342 research outputs found

    The posterity of Zadeh's 50-year-old paper: A retrospective in 101 Easy Pieces – and a Few More

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    International audienceThis article was commissioned by the 22nd IEEE International Conference of Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE) to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Lotfi Zadeh's seminal 1965 paper on fuzzy sets. In addition to Lotfi's original paper, this note itemizes 100 citations of books and papers deemed “important (significant, seminal, etc.)” by 20 of the 21 living IEEE CIS Fuzzy Systems pioneers. Each of the 20 contributors supplied 5 citations, and Lotfi's paper makes the overall list a tidy 101, as in “Fuzzy Sets 101”. This note is not a survey in any real sense of the word, but the contributors did offer short remarks to indicate the reason for inclusion (e.g., historical, topical, seminal, etc.) of each citation. Citation statistics are easy to find and notoriously erroneous, so we refrain from reporting them - almost. The exception is that according to Google scholar on April 9, 2015, Lotfi's 1965 paper has been cited 55,479 times

    Temporal decision making using unsupervised learning

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    With the explosion of ubiquitous continuous sensing, on-line streaming clustering continues to attract attention. The requirements are that the streaming clustering algorithm recognize and adapt clusters as the data evolves, that anomalies are detected, and that new clusters are automatically formed as incoming data dictate. In this dissertation, we develop a streaming clustering algorithm, MU Streaming Clustering (MUSC), that is based on coupling a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) with possibilistic clustering to build an adaptive system for analyzing streaming multi-dimensional activity feature vectors. For this reason, the possibilistic C-Means (PCM) and Automatic Merging Possibilistic Clustering Method (AMPCM) are combined together to cluster the initial data points, detect anomalies and initialize the GMM. MUSC achieves our goals when tested on synthetic and real-life datasets. We also compare MUSC's performance with Sequential k-means (sk-means), Basic Sequential Clustering Algorithm (BSAS), and Modified BSAS (MBSAS) here MUSC shows superiority in the performance and accuracy. The performance of a streaming clustering algorithm needs to be monitored over time to understand the behavior of the streaming data in terms of new emerging clusters and number of outlier data points. Incremental internal Validity Indices (iCVIs) are used to monitor the performance of an on-line clustering algorithm. We study the internal incremental Davies-Bouldin (DB), Xie-Beni (XB), and Dunn internal cluster validity indices in the context of streaming data analysis. We extend the original incremental DB (iDB) to a more general version parameterized by the exponent of membership weights. Then we illustrate how the iDB can be used to analyze and understand the performance of MUSC algorithm. We give examples that illustrate the appearance of a new cluster, the effect of different cluster sizes, handling of outlier data samples, and the effect of the input order on the resultant cluster history. In addition, we investigate the internal incremental Davies-Bouldin (iDB) cluster validity index in the context of big streaming data analysis. We analyze the effect of large numbers of samples on the values of the iCVI (iDB). We also develop online versions of two modified generalized Dunn's indices that can be used for dynamic evaluation of evolving (cluster) structure in streaming data. We argue that this method is a good way to monitor the ongoing performance of online clustering algorithms and we illustrate several types of inferences that can be drawn from such indices. We compare the two new indices to the incremental Xie-Beni and Davies-Bouldin indices, which to our knowledge offer the only comparable approach, with numerical examples on a variety of synthetic and real data sets. We also study the performance of MUSC and iCVIs with big streaming data applications. We show the advantage of iCVIs in monitoring large streaming datasets and in providing useful information about the data stream in terms of emergence of a new structure, amount of outlier data, size of the clusters, and order of data samples in each cluster. We also propose a way to project streaming data into a lower space for cases where the distance measure does not perform as expected in the high dimensional space. Another example of streaming is the data acivity data coming from TigerPlace and other elderly residents' apartments in and around Columbia. MO. TigerPlace is an eldercare facility that promotes aging-in-place in Columbia Missouri. Eldercare monitoring using non-wearable sensors is a candidate solution for improving care and reducing costs. Abnormal sensor patterns produced by certain resident behaviors could be linked to early signs of illness. We propose an unsupervised method for detecting abnormal behavior patterns based on a new context preserving representation of daily activities. A preliminary analysis of the method was conducted on data collected in TigerPlace. Sensor firings of each day are converted into sequences of daily activities. Then, building a histogram from the daily sequences of a resident, we generate a single data vector representing that day. Using the proposed method, a day with hundreds of sequences is converted into a single data point representing that day and preserving the context of the daily routine at the same time. We obtained an average Area Under the Curve (AUC) of 0.9 in detecting days where elder adults need to be assessed. Our approach outperforms other approaches on the same datset. Using the context preserving representation, we develoed a multi-dimensional alert system to improve the existing single-dimensional alert system in TigerPlace. Also, this represenation is used to develop a framework that utilizes sensor sequence similarity and medical concepts extracted from the EHR to automatically inform the nursing staff when health problems are detected. Our context preserving representation of daily activities is used to measure the similarity between the sensor sequences of different days. The medical concepts are extracted from the nursing notes using MetamapLite, an NLP tool included in the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS). The proposed idea is validated on two pilot datasets from twelve Tiger Place residents, with a total of 5810 sensor days out of which 1966 had nursing notes

    Evolving fuzzy and neuro-fuzzy approaches in clustering, regression, identification, and classification: A Survey

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    Major assumptions in computational intelligence and machine learning consist of the availability of a historical dataset for model development, and that the resulting model will, to some extent, handle similar instances during its online operation. However, in many real world applications, these assumptions may not hold as the amount of previously available data may be insufficient to represent the underlying system, and the environment and the system may change over time. As the amount of data increases, it is no longer feasible to process data efficiently using iterative algorithms, which typically require multiple passes over the same portions of data. Evolving modeling from data streams has emerged as a framework to address these issues properly by self-adaptation, single-pass learning steps and evolution as well as contraction of model components on demand and on the fly. This survey focuses on evolving fuzzy rule-based models and neuro-fuzzy networks for clustering, classification and regression and system identification in online, real-time environments where learning and model development should be performed incrementally. (C) 2019 Published by Elsevier Inc.Igor Ơkrjanc, Jose Antonio Iglesias and Araceli Sanchis would like to thank to the Chair of Excellence of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, and the Bank of Santander Program for their support. Igor Ơkrjanc is grateful to Slovenian Research Agency with the research program P2-0219, Modeling, simulation and control. Daniel Leite acknowledges the Minas Gerais Foundation for Research and Development (FAPEMIG), process APQ-03384-18. Igor Ơkrjanc and Edwin Lughofer acknowledges the support by the ”LCM — K2 Center for Symbiotic Mechatronics” within the framework of the Austrian COMET-K2 program. Fernando Gomide is grateful to the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) for grant 305906/2014-3

    Approximate Reasoning in Hydrogeological Modeling

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    The accurate determination of hydraulic conductivity is an important element of successful groundwater flow and transport modeling. However, the exhaustive measurement of this hydrogeological parameter is quite costly and, as a result, unrealistic. Alternatively, relationships between hydraulic conductivity and other hydrogeological variables less costly to measure have been used to estimate this crucial variable whenever needed. Until this point, however, the majority of these relationships have been assumed to be crisp and precise, contrary to what intuition dictates. The research presented herein addresses the imprecision inherent in hydraulic conductivity estimation, framing this process in a fuzzy logic framework. Because traditional hydrogeological practices are not suited to handle fuzzy data, various approaches to incorporating fuzzy data at different steps in the groundwater modeling process have been previously developed. Such approaches have been both redundant and contrary at times, including multiple approaches proposed for both fuzzy kriging and groundwater modeling. This research proposes a consistent rubric for the handling of fuzzy data throughout the entire groundwater modeling process. This entails the estimation of fuzzy data from alternative hydrogeological parameters, the sampling of realizations from fuzzy hydraulic conductivity data, including, most importantly, the appropriate aggregation of expert-provided fuzzy hydraulic conductivity estimates with traditionally-derived hydraulic conductivity measurements, and utilization of this information in the numerical simulation of groundwater flow and transport

    Synergies between machine learning and reasoning - An introduction by the Kay R. Amel group

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    This paper proposes a tentative and original survey of meeting points between Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR) and Machine Learning (ML), two areas which have been developed quite separately in the last four decades. First, some common concerns are identified and discussed such as the types of representation used, the roles of knowledge and data, the lack or the excess of information, or the need for explanations and causal understanding. Then, the survey is organised in seven sections covering most of the territory where KRR and ML meet. We start with a section dealing with prototypical approaches from the literature on learning and reasoning: Inductive Logic Programming, Statistical Relational Learning, and Neurosymbolic AI, where ideas from rule-based reasoning are combined with ML. Then we focus on the use of various forms of background knowledge in learning, ranging from additional regularisation terms in loss functions, to the problem of aligning symbolic and vector space representations, or the use of knowledge graphs for learning. Then, the next section describes how KRR notions may benefit to learning tasks. For instance, constraints can be used as in declarative data mining for influencing the learned patterns; or semantic features are exploited in low-shot learning to compensate for the lack of data; or yet we can take advantage of analogies for learning purposes. Conversely, another section investigates how ML methods may serve KRR goals. For instance, one may learn special kinds of rules such as default rules, fuzzy rules or threshold rules, or special types of information such as constraints, or preferences. The section also covers formal concept analysis and rough sets-based methods. Yet another section reviews various interactions between Automated Reasoning and ML, such as the use of ML methods in SAT solving to make reasoning faster. Then a section deals with works related to model accountability, including explainability and interpretability, fairness and robustness. Finally, a section covers works on handling imperfect or incomplete data, including the problem of learning from uncertain or coarse data, the use of belief functions for regression, a revision-based view of the EM algorithm, the use of possibility theory in statistics, or the learning of imprecise models. This paper thus aims at a better mutual understanding of research in KRR and ML, and how they can cooperate. The paper is completed by an abundant bibliography

    Advances in transfer learning methods based on computational intelligence

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    Traditional machine learning and data mining have made tremendous progress in many knowledge-based areas, such as clustering, classification, and regression. However, the primary assumption in all of these areas is that the training and testing data should be in the same domain and have the same distribution. This assumption is difficult to achieve in real-world applications due to the limited availability of labeled data. Associated data in different domains can be used to expand the availability of prior knowledge about future target data. In recent years, transfer learning has been used to address such cross-domain learning problems by using information from data in a related domain and transferring that data to the target task. The transfer learning methodology is utilized in this work with unsupervised and supervised learning methods. For unsupervised learning, a novel transfer-learning possibilistic c-means (TLPCM) algorithm is proposed to handle the PCM clustering problem in a domain that has insufficient data. Moreover, TLPCM overcomes the problem of differing numbers of clusters between the source and target domains. The proposed algorithm employs the historical cluster centers of the source data as a reference to guide the clustering of the target data. The experimental studies presented here were thoroughly evaluated, and they demonstrate the advantages of TLPCM in both synthetic and real-world transfer datasets. For supervised learning, a transfer learning (TL) technique is used to pre-train a CNN model on posture data and then fine-tune it on the sleep stage data. We used a ballistocardiography (BCG) bed sensor to collect both posture and sleep stage data to provide a non-invasive, in-home monitoring system that tracks changes in the subjects' health over time. The quality of sleep has a significant impact on health and life. This study adopts a hierarchical and none-hierarchical classification structure to develop an automatic sleep stage classification system using ballistocardiogram (BCG) signals. A leave-one-subject-out cross-validation (LOSO-CV) procedure is used for testing classification performance in most of the experiments. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), and Deep Neural Networks DNNs are complementary in their modeling capabilities, while CNNs have the advantage of reducing frequency variations, LSTMs are good at temporal modeling. Polysomnography (PSG) data from a sleep lab was used as the ground truth for sleep stages, with the emphasis on three sleep stages, specifically, awake, rapid eye movement (REM), and non-REM sleep (NREM). Moreover, a transfer learning approach is employed with supervised learning to address the cross-resident training problem to predict early illness. We validate our method by conducting a retrospective study on three residents from TigerPlace, a retirement community in Columbia, MO, where apartments are fitted with wireless networks of motion and bed sensors. Predicting the early signs of illness in older adults by using a continuous, unobtrusive nursing home monitoring system has been shown to increase the quality of life and decrease care costs. Illness prediction is based on sensor data and uses algorithms such as support vector machine (SVM) and k-nearest neighbors (kNN). One of the most significant challenges related to the development of prediction algorithms for sensor networks is the use of knowledge from previous residents to predict new ones' behaviors. Each day, the presence or absence of illness was manually evaluated using nursing visit reports from a homegrown electronic medical record (EMR) system. In this work, the transfer learning SVM approach outperformed three other methods, i.e., regular SVM, one-class SVM, and one-class kNN.Includes bibliographical references (pages 114-127)

    Hybrid approaches to optimization and machine learning methods: a systematic literature review

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    Notably, real problems are increasingly complex and require sophisticated models and algorithms capable of quickly dealing with large data sets and finding optimal solutions. However, there is no perfect method or algorithm; all of them have some limitations that can be mitigated or eliminated by combining the skills of different methodologies. In this way, it is expected to develop hybrid algorithms that can take advantage of the potential and particularities of each method (optimization and machine learning) to integrate methodologies and make them more efficient. This paper presents an extensive systematic and bibliometric literature review on hybrid methods involving optimization and machine learning techniques for clustering and classification. It aims to identify the potential of methods and algorithms to overcome the difficulties of one or both methodologies when combined. After the description of optimization and machine learning methods, a numerical overview of the works published since 1970 is presented. Moreover, an in-depth state-of-art review over the last three years is presented. Furthermore, a SWOT analysis of the ten most cited algorithms of the collected database is performed, investigating the strengths and weaknesses of the pure algorithms and detaching the opportunities and threats that have been explored with hybrid methods. Thus, with this investigation, it was possible to highlight the most notable works and discoveries involving hybrid methods in terms of clustering and classification and also point out the difficulties of the pure methods and algorithms that can be strengthened through the inspirations of other methodologies; they are hybrid methods.Open access funding provided by FCT|FCCN (b-on). This work has been supported by FCT— Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e Tecnologia within the R &D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020. Beatriz Flamia Azevedo is supported by FCT Grant Reference SFRH/BD/07427/2021 The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support through national funds FCT/ MCTES (PIDDAC) to CeDRI (UIDB/05757/2020 and UIDP/05757/2020) and SusTEC (LA/P/0007/2021).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Water filtration by using apple and banana peels as activated carbon

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    Water filter is an important devices for reducing the contaminants in raw water. Activated from charcoal is used to absorb the contaminants. Fruit peels are some of the suitable alternative carbon to substitute the charcoal. Determining the role of fruit peels which were apple and banana peels powder as activated carbon in water filter is the main goal. Drying and blending the peels till they become powder is the way to allow them to absorb the contaminants. Comparing the results for raw water before and after filtering is the observation. After filtering the raw water, the reading for pH was 6.8 which is in normal pH and turbidity reading recorded was 658 NTU. As for the colour, the water becomes more clear compared to the raw water. This study has found that fruit peels such as banana and apple are an effective substitute to charcoal as natural absorbent
