11 research outputs found

    Node Overlap Removal Algorithms: A Comparative Study

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    Appears in the Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2019)Many algorithms have been designed to remove node overlapping, and many quality criteria and associated metrics have been proposed to evaluate those algorithms. Unfortunately, a complete comparison of the algorithms based on some metrics that evaluate the quality has never been provided and it is thus difficult for a visualization designer to select the algorithm that best suits his needs. In this paper, we review 21 metrics available in the literature, classify them according to the quality criteria they try to capture, and select a representative one for each class. Based on the selected metrics, we compare 8 node overlap removal algorithms. Our experiment involves 854 synthetic and real-world graphs

    On d-regular Schematization of Embedded Paths

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    In the d-regular path schematization problem we are given an embedded path P (e.g.,a route in a road network) and an integer d. The goal is to find a d-schematized embedding of P in which the orthogonal order of allvertices in the input is preserved and in which every edge has a slope that is an integer multiple of 90/d. We show that deciding whether a path can be d-schematized is NP-hard for any integer d. We further model the problem as a mixed-integer linear program. An experimental evaluation indicates that this approach generates reasonable route sketches for real-world data

    A Layout Adjustment Problem for Disjoint Rectangles Preserving Orthogonal Order

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    For a given set of n rectangles place on a plane, we consider a problem of finding the minimum area layout of the rectangles that avoids intersections of the rectangles and preserves the orthogonal order. Misue et al. proposed an O(nÂČ)-time heuristic algorithm for the problem. We first show that the corresponding decision problem for this problem is NP-complete. We also present an O(nÂČ)-time heuristic algorithm for the problem that finds a layout with smaller area than Misue's

    Algorithms for visualization of graph-based structures

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    Buildings today are built to maintain a healthy indoor environment and an efficient energy usage which is probably why damages caused by dampness has increased since the 1960’s. A study between year 2008 and 2010 showed that 26 percent of the 110 000 examined houses had damages and flaws caused by dampness that could prove to be harmful later on. This means that one out of four bathrooms risk the chance to develop damages by dampness. Approximately 2 percent of the houses had already developed water damages. It is here where the problems appear. A house or a building that is damaged by water of dampness need time to dry out before any renovation can take place. This means that damaged parts must be removed and allowed to dry out, this takes a long time to do and the costs are high and at the same time it can cause inconvenience to the residents. Here is where the Air Gap Method enters the picture. The meaning with the method is to drain and dry out the moisture without the need to perform a larger renovation. The Air Gap Method is a so called "forgiving"-system that is if water damages occur the consequences will be small. The Air Gap method means that an air gap is created in the walls, ceiling and the floor where a heating cable in the gap heats up the air and creates an air movement. The point is to create a stack effect in the gap that with the help of the air movement transports the damp air through an opening by the ceiling. The aim of this thesis is to examine if it’s necessary with the heating cable in the air gap and if there is a specific drying out pattern of the water damaged bathroom floor. The possibility of mould growth will also be examined. The study showed that the damped floor did dry out even without a heating cable, but as one of the studies showed signs of mould growth it is shown that the risk for mould growth is higher without a heating cable. There was a seven days difference in the drying out time between the studies with and without the heating cable; this difference can be decisive for mould growth which is why the heating cable is recommended. The Air Gap method is quite easy to apply in houses with light frame constructions simply by using a smaller dimension on the studs to create the air gap in the floor and walls. The method can also be applied in apartment buildings with a concrete frame by using the room-in- room principal. When renovating existing bathrooms it’s easier to use prefabricated elements to create the air gap in the floor and walls. ~

    Visualisierung biochemischer Reaktionsnetze

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    In dieser Arbeit werden Anforderungen an die Darstellung biochemischer Reaktionsnetze untersucht und die Netze unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Visualisierung modelliert. Anschliessend wird ein Algorithmus zum Zeichnen biochemischer Reaktionsnetze entwickelt und analysiert.In this dissertation we investigate the requirements for the visualisation of biochemical reaction networks. We compose a model for these networks that lends itself to visualisation and develop and analyse an algorithm to create drawings of the networks