944 research outputs found

    Automated Debugging Methodology for FPGA-based Systems

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    Electronic devices make up a vital part of our lives. These are seen from mobiles, laptops, computers, home automation, etc. to name a few. The modern designs constitute billions of transistors. However, with this evolution, ensuring that the devices fulfill the designer’s expectation under variable conditions has also become a great challenge. This requires a lot of design time and effort. Whenever an error is encountered, the process is re-started. Hence, it is desired to minimize the number of spins required to achieve an error-free product, as each spin results in loss of time and effort. Software-based simulation systems present the main technique to ensure the verification of the design before fabrication. However, few design errors (bugs) are likely to escape the simulation process. Such bugs subsequently appear during the post-silicon phase. Finding such bugs is time-consuming due to inherent invisibility of the hardware. Instead of software simulation of the design in the pre-silicon phase, post-silicon techniques permit the designers to verify the functionality through the physical implementations of the design. The main benefit of the methodology is that the implemented design in the post-silicon phase runs many order-of-magnitude faster than its counterpart in pre-silicon. This allows the designers to validate their design more exhaustively. This thesis presents five main contributions to enable a fast and automated debugging solution for reconfigurable hardware. During the research work, we used an obstacle avoidance system for robotic vehicles as a use case to illustrate how to apply the proposed debugging solution in practical environments. The first contribution presents a debugging system capable of providing a lossless trace of debugging data which permits a cycle-accurate replay. This methodology ensures capturing permanent as well as intermittent errors in the implemented design. The contribution also describes a solution to enhance hardware observability. It is proposed to utilize processor-configurable concentration networks, employ debug data compression to transmit the data more efficiently, and partially reconfiguring the debugging system at run-time to save the time required for design re-compilation as well as preserve the timing closure. The second contribution presents a solution for communication-centric designs. Furthermore, solutions for designs with multi-clock domains are also discussed. The third contribution presents a priority-based signal selection methodology to identify the signals which can be more helpful during the debugging process. A connectivity generation tool is also presented which can map the identified signals to the debugging system. The fourth contribution presents an automated error detection solution which can help in capturing the permanent as well as intermittent errors without continuous monitoring of debugging data. The proposed solution works for designs even in the absence of golden reference. The fifth contribution proposes to use artificial intelligence for post-silicon debugging. We presented a novel idea of using a recurrent neural network for debugging when a golden reference is present for training the network. Furthermore, the idea was also extended to designs where golden reference is not present

    Harnessing Simulation Acceleration to Solve the Digital Design Verification Challenge.

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    Today, design verification is by far the most resource and time-consuming activity of any new digital integrated circuit development. Within this area, the vast majority of the verification effort in industry relies on simulation platforms, which are implemented either in hardware or software. A "simulator" includes a model of each component of a design and has the capability of simulating its behavior under any input scenario provided by an engineer. Thus, simulators are deployed to evaluate the behavior of a design under as many input scenarios as possible and to identify and debug all incorrect functionality. Two features are critical in simulators for the validation effort to be effective: performance and checking/debugging capabilities. A wide range of simulator platforms are available today: on one end of the spectrum there are software-based simulators, providing a very rich software infrastructure for checking and debugging the design's functionality, but executing only at 1-10 simulation cycles per second (while actual chips operate at GHz speeds). At the other end of the spectrum, there are hardware-based platforms, such as accelerators, emulators and even prototype silicon chips, providing higher performances by 4 to 9 orders of magnitude, at the cost of very limited or non-existent checking/debugging capabilities. As a result, today, simulation-based validation is crippled: one can either have satisfactory performance on hardware-accelerated platforms or critical infrastructures for checking/debugging on software simulators, but not both. This dissertation brings together these two ends of the spectrum by presenting solutions that offer high-performance simulation with effective checking and debugging capabilities. Specifically, it addresses the performance challenge of software simulators by leveraging inexpensive off-the-shelf graphics processors as massively parallel execution substrates, and then exposing the parallelism inherent in the design model to that architecture. For hardware-based platforms, the dissertation provides solutions that offer enhanced checking and debugging capabilities by abstracting the relevant data to be logged during simulation so to minimize the cost of collection, transfer and processing. Altogether, the contribution of this dissertation has the potential to solve the challenge of digital design verification by enabling effective high-performance simulation-based validation.PHDComputer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/99781/1/dchatt_1.pd

    Protocol-directed trace signal selection for post-silicon validation

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    Due to the increasing complexity of modern digital designs using NoC (network-on-chip) communication, post-silicon validation has become an arduous task that consumes much of the development time of the product. The process of finding the root cause of bugs during post-silicon validation is very difficult because of the lack of observability of all signals on the chip. To increase observability for post-silicon validation, an effective silicon debug technique is to use an on-chip trace buffer to monitor and capture the circuit response of certain selected signals during its post-silicon operation. However, because of area limitations for debug structures on chip and routing concerns, the signals that are selected to be traced are a very small subset of all available signals. Traditionally, these trace signals were chosen manually by system designers who determined what signals may be needed for debug once the design reaches post-silicon. However, because modern digital designs have become very complex with many concurrent processes, this method is no longer reliable. Recent work has concentrated on automating the selection of low-level signals from a gate-level analysis. But none of them has ever been able to interpret the trace signals as high-level meaningful debugging information. In this work, we present an automated protocol-directed trace selection where the guiding force is the set of system-level protocols. We use a probabilistic formulation to select messages for tracing and then further analyze these solutions. This method produces traces that allow a debugger to observe when behavior has deviated from the correct path of execution and localize this incorrect behavior for further analysis. Most importantly, unlike the previous gate-level analysis based methods, this method can be applied during the chip design phase when most of the debug features are also designed. In addition, this method drastically reduces the time needed to select signals, as we automate a currently manual process

    Cross-Layer Rapid Prototyping and Synthesis of Application-Specific and Reconfigurable Many-accelerator Platforms

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    Technological advances of recent years laid the foundation consolidation of informatisationof society, impacting on economic, political, cultural and socialdimensions. At the peak of this realization, today, more and more everydaydevices are connected to the web, giving the term ”Internet of Things”. The futureholds the full connection and interaction of IT and communications systemsto the natural world, delimiting the transition to natural cyber systems and offeringmeta-services in the physical world, such as personalized medical care, autonomoustransportation, smart energy cities etc. . Outlining the necessities of this dynamicallyevolving market, computer engineers are required to implement computingplatforms that incorporate both increased systemic complexity and also cover awide range of meta-characteristics, such as the cost and design time, reliabilityand reuse, which are prescribed by a conflicting set of functional, technical andconstruction constraints. This thesis aims to address these design challenges bydeveloping methodologies and hardware/software co-design tools that enable therapid implementation and efficient synthesis of architectural solutions, which specifyoperating meta-features required by the modern market. Specifically, this thesispresents a) methodologies to accelerate the design flow for both reconfigurableand application-specific architectures, b) coarse-grain heterogeneous architecturaltemplates for processing and communication acceleration and c) efficient multiobjectivesynthesis techniques both at high abstraction level of programming andphysical silicon level.Regarding to the acceleration of the design flow, the proposed methodologyemploys virtual platforms in order to hide architectural details and drastically reducesimulation time. An extension of this framework introduces the systemicco-simulation using reconfigurable acceleration platforms as co-emulation intermediateplatforms. Thus, the development cycle of a hardware/software productis accelerated by moving from a vertical serial flow to a circular interactive loop.Moreover the simulation capabilities are enriched with efficient detection and correctiontechniques of design errors, as well as control methods of performancemetrics of the system according to the desired specifications, during all phasesof the system development. In orthogonal correlation with the aforementionedmethodological framework, a new architectural template is proposed, aiming atbridging the gap between design complexity and technological productivity usingspecialized hardware accelerators in heterogeneous systems-on-chip and networkon-chip platforms. It is presented a novel co-design methodology for the hardwareaccelerators and their respective programming software, including the tasks allocationto the available resources of the system/network. The introduced frameworkprovides implementation techniques for the accelerators, using either conventionalprogramming flows with hardware description language or abstract programmingmodel flows, using techniques from high-level synthesis. In any case, it is providedthe option of systemic measures optimization, such as the processing speed,the throughput, the reliability, the power consumption and the design silicon area.Finally, on addressing the increased complexity in design tools of reconfigurablesystems, there are proposed novel multi-objective optimization evolutionary algo-rithms which exploit the modern multicore processors and the coarse-grain natureof multithreaded programming environments (e.g. OpenMP) in order to reduce theplacement time, while by simultaneously grouping the applications based on theirintrinsic characteristics, the effectively explore the design space effectively.The efficiency of the proposed architectural templates, design tools and methodologyflows is evaluated in relation to the existing edge solutions with applicationsfrom typical computing domains, such as digital signal processing, multimedia andarithmetic complexity, as well as from systemic heterogeneous environments, suchas a computer vision system for autonomous robotic space navigation and manyacceleratorsystems for HPC and workstations/datacenters. The results strengthenthe belief of the author, that this thesis provides competitive expertise to addresscomplex modern - and projected future - design challenges.Οι τεχνολογικές εξελίξεις των τελευταίων ετών έθεσαν τα θεμέλια εδραίωσης της πληροφοριοποίησης της κοινωνίας, επιδρώντας σε οικονομικές,πολιτικές, πολιτιστικές και κοινωνικές διαστάσεις. Στο απόγειο αυτής τη ςπραγμάτωσης, σήμερα, ολοένα και περισσότερες καθημερινές συσκευές συνδέονται στο παγκόσμιο ιστό, αποδίδοντας τον όρο «Ίντερνετ των πραγμάτων».Το μέλλον επιφυλάσσει την πλήρη σύνδεση και αλληλεπίδραση των συστημάτων πληροφορικής και επικοινωνιών με τον φυσικό κόσμο, οριοθετώντας τη μετάβαση στα συστήματα φυσικού κυβερνοχώρου και προσφέροντας μεταυπηρεσίες στον φυσικό κόσμο όπως προσωποποιημένη ιατρική περίθαλψη, αυτόνομες μετακινήσεις, έξυπνες ενεργειακά πόλεις κ.α. . Σκιαγραφώντας τις ανάγκες αυτής της δυναμικά εξελισσόμενης αγοράς, οι μηχανικοί υπολογιστών καλούνται να υλοποιήσουν υπολογιστικές πλατφόρμες που αφενός ενσωματώνουν αυξημένη συστημική πολυπλοκότητα και αφετέρου καλύπτουν ένα ευρύ φάσμα μεταχαρακτηριστικών, όπως λ.χ. το κόστος σχεδιασμού, ο χρόνος σχεδιασμού, η αξιοπιστία και η επαναχρησιμοποίηση, τα οποία προδιαγράφονται από ένα αντικρουόμενο σύνολο λειτουργικών, τεχνολογικών και κατασκευαστικών περιορισμών. Η παρούσα διατριβή στοχεύει στην αντιμετώπιση των παραπάνω σχεδιαστικών προκλήσεων, μέσω της ανάπτυξης μεθοδολογιών και εργαλείων συνσχεδίασης υλικού/λογισμικού που επιτρέπουν την ταχεία υλοποίηση καθώς και την αποδοτική σύνθεση αρχιτεκτονικών λύσεων, οι οποίες προδιαγράφουν τα μετα-χαρακτηριστικά λειτουργίας που απαιτεί η σύγχρονη αγορά. Συγκεκριμένα, στα πλαίσια αυτής της διατριβής, παρουσιάζονται α) μεθοδολογίες επιτάχυνσης της ροής σχεδιασμού τόσο για επαναδιαμορφούμενες όσο και για εξειδικευμένες αρχιτεκτονικές, β) ετερογενή αδρομερή αρχιτεκτονικά πρότυπα επιτάχυνσης επεξεργασίας και επικοινωνίας και γ) αποδοτικές τεχνικές πολυκριτηριακής σύνθεσης τόσο σε υψηλό αφαιρετικό επίπεδο προγραμματισμού,όσο και σε φυσικό επίπεδο πυριτίου.Αναφορικά προς την επιτάχυνση της ροής σχεδιασμού, προτείνεται μια μεθοδολογία που χρησιμοποιεί εικονικές πλατφόρμες, οι οποίες αφαιρώντας τις αρχιτεκτονικές λεπτομέρειες καταφέρνουν να μειώσουν σημαντικά το χρόνο εξομοίωσης. Παράλληλα, εισηγείται η συστημική συν-εξομοίωση με τη χρήση επαναδιαμορφούμενων πλατφορμών, ως μέσων επιτάχυνσης. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο, ο κύκλος ανάπτυξης ενός προϊόντος υλικού, μετατεθειμένος από την κάθετη σειριακή ροή σε έναν κυκλικό αλληλεπιδραστικό βρόγχο, καθίσταται ταχύτερος, ενώ οι δυνατότητες προσομοίωσης εμπλουτίζονται με αποδοτικότερες μεθόδους εντοπισμού και διόρθωσης σχεδιαστικών σφαλμάτων, καθώς και μεθόδους ελέγχου των μετρικών απόδοσης του συστήματος σε σχέση με τις επιθυμητές προδιαγραφές, σε όλες τις φάσεις ανάπτυξης του συστήματος. Σε ορθογώνια συνάφεια με το προαναφερθέν μεθοδολογικό πλαίσιο, προτείνονται νέα αρχιτεκτονικά πρότυπα που στοχεύουν στη γεφύρωση του χάσματος μεταξύ της σχεδιαστικής πολυπλοκότητας και της τεχνολογικής παραγωγικότητας, με τη χρήση συστημάτων εξειδικευμένων επιταχυντών υλικού σε ετερογενή συστήματα-σε-ψηφίδα καθώς και δίκτυα-σε-ψηφίδα. Παρουσιάζεται κατάλληλη μεθοδολογία συν-σχεδίασης των επιταχυντών υλικού και του λογισμικού προκειμένου να αποφασισθεί η κατανομή των εργασιών στους διαθέσιμους πόρους του συστήματος/δικτύου. Το μεθοδολογικό πλαίσιο προβλέπει την υλοποίηση των επιταχυντών είτε με συμβατικές μεθόδους προγραμματισμού σε γλώσσα περιγραφής υλικού είτε με αφαιρετικό προγραμματιστικό μοντέλο με τη χρήση τεχνικών υψηλού επιπέδου σύνθεσης. Σε κάθε περίπτωση, δίδεται η δυνατότητα στο σχεδιαστή για βελτιστοποίηση συστημικών μετρικών, όπως η ταχύτητα επεξεργασίας, η ρυθμαπόδοση, η αξιοπιστία, η κατανάλωση ενέργειας και η επιφάνεια πυριτίου του σχεδιασμού. Τέλος, προκειμένου να αντιμετωπισθεί η αυξημένη πολυπλοκότητα στα σχεδιαστικά εργαλεία επαναδιαμορφούμενων συστημάτων, προτείνονται νέοι εξελικτικοί αλγόριθμοι πολυκριτηριακής βελτιστοποίησης, οι οποίοι εκμεταλλευόμενοι τους σύγχρονους πολυπύρηνους επεξεργαστές και την αδρομερή φύση των πολυνηματικών περιβαλλόντων προγραμματισμού (π.χ. OpenMP), μειώνουν το χρόνο επίλυσης του προβλήματος της τοποθέτησης των λογικών πόρων σε φυσικούς,ενώ ταυτόχρονα, ομαδοποιώντας τις εφαρμογές βάση των εγγενών χαρακτηριστικών τους, διερευνούν αποτελεσματικότερα το χώρο σχεδίασης.Η αποδοτικότητά των προτεινόμενων αρχιτεκτονικών προτύπων και μεθοδολογιών επαληθεύτηκε σε σχέση με τις υφιστάμενες λύσεις αιχμής τόσο σε αυτοτελής εφαρμογές, όπως η ψηφιακή επεξεργασία σήματος, τα πολυμέσα και τα προβλήματα αριθμητικής πολυπλοκότητας, καθώς και σε συστημικά ετερογενή περιβάλλοντα, όπως ένα σύστημα όρασης υπολογιστών για αυτόνομα διαστημικά ρομποτικά οχήματα και ένα σύστημα πολλαπλών επιταχυντών υλικού για σταθμούς εργασίας και κέντρα δεδομένων, στοχεύοντας εφαρμογές υψηλής υπολογιστικής απόδοσης (HPC). Τα αποτελέσματα ενισχύουν την πεποίθηση του γράφοντα, ότι η παρούσα διατριβή παρέχει ανταγωνιστική τεχνογνωσία για την αντιμετώπιση των πολύπλοκων σύγχρονων και προβλεπόμενα μελλοντικών σχεδιαστικών προκλήσεων

    Reining in the Functional Verification of Complex Processor Designs with Automation, Prioritization, and Approximation

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    Our quest for faster and efficient computing devices has led us to processor designs with enormous complexity. As a result, functional verification, which is the process of ascertaining the correctness of a processor design, takes up a lion's share of the time and cost spent on making processors. Unfortunately, functional verification is only a best-effort process that cannot completely guarantee the correctness of a design, often resulting in defective products that may have devastating consequences.Functional verification, as practiced today, is unable to cope with the complexity of current and future processor designs. In this dissertation, we identify extensive automation as the essential step towards scalable functional verification of complex processor designs. Moreover, recognizing that a complete guarantee of design correctness is impossible, we argue for systematic prioritization and prudent approximation to realize fast and far-reaching functional verification solutions. We partition the functional verification effort into three major activities: planning and test generation, test execution and bug detection, and bug diagnosis. Employing a perspective we refer to as the automation, prioritization, and approximation (APA) approach, we develop solutions that tackle challenges across these three major activities. In pursuit of efficient planning and test generation for modern systems-on-chips, we develop an automated process for identifying high-priority design aspects for verification. In addition, we enable the creation of compact test programs, which, in our experiments, were up to 11 times smaller than what would otherwise be available at the beginning of the verification effort. To tackle challenges in test execution and bug detection, we develop a group of solutions that enable the deployment of automatic and robust mechanisms for catching design flaws during high-speed functional verification. By trading accuracy for speed, these solutions allow us to unleash functional verification platforms that are over three orders of magnitude faster than traditional platforms, unearthing design flaws that are otherwise impossible to reach. Finally, we address challenges in bug diagnosis through a solution that fully automates the process of pinpointing flawed design components after detecting an error. Our solution, which identifies flawed design units with over 70% accuracy, eliminates weeks of diagnosis effort for every detected error.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/137057/1/birukw_1.pd

    Platform-based design, test and fast verification flow for mixed-signal systems on chip

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    This research is providing methodologies to enhance the design phase from architectural space exploration and system study to verification of the whole mixed-signal system. At the beginning of the work, some innovative digital IPs have been designed to develop efficient signal conditioning for sensor systems on-chip that has been included in commercial products. After this phase, the main focus has been addressed to the creation of a re-usable and versatile test of the device after the tape-out which is close to become one of the major cost factor for ICs companies, strongly linking it to model’s test-benches to avoid re-design phases and multi-environment scenarios, producing a very effective approach to a single, fast and reliable multi-level verification environment. All these works generated different publications in scientific literature. The compound scenario concerning the development of sensor systems is presented in Chapter 1, together with an overview of the related market with a particular focus on the latest MEMS and MOEMS technology devices, and their applications in various segments. Chapter 2 introduces the state of the art for sensor interfaces: the generic sensor interface concept (based on sharing the same electronics among similar applications achieving cost saving at the expense of area and performance loss) versus the Platform Based Design methodology, which overcomes the drawbacks of the classic solution by keeping the generality at the highest design layers and customizing the platform for a target sensor achieving optimized performances. An evolution of Platform Based Design achieved by implementation into silicon of the ISIF (Intelligent Sensor InterFace) platform is therefore presented. ISIF is a highly configurable mixed-signal chip which allows designers to perform an effective design space exploration and to evaluate directly on silicon the system performances avoiding the critical and time consuming analysis required by standard platform based approach. In chapter 3 we describe the design of a smart sensor interface for conditioning next generation MOEMS. The adoption of a new, high performance and high integrated technology allow us to integrate not only a versatile platform but also a powerful ARM processor and various IPs providing the possibility to use the platform not only as a conditioning platform but also as a processing unit for the application. In this chapter a description of the various blocks is given, with a particular emphasis on the IP developed in order to grant the highest grade of flexibility with the minimum area occupation. The architectural space evaluation and the application prototyping with ISIF has enabled an effective, rapid and low risk development of a new high performance platform achieving a flexible sensor system for MEMS and MOEMS monitoring and conditioning. The platform has been design to cover very challenging test-benches, like a laser-based projector device. In this way the platform will not only be able to effectively handle the sensor but also all the system that can be built around it, reducing the needed for further electronics and resulting in an efficient test bench for the algorithm developed to drive the system. The high costs in ASIC development are mainly related to re-design phases because of missing complete top-level tests. Analog and digital parts design flows are separately verified. Starting from these considerations, in the last chapter a complete test environment for complex mixed-signal chips is presented. A semi-automatic VHDL-AMS flow to provide totally matching top-level is described and then, an evolution for fast self-checking test development for both model and real chip verification is proposed. By the introduction of a Python interface, the designer can easily perform interactive tests to cover all the features verification (e.g. calibration and trimming) into the design phase and check them all with the same environment on the real chip after the tape-out. This strategy has been tested on a consumer 3D-gyro for consumer application, in collaboration with SensorDynamics AG

    An OpenCL software compilation framework targeting an SoC-FPGA VLIW chip multiprocessor

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    Modern systems-on-chip augment their baseline CPU with coprocessors and accelerators to increase overall computational capability and power efficiency, and thus have evolved into heterogeneous multi-core systems. Several languages have been developed to enable this paradigm shift, including CUDA and OpenCL. This paper discusses a unified compilation environment to enable heterogeneous system design through the use of OpenCL and a highly configurable VLIW Chip Multiprocessor architecture known as the LE1. An LLVM compilation framework was researched and a prototype developed to enable the execution of OpenCL applications on a number of hardware configurations of the LE1 CMP. The presented OpenCL framework fully automates the compilation flow and supports work-item coalescing which better maps onto the ILP processor cores of the LE1 architecture. This paper discusses in detail both the software stack and target hardware architecture and evaluates the scalability of the proposed framework by running 12 industry-standard OpenCL benchmarks drawn from the AMD SDK and the Rodinia suites. The benchmarks are executed on 40 LE1 configurations with 10 implemented on an SoC-FPGA and the remaining on a cycle-accurate simulator. Across 12 OpenCL benchmarks results demonstrate near-linear wall-clock performance improvement of 1.8x (using 2 dual-issue cores), up to 5.2x (using 8 dual-issue cores) and on one case, super-linear improvement of 8.4x (FixOffset kernel, 8 dual-issue cores). The number of OpenCL benchmarks evaluated makes this study one of the most complete in the literature

    Error Detection and Diagnosis for System-on-Chip in Space Applications

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    Tesis por compendio de publicacionesLos componentes electrónicos comerciales, comúnmente llamados componentes Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) están presentes en multitud de dispositivos habituales en nuestro día a día. Particularmente, el uso de microprocesadores y sistemas en chip (SoC) altamente integrados ha favorecido la aparición de dispositivos electrónicos cada vez más inteligentes que sostienen el estilo de vida y el avance de la sociedad moderna. Su uso se ha generalizado incluso en aquellos sistemas que se consideran críticos para la seguridad, como vehículos, aviones, armamento, dispositivos médicos, implantes o centrales eléctricas. En cualquiera de ellos, un fallo podría tener graves consecuencias humanas o económicas. Sin embargo, todos los sistemas electrónicos conviven constantemente con factores internos y externos que pueden provocar fallos en su funcionamiento. La capacidad de un sistema para funcionar correctamente en presencia de fallos se denomina tolerancia a fallos, y es un requisito en el diseño y operación de sistemas críticos. Los vehículos espaciales como satélites o naves espaciales también hacen uso de microprocesadores para operar de forma autónoma o semi autónoma durante su vida útil, con la dificultad añadida de que no pueden ser reparados en órbita, por lo que se consideran sistemas críticos. Además, las duras condiciones existentes en el espacio, y en particular los efectos de la radiación, suponen un gran desafío para el correcto funcionamiento de los dispositivos electrónicos. Concretamente, los fallos transitorios provocados por radiación (conocidos como soft errors) tienen el potencial de ser una de las mayores amenazas para la fiabilidad de un sistema en el espacio. Las misiones espaciales de gran envergadura, típicamente financiadas públicamente como en el caso de la NASA o la Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA), han tenido históricamente como requisito evitar el riesgo a toda costa por encima de cualquier restricción de coste o plazo. Por ello, la selección de componentes resistentes a la radiación (rad-hard) específicamente diseñados para su uso en el espacio ha sido la metodología imperante en el paradigma que hoy podemos denominar industria espacial tradicional, u Old Space. Sin embargo, los componentes rad-hard tienen habitualmente un coste mucho más alto y unas prestaciones mucho menores que otros componentes COTS equivalentes. De hecho, los componentes COTS ya han sido utilizados satisfactoriamente en misiones de la NASA o la ESA cuando las prestaciones requeridas por la misión no podían ser cubiertas por ningún componente rad-hard existente. En los últimos años, el acceso al espacio se está facilitando debido en gran parte a la entrada de empresas privadas en la industria espacial. Estas empresas no siempre buscan evitar el riesgo a toda costa, sino que deben perseguir una rentabilidad económica, por lo que hacen un balance entre riesgo, coste y plazo mediante gestión del riesgo en un paradigma denominado Nuevo Espacio o New Space. Estas empresas a menudo están interesadas en entregar servicios basados en el espacio con las máximas prestaciones y el mayor beneficio posibles, para lo cual los componentes rad-hard son menos atractivos debido a su mayor coste y menores prestaciones que los componentes COTS existentes. Sin embargo, los componentes COTS no han sido específicamente diseñados para su uso en el espacio y típicamente no incluyen técnicas específicas para evitar que los efectos de la radiación afecten su funcionamiento. Los componentes COTS se comercializan tal cual son, y habitualmente no es posible modificarlos para mejorar su resistencia a la radiación. Además, los elevados niveles de integración de los sistemas en chip (SoC) complejos de altas prestaciones dificultan su observación y la aplicación de técnicas de tolerancia a fallos. Este problema es especialmente relevante en el caso de los microprocesadores. Por tanto, existe un gran interés en el desarrollo de técnicas que permitan conocer y mejorar el comportamiento de los microprocesadores COTS bajo radiación sin modificar su arquitectura y sin interferir en su funcionamiento para facilitar su uso en el espacio y con ello maximizar las prestaciones de las misiones espaciales presentes y futuras. En esta Tesis se han desarrollado técnicas novedosas para detectar, diagnosticar y mitigar los errores producidos por radiación en microprocesadores y sistemas en chip (SoC) comerciales, utilizando la interfaz de traza como punto de observación. La interfaz de traza es un recurso habitual en los microprocesadores modernos, principalmente enfocado a soportar las tareas de desarrollo y depuración del software durante la fase de diseño. Sin embargo, una vez el desarrollo ha concluido, la interfaz de traza típicamente no se utiliza durante la fase operativa del sistema, por lo que puede ser reutilizada sin coste. La interfaz de traza constituye un punto de conexión viable para observar el comportamiento de un microprocesador de forma no intrusiva y sin interferir en su funcionamiento. Como resultado de esta Tesis se ha desarrollado un módulo IP capaz de recabar y decodificar la información de traza de un microprocesador COTS moderno de altas prestaciones. El IP es altamente configurable y personalizable para adaptarse a diferentes aplicaciones y tipos de procesadores. Ha sido diseñado y validado utilizando el dispositivo Zynq-7000 de Xilinx como plataforma de desarrollo, que constituye un dispositivo COTS de interés en la industria espacial. Este dispositivo incluye un procesador ARM Cortex-A9 de doble núcleo, que es representativo del conjunto de microprocesadores hard-core modernos de altas prestaciones. El IP resultante es compatible con la tecnología ARM CoreSight, que proporciona acceso a información de traza en los microprocesadores ARM. El IP incorpora técnicas para detectar errores en el flujo de ejecución y en los datos de la aplicación ejecutada utilizando la información de traza, en tiempo real y con muy baja latencia. El IP se ha validado en campañas de inyección de fallos y también en radiación con protones y neutrones en instalaciones especializadas. También se ha combinado con otras técnicas de tolerancia a fallos para construir técnicas híbridas de mitigación de errores. Los resultados experimentales obtenidos demuestran su alta capacidad de detección y potencialidad en el diagnóstico de errores producidos por radiación. El resultado de esta Tesis, desarrollada en el marco de un Doctorado Industrial entre la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) y la empresa Arquimea, se ha transferido satisfactoriamente al entorno empresarial en forma de un proyecto financiado por la Agencia Espacial Europea para continuar su desarrollo y posterior explotación.Commercial electronic components, also known as Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS), are present in a wide variety of devices commonly used in our daily life. Particularly, the use of microprocessors and highly integrated System-on-Chip (SoC) devices has fostered the advent of increasingly intelligent electronic devices which sustain the lifestyles and the progress of modern society. Microprocessors are present even in safety-critical systems, such as vehicles, planes, weapons, medical devices, implants, or power plants. In any of these cases, a fault could involve severe human or economic consequences. However, every electronic system deals continuously with internal and external factors that could provoke faults in its operation. The capacity of a system to operate correctly in presence of faults is known as fault-tolerance, and it becomes a requirement in the design and operation of critical systems. Space vehicles such as satellites or spacecraft also incorporate microprocessors to operate autonomously or semi-autonomously during their service life, with the additional difficulty that they cannot be repaired once in-orbit, so they are considered critical systems. In addition, the harsh conditions in space, and specifically radiation effects, involve a big challenge for the correct operation of electronic devices. In particular, radiation-induced soft errors have the potential to become one of the major risks for the reliability of systems in space. Large space missions, typically publicly funded as in the case of NASA or European Space Agency (ESA), have followed historically the requirement to avoid the risk at any expense, regardless of any cost or schedule restriction. Because of that, the selection of radiation-resistant components (known as rad-hard) specifically designed to be used in space has been the dominant methodology in the paradigm of traditional space industry, also known as “Old Space”. However, rad-hard components have commonly a much higher associated cost and much lower performance that other equivalent COTS devices. In fact, COTS components have already been used successfully by NASA and ESA in missions that requested such high performance that could not be satisfied by any available rad-hard component. In the recent years, the access to space is being facilitated in part due to the irruption of private companies in the space industry. Such companies do not always seek to avoid the risk at any cost, but they must pursue profitability, so they perform a trade-off between risk, cost, and schedule through risk management in a paradigm known as “New Space”. Private companies are often interested in deliver space-based services with the maximum performance and maximum benefit as possible. With such objective, rad-hard components are less attractive than COTS due to their higher cost and lower performance. However, COTS components have not been specifically designed to be used in space and typically they do not include specific techniques to avoid or mitigate the radiation effects in their operation. COTS components are commercialized “as is”, so it is not possible to modify them to improve their susceptibility to radiation effects. Moreover, the high levels of integration of complex, high-performance SoC devices hinder their observability and the application of fault-tolerance techniques. This problem is especially relevant in the case of microprocessors. Thus, there is a growing interest in the development of techniques allowing to understand and improve the behavior of COTS microprocessors under radiation without modifying their architecture and without interfering with their operation. Such techniques may facilitate the use of COTS components in space and maximize the performance of present and future space missions. In this Thesis, novel techniques have been developed to detect, diagnose, and mitigate radiation-induced errors in COTS microprocessors and SoCs using the trace interface as an observation point. The trace interface is a resource commonly found in modern microprocessors, mainly intended to support software development and debugging activities during the design phase. However, it is commonly left unused during the operational phase of the system, so it can be reused with no cost. The trace interface constitutes a feasible connection point to observe microprocessor behavior in a non-intrusive manner and without disturbing processor operation. As a result of this Thesis, an IP module has been developed capable to gather and decode the trace information of a modern, high-end, COTS microprocessor. The IP is highly configurable and customizable to support different applications and processor types. The IP has been designed and validated using the Xilinx Zynq-7000 device as a development platform, which is an interesting COTS device for the space industry. This device features a dual-core ARM Cortex-A9 processor, which is a good representative of modern, high-end, hard-core microprocessors. The resulting IP is compatible with the ARM CoreSight technology, which enables access to trace information in ARM microprocessors. The IP is able to detect errors in the execution flow of the microprocessor and in the application data using trace information, in real time and with very low latency. The IP has been validated in fault injection campaigns and also under proton and neutron irradiation campaigns in specialized facilities. It has also been combined with other fault-tolerance techniques to build hybrid error mitigation approaches. Experimental results demonstrate its high detection capabilities and high potential for the diagnosis of radiation-induced errors. The result of this Thesis, developed in the framework of an Industrial Ph.D. between the University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M) and the company Arquimea, has been successfully transferred to the company business as a project sponsored by European Space Agency to continue its development and subsequent commercialization.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidenta: María Luisa López Vallejo.- Secretario: Enrique San Millán Heredia.- Vocal: Luigi Di Lill

    Caracterización y optimización térmica de sistemas en chip mediante emulación con FPGAs

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, Departamento de Arquitectura de Computadores y Automática, leída el 15/06/2012Tablets and smartphones are some of the many intelligent devices that dominate the consumer electronics market. These systems are complex to design as they must execute multiple applications (e.g.: real-time video processing, 3D games, or wireless communications), while meeting additional design constraints, such as low energy consumption, reduced implementation size and, of course, a short time-to-market. Internally, they rely on Multi-processor Systems on Chip (MPSoCs) as their main processing cores, to meet the tight design constraints: performance, size, power consumption, etc. In a bad design, the high logic density may generate hotspots that compromise the chip reliability. This thesis introduces a FPGA-based emulation framework for easy exploration of SoC design alternatives. It provides fast and accurate estimations of performance, power, temperature, and reliability in one unified flow, to help designers tune their system architecture before going to silicon.El estado del arte, en lo que a diseño de chips para empotrados se refiere, se encuentra dominado por los multi-procesadores en chip, o MPSoCs. Son complejos de diseñar y presentan problemas de disipación de potencia, de temperatura, y de fiabilidad. En este contexto, esta tesis propone una nueva plataforma de emulación para facilitar la exploración del enorme espacio de diseño. La plataforma utiliza una FPGA de propósito general para acelerar la emulación, lo cual le da una ventaja competitiva frente a los simuladores arquitectónicos software, que son mucho más lentos. Los datos obtenidos de la ejecución en la FPGA son enviados a un PC que contiene bibliotecas (modelos) SW para calcular el comportamiento (e.g.: la temperatura, el rendimiento, etc...) que tendría el chip final. La parte experimental está enfocada a dos puntos: por un lado, a verificar que el sistema funciona correctamente y, por otro, a demostrar la utilidad del entorno para realizar exploraciones que muestren los efectos a largo plazo que suceden dentro del chip, como puede ser la evolución de la temperatura, que es un fenómeno lento que normalmente requiere de costosas simulaciones software.Depto. de Arquitectura de Computadores y AutomáticaFac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Investigation of a GaN-Based Power Supply Topology Utilizing Solid State Transformer for Low Power Applications

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    Gallium nitride (GaN) power devices exhibit a much lower gate capacitance for a similar on-resistance than its silicon counterparts, making it highly desirable for high-frequency operation in switching converters, which leads to their significant benefits on power density, cost, and system volume. High-density switching converters are being realized with GaN power devices due to their high switching speeds that reduce the size of energy-storage circuit components. The purpose of this dissertation research is to investigate a new isolated GaN AC/DC switching converter based on solid-state transformer configuration with a totem-pole power factor corrector (PFC) front-end, a half-bridge series-resonant converter (SRC) for power conversion, and a current-doubler rectifier (CDR) at its output. A new equivalent circuit model for the converter is constructed consisting of a loss-free resistor model for the PFC rectifier with first harmonic approximation model for the SRC and the CDR. Then, state-space analysis is performed to derive the converter transfer function in order to design the controllers to yield sufficient phase margins. The converter offers the advantages of voltage regulation feature of the solid-state transformer, low harmonics and close-to-unity power factor of the PFC rectifier, soft-switching of the half-bridge SRC, reduced size of the high-frequency transformer, and smaller leakage inductance of the CDR which is used for low-voltage high-current applications as the CDR draws half of the load current in the transformer secondary side yielding less copper losses. A high-frequency nanocrystalline toroid transformer, based on a modified equation to determine its leakage inductance, is designed and fabricated to satisfy the performance specifications of the converter. A meticulously planned gate driving strategy together with a Kelvin-source return circuitry is used to mitigate Miller effects, minimize gate ringing, and minimize the parasitics of the pull-down and pull-up loops of the converter. A new programming method that combines MATLAB Simulink embedded coder with code composer studio for the TMS320F28335 digital signal processor (DSP) controller is developed and demonstrated. Finally, the GaN-based AC/DC converter is experimentally verified for a 120Vac to 48Vdc/60Vdc conversion operating at 100 kHz for various loadings