the 3 nautical mile final approach leg with an average overshoot of 25 feet past centerline, subjet to a 2-sigma dispersion of 90 feet. Lateral tracking data showed a mean error of 4.6 feet left of centerline at the category 1 decision height (200 feet) and 2.7 feet left of centerline at the category 2 decision height (100 feet). These values were subject to a sigma dispersion of about 10 feet. Finally, the glidepath tracking errors were 2.5 feet and 3.0 feet high at the category 1 and 2 decision heights, respectively, with a 2 sigma value of 6 feet

    Precision Pointing Control System (PPCS) system design and analysis

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    The precision pointing control system (PPCS) is an integrated system for precision attitude determination and orientation of gimbaled experiment platforms. The PPCS concept configures the system to perform orientation of up to six independent gimbaled experiment platforms to design goal accuracy of 0.001 degrees, and to operate in conjunction with a three-axis stabilized earth-oriented spacecraft in orbits ranging from low altitude (200-2500 n.m., sun synchronous) to 24 hour geosynchronous, with a design goal life of 3 to 5 years. The system comprises two complementary functions: (1) attitude determination where the attitude of a defined set of body-fixed reference axes is determined relative to a known set of reference axes fixed in inertial space; and (2) pointing control where gimbal orientation is controlled, open-loop (without use of payload error/feedback) with respect to a defined set of body-fixed reference axes to produce pointing to a desired target

    Perception of Color Break-Up

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    Hintergrund. Ein farbverfälschender Bildfehler namens Color Break-Up (CBU) wurde untersucht. Störende CBU-Effekte treten auf, wenn Augenbewegungen (z.B. Folgebewegungen oder Sakkaden) während der Content-Wiedergabe über sogenannte Field-Sequential Color (FSC) Displays oder Projektoren ausgeführt werden. Die Ursache für das Auftreten des CBU-Effektes ist die sequenzielle Anzeige der Primärfarben über das FSC-System. Methoden. Ein kombiniertes Design aus empirischer Forschung und theoretischer Modellierung wurde angewendet. Mittels empirischer Studien wurde der Einfluss von hardware-, content- und betrachterbasierten Faktoren auf die CBU-Wahrnehmung der Stichprobe untersucht. Hierzu wurden zunächst Sehleistung (u. a. Farbsehen), Kurzzeitzustand (u. a. Aufmerksamkeit) und Persönlichkeitsmerkmale (u. a. Technikaffinität) der Stichprobe erfasst. Anschließend wurden die Teilnehmenden gebeten, die wahrgenommene CBU-Intensität verschiedener Videosequenzen zu bewerten. Die Sequenzen wurden mit einem FSC-Projektor wiedergegeben. Das verwendete Setup ermöglichte die Untersuchung folgender Variablen: die Größe (1.0 bis 6.0°) und Leuchtdichte (10.0 bis 157.0 cd/m2) des CBU-provozierenden Contents, das Augenbewegungsmuster des Teilnehmenden (Geschwindigkeit der Folgebewegung: 18.0 bis 54.0 °/s; Amplitude der Sakkade: 3.6 bis 28.2°), die Position der Netzhautstimulation (0.0 bis 50.0°) und die Bildrate des Projektors (30.0 bis 420.0 Hz). Korrelationen zwischen den unabhängigen Variablen und der subjektiven CBU-Wahrnehmung wurden getestet. Das ergänzend entwickelte Modell prognostiziert die CBU-Wahrnehmung eines Betrachters auf theoretische Weise. Das Modell rekonstruiert die Intensitäts- und Farbeigenschaften von CBU-Effekten zunächst grafisch. Anschließend wird die visuelle CBU-Rekonstruktion zu repräsentativen Modellindizes komprimiert, um das modellierte Szenario mit einem handhabbaren Satz von Metriken zu quantifizieren. Die Modellergebnisse wurden abschließend mit den empirischen Daten verglichen. Ergebnisse. Die hohe interindividuelle CBU-Variabilität innerhalb der Stichprobe lässt sich nicht durch die Sehleistung, den Kurzzeitzustand oder die Persönlichkeitsmerkmale eines Teilnehmenden erklären. Eindeutig verstärkende Bedingungen der CBU-Wahrnehmung sind: (1) eine foveale Position des CBU-Stimulus, (2) eine reduzierte Stimulusgröße während Sakkaden, (3) eine hohe Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit des Auges und (4) eine niedrige Bildrate des Projektors (Korrelation durch Exponentialfunktion beschreibbar, r2 > .93). Die Leuchtdichte des Stimulus wirkt sich nur geringfügig auf die CBU-Wahrnehmung aus. Generell hilft das Modell, die grundlegenden Prozesse der CBU-Genese zu verstehen, den Einfluss von CBU-Determinanten zu untersuchen und ein Klassifizierungsschema für verschiedene CBU-Varianten zu erstellen. Das Modell prognostiziert die empirischen Daten innerhalb der angegebenen Toleranzbereiche. Schlussfolgerungen. Die Studienergebnisse ermöglichen die Festlegung von Bildraten und Eigenschaften des CBU-provozierenden Content (Größe und Position), die das Überschreiten vordefinierter, störender CBU-Grenzwerte vermeiden. Die abgeleiteten Hardwareanforderungen und Content-Empfehlungen ermöglichen ein praxisnahes und evidenzbasiertes CBU-Management. Für die Vorhersage von CBU kann die Modellgenauigkeit weiter verbessert werden, indem Merkmale der menschlichen Wahrnehmung berücksichtigt werden, z.B. die exzentrizitätsabhängige Netzhautempfindlichkeit oder Änderungen der visuellen Wahrnehmung bei unterschiedlichen Arten von Augenbewegungen. Zur Modellierung dieser Merkmale können teilnehmerbezogene Daten der empirischen Forschung herangezogen werden.Background. A color-distorting artifact called Color Break-Up (CBU) has been investigated. Disturbing CBU effects occur when eye movements (e.g., pursuits or saccades) are performed during the presentation of content on Field-Sequential Color (FSC) display or projection systems where the primary colors are displayed sequentially rather than simultaneously. Methods. A mixed design of empirical research and theoretical modeling was used to address the main research questions. Conducted studies evaluated the impact of hardware-based, content-based, and viewer-based factors on the sample’s CBU perception. In a first step, visual performance parameters (e.g., color vision), short-term state (e.g., attention level), and long-term personality traits (e.g., affinity to technology) of the sample were recorded. Participants were then asked to rate the perceived CBU intensity for different video sequences presented by a FSC-based projector. The applied setup allowed the size of the CBU-provoking content (1.0 to 6.0°), its luminance level (10.0 to 157.0 cd/m2), the participant’s eye movement pattern (pursuits: 18.0 to 54.0 deg/s; saccadic amplitudes: 3.6 to 28.2°), the position of retinal stimulation (0.0 to 50.0°), and the projector’s frame rate (30.0 to 420.0 Hz) to be varied. Correlations between independent variables and subjective CBU perception were tested. In contrast, the developed model predicts a viewer’s CBU perception on an objective basis. The model graphically reconstructs the intensity and color characteristics of CBU effects. The visual CBU reconstruction is then compressed into representative model indices to quantify the modeled scenario with a manageable set of metrics. Finally, the model output was compared to the empirical data. Results. High interindividual CBU variability within the sample cannot be explained by a participant’s visual performance, short-term state or long-term personality traits. Conditions that distinctly elevate the participant’s CBU perception are (1) a foveal stimulus position on the retina, (2) a small-sized stimulus during saccades, (3) a high eye movement velocity, and (4) a low frame rate of the projector (correlation expressed by exponential function, r2 > .93). The stimulus luminance, however, only slightly affects CBU perception. In general, the model helps to understand the fundamental processes of CBU genesis, to investigate the impact of CBU determinants, and to establish a classification scheme for different CBU variants. The model adequately predicts the empirical data within the specified tolerance ranges. Conclusions. The study results allow the determination of frame rates and content characteristics (size and position) that avoid exceeding predefined annoyance thresholds for CBU perception. The derived hardware requirements and content recommendations enable practical and evidence-based CBU management. For CBU prediction, model accuracy can be further improved by considering features of human perception, e.g., eccentricity-dependent retinal sensitivity or changes in visual perception with different types of eye movements. Participant-based data from the empirical research can be used to model these features

    Intelligent detectors

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt eine Basis zur Entwicklung von On-Board Software für astronomische Satelliten dar. Sie dient als Anleitung und Nachschlagewerk und zeigt anhand der Projekte Herschel/PACS und SPICA/SAFARI, wie aus den Grundlagen weltraumtaugliche Flugsoftware entsteht. Dazu gehören das Verstehen des wissenschaftlichen Zwecks, also was soll wie gemessen werden und wofür ist das gut, sowie die Kenntnis der physikalischen Eigenschaften des Detektors, das Beherrschen der mathematischen Operationen zur Verarbeitung der Daten und natürlich auch die Berücksichtigung der Umstände, unter welchen der Detektor zum Einsatz kommt.This thesis contains the knowledge and a good deal of experience that are necessary for the development of such astronomical on-board software for satellites. The key elements in the development are the understanding of the scientific purpose, knowledge of the physical properties of the detector, the comprehension of the mathematical operations involved in data processing and the consideration of the technical and observational circumstances

    Geodesy: The science underneath

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    Geodesy is the science of precisely measuring and mapping the Earth’s surface and locations of objects on it, the figure of the Earth and her gravity field, and changes in all these over time. Geodesy is an old science, going back to the days when land was taken into agricultural use and needed to be mapped. It is also a modern science, serving vital infrastructure needs of our developing global technological society. This text aims to describe the foundations of both traditional geodesy, mapping the Earth within the constraints of the human living space, and modern geodesy, exploiting space technology for mapping and monitoring our planet as a whole, in a unified threedimensional fashion. The approach is throughout at conveying an understanding of the concepts, of both the science and mathematics of measuring and mapping the Earth and the technologies used for doing so. The history of the science is not neglected, and the perspective of the presentation is unapologetically Finnish.Geodesia on tiede, joka mittaa ja kartoittaa tarkasti Maan pintaa ja sen päällä olevia kohteita, Maan muotoa ja painovoimakenttää, sekä niiden kaikkien ajallisia muutoksia. Geodesia on vanha tiede, joka oli olemassa jo muinoin kun maanviljely alkoi ja peltoja piti kartoittaa. Se on myös moderni tiede, joka palvelee modernin, kehittyvän globaalin teknologisen yhteiskuntamme olennaisia infrastruktuuritarpeita. Tämä kirja esittää sekä perinteisen että modernin geodesian perusteet. Perinteinen geodesia kartoittaa Maata ihmisen elintilan puitteissa ja sen ehdolla, kun moderni geodesia käyttää avaruusteknologiaa koko maaplaneetamme kartoittamiseksi ja seuraamiseksi yhtenäisellä kolmiulotteisella tavalla. Tavoitteena on auttaa Maan mittaamiseen ja kartoittamiseen liittyvien sekä tieteellis-matemaattisten että teknologisten käsitteiden ymmärtämistä. Geodesian historiaa ei unohdeta, ja kirjoitelman näkökulma on avoimesti suomalainen

    LIPIcs, Volume 251, ITCS 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 251, ITCS 2023, Complete Volum