115,246 research outputs found

    Optimally Selecting The Location Of A Multiple Of D-STATCOMs For The Improvement Of SARFIX Due To Faults In The IEEE 33-Bus Distribution System

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    The paper introduces a new method for optimizing the placement of a multiple of D-Statcoms for voltage sag mitigation in distribution systems. The D-Statcom’s placement is optimally selected not only for improving system voltage sag caused by a single fault event but also for all possible fault events in the system of interest. Therefore, D-Statcom’s placement is optimized in a problem of optimization where the objective function is to minimize the system voltage sag index – SARFIx. D-Statcom’s effectiveness for voltage sag mitigation is modeled basing on the method of Thevenin’s superimposition for the problem of short-circuit calculation in distribution systems. The paper considers the case of using a multiple of D-Statcoms with a proposed voltage compensating principle that can be practical for large-size distribution systems. The paper uses the IEEE 33-buses distribution feeder as the test system for voltage sag simulation and influential parameters to the outcomes of the problem of optimization are considered and discussed

    Rehabilitation interventions for improving balance following stroke: an overview of systematic reviews

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    Background The aim of this study was to synthesize evidence from systematic reviews, to summarise the effects of rehabilitation interventions for improving balance in stroke survivors. Methods We conducted an overview of systematic reviews (SRs). We included Cochrane Systematic Reviews and non-Cochrane Systematic Reviews of randomized-controlled clinical trials and not-randomized clinical trials, in all types of stroke, comparing the effects of interventions, control interventions and no interventions on balance-related outcomes. We conducted a comprehensive search of electronic databases, from inception to December 2017. Data extracted included: number and type of participants, type of intervention, control intervention, method of assessing risk of bias of primary studies, balance outcome measures and results of statistical meta-analyses. Methodological quality of included reviews was assessed using AMSTAR 2. A narrative description of the characteristics of the SRs was provided and results of meta-analyses summarised with reference to their methodological quality. Results 51 SRs (248 primary studies and 10,638 participants) met the inclusion criteria and were included in the overview. All participants were adults with stroke. A wide variety of different balance and postural control outcomes were included. 61% of SRs focussed on the effectiveness of physical therapy, 20% virtual reality, 6% electromechanical devices, 4% Tai-Chi, whole body vibration and circuit training intervention, and 2% cognitive rehabilitation. The methodology of 54% of SRs were judged to be of a \u201clow or critically low\u201d quality, 23% \u201cmoderate\u201d quality and 22% \u201chigh\u201d quality. Conclusions There are 51 SRs of evidence relating to the effectiveness of interventions to improve balance in people with stroke, but the majority of these are of poor methodological quality, limiting our ability to draw clear implications. Only 22% of these SRs were judged to be of high quality, highlighting the need to address important methodological issues within rehabilitation research

    Effect of basketball specific endurance circuit training on aerobic capacity and heart rate of high school male basketball players

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    The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a basketball specific endurance circuit training on aerobic capacity and heart rate of high school male basketball players. To achieve the purpose of the study twenty four (24) male high school basketball players were selected from Neyveli Lignite Corporation Sports School, Neyveli and St. Joseph Higher Secondary School, Manjakuppam, Cuddalore. These subjects were randomly distributed into two groups namely basketball specific endurance circuit training group (N=12) and control group (N=12). The mean age of the selected players was 16.85 ± 0.67. Aerobic capacity, resting heart rate and peak heart rate were selected as criterion variables. Aerobic capacity was measured by multistage fitness test and resting and peak heart rate was measured using polar heart rate monitor. The basketball specific endurance circuit training was administered 3 days per week for six week. They performed 2 minutes of work at 90 to 95% of targeted heart rate using Karvonen method. They performed 8 repetitions during first and second week, followed by 10 repetitions during third and fourth week and 12 repetitions during fifth and sixth week of training. This was followed by 2 minutes of active resting at 60 to 70% of targeted heart rate. In this study 1:1 work rest ratio was followed. Both the groups were tested before and after training, the collected data was analysed using ANCOVA. The result of the study showed that aerobic capacity, resting heart rate and peak heart rate between the groups was significant, it indicate that after adjusting pre-test scores, there was a significant difference between the two groups on post-test scores. The findings of the study show that significant increase in aerobic capacity and decrease in resting and peak heart rate. It can be concluded that basketball specific endurance circuit training is effective in improving aerobic capacity and increases the cardiovascular fitness of male high school boys during competitive phase

    Power Side Channels in Security ICs: Hardware Countermeasures

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    Power side-channel attacks are a very effective cryptanalysis technique that can infer secret keys of security ICs by monitoring the power consumption. Since the emergence of practical attacks in the late 90s, they have been a major threat to many cryptographic-equipped devices including smart cards, encrypted FPGA designs, and mobile phones. Designers and manufacturers of cryptographic devices have in response developed various countermeasures for protection. Attacking methods have also evolved to counteract resistant implementations. This paper reviews foundational power analysis attack techniques and examines a variety of hardware design mitigations. The aim is to highlight exposed vulnerabilities in hardware-based countermeasures for future more secure implementations

    Inspection System And Method For Bond Detection And Validation Of Surface Mount Devices Using Sensor Fusion And Active Perception

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    A hybrid surface mount component inspection system which includes both vision and infrared inspection techniques to determine the presence of surface mount components on a printed wiring board, and the quality of solder joints of surface mount components on printed wiring boards by using data level sensor fusion to combine data from two infrared sensors to obtain emissivity independent thermal signatures of solder joints, and using feature level sensor fusion with active perception to assemble and process inspection information from any number of sensors to determine characteristic feature sets of different defect classes to classify solder defects.Georgia Tech Research Corporatio

    Incremental learning for large-scale stream data and its application to cybersecurity

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    As many human currently depend on technologies to assist with daily tasks, there are more and more applications which have been developed to be fit in one small gadget such as smart phone and tablet. Thus, by carrying this small gadget alone, most of our tasks are able to be settled efficiently and fast. Until the end of 20th century, mobile phones are only used to call and to send short message service (sms). However, in early 21st century, a rapid revolution of communi�cation technology from mobile phone into smart phone has been seen in which the smart phone is equipped by 4G Internet line along with the telephone service provider line. Thus, the users are able to make a phone call, send messages using variety of application such as Whatsapp and Line, send email, serving websites, accessing maps and handling some daily tasks via online using online banking, online shopping and online meetings via video conferences. In previous years, if there are cases of missing children or missing cars, the victims would rely on the police investigation. But now, as easy as uploading a notification about the loss on Facebook and spread the news among Facebook users, there are more people are able to help in the search. Despite the advantages that can be obtained using these technologies, there are a group of irresponsible people who take advan�tage of current technologies for their own self-interest. Among the applications that are usually being used by almost Internet users and also are often misused by cyber criminals are email and websites. Therefore, we take this initiative to make enhancement in cyber security application to avoid the Internet users from being trapped and deceived by the trick of cyber criminals by developing detec�tion system of malicious spam email and Distributed Denial of Services (DDoS) 3773(53867 3(53867.1781.8781$0,1$+ iii backscatter. Imagine that a notice with a logo of Mobile Phone company is received by an email informing that the customer had recently run up a large mobile phone bill. A link regarding the bill is attached for him/her to find out the details. Since, the customer thinks that the billing might be wrong, thus the link is clicked. However, the link is directed to a webpage which displays a status that currently the webpage is under construction. Then the customer closes the page and thinking of to visit the website again at other time. Unfortunately, after a single click actually a malicious file is downloaded and installed without the customer aware of it. That malicious file most probably is a Trojan that capable to steal confidential information from victim’s computer. On the next day, when the same person is using the same computer to log in the online banking, all of a sudden find out that his/her money is lost totally. This is one of a worst case scenario of malicious spam email which is usually handled by cybersecurity field. Another different case of cybersecurity is the Distributed Denial of Services (DDoS) attack. Let say, Company X is selling flowers via online in which the market is from the local and international customer. The online business of Company X is running normally as usual, until a day before mother’s day, the webpage of Company X is totally down and the prospective customers could not open the webpage to make order to be sent specially for their beloved mother. Thus, the customers would search another company that sells the same item. The Company X server is down, most probably because of the DDoS attack where a junk traffic is sent to that company server which makes that server could not serve the request by the legitimate customers. This attack effect not only the profit of the company, but also reputation damage, regular customer turnover and productivity decline. Unfortunately, it is difficult for a normal user like us to detect malicious spam 377$ 3(53867$.1781.87810,10,1+ email or DDoS attack with naked eyes. It is because recently the spammers and attacker had improved their strategy so that the malicious email and the DDoS packets are hardly able to be differentiated with the normal email and data packets. Once the Social Engineering is used by the spammers to create relevant email content in the malicious spam email and when a new campaign of DDoS attack is launched by the attacker, no normal users are capable to distinguish the benign and malicious email or data packets. This is where my Ph.D project comes in handy. My Ph.d is focusing on constructing a detection system of malicious spam email and DDoS attack using a large number of dataset which are obtained by a server that collect double-bounce email and darknet for malicious spam email detection system and DDoS backscatter detection system, respectively. As many up-to-date data are used during the learning, the detection system would become more robust to the latest strategy of the cybercriminal. Therefore, the scenario mentioned above can be avoided by assisting the user with important information at the user-end such as malicious spam email filter or at the server firewall. First of all, the method to learn large-scale stream data must be solved before implementing it in the detection system. Therefore, in Chapter 2, the general learning strategy of large-scale data is introduced to be used in the cybersecurity applications which are discussed in Chapter 3 and Chapter 4, respectively. One of a critical criterion of the detection system is capable to learn fast because after the learning, the updated information needs to be passed to user to avoid the user from being deceived by the cybercriminal. To process large-scale data sequences, it is important to choose a suitable learning algorithm that is capable to learn in real time. Incremental learning has an ability to process large data in chunk and update the parameters after learning each chunk. Such type of learning keep and update only the minimum information on a classifier model. 3773(53867 3(53867.1781.8781$0,1$+ Therefore, it requires relatively small memory and short learning time. On the other hand, batch learning is not suitable because it needs to store all training data, which consume a large memory capacity. Due to the limited memory, it is certainly impossible to process online large-scale data sequences using the batch learning. Therefore, the learning of large-scale stream data should be conducted incrementally. This dissertation contains of five chapters. In Chapter 1, the concept of in�cremental learning is briefly described and basic theories on Resource Allocating Network (RAN) and conventional data selection method are discussed in this chapter. Besides that, the overview of this dissertation is also elaborated in this chapter. In Chapter 2, we propose a new algorithm based on incremental Radial Basis Function Network (RBFN) to accelerate the learning in stream data. The data sequences are represented as a large chunk size of data given continuously within a short time. In order to learn such data, the learning should be carried out incrementally. Since it is certainly impossible to learn all data in a short pe�riod, selecting essential data from a given chunk can shorten the learning time. In our method, we select data that are located in untrained or “not well-learned” region and discard data at trained or “well-learned” region. These regions are represented by margin flag. Each region is consisted of similar data which are near to each other. To search the similar data, the well-known LSH method pro�posed by Andoni et al. is used. The LSH method indeed has proven be able to quickly find similar objects in a large database. Moreover, we utilize the LSH ʼs properties; hash value and Hash Table to further reduced the processing time. A flag as a criterion to decide whether to choose or not the training data is added in the Hash Table and is updated in each chunk sequence. Whereas, the hash value of RBF bases that is identical with the hash value of the training data is used to select the RBF bases that is near to the training data. The performance results of 377$ 3(53867$.1781.87810,10,1+ vi the numerical simulation on nine UC Irvine (UCI) Machine Learning Repository datasets indicate that the proposed method can reduce the learning time, while keeping the similar accuracy rate to the conventional method. These results indi�cate that the proposed method can improve the RAN learning algorithm towards the large-scale stream data processing. In Chapter 3, we propose a new online system to detect malicious spam emails and to adapt to the changes of malicious URLs in the body of spam emails by updating the system daily. For this purpose, we develop an autonomous system that learns from double-bounce emails collected at a mail server. To adapt to new malicious campaigns, only new types of spam emails are learned by introducing an active learning scheme into a classifier model. Here, we adopt Resource Allocating Network with Locality Sensitive Hashing (RAN-LSH) as a classifier model with data selection. In this data selection, the same or similar spam emails that have already been learned are quickly searched for a hash table using Locally Sensitive Hashing, and such spam emails are discarded without learning. On the other hand, malicious spam emails are sometimes drastically changed along with a new arrival of malicious campaign. In this case, it is not appropriate to classify such spam emails into malicious or benign by a classifier. It should be analyzed by using a more reliable method such as a malware analyzer. In order to find new types of spam emails, an outlier detection mechanism is implemented in RAN-LSH. To analyze email contents, we adopt the Bag-of-Words (BoW) approach and generate feature vectors whose attributes are transformed based on the normalized term frequency-inverse document frequency. To evaluate the developed system, we use a dataset of double-bounce spam emails which are collected from March 1, 2013 to May 10, 2013. In the experiment, we study the effect of introducing the outlier detection in RAN-LSH. As a result, by introducing the outlier detection, we confirm that the detection accuracy is enhanced on 3773(53867 3(53867.1781.87810,10,1+ average over the testing period. In Chapter 4, we propose a fast Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) backscat�ter detection system to detect DDoS backscatter from a combination of protocols and ports other than the following two labeled packets: Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Port 80 (80/TCP) and User datagram Protocol (UDP) Port 53 (53/UDP). Usually, it is hard to detect DDoS backscatter from the unlabeled packets, where an expert is needed to analyze every packet manually. Since it is a costly approach, we propose a detection system using Resource Allocating Network (RAN) with data selection to select essential data. Using this method, the learning time is shorten, and thus, the DDoS backscatter can be detected fast. This detection system consists of two modules which are pre-processing and classifier. With the former module, the packets information are transformed into 17 feature-vectors. With the latter module, the RAN-LSH classifier is used, where only data located at untrained region are selected. The performance of the proposed detection system is evaluated using 9,968 training data from 80/TCP and 53/UDP, whereas 5,933 test data are from unlabeled packets which are col�lected from January 1st, 2013 until January 20th, 2014 at National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Japan. The results indi�cate that detection system can detect the DDoS backscatter from both labeled and unlabeled packets with high recall and precision rate within a short time. Finally, in Chapter 5, we discussed the conclusions and the future work of our study: RAN-LSH classifier, malicious spam email detection system and DDoS backscatter detection system

    Fuzzy second order sliding mode control of a unified power flow controller

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    Purpose. This paper presents an advanced control scheme based on fuzzy logic and second order sliding mode of a unified power flow controller. This controller offers advantages in terms of static and dynamic operation of the power system such as the control law is synthesized using three types of controllers: proportional integral, and sliding mode controller and Fuzzy logic second order sliding mode controller. Their respective performances are compared in terms of reference tracking, sensitivity to perturbations and robustness. We have to study the problem of controlling power in electric system by UPFC. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed method especiallyin chattering-free behavior, response to sudden load variations and robustness. All the simulations for the above work have been carried out using MATLAB / Simulink. Various simulations have given very satisfactory results and we have successfully improved the real and reactive power flows on a transmission lineas well as to regulate voltage at the bus where it is connected, the studies and illustrate the effectiveness and capability of UPFC in improving power.В настоящей статье представлена усовершенствованная схема управления, основанная на нечеткой логике и режиме скольжения второго порядка унифицированного контроллера потока мощности. Данный контроллер обладает преимуществами с точки зрения статической и динамической работы энергосистемы, например, закон управления синтезируется с использованием трех типов контроллеров: пропорционально-интегрального, контроллера скользящего режима и контроллера скользящего режима нечеткой логики второго порядка. Их соответствующие характеристики сравниваются с точки зрения отслеживания эталонов, чувствительности к возмущениям и надежности. Необходимо изучить проблему управления мощностью в энергосистеме с помощью унифицированного контроллера потока мощности (UPFC). Результаты моделирования показывают эффективность предложенного метода, особенно в отношении отсутствия вибрации, реакции на внезапные изменения нагрузки и устойчивости. Все расчеты для вышеуказанной работы были выполнены с использованием MATLAB/Simulink. Различные расчетные исследования дали весьма удовлетворительные результаты, и мы успешно улучшили потоки реальной и реактивной мощности на линии электропередачи, а также регулирование напряжения на шине, к которой она подключена, что позволяет изучить и проиллюстрировать эффективность и возможности UPFC для увеличения мощности

    Does repetitive task training improve functional activity after stroke? A Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    Repetitive task training resulted in modest improvement across a range of lower limb outcome measures, but not upper limb outcome measures. Training may be sufficient to have a small impact on activities of daily living. Interventions involving elements of repetition and task training are diverse and difficult to classify: the results presented are specific to trials where both elements are clearly present in the intervention, without major confounding by other potential mechanisms of action