16 research outputs found

    Error Resilient Video Coding Using Bitstream Syntax And Iterative Microscopy Image Segmentation

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    There has been a dramatic increase in the amount of video traffic over the Internet in past several years. For applications like real-time video streaming and video conferencing, retransmission of lost packets is often not permitted. Popular video coding standards such as H.26x and VPx make use of spatial-temporal correlations for compression, typically making compressed bitstreams vulnerable to errors. We propose several adaptive spatial-temporal error concealment approaches for subsampling-based multiple description video coding. These adaptive methods are based on motion and mode information extracted from the H.26x video bitstreams. We also present an error resilience method using data duplication in VPx video bitstreams. A recent challenge in image processing is the analysis of biomedical images acquired using optical microscopy. Due to the size and complexity of the images, automated segmentation methods are required to obtain quantitative, objective and reproducible measurements of biological entities. In this thesis, we present two techniques for microscopy image analysis. Our first method, “Jelly Filling” is intended to provide 3D segmentation of biological images that contain incompleteness in dye labeling. Intuitively, this method is based on filling disjoint regions of an image with jelly-like fluids to iteratively refine segments that represent separable biological entities. Our second method selectively uses a shape-based function optimization approach and a 2D marked point process simulation, to quantify nuclei by their locations and sizes. Experimental results exhibit that our proposed methods are effective in addressing the aforementioned challenges

    HEVC based Mixed-Resolution Stereo Video Codec

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    This paper presents a High Efficiency Video Codec (HEVC) based spatial mixed-resolution stereo video codec. The proposed codec applies a frame interleaving algorithm to reorder the stereo video frames into a monoscopic video. The challenge for mixed-resolution video coding is to enable the codec to encode frames with different frame resolutions. This issue is addressed by superimposing a low resolution replica of the decoded I-frame on its respective decoded picture, where remaining space of the frame is set to zero. This significantly reduces the computation cost for finding the best match. The proposed codec’s reference frames structure is designed to efficiently exploit both temporal and inter-view correlations. Performance of the proposed codec is assessed using five standard multiview video datasets and benchmarked against that of the anchor and the state-of-the-art techniques. Results show that the proposed codec yields significantly higher coding performance compared to the anchor and state-of-the-art techniques

    Saliency-Enabled Coding Unit Partitioning and Quantization Control for Versatile Video Coding

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    The latest video coding standard, versatile video coding (VVC), has greatly improved coding efficiency over its predecessor standard high efficiency video coding (HEVC), but at the expense of sharply increased complexity. In the context of perceptual video coding (PVC), the visual saliency model that utilizes the characteristics of the human visual system to improve coding efficiency has become a reliable method due to advances in computer performance and visual algorithms. In this paper, a novel VVC optimization scheme compliant PVC framework is proposed, which consists of fast coding unit (CU) partition algorithm and quantization control algorithm. Firstly, based on the visual saliency model, we proposed a fast CU division scheme, including the redetermination of the CU division depth by calculating Scharr operator and variance, as well as the executive decision for intra sub-partitions (ISP), to reduce the coding complexity. Secondly, a quantization control algorithm is proposed by adjusting the quantization parameter based on multi-level classification of saliency values at the CU level to reduce the bitrate. In comparison with the reference model, experimental results indicate that the proposed method can reduce about 47.19% computational complexity and achieve a bitrate saving of 3.68% on average. Meanwhile, the proposed algorithm has reasonable peak signal-to-noise ratio losses and nearly the same subjective perceptual quality

    Algorithms and methods for video transcoding.

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    Video transcoding is the process of dynamic video adaptation. Dynamic video adaptation can be defined as the process of converting video from one format to another, changing the bit rate, frame rate or resolution of the encoded video, which is mainly necessitated by the end user requirements. H.264 has been the predominantly used video compression standard for the last 15 years. HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding) is the latest video compression standard finalised in 2013, which is an improvement over H.264 video compression standard. HEVC performs significantly better than H.264 in terms of the Rate-Distortion performance. As H.264 has been widely used in the last decade, a large amount of video content exists in H.264 format. There is a need to convert H.264 video content to HEVC format to achieve better Rate-Distortion performance and to support legacy video formats on newer devices. However, the computational complexity of HEVC encoder is 2-10 times higher than that of H.264 encoder. This makes it necessary to develop low complexity video transcoding algorithms to transcode from H.264 to HEVC format. This research work proposes low complexity algorithms for H.264 to HEVC video transcoding. The proposed algorithms reduce the computational complexity of H.264 to HEVC video transcoding significantly, with negligible loss in Rate-Distortion performance. This work proposes three different video transcoding algorithms. The MV-based mode merge algorithm uses the block mode and MV variances to estimate the split/non-split decision as part of the HEVC block prediction process. The conditional probability-based mode mapping algorithm models HEVC blocks of sizes 16×16 and lower as a function of H.264 block modes, H.264 and HEVC Quantisation Parameters (QP). The motion-compensated MB residual-based mode mapping algorithm makes the split/non-split decision based on content-adaptive classification models. With a combination of the proposed set of algorithms, the computational complexity of the HEVC encoder is reduced by around 60%, with negligible loss in Rate-Distortion performance, outperforming existing state-of-art algorithms by 20-25% in terms of computational complexity. The proposed algorithms can be used in computation-constrained video transcoding applications, to support video format conversion in smart devices, migration of large-scale H.264 video content from host servers to HEVC, cloud computing-based transcoding applications, and also to support high quality videos over bandwidth-constrained networks

    Visual Saliency Estimation Via HEVC Bitstream Analysis

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    Abstract Since Information Technology developed dramatically from the last century 50's, digital images and video are ubiquitous. In the last decade, image and video processing have become more and more popular in biomedical, industrial, art and other fields. People made progress in the visual information such as images or video display, storage and transmission. The attendant problem is that video processing tasks in time domain become particularly arduous. Based on the study of the existing compressed domain video saliency detection model, a new saliency estimation model for video based on High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) is presented. First, the relative features are extracted from HEVC encoded bitstream. The naive Bayesian model is used to train and test features based on original YUV videos and ground truth. The intra frame saliency map can be achieved after training and testing intra features. And inter frame saliency can be achieved by intra saliency with moving motion vectors. The ROC of our proposed intra mode is 0.9561. Other classification methods such as support vector machine (SVM), k nearest neighbors (KNN) and the decision tree are presented to compare the experimental outcomes. The variety of compression ratio has been analysis to affect the saliency

    Contributions to the solution of the rate-distorsion optimization problem in video coding

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    In the last two decades, we have witnessed significant changes concerning the demand of video codecs. The diversity of services has significantly increased, high definition (HD) and beyond-HD resolutions have become a reality, the video traffic coming from mobile devices and tablets is increasing, the video-on-demand services are now playing a prominent role, and so on. All of these advances have converged to demand more powerful standard video codecs, the more recent ones being the H.264/Advanced Video Coding (H.264/AVC) and the latest High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC), both generated by the Joint Collaborative Team on Video Coding (JCT-VC), a partnership of the ITU-T Video Coding Expert Group (VCEG) and the ISO/IED Moving Picture Expert Group (MEPG). These two standards (and many others starting with the ITU-T H.261) rely on a hybrid model known as Differential Pulse Code Modulation (DPCM)/Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) hybrid video coder, which involves a motion estimation and compensation phase followed by a transformation and quantization stages and an entropy coder. Moreover, each of these main subsystems is made of a number of interdependent and parametric modules that can be adapted to the particular video content. The main problem arising from this approach is how to choose as best as possible the combination of the different parametrizations to achieve the most efficient coding of the current content. To solve this problem, one of the solutions proposed (and the one adopted in both the H.264/AVC and the HEVC reference encoder implementations) is the process referred to as rate-distortion optimization, which chooses a parametrization of the encoder based on the minimization of a cost function that considers the trade-off between rate and distortion, weighted by a Lagrange multiplier (��) which has been empirically obtained for both the H.264/AVC and the HEVC reference encoder implementations, aiming to provide a robust solution for a variety of video contents. In this PhD. thesis, an exhaustive study of the influence of this Lagrangian parameter on different video sequences reveals that there are some common features that appear frequently in video sequences for which the adopted �� model (the reference model) becomes ineffective. Furthermore, we have found a notable margin of improvement in the coding efficiency of both coders when using a more adequate model for the Lagrangian parameter. Thus, contributions of this thesis are the following: (i) to prove that the reference Lagrangian model becomes ineffective in certain common situations; and (ii), propose generalized solutions to improve the robustness of the reference model, both for the H.264/AVC and the HEVC standards, obtaining important improvements in the coding efficiency. In both proposals, changes in the nature over the video sequence are taken into account, proposing models that adaptively consider the video content and minimize the increment in computational complexity.En las últimas dos décadas hemos sido testigos de importantes cambios en la demanda de codificadores de vídeo debido a múltiples factores: la diversidad de servicios se ha visto incrementada significativamente, la resolución high definition (HD) (e incluso mayores) se ha hecho realidad, el tráfico de vídeo procedente de dispositivos móviles y tabletas está aumentando y los servicios de vídeo bajo demanda son cada vez más comunes, entre otros muchos ejemplos. Todos estos avances convergen en la demanda de estándares de codificación de vídeo más potentes, siendo los más importantes el H.264/Advanced Video Coding (AVC) y el más reciente High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC), ambos definidos por el Joint Collaborative Team on Video Coding (JCT-VC), una colaboraci´on entre el ITU-T Video Coding Expert Group (VCEG) y el ISO/IED Moving Picture Expert Group (MPEG). Estos dos estándares (y otros muchos, empezando con el ITU-T H.261) se basan en un modelo híbrido de codificador conocido como Differential Pulse Code Modulation (DPCM)/Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), que está formado por una estimación y compensación de movimiento seguida de una etapa de transformación y cuantificación y un codificador entrópico. Además, cada uno de estos subsistemas está formado por un cierto número de módulos interdependientes y paramétricos que pueden adaptarse al contenido específico de cada secuencia de vídeo. El principal problema que surge de esta aproximación es cómo elegir de la forma más adecuada la combinación de las distintas parametrizaciones con el objetivo de alcanzar la codificación más eficiente posible del contenido que se está procesando. Para resolver este problema, una de las soluciones propuestas es el proceso conocido como optimización tasa-distorsión, que se encarga de elegir una parametrización para el codificador basada en la minimización de una función de coste que considera el compromiso existente entre la tasa y la distorsión, ponderado por un multiplicador de Lagrange (�) que ha sido obtenido de forma empírica para las implementaciones de referencia del codificador tanto del estándar H.264/AVC como del estándar HEVC, con el objetivo de proponer una solución robusta para distintos tipos de contenidos de vídeo. En esta tesis doctoral, un estudio exhaustivo de la influencia de este parámetro lagrangiano en distintas secuencias de vídeo revela que existen algunas características comunes que aparecen frecuentemente en secuencias de vídeo para las que el modelo � adoptado en las implementaciones de referencia resulta poco efectivo. Además, hemos encontrado un notable margen de mejora en la eficiencia de codificación de ambos codificadores usando un modelo más adecuado para este parámetro lagrangiano. Por consiguiente, las contribuciones de esta tesis son las que siguen: (i) probar que el modelo lagrangiano de referencia resulta inefectivo bajo ciertas situaciones comunes; y (ii), proponer soluciones generalizadas para mejorar la robustez del modelo de referencia, tanto en el caso de H.264/AVC como en el de HEVC, obteniendo mejoras importantes en eficiencia de codificación. En ambas propuestas se tienen en cuenta los cambios en la naturaleza del contenido de una secuencia de vídeo proponiendo modelos que se adaptan dinámicamente a dicho contenido variable y que tienen en cuenta el incremento en la complejidad computacional del codificador.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Multimedia y ComunicacionesPresidente: José Prades Nebot.- Secretario: Carmen Peláez Moreno.- Vocal: Julián Cabrera Quesad

    Application of region-based video surveillance in smart cities using deep learning

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    Smart video surveillance helps to build more robust smart city environment. The varied angle cameras act as smart sensors and collect visual data from smart city environment and transmit it for further visual analysis. The transmitted visual data is required to be in high quality for efficient analysis which is a challenging task while transmitting videos on low capacity bandwidth communication channels. In latest smart surveillance cameras, high quality of video transmission is maintained through various video encoding techniques such as high efficiency video coding. However, these video coding techniques still provide limited capabilities and the demand of high-quality based encoding for salient regions such as pedestrians, vehicles, cyclist/motorcyclist and road in video surveillance systems is still not met. This work is a contribution towards building an efficient salient region-based surveillance framework for smart cities. The proposed framework integrates a deep learning-based video surveillance technique that extracts salient regions from a video frame without information loss, and then encodes it in reduced size. We have applied this approach in diverse case studies environments of smart city to test the applicability of the framework. The successful result in terms of bitrate 56.92%, peak signal to noise ratio 5.35 bd and SR based segmentation accuracy of 92% and 96% for two different benchmark datasets is the outcome of proposed work. Consequently, the generation of less computational region-based video data makes it adaptable to improve surveillance solution in Smart Cities

    Towards Computational Efficiency of Next Generation Multimedia Systems

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    To address throughput demands of complex applications (like Multimedia), a next-generation system designer needs to co-design and co-optimize the hardware and software layers. Hardware/software knobs must be tuned in synergy to increase the throughput efficiency. This thesis provides such algorithmic and architectural solutions, while considering the new technology challenges (power-cap and memory aging). The goal is to maximize the throughput efficiency, under timing- and hardware-constraints