11 research outputs found

    Видеоспектральные методы и средства мониторинга контролируемых параметров лесных пожаров и аварий, связанных с разливом нефтепродуктов

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    The main results of the creation of the domestic complex “Vizir” for measuring bidirectional spectropolarization reflection coefficients and brightness of natural and artificial objects were presented in the article. Its purpose, composition and main technical parameters were indicated.Spectral-polarization studies of the characteristics of samples that simulates objects (pollution) of natural (forest fires) and man-made (oil spills) emergencies were performed with the help of complex “Vizir” using polarizing nozzles under various conditions (angles of illumination, observation, pollution concentration, the time that passed since the contamination, the degree of wood thermal damage). The results of studies made it possible to increase the accuracy of identification of monitoring objects in emergency zones up to two times.The main provisions of the two developed methods were outlined. The first method was methodology for determination of the controlled parameters of forest fires by means of aviation monitoring, which makes it possible to record the maximum values of the degree of polarization of reflected radiation for coal 30–40 % and for semi-coal 15–20 % in the wavelength range from 0.5 to 0.7 μm. The second one was methodology for determination of the controlled parameters of man-made emergencies with oil spills by means of aviation monitoring, which makes it possible to record the maximum values of the degree of polarization of an oil spill on water: 40–50 % at optimal view angles close to specular in relation to the angle of solar radiation incidence.The developed methods were introduced into the activities of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus to make the right management decisions to eliminate emergency situations and their consequences.В статье приведены основные результаты создания комплекса «Визир» для измерений двунаправленных спектрополяризационных коэффициентов отражения и яркости природных и искусственных объектов, указаны его назначение, состав и основные технические параметры.Рассмотрены результаты спектрально-поляризационных исследований характеристик образцов, имитирующих объекты (загрязнения) чрезвычайных ситуаций природного (лесные пожары) и техногенного (разлив нефтепродуктов) характера, выполненных на данном комплексе с использованием поляризационных насадок при различных условиях (углах освещения, наблюдения, концентрации загрязняющих веществ, времени, прошедшем после загрязнения, степени термического повреждения древесины). Использование полученных результатов позволяет до 2-х раз повысить точность идентификации объектов мониторинга зон чрезвычайных ситуаций.Изложены основные положения двух разработанных методик. Первая – методика определения контролируемых параметров лесных пожаров посредством авиационного мониторинга, позволяющая в диапазоне длин волн от 0,5 мкм до 0,7 мкм регистрировать максимальные значения степени поляризации отражённого излучения для гари 30–40 % и для горельника 15–20 %. Вторая – методика определения контролируемых параметров техногенных чрезвычайных ситуаций, связанных с разливом нефтепродуктов, посредством авиационного мониторинга, позволяющая регистрировать максимальные значения степени поляризации нефтяного разлива на воде: 40–50 % при оптимальных углах наблюдения, близких к зеркальным по отношению к углу падения солнечного излучения.Разработанные методики внедрены в деятельность Министерства чрезвычайных ситуаций Республики Беларусь для принятия правильных управленческих решений по ликвидации чрезвычайных ситуаций и их последствий

    Видеоспектральные методы и средства мониторинга контролируемых параметров лесных пожаров и аварий, связанных с разливом нефтепродуктов

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    В статье приведены основные результаты создания комплекса «Визир» для измерений двунаправленных спектрополяризационных коэффициентов отражения и яркости природных и искусственных объектов, указаны его назначение, состав и основные технические параметры. Рассмотрены результаты спектрально-поляризационных исследований характеристик образцов, имитирующих объекты (загрязнения) чрезвычайных ситуаций природного (лесные пожары) и техногенного (разлив нефтепродуктов) характера, выполненных на данном комплексе с использованием поляризационных насадок при различных условиях (углах освещения, наблюдения, концентрации загрязняющих веществ, времени, прошедшем после загрязнения, степени термического повреждения древесины). Использование полученных результатов позволяет до 2-х раз повысить точность идентификации объектов мониторинга зон чрезвычайных ситуаций. Изложены основные положения двух разработанных методик. Первая – методика определения контролируемых параметров лесных пожаров посредством авиационного мониторинга, позволяющая в диапазоне длин волн от 0,5 мкм до 0,7 мкм регистрировать максимальные значения степени поляризации отражённого излучения для гари 30–40 % и для горельника 15–20 %. Вторая – методика определения контролируемых параметров техногенных чрезвычайных ситуаций, связанных с разливом нефтепродуктов, посредством авиационного мониторинга, позволяющая регистрировать максимальные значения степени поляризации нефтяного разлива на воде: 40–50 % при оптимальных углах наблюдения, близких к зеркальным по отношению к углу падения солнечного излучения. Разработанные методики внедрены в деятельность Министерства чрезвычайных ситуаций Республики Беларусь для принятия правильных управленческих решений по ликвидации чрезвычайных ситуаций и их последствий

    Measuring and modeling the effect of surface moisture on the spectral reflectance of coastal beach sand

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    Surface moisture is an important supply limiting factor for aeolian sand transport, which is the primary driver of coastal dune development. As such, it is critical to account for the control of surface moisture on available sand for dune building. Optical remote sensing has the potential to measure surface moisture at a high spatio-temporal resolution. It is based on the principle that wet sand appears darker than dry sand: it is less reflective. The goals of this study are (1) to measure and model reflectance under controlled laboratory conditions as function of wavelength () and surface moisture () over the optical domain of 350–2500 nm, and (2) to explore the implications of our laboratory findings for accurately mapping the distribution of surface moisture under natural conditions. A laboratory spectroscopy experiment was conducted to measure spectral reflectance (1 nm interval) under different surface moisture conditions using beach sand. A non-linear increase of reflectance upon drying was observed over the full range of wavelengths. Two models were developed and tested. The first model is grounded in optics and describes the proportional contribution of scattering and absorption of light by pore water in an unsaturated sand matrix. The second model is grounded in soil physics and links the hydraulic behaviour of pore water in an unsaturated sand matrix to its optical properties. The optical model performed well for volumetric moisture content 24% ( 0.97), but underestimated reflectance for between 24–30% ( 0.92), most notable around the 1940 nm water absorption peak. The soil-physical model performed very well ( 0.99) but is limited to 4% 24%. Results from a field experiment show that a short-wave infrared terrestrial laser scanner ( = 1550 nm) can accurately relate surface moisture to reflectance (standard error 2.6%), demonstrating its potential to derive spatially extensive surface moisture maps of a natural coastal beach

    Análisis y comparación de los sistemas de medida de rango articular

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    Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FEP). Podoloxía. Curso 2012/201

    Bidirectional Distribution Reflection Function of Algodones Dunes

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    The primary objective of this project was to develop the Algodones Dunes as a pseudo-invariant calibration site (PICS) suitable for absolute calibration of satellite sensors based on a surface reflectance model. Two approaches were taken during this research: a field campaign and laboratory measurements. The first approach, the field campaign, was accomplished with a trip to the Algodones Dunes from the 8th to the 13th of March, 2015. During the field campaign, several test points from spatially different regions of the Algodones Dunes were studied. Reflectance of the sand at each test point was observed from different view angles. The second approach, laboratory testing, involved bringing several sand samples from different regions of the Algodones Dunes back to SDSU for further analysis. The laboratory setup was built in the SDSU optics laboratory and included the use of a light source, digital power supply, and mechanical arm to study the spectral responses of the sand samples from the field. During the laboratory measurements, the reflectance of each of the sand sample, was observed from different view angles to replicate field measurement techniques. Through both approaches it was found that the reflectance of sand samples from the Algodones Dunes changes quadratically with respect to view zenith angle. To correlate field and laboratory measurements, two solar zenith angles were chosen for laboratory simulation, i.e. 45and 54.4. Since the solar zenith angle varies from 20to 60 over a year in the Algodones Dunes, angles within that range were chosen for the solar zenith angles used in the laboratory measurements. The spectral response of different sand samples were only observed under those two chosen solar zenith angles. Since different equipment was used in the laboratory than in the field, there was some degree of uncertainty due to each of the differing instruments which influenced the data. A Linear Mixed Model was therefore developed in order to incorporate the laboratory uncertainties and predict a more accurate model using the raw data acquired in the laboratory. The data modeled by the Linear Mixed Model approach for different BRDF runs of the same sample, and for different sand samples, were compared to determine whether the spectral response of sand samples from the Algodones Dunes is the same or not. Based on the data modeled by the Linear Mixed Model, it was found that the spectral responses of sand samples brought from the Algodones Dunes are the same. A simple BRDF model was then developed for those angles that are perpendicular to the principal plane of the solar illumination

    Kahden varpukasvin spektrien kaksisuuntaiset heijastussuhdetekijämittaukset

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    Recent studies have shown the benefits of multiangular remote sensing techniques for characterizing vegetation reflection properties. The study of spectral anisotropy of understory vegetation enables methods for improved plant species identification, and provides valuable input data for radiation scattering models of forests. This thesis presents the applied methods and results of a research effort carried out over the growing season of 2017 for the temporal spectral characterization of two of the economically most important wild berry species in Finland: lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) and blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus). The spectral bidirectional reflectance factor (BRF) data on lingonberry and blueberry shrub samples were collected in a multidirectional measurement geometry using the Finnish Geodetic Institute Goniospectrometer (FIGIFIGO) in laboratory conditions. Leaf reflectance and transmittance spectra on both species were collected with SpectroClip-TR spectral probe. The anisotropic characteristics were analysed in the spectral range from 400 to 2200 nm for view angle dependence (-40° to +40°), illumination angle dependence (+40°, +55°), seasonal dynamics over the growing season (2017), and for berry and flower detection. Both lingonberry and blueberry shrubs have strong backward and notable forward scattering characteristics on the principal plane. In the interspecies comparison, lingonberry is brighter into all view direction in the visible and near infrared wavelengths but darker in the short-wave infrared. Increasing the illumination zenith angle by 15° improves the spectral discrimination of the two dwarf shrub species by inducing a 12% ratio of the spectral responses. Vegetation indices that are commonly used in remote sensing of forests (NDVI, NDVI705, MSI, PSRI) show low sensitivity to the changes in the view- and illumination angles. The presence of lingonberries and lingonberry flowers is indicated as a spectral peak around 679 nm in the spectral ratio of samples with berries or flowers to samples without berries or flowers. It was shown that the analysis of spectral data on the reflectance anisotropy improves the spectral discrimination of the dwarf shrub species. The contribution of the berries on the obtained shrub spectra was shown to be notable enough to justify further studies by applying unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) platforms. Future studies on the aerial spectral data are suggested to evaluate the potential of berry mapping in larger-scale.Viimeaikaiset tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet monisuunta-spektrometrian hyödyt kasvillisuuden heijastusominaisuuksien karakterisoinnissa kaukokartoituksessa. Aluskasvillisuuden spektrien anisotropian tutkiminen edesauttaa kehittämään menetelmiä kasvilajien tunnistamiseksi ja tarjoaa validointiaineistoa metsien sirontamalleihin. Tämä diplomityö esittää menetelmät ja tulokset Suomen kahden taloudellisesti tärkeimmän luonnonmarjoja tuottavan varpukasvin, mustikan (Vaccinium myrtillus) ja puolukan (Vaccinium vitis-idaea), spektrien temporaalisesta karakterisointikampanjasta kasvukauden 2017 yli. Kaksisuuntainen heijastussuhdetekijä spektriaineisto mitattiin mustikan ja puolukan varpunäytteistä monisuuntamittausgeometriassa FIGIFIGO (Finnish Geodetic Institute Goniospectrometer) goniospektrometrillä laboratorio-olosuhteissa. Lehtien heijastus- ja läpäisyspektrit mitattiin molemmista lajeista käyttäen SpectroClip-TR mittalaitetta. Anisotropiset ominaispiirteet analysointiin aallonpituuksien 400 - 2200 nm välillä katselukulmariippuvuudelle (-40° to +40°), valaistuskulmariippuvuudelle (+40°, +55°), vuodenajan aiheuttamille muutoksille (kasvukausi 2017) sekä marja ja kukintojen tunnistamiselle. Sekä puolukka että mustikka osoittavat voimakasta taaksepäin suuntautuvaa ja huomattavaa eteenpäin suuntautuvaa ominaissirontaa päätasossa. Lajien välisessä vertailussa puolukka on kirkkaampi kaikkiin mitattuihin katselukulmiin näkyvän valon ja lähi-infrapunan aallonpituuksilla, mutta tummempi lyhytaaltoisen infrapunan alueella. Valaistuskulman zeniitin kasvattaminen 15° parantaa lajien spektrien erotettavuutta aiheuttamalla 12 %:n eron lajien heijastusvasteisiin. Yleisesti metsän kaukokartoituksessa käytetyt kasvillisuusindeksit (NDVI, NDVI705, MSI, PSRI) osoittavat matalaa herkkyyttä katselu- ja valaistuskulman muutoksille. Näytteessä olevat puolukanmarjat ja -kukat erottuvat spektrissä piikkinä 679 nm:n kohdalla, kun tarkastellaan marjallisten ja kukallisten näytteiden suhdetta marjattomiin ja kukattomiin. Spektriaineiston heijastus-anisotropian analysoinnin näytettiin edesauttavan varpukasvien erotettavuutta. Marjojen vahva kontribuutio varpunäytteistä mitattuihin spektreihin osoitettiin niin selkeästi, että jatkotutkimuksia UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) -alustalla voidaan pitää perusteltuina. Ilma-aluksilla kerättyä aineistoa ehdotetaan käytettävän marjojen laajemman kartoituksen potentiaalin selvittämiseksi

    Puiden runkojen monikulmamittaus kannettavalla hyperspektrikameralla

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    Laboratory measurement settings that can acquire spectral and multi-angular information on canopy elements (e.g. leaves and woody tree structures) provide invaluable data for the interpretation and development of forest reflectance models and other optical remote sensing techniques. Previous studies have pointed out that the spectral properties of woody tree structures of boreal tree species have been studied little in comparison to leaves, and that there is a need to fill this gap in knowledge. This thesis presents a custom-built multi-angular measurement system with imaging capabilities that was used to acquire a hyperspectral dataset of boreal woody tree structures of the three most common tree species found in Finland. A total of six trees, two trees per species of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) stems were sampled at different heights (at every meter of height between 1–10 m) and sides (northward and southward facing sides of the stem), and the stem surface (bark) was measured with a novel mobile hyperspectral camera called Specim IQ. The camera operates in the wavelength range of 400–1000 nm. The acquired dataset contains hyperspectral images of 120 stem samples, each imaged from six different view angles. A designed pixel-by-pixel data processing chain is described. It can calculate and extract accurate pixel specific reflectance information that is invariant to uneven spatial distribution of incident irradiance from the lamp. Finally, the processed data was analyzed to reveal within- and between-species, angular, and spatial variations in stem bark reflectance for the three species. In concordance to previous studies, this thesis found that the species varied highly in their mean spectra and were distinguishable from one another. In addition, the within-species variation and standard deviation between mean spectra of samples was surprisingly low with very similar spectral signatures between samples of the same species. Investigating angular variation revealed that both pine and birch present strong specular reflections in the forward-scattering angles, in comparison to spruce, which presented a hot spot effect in the backward-scattering angles when measured near the lamp. Birch and spruce showed weak trends when looking at the spatial variations occurring in reflectance due to sampling height or side of the stem. However, pine displayed a clear increase in reflectance from 1 m to 4 m height at 663.81 nm (red band) and from 1 m to 5 m height at 865.5 nm (near-infrared band). The data obtained in this study show potential for future tasks such as tree species classification and the further development of forest reflectance models. The methods and materials presented in this study can give ideas for developing imaging goniometer systems that can acquire even more information on various vegetation canopy elements than what were presented in this thesis.Laboratorio-olosuhteissa käytettävät mittausjärjestelmät, jotka pystyvät keräämään spektriaineistoa eri mittauskulmista, tuottavat arvokasta tietoa metsien heijastusmallien ja muiden kaukokartoitustekniikoiden tulkintaa ja kehittämistä varten. Aikaisemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että boreaalisen vyöhykkeen puulajien puumaisten osien spektriominaisuuksia ei ole tutkittu yhtä paljon kuin lehtien, ja tämän takia kyseiselle tiedolle on selkeä tarve. Tässä diplomityössä rakennettiin monikulmainen kuvantava mittausasetelma, jolla mitattiin hyperspektriaineisto kolmesta Suomen yleisimmästä puulajista: kuusesta (Picea abies (L.) Karst), männystä (Pinus sylvestris L.) ja rauduskoivusta (Betula pendula Roth). Mitattavat näytteet kerättiin yhteensä kuudesta puusta, kahdesta puusta per puulaji. Näytteitä otettiin rungon eri korkeuksilta (metrin välein kymmeneen metriin asti) ja ilmansuunnista (pohjoinen ja eteläinen puoli runkoa). Rungon pintaosan (kuoren) heijastusspektri mitattiin uudella kannettavalla Specim IQ -hyperspetrikameralla, joka pystyy keräämään tietoa 400–1000 nanometrin aallonpituuksilta. Kerätty spektriaineisto koostuu Specim IQ:lla mitatuista hyperspektrikuvista, joita otettiin 120 näytteestä. Jokainen näyte kuvattiin kuudesta eri kulmasta. Mittausasetelman lisäksi tässä diplomityössä kehitettiin pikselikohtainen prosessointimenetelmä, jonka avulla voi laskea näytteen heijastusspektrin siten, että siihen ei vaikuta lampusta epätasaisesti jakautuva valo. Prosessoitujen hyperspektrikuvien avulla tutkittiin, kuinka heijastusspektri vaihtelee puulajien välillä sekä sisäisesti puulajin näytteiden välillä. Lopuksi tutkittiin, kuinka eri mittauskulmat ja näytteenottokorkeus vaikuttavat kuusen, männyn ja koivun heijastusspektreihin. Yhtenevästi aikaisempien tutkimusten kanssa tämän diplomityön tulokset osoittavat, että puulajien väliset erot heijastusspektreissä olivat suuria ja puulajit toisistaan erotettavissa. Toisaalta puulajin sisäinen vaihtelu oli yllättävän pientä ja saman puulajin näytteiden spektrit olivat samanlaisia toisiinsa nähden. Mittauskulman vaikutuksen selvittäminen osoitti, että männyllä ja rauduskoivulla heijastus suuntautuu voimakkaasti eteenpäin. Toisaalta kuusi osoitti voimakkaampaa taaksepäin valonlähdettä kohti suuntautuvaa heijastusta. Kuusella ja rauduskoivulla oli havaittavissa vähäistä heijastuksen spatiaalista vaihtelua näytteenottokorkeuksien ja ilmansuuntien välillä. Toisin kuin kuusi ja rauduskoivu, mänty osoitti selkeää nousevaa heijastusta 663.81 nm aallonpituudella (punainen kanava) 1 m korkeudelta 4 m korkeuteen. Lähi-infrapunakanavalla (865.5 nm) vastaava kasvu havaittiin välillä 1–5 m. Tässä diplomityössä kerättyä tietoa on mahdollista käyttää puulajien tunnistusmenetelmien sekä metsien heijastusmallien kehittämisessä. Tämän lisäksi esitetyt koetekniikat ja tutkimusmenetelmät voivat auttaa kehittämään kuvantavia goniometrijärjestelmiä, joilla voisi kerätä vieläkin laajempaa tietoa kasvillisuudesta ja sen eri heijastusominaisuuksista

    A Laboratory Goniometer System for Measuring Reflectance and Emittance Anisotropy

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    In this paper, a laboratory goniometer system for performing multi-angular measurements under controlled illumination conditions is described. A commercially available robotic arm enables the acquisition of a large number of measurements over the full hemisphere within a short time span making it much faster than other goniometers. In addition, the presented set-up enables assessment of anisotropic reflectance and emittance behaviour of soils, leaves and small canopies. Mounting a spectrometer enables acquisition of either hemispherical measurements or measurements in the horizontal plane. Mounting a thermal camera allows directional observations of the thermal emittance. This paper also presents three showcases of these different measurement set-ups in order to illustrate its possibilities. Finally, suggestions for applying this instrument and for future research directions are given, including linking the measured reflectance anisotropy with physically-based anisotropy models on the one hand and combining them with field goniometry measurements for joint analysis with remote sensing data on the other hand. The speed and flexibility of the system offer a large added value to the existing pool of laboratory goniometers

    A Laboratory Goniometer System for Measuring Reflectance and Emittance Anisotropy

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    In this paper, a laboratory goniometer system for performing multi-angular measurements under controlled illumination conditions is described. A commercially available robotic arm enables the acquisition of a large number of measurements over the full hemisphere within a short time span making it much faster than other goniometers. In addition, the presented set-up enables assessment of anisotropic reflectance and emittance behaviour of soils, leaves and small canopies. Mounting a spectrometer enables acquisition of either hemispherical measurements or measurements in the horizontal plane. Mounting a thermal camera allows directional observations of the thermal emittance. This paper also presents three showcases of these different measurement set-ups in order to illustrate its possibilities. Finally, suggestions for applying this instrument and for future research directions are given, including linking the measured reflectance anisotropy with physically-based anisotropy models on the one hand and combining them with field goniometry measurements for joint analysis with remote sensing data on the other hand. The speed and flexibility of the system offer a large added value to the existing pool of laboratory goniometers

    Quality check of optical elements manufactured with in-mould hybrid integration technique

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    In the present industrial thesis has been developed and implemented with success a measurement strategy that consists of an optical test of validation of the optical functionality of photonic components in the same manufacturing line and in an optical control of complementary quality in the environment of laboratory. The strategy developed has been embodied in the European patent application 18382831.8. The optical validation test is able to validate the optical functionality of the photonic components from the measurement of the distribution of illumination in a close plane through the implementation of two merit functions. The first merit function is associated with the total radiant flux with its corresponding acceptability threshold. The second merit function is associated with the distribution of illumination and analyzes the eccentricity of the irradiance distribution as a discriminating element. The optical quality control, which allows detecting defects in the rejected photonic components at the production line, consists of two phases. The first phase, that measures angles less than 35°, is implemented by adding a mesh of holes to the assembly of the test in line, said mesh acts as a slope selector. The second phase, that measures angles greater than 35°, has been implemented by adding a parabolic reflector to the first phase control. In both phases, merit functions have been developed that facilitate the detection of defects. The first merit function analyzes the position of the spots due to the presence of the mesh. From inverse ray tracing generated by the measured directions, the convergence of the rays is determined. The difference between the vector position of said zone and the nominal position allows us to construct the first quality function. This function has been applied three times: one for the control of angles less than 35° and two for the control of angles greater than 35°, to the set of rays before interacting with the reflector and to the set of rays after said interaction. Likewise, based on the same base information, a second merit function has been applied based on comparing the values of the asymmetry presented by the director cosines (u, v), The second merit function analyzes the irradiance value of the spots. The objective of the merit function and its corresponding criterion is to determine the discrepancies in the irradiance level of the spots with respect to their nominal value. For the set of spots that do not meet the criterion, it is determined to which region they correspond thanks to the reverse ray tracing. To implement the measurement strategy for different photonic components, a laboratory equipment has been developed capable of implementing both the online optical test and the described quality controls. This equipment has been calibrated, both geometrically and energetically, and tests have been carried out on the repeatability of its measurements. The measurement strategy, based on the simulation, allows us to distinguish between the presence of a global displacement of the component, the presence of misalignment between the elements of the component and the presence of a local defect in the optics of the component. The equipment and the measurement strategy have been used together to validate the optical functionality of the first manufactured set of FOT component, which belongs to the telecommunications sector, developed by SnellOptics in consortium with QPO. Moreover, we have analyzed a component that due to its optical functionality has applications in the lighting environment has also been analyzed. Likewise, the success in the development of this industrial thesis of maximum interest has been reflected in the attendance to several international congresses (EOSAM, 2016), (SPIE Europe, 2018) and national (OPTOEL, 2017) as well as to patent application European 18382831.8En la presente tesis industrial se ha el desarrollado e implementado con éxtio una estrategia de medida que consiste en un test óptico de validación de la funcionalidad óptica de componentes fotónicos en la misma línea de fabricación y en un control óptico de calidad complementario en el entorno de laboratorio. La estrategia desarrollada ha sido plasmada en la solicitud de patente europea 18382831.8. El test óptico de validación es capaz de validar la funcionalidad óptica de los componentes fotónicos a partir de la medida de la distribución de iluminación en un plano cercano mediante la implementación de dos funciones de mérito. La primera función de mérito está asociada al flujo radiante total junto con su correspondiente umbral de aceptabilidad. La segunda función de mérito está asociada a la distribución de iluminación y analiza la excentricidad de la distribución de irradiancia como elemento discriminador. El control óptico de calidad, que permiten detectar defectos en los componentes fotónicos rechazados en línea de producción, consta de dos fases. La primera, para la medida de ángulos menores de 35°, se implementa añadiendo una malla de agujeros al montaje del test en línea, dicha malla actúa como selector de pendientes. La segunda, para la medida de ángulos mayores de 35°, se ha implementado añadiendo un reflector parabólico al primer control. En ambas fases se han desarrollado funciones de mérito que facilitan la detección de los defectos. La primera función de mérito analiza de la posición de los spots a causa de la presencia de la malla. A partir del trazado inverso de rayos generados mediante el conjunto de direcciones medido, se determina la zona de convergencia de éstos. La diferencia entre el vector posición de dicha zona respecto a la posición nominal nos permite construir la primera función de calidad. Esta función se ha aplicado en tres ocasiones: una para el control de ángulos menores de 35° y dos para el control de mayores de 35°, al conjunto de rayos antes de interaccionar con el reflector y al conjunto de después de dicha interacción. Asimismo, a partir de la misma información base se ha obtenido una segunda función de mérito basada en comparar los valores de la asimetría que presentan los cosenos directores (u,v). La segunda función de mérito analiza el valor de irradiancia de los spots. El objetivo de la función de mérito y de su correspondiente criterio es determinar las discrepancias en el nivel de irradiancia de los spots respecto a su valor nominal. Para el conjunto de spots que no cumplen el criterio se determina a que región corresponden gracias al trazado inverso de rayos. Para implementar la estrategia de medida a distintos componentes fotónicos, se ha desarrollado un equipo de laboratorio capaz de implementar tanto el test óptico en línea como los controles de calidad descritos. Dicho equipo ha sido calibrado, tanto geométricamente como energéticamente, y se han realizado pruebas de repetitividad de sus medidas. La estrategia de medida, apoyándonos en la simulación, nos permite distinguir entre la presencia de un desplazamiento global del componente, la presencia de desalineado entre los elementos del componente y la presencia de un defecto local en la óptica de éste. El equipo y la estrategia de medida se han empleado conjuntamente para validar la funcionalidad óptica de las primeras pruebas de manufactura de un componente FOT, perteneciente al sector de las telecomunicaciones desarrollado por SnellOptics en consorcio con QPO. También se ha analizado un componente que por su funcionalidad óptica tiene aplicaciones en el entorno de la iluminación. Asimismo, el éxito en el desarrollo de la presente tesis industrial de máximo interés se ha plasmado en la asistencia a diversos congresos internacionales (EOSAM, 2016), (SPIE Europe, 2018) y nacional (OPTOEL, 2017) así como a solicitud de patente europea 18382831.8