23 research outputs found

    A Novel Euler's Elastica based Segmentation Approach for Noisy Images via using the Progressive Hedging Algorithm

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    Euler's Elastica based unsupervised segmentation models have strong capability of completing the missing boundaries for existing objects in a clean image, but they are not working well for noisy images. This paper aims to establish a Euler's Elastica based approach that properly deals with random noises to improve the segmentation performance for noisy images. We solve the corresponding optimization problem via using the progressive hedging algorithm (PHA) with a step length suggested by the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM). Technically, all the simplified convex versions of the subproblems derived from the major framework of PHA can be obtained by using the curvature weighted approach and the convex relaxation method. Then an alternating optimization strategy is applied with the merits of using some powerful accelerating techniques including the fast Fourier transform (FFT) and generalized soft threshold formulas. Extensive experiments have been conducted on both synthetic and real images, which validated some significant gains of the proposed segmentation models and demonstrated the advantages of the developed algorithm

    Novel Methods for Microglia Segmentation, Feature Extraction, and Classification

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    © 2017 IEEE. Segmentation and analysis of histological images provides a valuable tool to gain insight into the biology and function of microglial cells in health and disease. Common image segmentation methods are not suitable for inhomogeneous histology image analysis and accurate classification of microglial activation states has remained a challenge. In this paper, we introduce an automated image analysis framework capable of efficiently segmenting microglial cells from histology images and analyzing their morphology. The framework makes use of variational methods and the fast-split Bregman algorithm for image denoising and segmentation, and of multifractal analysis for feature extraction to classify microglia by their activation states. Experiments show that the proposed framework is accurate and scalable to large datasets and provides a useful tool for the study of microglial biology

    Robust Nuclei Segmentation in Cytohistopathological Images Using Statistical Level Set Approach with Topology Preserving Constraint

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    Computerized assessments of cyto-histological specimens have drawn increased attention in the field of digital pathology as the result of developments in digital whole slide scanners and computer hardwares. Due to the essential role of nucleus in cellular functionality, automatic segmentation of cell nuclei is a fundamental prerequisite for all cyto-histological automated systems. In 2D projection images, nuclei commonly appear to overlap each other, and the separation of severely overlapping regions is one of the most challenging tasks in computer vision. In this thesis, we will present a novel segmentation technique which effectively addresses the problem of segmenting touching or overlapping cell nuclei in cyto-histological images. The proposed framework is mainly based upon a statistical level-set approach along with a topology preserving criteria that successfully carries out the task of segmentation and separation of nuclei at the same time. The proposed method is evaluated qualitatively on Hematoxylin and Eosin stained images, and quantitatively and qualitatively on fluorescent stained images. The results indicate that the method outperforms the conventional nuclei segmentation approaches, e.g. thresholding and watershed segmentation

    Discrete Optimization in Early Vision - Model Tractability Versus Fidelity

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    Early vision is the process occurring before any semantic interpretation of an image takes place. Motion estimation, object segmentation and detection are all parts of early vision, but recognition is not. Some models in early vision are easy to perform inference with---they are tractable. Others describe the reality well---they have high fidelity. This thesis improves the tractability-fidelity trade-off of the current state of the art by introducing new discrete methods for image segmentation and other problems of early vision. The first part studies pseudo-boolean optimization, both from a theoretical perspective as well as a practical one by introducing new algorithms. The main result is the generalization of the roof duality concept to polynomials of higher degree than two. Another focus is parallelization; discrete optimization methods for multi-core processors, computer clusters, and graphical processing units are presented. Remaining in an image segmentation context, the second part studies parametric problems where a set of model parameters and a segmentation are estimated simultaneously. For a small number of parameters these problems can still be optimally solved. One application is an optimal method for solving the two-phase Mumford-Shah functional. The third part shifts the focus to curvature regularization---where the commonly used length and area penalization is replaced by curvature in two and three dimensions. These problems can be discretized over a mesh and special attention is given to the mesh geometry. Specifically, hexagonal meshes in the plane are compared to square ones and a method for generating adaptive meshes is introduced and evaluated. The framework is then extended to curvature regularization of surfaces. Finally, the thesis is concluded by three applications to early vision problems: cardiac MRI segmentation, image registration, and cell classification

    Shapes from Pixels

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    In today's digital world, sampling is at the heart of any signal acquisition device. Imaging devices are ubiquitous examples that capture two-dimensional visual signals and store them as the pixels of discrete images. The main concern is whether and how the pixels provide an exact or at least a fair representation of the original visual signal in the continuous domain. This motivates the design of exact reconstruction or approximation techniques for a target class of images. Such techniques benefit different imaging tasks such as super-resolution, deblurring and compression. This thesis focuses on the reconstruction of visual signals representing a shape over a background, from their samples. Shape images have only two intensity values. However, the filtering effect caused by the sampling kernel of imaging devices smooths out the sharp transitions in the image and results in samples with varied intensity levels. To trace back the shape boundaries, we need strategies to reconstruct the original bilevel image. But, abrupt intensity changes along the shape boundaries as well as diverse shape geometries make reconstruction of this class of signals very challenging. Curvelets and contourlets have been proved as efficient multiresolution representations for the class of shape images. This motivates the approximation of shape images in the aforementioned domains. In the first part of this thesis, we study generalized sampling and infinite-dimensional compressed sensing to approximate a signal in a domain that is known to provide a sparse or efficient representation for the signal, given its samples in a different domain. We show that the generalized sampling, due to its linearity, is incapable of generating good approximation of shape images from a limited number of samples. The infinite-dimensional compressed sensing is a more promising approach. However, the concept of random sampling in this scheme does not apply to the shape reconstruction problem. Next, we propose a sampling scheme for shape images with finite rate of innovation (FRI). More specifically, we model the shape boundaries as a subset of an algebraic curve with an implicit bivariate polynomial. We show that the image parameters are solutions of a set of linear equations with the coefficients being the image moments. We then replace conventional moments with more stable generalized moments that are adjusted to the given sampling kernel. This leads to successful reconstruction of shapes with moderate complexities from samples generated with realistic sampling kernels and in the presence of moderate noise levels. Our next contribution is a scheme for recovering shapes with smooth boundaries from a set of samples. The reconstructed image is constrained to regenerate the same samples (consistency) as well as forming a bilevel image. We initially formulate the problem by minimizing the shape perimeter over the set of consistent shapes. Next, we relax the non-convex shape constraint to transform the problem into minimizing the total variation over consistent non-negative-valued images. We introduce a requirement -called reducibility- that guarantees equivalence between the two problems. We illustrate that the reducibility effectively sets a requirement on the minimum sampling density. Finally, we study a relevant problem in the Boolean algebra: the Boolean compressed sensing. The problem is about recovering a sparse Boolean vector from a few collective binary tests. We study a formulation of this problem as a binary linear program, which is NP hard. To overcome the computational burden, we can relax the binary constraint on the variables and apply a rounding to the solution. We replace the rounding procedure with a randomized algorithm. We show that the proposed algorithm considerably improves the success rate with only a slight increase in the computational cost

    Novel approach to SVD-based image filtering improvement

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    提出一种提高SVd滤波性能的新方法。基于奇异值分解滤波可以有效地分析水平(垂直)方向的图像特性。根据图像的局部方向,自适应地调整待滤波区域的形状,使重采样后局部区域中的边缘垂直或水平,再对局部区域进行奇异值分解滤波;所得的结果加权平均,得到信号估计值。将这一算法应用于图像去噪,实验结果表明,新方法可以有效地提高SVd的滤波性能。A novel approach to improve the filtering efficiency of a noisy image is proposed.Image filtering based on SVD favors the denoising in the line(horizontal)and column(vertical)direction.Based on this property,the new denoising method adapts shape and size of block to local orientation before performing SVD filtering.Through over-complete representation in overlap regions,the proposed method performs well in denoising and preserving image details.国家重点基础研究发展规划(973)(No.2007CB311005);福建省自然科学基金计划资助项目(No.A0710020);厦门大学985二期信息创新平台项目(No.2004-2008)---

    Robust perceptual organization techniques for analysis of color images

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    Esta tesis aborda el desarrollo de nuevas técnicas de análisis robusto de imágenes estrechamente relacionadas con el comportamiento del sistema visual humano. Uno de los pilares de la tesis es la votación tensorial, una técnica robusta que propaga y agrega información codificada en tensores mediante un proceso similar a la convolución. Su robustez y adaptabilidad han sido claves para su uso en esta tesis. Ambas propiedades han sido verificadas en tres nuevas aplicaciones de la votación tensorial: estimación de estructura, detección de bordes y segmentación de imágenes adquiridas mediante estereovisión.El mayor problema de la votación tensorial es su elevado coste computacional. En esta línea, esta tesis propone dos nuevas implementaciones eficientes de la votación tensorial derivadas de un análisis en profundidad de esta técnica.A pesar de su capacidad de adaptación, esta tesis muestra que la formulación original de la votación tensorial (a partir de aquí, votación tensorial clásica) no es adecuada para algunas aplicaciones, dado que las hipótesis en las que se basa no se ajustan a todas ellas. Esto ocurre particularmente en el filtrado de imágenes en color. Así, esta tesis muestra que, más que un método, la votación tensorial es una metodología en la que la codificación y el proceso de votación pueden ser adaptados específicamente para cada aplicación, manteniendo el espíritu de la votación tensorial.En esta línea, esta tesis propone un marco unificado en el que se realiza a la vez el filtrado de imágenes y la detección robusta de bordes. Este marco de trabajo es una extensión de la votación tensorial clásica en la que el color y la probabilidad de encontrar un borde en cada píxel se codifican mediante tensores, y en el que el proceso de votación se basa en un conjunto de criterios perceptuales relacionados con el modo en que el sistema visual humano procesa información. Los avances recientes en la percepción del color han sido esenciales en el diseño de dicho proceso de votación.Este nuevo enfoque ha sido efectivo, obteniendo excelentes resultados en ambas aplicaciones. En concreto, el nuevo método aplicado al filtrado de imágenes tiene un mejor rendimiento que los métodos del estado del arte para ruido real. Esto lo hace más adecuado para aplicaciones reales, donde los algoritmos de filtrado son imprescindibles. Además, el método aplicado a detección de bordes produce resultados más robustos que las técnicas del estado del arte y tiene un rendimiento competitivo con relación a la completitud, discriminabilidad, precisión y rechazo de falsas alarmas.Además, esta tesis demuestra que este nuevo marco de trabajo puede combinarse con otras técnicas para resolver el problema de segmentación robusta de imágenes. Los tensores obtenidos mediante el nuevo método se utilizan para clasificar píxeles como probablemente homogéneos o no homogéneos. Ambos tipos de píxeles se segmentan a continuación por medio de una variante de un algoritmo eficiente de segmentación de imágenes basada en grafos. Los experimentos muestran que el algoritmo propuesto obtiene mejores resultados en tres de las cinco métricas de evaluación aplicadas en comparación con las técnicas del estado del arte, con un coste computacional competitivo.La tesis también propone nuevas técnicas de evaluación en el ámbito del procesamiento de imágenes. En concreto, se proponen dos métricas de filtrado de imágenes con el fin de medir el grado en que un método es capaz de preservar los bordes y evitar la introducción de defectos. Asimismo, se propone una nueva metodología para la evaluación de detectores de bordes que evita posibles sesgos introducidos por el post-procesado. Esta metodología se basa en cinco métricas para estimar completitud, discriminabilidad, precisión, rechazo de falsas alarmas y robustez. Por último, se proponen dos nuevas métricas no paramétricas para estimar el grado de sobre e infrasegmentación producido por los algoritmos de segmentación de imágenes.This thesis focuses on the development of new robust image analysis techniques more closely related to the way the human visual system behaves. One of the pillars of the thesis is the so called tensor voting technique. This is a robust perceptual organization technique that propagates and aggregates information encoded by means of tensors through a convolution like process. Its robustness and adaptability have been one of the key points for using tensor voting in this thesis. These two properties are verified in the thesis by applying tensor voting to three applications where it had not been applied so far: image structure estimation, edge detection and image segmentation of images acquired through stereo vision.The most important drawback of tensor voting is that its usual implementations are highly time consuming. In this line, this thesis proposes two new efficient implementations of tensor voting, both derived from an in depth analysis of this technique.Despite its adaptability, this thesis shows that the original formulation of tensor voting (hereafter, classical tensor voting) is not adequate for some applications, since the hypotheses from which it is based are not suitable for all applications. This is particularly certain for color image denoising. Thus, this thesis shows that, more than a method, tensor voting can be thought of as a methodology in which the encoding and voting process can be tailored for every specific application, while maintaining the tensor voting spirit.By following this reasoning, this thesis proposes a unified framework for both image denoising and robust edge detection.This framework is an extension of the classical tensor voting in which both color and edginess the likelihood of finding an edge at every pixel of the image are encoded through tensors, and where the voting process takes into account a set of plausible perceptual criteria related to the way the human visual system processes visual information. Recent advances in the perception of color have been essential for designing such a voting process.This new approach has been found effective, since it yields excellent results for both applications. In particular, the new method applied to image denoising has a better performance than other state of the art methods for real noise. This makes it more adequate for real applications, in which an image denoiser is indeed required. In addition, the method applied to edge detection yields more robust results than the state of the art techniques and has a competitive performance in recall, discriminability, precision, and false alarm rejection.Moreover, this thesis shows how the results of this new framework can be combined with other techniques to tackle the problem of robust color image segmentation. The tensors obtained by applying the new framework are utilized to classify pixels into likely homogeneous and likely inhomogeneous. Those pixels are then sequentially segmented through a variation of an efficient graph based image segmentation algorithm. Experiments show that the proposed segmentation algorithm yields better scores in three of the five applied evaluation metrics when compared to the state of the art techniques with a competitive computational cost.This thesis also proposes new evaluation techniques in the scope of image processing. First, two new metrics are proposed in the field of image denoising: one to measure how an algorithm is able to preserve edges, and the second to measure how a method is able not to introduce undesirable artifacts. Second, a new methodology for assessing edge detectors that avoids possible bias introduced by post processing is proposed. It consists of five new metrics for assessing recall, discriminability, precision, false alarm rejection and robustness. Finally, two new non parametric metrics are proposed for estimating the degree of over and undersegmentation yielded by image segmentation algorithms

    영상 복원 문제의 변분법적 접근

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 수리과학부, 2013. 2. 강명주.Image restoration has been an active research area in image processing and computer vision during the past several decades. We explore variational partial differential equations (PDE) models in image restoration problem. We start our discussion by reviewing classical models, by which the works of this dissertation are highly motivated. The content of the dissertation is divided into two main subjects. First topic is on image denoising, where we propose non-convex hybrid total variation model, and then we apply iterative reweighted algorithm to solve the proposed model. Second topic is on image decomposition, in which we separate an image into structural component and oscillatory component using local gradient constraint.Abstract i 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Image restoration 2 1.2 Brief overview of the dissertation 3 2 Previous works 4 2.1 Image denoising 4 2.1.1 Fundamental model 4 2.1.2 Higher order model 7 2.1.3 Hybrid model 9 2.1.4 Non-convex model 12 2.2 Image decomposition 22 2.2.1 Meyers model 23 2.2.2 Nonlinear filter 24 3 Non-convex hybrid TV for image denoising 28 3.1 Variational model with non-convex hybrid TV 29 3.1.1 Non-convex TV model and non-convex HOTV model 29 3.1.2 The Proposed model: Non-convex hybrid TV model 31 3.2 Iterative reweighted hybrid Total Variation algorithm 33 3.3 Numerical experiments 35 3.3.1 Parameter values 37 3.3.2 Comparison between the non-convex TV model and the non-convex HOTV model 38 3.3.3 Comparison with other non-convex higher order regularizers 40 3.3.4 Comparison between two non-convex hybrid TV models 42 3.3.5 Comparison with Krishnan et al. [39] 43 3.3.6 Comparison with state-of-the-art 44 4 Image decomposition 59 4.1 Local gradient constraint 61 4.1.1 Texture estimator 62 4.2 The proposed model 65 4.2.1 Algorithm : Anisotropic TV-L2 67 4.2.2 Algorithm : Isotropic TV-L2 69 4.2.3 Algorithm : Isotropic TV-L1 71 4.3 Numerical experiments and discussion 72 5 Conclusion and future works 80 Abstract (in Korean) 92Docto