715 research outputs found

    Optimal quantum control of atomic wave packets in optical lattices

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    In this work, I investigate the motional control and the transport of single neutral atoms trapped in an optical conveyor belt. The main goal is to prepare the atoms in the vibrational ground state of the trapping potential with high efficiency and keep the atoms in this state after fast non-adiabatic transport. In this group, the conveyor belt is used in two systems: (i) In an atom-cavity system, the three-dimensional ground state is prepared by means of carrier-free Raman sideband cooling for the first time. (ii) I use one-dimensional microwave sideband cooling in a state-dependent optical lattice and analyze with a new temperature model the influence of the anharmonic shape of the trapping potential. In the next step, I present a numerical simulation of atom transport. Optimal quantum control theory is used to find transport sequences for different durations without heating atoms out of the ground state. The measurements with these new sequences demonstrate that atoms can be transported by a factor two faster, with higher fidelity and robustness against experimental imperfections. Additionally, I analyze the dynamics of atom transport for sequences of multiple transport steps, which are required for quantum walk experiments. A proof-of-principle measurement demonstrates open-loop live feedback optimization of transport sequences with the experiment. This technique can further compensate experimental imperfections that are not taken into account in the numerical calculation. In the last part, I examine the fundamental limit of fast atom transport, the so-called quantum speed limit. It is defined as the minimum time that a quantum state requires to evolve into an orthogonal one. I investigate the dependencies of this boundary on different trap depths and the finite radial temperature

    Low-Power High-Data-Rate Transmitter Design for Biomedical Application

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    The Design of Low Power Ultra-Wideband Transceiver

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    Signal constellation and carrier recovery technique for voice-band modems

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    Quantitative voltage contrast test and measurement system

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    Evaluation of quadrature signal generation methods with reduced computational resources for grid synchronization of single-phase power converters through phase-locked loops

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    Low-cost single-phase grid connected converters require synchronization with the grid voltage to obtain a better response and protection under diverse conditions, such as frequency perturbations and distortion. Phase-locked loops (PLLs) have been used in this scenario. This paper describes a set of quadrature signal generators for single-phase PLLs; compares the performances by means of simulation tests considering diverse operation conditions of the electrical grid; proposes strategies to reduce the computational burden, considering fixed-point digital implementations; and provides both descriptive and quantitative comparisons of the required mathematical operations and memory units for implementation of the analyzed single-phase PLLs.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under Project RTI2018-095138-B-C31 PEGIA—Power Electronics for the Grid and Industry Applications

    Injection locked ring oscillator design for application in Direct Time of Flight LIDAR

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    Diplomová práce přibližuje systémy LIDAR přímo měřící čas průletu a časově digitální převodníky určené k použití v těchto systémech. Představuje problematiku distribuce hodinových signálů napříč soubory časově digitálních převodníků v LIDAR systémech a věnuje se jednomu z nových řešení této problematiky, které je založené na injekcí zavěšených oscilátorech. Technika injekčního zavěšení oscilátorů je důkladně matematicky popsána. V programu Matlab byl vytvořen simulační model injekcí zavěšeného kruhového oscilátoru, který potvrzuje správnost uvedených analytických predikcí. Ve výrobní technologii ONK65 byl navržen injekcí zavěšený kruhový oscilátor stabilizovaný pomocí smyčky závěsu zpoždění, určený pro implementaci časově digitálního převodníku pro systém LIDAR. Navržený injekcí zavěšený kruhový oscilátor byl verifikován počítačovými simulacemi zohledňujícími vliv procesních, napěťových i teplotních variací. Oscilátor poskytuje specifikované časové rozlišení 50 pikosekund a dosahuje dvakrát nižší hodnoty fázového neklidu než ekvivalentní volnoběžný oscilátor v dané technologii.The diploma thesis provides an introduction to Direct Time of Flight LIDAR systems and Time to Digital Converters used in these systems. It discusses the problem of clock distribution in LIDAR Time to Digital Converter arrays, and examines one of the possible solutions to this problem based on injection locked oscillators. The injection locking phenomenon is thoroughly mathematically described and a Matlab model of an injection locked ring oscillator is presented, confirming the analytic predictions. In ONK65 processing technology, an injection locked ring oscillator biased by a delay locked loop meant specifically for application in Time to Digital Converters for LIDAR systems has been designed. The designed oscillator has been verified by computer simulations taking process, voltage and temperature variations into account and offers specified time resolution of 50 picosecond as well as two times less clock jitter than an equivalent free-running oscillator in the given processing technology.