39,585 research outputs found

    Interaction-Aware Sampling-Based MPC with Learned Local Goal Predictions

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    Motion planning for autonomous robots in tight, interaction-rich, and mixed human-robot environments is challenging. State-of-the-art methods typically separate prediction and planning, predicting other agents' trajectories first and then planning the ego agent's motion in the remaining free space. However, agents' lack of awareness of their influence on others can lead to the freezing robot problem. We build upon Interaction-Aware Model Predictive Path Integral (IA-MPPI) control and combine it with learning-based trajectory predictions, thereby relaxing its reliance on communicated short-term goals for other agents. We apply this framework to Autonomous Surface Vessels (ASVs) navigating urban canals. By generating an artificial dataset in real sections of Amsterdam's canals, adapting and training a prediction model for our domain, and proposing heuristics to extract local goals, we enable effective cooperation in planning. Our approach improves autonomous robot navigation in complex, crowded environments, with potential implications for multi-agent systems and human-robot interaction.Comment: Accepted for presentation at the 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Multi-Robot & Multi-Agent System

    Socially-Aware Navigation Planner Using Models of Human-Human Interaction

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    A real-time socially-aware navigation planner helps a mobile robot to navigate alongside humans in a socially acceptable manner. This navigation planner is a modification of nav_core package of Robot Operating System (ROS), based upon earlier work and further modified to use only egocentric sensors. The planner can be utilized to provide safe as well as socially appropriate robot navigation. Primitive features including interpersonal distance between the robot and an interaction partner and features of the environment (such as hallways detected in real-time) are used to reason about the current state of an interaction. Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) are trained over these features from human-human interaction demonstrations of various interaction scenarios. This model is both used to discriminate different human actions related to their navigation behavior and to help in the trajectory selection process to provide a social-appropriateness score for a potential trajectory. This thesis presents a model based framework for navigation planning, a simulation-based evaluation of the model-based navigation behavior

    Embracing Safe Contacts with Contact-aware Planning and Control

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    Unlike human beings that can employ the entire surface of their limbs as a means to establish contact with their environment, robots are typically programmed to interact with their environments via their end-effectors, in a collision-free fashion, to avoid damaging their environment. In a departure from such a traditional approach, this work presents a contact-aware controller for reference tracking that maintains interaction forces on the surface of the robot below a safety threshold in the presence of both rigid and soft contacts. Furthermore, we leveraged the proposed controller to extend the BiTRRT sample-based planning method to be contact-aware, using a simplified contact model. The effectiveness of our framework is demonstrated in hardware experiments using a Franka robot in a setup inspired by the Amazon stowing task. A demo video of our results can be seen here: https://youtu.be/2WeYytauhNgComment: RSS 2023. Workshop: Experiment-oriented Locomotion and Manipulation Researc

    A²ML: A general human-inspired motion language for anthropomorphic arms based on movement primitives

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    The recent increasing demands on accomplishing complicated manipulation tasks necessitate the development of effective task-motion planning techniques. To help understand robot movement intention and avoid causing unease or discomfort to nearby humans toward safe human–robot interaction when these tasks are performed in the vicinity of humans by those robot arms that resemble an anthropomorphic arrangement, a dedicated and unified anthropomorphism-aware task-motion planning framework for anthropomorphic arms is at a premium. A general human-inspired four-level Anthropomorphic Arm Motion Language (A²ML) is therefore proposed for the first time to serve as this framework. First, six hypotheses/rules of human arm motion are extracted from the literature in neurophysiological field, which form the basis and guidelines for the design of A²ML. Inspired by these rules, a library of movement primitives and related motion grammar are designed to build the complete motion language. The movement primitives in the library are designed from two different but associated representation spaces of arm configuration: Cartesian-posture-swivel-angle space and human arm triangle space. Since these two spaces can be always recognized for all the anthropomorphic arms, the designed movement primitives and consequent motion language possess favorable generality. Decomposition techniques described by the A²ML grammar are proposed to decompose complicated tasks into movement primitives. Furthermore, a quadratic programming based method and a sampling based method serve as powerful interfaces for transforming the decomposed tasks expressed in A²ML to the specific joint trajectories of different arms. Finally, the generality and advantages of the proposed motion language are validated by extensive simulations and experiments on two different anthropomorphic arms

    Efficient Mission Planning for Robot Networks in Communication Constrained Environments

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    Many robotic systems are remotely operated nowadays that require uninterrupted connection and safe mission planning. Such systems are commonly found in military drones, search and rescue operations, mining robotics, agriculture, and environmental monitoring. Different robotic systems may employ disparate communication modalities such as radio network, visible light communication, satellite, infrared, Wi-Fi. However, in an autonomous mission where the robots are expected to be interconnected, communication constrained environment frequently arises due to the out of range problem or unavailability of the signal. Furthermore, several automated projects (building construction, assembly line) do not guarantee uninterrupted communication, and a safe project plan is required that optimizes collision risks, cost, and duration. In this thesis, we propose four pronged approaches to alleviate some of these issues: 1) Communication aware world mapping; 2) Communication preserving using the Line-of-Sight (LoS); 3) Communication aware safe planning; and 4) Multi-Objective motion planning for navigation. First, we focus on developing a communication aware world map that integrates traditional world models with the planning of multi-robot placement. Our proposed communication map selects the optimal placement of a chain of intermediate relay vehicles in order to maximize communication quality to a remote unit. We also vi propose an algorithm to build a min-Arborescence tree when there are multiple remote units to be served. Second, in communication denied environments, we use Line-of-Sight (LoS) to establish communication between mobile robots, control their movements and relay information to other autonomous units. We formulate and study the complexity of a multi-robot relay network positioning problem and propose approximation algorithms that restore visibility based connectivity through the relocation of one or more robots. Third, we develop a framework to quantify the safety score of a fully automated robotic mission where the coexistence of human and robot may pose a collision risk. A number of alternate mission plans are analyzed using motion planning algorithms to select the safest one. Finally, an efficient multi-objective optimization based path planning for the robots is developed to deal with several Pareto optimal cost attributes

    Expectation-Aware Planning: A Unifying Framework for Synthesizing and Executing Self-Explaining Plans for Human-Aware Planning

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    In this work, we present a new planning formalism called Expectation-Aware planning for decision making with humans in the loop where the human's expectations about an agent may differ from the agent's own model. We show how this formulation allows agents to not only leverage existing strategies for handling model differences but can also exhibit novel behaviors that are generated through the combination of these different strategies. Our formulation also reveals a deep connection to existing approaches in epistemic planning. Specifically, we show how we can leverage classical planning compilations for epistemic planning to solve Expectation-Aware planning problems. To the best of our knowledge, the proposed formulation is the first complete solution to decision-making in the presence of diverging user expectations that is amenable to a classical planning compilation while successfully combining previous works on explanation and explicability. We empirically show how our approach provides a computational advantage over existing approximate approaches that unnecessarily try to search in the space of models while also failing to facilitate the full gamut of behaviors enabled by our framework