211 research outputs found

    Bringing UMAP Closer to the Speed of Light with GPU Acceleration

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    The Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) algorithm has become widely popular for its ease of use, quality of results, and support for exploratory, unsupervised, supervised, and semi-supervised learning. While many algorithms can be ported to a GPU in a simple and direct fashion, such efforts have resulted in inefficient and inaccurate versions of UMAP. We show a number of techniques that can be used to make a faster and more faithful GPU version of UMAP, and obtain speedups of up to 100x in practice. Many of these design choices/lessons are general purpose and may inform the conversion of other graph and manifold learning algorithms to use GPUs. Our implementation has been made publicly available as part of the open source RAPIDS cuML library (https://github.com/rapidsai/cuml)

    Evolving Clustering Algorithms And Their Application For Condition Monitoring, Diagnostics, & Prognostics

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    Applications of Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM) technology requires effective yet generic data driven methods capable of carrying out diagnostics and prognostics tasks without detailed domain knowledge and human intervention. Improved system availability, operational safety, and enhanced logistics and supply chain performance could be achieved, with the widespread deployment of CBM, at a lower cost level. This dissertation focuses on the development of a Mutual Information based Recursive Gustafson-Kessel-Like (MIRGKL) clustering algorithm which operates recursively to identify underlying model structure and parameters from stream type data. Inspired by the Evolving Gustafson-Kessel-like Clustering (eGKL) algorithm, we applied the notion of mutual information to the well-known Mahalanobis distance as the governing similarity measure throughout. This is also a special case of the Kullback-Leibler (KL) Divergence where between-cluster shape information (governed by the determinant and trace of the covariance matrix) is omitted and is only applicable in the case of normally distributed data. In the cluster assignment and consolidation process, we proposed the use of the Chi-square statistic with the provision of having different probability thresholds. Due to the symmetry and boundedness property brought in by the mutual information formulation, we have shown with real-world data that the algorithm’s performance becomes less sensitive to the same range of probability thresholds which makes system tuning a simpler task in practice. As a result, improvement demonstrated by the proposed algorithm has implications in improving generic data driven methods for diagnostics, prognostics, generic function approximations and knowledge extractions for stream type of data. The work in this dissertation demonstrates MIRGKL’s effectiveness in clustering and knowledge representation and shows promising results in diagnostics and prognostics applications

    Building environmentally-aware classifiers on streaming data

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    The three biggest challenges currently faced in machine learning, in our estimation, are the staggering quantity of data we wish to analyze, the incredibly small proportion of these data that are labeled, and the apparent lack of interest in creating algorithms that continually learn during inference. An unsupervised streaming approach addresses all three of these challenges, storing only a finite amount of information to model an unbounded dataset and adapting to new structures as they arise. Specifically, we are motivated by automated target recognition (ATR) in synthetic aperture sonar (SAS) imagery, the problem of finding explosive hazards on the sea oor. It has been shown that the performance of ATR can be improved by, instead of using a single classifier for the entire ATR task, creating several specialized classifers and fusing their predictions [44]. The prevailing opinion seems be that one should have different classifiers for varying complexity of sea oor [74], but we hypothesize that fusing classifiers based on sea bottom type will yield higher accuracy and better lend itself to making explainable classification decisions. The first step of building such a system is developing a robust framework for online texture classification, the topic of this research. xi In this work, we improve upon StreamSoNG [85], an existing algorithm for streaming data analysis (SDA) that models each structure in the data with a neural gas [69] and detects new structures by clustering an outlier list with the possibilistic 1-means [62] (P1M) algorithm. We call the modified algorithm StreamSoNGv2, denoting that it is the second version, or verse, if you will, of StreamSoNG. Notable improvements include detection of arbitrarily-shaped clusters by using DBSCAN [37] instead of P1M, using growing neural gas [43] to model each structure with an adaptive number of prototypes, and an automated approach to estimate the n parameters. Furthermore, we propose a novel algorithm called single-pass possibilistic clustering (SPC) for solving the same task. SPC maintains a fixed number of structures to model the data stream. These structures can be updated and merged based only on their "footprints", that is, summary statistics that contain all of the information from the stream needed by the algorithm without directly maintaining the entire stream. SPC is built on a damped window framework, allowing the user to balance the weight between old and new points in the stream with a decay factor parameter. We evaluate the two algorithms under consideration against four state of the art SDA algorithms from the literature on several synthetic datasets and two texture datasets: one real (KTH-TIPS2b [68]) and xii one simulated. The simulated dataset, a significant research effort in itself, is of our own construction in Unreal Engine and contains on the order of 6,000 images at 720 x 720 resolution from six different texture types. Our hope is that the methodology developed here will be effective texture classifiers for use not only in underwater scene understanding, but also in improving performance of ATR algorithms by providing a context in which the potential target is embedded.Includes bibliographical references

    Advanced Fault Diagnosis and Health Monitoring Techniques for Complex Engineering Systems

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    Over the last few decades, the field of fault diagnostics and structural health management has been experiencing rapid developments. The reliability, availability, and safety of engineering systems can be significantly improved by implementing multifaceted strategies of in situ diagnostics and prognostics. With the development of intelligence algorithms, smart sensors, and advanced data collection and modeling techniques, this challenging research area has been receiving ever-increasing attention in both fundamental research and engineering applications. This has been strongly supported by the extensive applications ranging from aerospace, automotive, transport, manufacturing, and processing industries to defense and infrastructure industries

    Machine learning for network based intrusion detection: an investigation into discrepancies in findings with the KDD cup '99 data set and multi-objective evolution of neural network classifier ensembles from imbalanced data.

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    For the last decade it has become commonplace to evaluate machine learning techniques for network based intrusion detection on the KDD Cup '99 data set. This data set has served well to demonstrate that machine learning can be useful in intrusion detection. However, it has undergone some criticism in the literature, and it is out of date. Therefore, some researchers question the validity of the findings reported based on this data set. Furthermore, as identified in this thesis, there are also discrepancies in the findings reported in the literature. In some cases the results are contradictory. Consequently, it is difficult to analyse the current body of research to determine the value in the findings. This thesis reports on an empirical investigation to determine the underlying causes of the discrepancies. Several methodological factors, such as choice of data subset, validation method and data preprocessing, are identified and are found to affect the results significantly. These findings have also enabled a better interpretation of the current body of research. Furthermore, the criticisms in the literature are addressed and future use of the data set is discussed, which is important since researchers continue to use it due to a lack of better publicly available alternatives. Due to the nature of the intrusion detection domain, there is an extreme imbalance among the classes in the KDD Cup '99 data set, which poses a significant challenge to machine learning. In other domains, researchers have demonstrated that well known techniques such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Decision Trees (DTs) often fail to learn the minor class(es) due to class imbalance. However, this has not been recognized as an issue in intrusion detection previously. This thesis reports on an empirical investigation that demonstrates that it is the class imbalance that causes the poor detection of some classes of intrusion reported in the literature. An alternative approach to training ANNs is proposed in this thesis, using Genetic Algorithms (GAs) to evolve the weights of the ANNs, referred to as an Evolutionary Neural Network (ENN). When employing evaluation functions that calculate the fitness proportionally to the instances of each class, thereby avoiding a bias towards the major class(es) in the data set, significantly improved true positive rates are obtained whilst maintaining a low false positive rate. These findings demonstrate that the issues of learning from imbalanced data are not due to limitations of the ANNs; rather the training algorithm. Moreover, the ENN is capable of detecting a class of intrusion that has been reported in the literature to be undetectable by ANNs. One limitation of the ENN is a lack of control of the classification trade-off the ANNs obtain. This is identified as a general issue with current approaches to creating classifiers. Striving to create a single best classifier that obtains the highest accuracy may give an unfruitful classification trade-off, which is demonstrated clearly in this thesis. Therefore, an extension of the ENN is proposed, using a Multi-Objective GA (MOGA), which treats the classification rate on each class as a separate objective. This approach produces a Pareto front of non-dominated solutions that exhibit different classification trade-offs, from which the user can select one with the desired properties. The multi-objective approach is also utilised to evolve classifier ensembles, which yields an improved Pareto front of solutions. Furthermore, the selection of classifier members for the ensembles is investigated, demonstrating how this affects the performance of the resultant ensembles. This is a key to explaining why some classifier combinations fail to give fruitful solutions

    Computational Intelligence in Electromyography Analysis

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    Electromyography (EMG) is a technique for evaluating and recording the electrical activity produced by skeletal muscles. EMG may be used clinically for the diagnosis of neuromuscular problems and for assessing biomechanical and motor control deficits and other functional disorders. Furthermore, it can be used as a control signal for interfacing with orthotic and/or prosthetic devices or other rehabilitation assists. This book presents an updated overview of signal processing applications and recent developments in EMG from a number of diverse aspects and various applications in clinical and experimental research. It will provide readers with a detailed introduction to EMG signal processing techniques and applications, while presenting several new results and explanation of existing algorithms. This book is organized into 18 chapters, covering the current theoretical and practical approaches of EMG research

    Graph set data mining

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    Graphs are among the most versatile abstract data types in computer science. With the variety comes great adoption in various application fields, such as chemistry, biology, social analysis, logistics, and computer science itself. With the growing capacities of digital storage, the collection of large amounts of data has become the norm in many application fields. Data mining, i.e., the automated extraction of non-trivial patterns from data, is a key step to extract knowledge from these datasets and generate value. This thesis is dedicated to concurrent scalable data mining algorithms beyond traditional notions of efficiency for large-scale datasets of small labeled graphs; more precisely, structural clustering and representative subgraph pattern mining. It is motivated by, but not limited to, the need to analyze molecular libraries of ever-increasing size in the drug discovery process. Structural clustering makes use of graph theoretical concepts, such as (common) subgraph isomorphisms and frequent subgraphs, to model cluster commonalities directly in the application domain. It is considered computationally demanding for non-restricted graph classes and with very few exceptions prior algorithms are only suitable for very small datasets. This thesis discusses the first truly scalable structural clustering algorithm StruClus with linear worst-case complexity. At the same time, StruClus embraces the inherent values of structural clustering algorithms, i.e., interpretable, consistent, and high-quality results. A novel two-fold sampling strategy with stochastic error bounds for frequent subgraph mining is presented. It enables fast extraction of cluster commonalities in the form of common subgraph representative sets. StruClus is the first structural clustering algorithm with a directed selection of structural cluster-representative patterns regarding homogeneity and separation aspects in the high-dimensional subgraph pattern space. Furthermore, a novel concept of cluster homogeneity balancing using dynamically-sized representatives is discussed. The second part of this thesis discusses the representative subgraph pattern mining problem in more general terms. A novel objective function maximizes the number of represented graphs for a cardinality-constrained representative set. It is shown that the problem is a special case of the maximum coverage problem and is NP-hard. Based on the greedy approximation of Nemhauser, Wolsey, and Fisher for submodular set function maximization a novel sampling approach is presented. It mines candidate sets that contain an optimal greedy solution with a probabilistic maximum error. This leads to a constant-time algorithm to generate the candidate sets given a fixed-size sample of the dataset. In combination with a cheap single-pass streaming evaluation of the candidate sets, this enables scalability to datasets with billions of molecules on a single machine. Ultimately, the sampling approach leads to the first distributed subgraph pattern mining algorithm that distributes the pattern space and the dataset graphs at the same time

    Multi-Agent Systems

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    This Special Issue ""Multi-Agent Systems"" gathers original research articles reporting results on the steadily growing area of agent-oriented computing and multi-agent systems technologies. After more than 20 years of academic research on multi-agent systems (MASs), in fact, agent-oriented models and technologies have been promoted as the most suitable candidates for the design and development of distributed and intelligent applications in complex and dynamic environments. With respect to both their quality and range, the papers in this Special Issue already represent a meaningful sample of the most recent advancements in the field of agent-oriented models and technologies. In particular, the 17 contributions cover agent-based modeling and simulation, situated multi-agent systems, socio-technical multi-agent systems, and semantic technologies applied to multi-agent systems. In fact, it is surprising to witness how such a limited portion of MAS research already highlights the most relevant usage of agent-based models and technologies, as well as their most appreciated characteristics. We are thus confident that the readers of Applied Sciences will be able to appreciate the growing role that MASs will play in the design and development of the next generation of complex intelligent systems. This Special Issue has been converted into a yearly series, for which a new call for papers is already available at the Applied Sciences journal’s website: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/applsci/special_issues/Multi-Agent_Systems_2019
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