527 research outputs found

    Model and algorithm for solving real time dial-a-ride problem

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    This research studies a static and real-time dial-a-ride problem with time varying travel times, soft time windows, and multiple depots. First, a static DARP model is formulated as a mixed integer programming and in order to validate the model, several random small network problems are solved using commercial optimization package, CPLEX. Three heuristic algorithms based on sequential insertion, parallel insertion, and clustering first-routing second are proposed to solve static DARP within a reasonable time for implementation in a real-world situation. Also, the results of three heuristic methods are compared with the results obtained from exact solution by CPLEX to validate and evaluate three heuristic algorithms. Computational results show that three heuristic algorithms are superior compared to the exact algorithm in terms of the calculation time as the problem size (in terms of the number of demands) increases. Also among the three heuristic algorithms, the heuristic algorithm based on sequential insertion is more efficient than other heuristic algorithms that are based on parallel insertion and clustering first-routing second. For the case study, Maryland Transit Administration (MTA)'s real operation of Dial-a-ride service is introduced and compared with the results of developed heuristic. The objective function values from heuristic based on clustering first- routing second are better than those from MTA's operation for all cases when waiting cost, delay cost, and excess ride cost are not included in the objective function values. Also, the algorithm for real-time DARP considering dynamic events such as customer no shows, accidents, cancellations, and new requests is developed based on static DARP. The algorithm is tested in a simulation framework. In the simulation test, we compared the results of cases according to degree of gap between expected link speeds and real link speeds. Also for competitive analysis, the results of dynamic case are compared with the results of static case, where all requests are known in advance. The simulation test shows that the heuristic method could save cost as the uncertainty in new requests increases

    Efficient routing of snow removal vehicles

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    This research addresses the problem of finding a minimum cost set of routes for vehicles in a road network subject to some constraints. Extensions, such as multiple service requirements, and mixed networks have been considered. Variations of this problem exist in many practical applications such as snow removal, refuse collection, mail delivery, etc. An exact algorithm was developed using integer programming to solve small size problems. Since the problem is NP-hard, a heuristic algorithm needs to be developed. An algorithm was developed based on the Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) heuristic, in which each replication consists of applying a construction heuristic to find feasible and good quality solutions, followed by a local search heuristic. A simulated annealing heuristic was developed to improve the solutions obtained from the construction heuristic. The best overall solution was selected from the results of several replications. The heuristic was tested on four sets of problem instances (total of 115 instances) obtained from the literature. The simulated annealing heuristic was able to achieve average improvements of up to 26.36% over the construction results on these problem instances. The results obtained with the developed heuristic were compared to the results obtained with recent heuristics developed by other authors. The developed heuristic improved the best-known solution found by other authors on 18 of the 115 instances and matched the results on 89 of those instances. It worked specially better with larger problems. The average deviations to known lower bounds for all four datasets were found to range between 0.21 and 2.61%

    A robust solving strategy for the vehicle routing problem with multiple depots and multiple objectives

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    This document presents the development of a robust solving strategy for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Multiple Depots and Multiple Objectives (MO-MDVRP). The problem tackeled in this work is the problem to minimize the total cost and the load imbalance in vehicle routing plan for distribution of goods. This thesis presents a MILP mathematical model and a solution strategy based on a Hybrid Multi- Objective Scatter Search Algorithm. Several experiments using simulated instances were run proving that the proposed method is quite robust, this is shown in execution times (less than 4 minutes for an instance with 8 depots and 300 customers); also, the proposed method showed good results compared to the results found with the MILP model for small instances (up to 20 clients and 2 depots).MaestríaMagister en Ingeniería Industria

    Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows: An Evolutionary Algorithmic Approach

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    The Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW) is an important problem in logistics, which is an extension of well known Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), with a central depot. The Objective is to design an optimal set of routes for serving a number of customers without violating the customer’s time window constraints and vehicle capacity constraint. It has received considerable attention in recent years. This paper reviews the research on Evolutionary Algorithms for VRPTW. The main types of evolutionary algorithms for the VRPTW are Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Strategies which may also be described as Evolutionary metaheuristics to distinguish them from other metaheuristics. Along with these evolutionary metaheuristics, this paper reviews heuristic search methods that hybridize ideas of evolutionary algorithms with some other search technique, such as tabu search, guided local search, route construction heuristics, ejection chain approach, adaptive large neighborhood search, variable neighborhood search and hierarchal tournament selection. In addition to the basic features of each method, experimental results for the 56 benchmark problem with 100 customers of Solomon (1987) and Gehring and Homberger (1999) are presented and analyzed

    A Guided Neighborhood Search Applied to the Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem

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    The classic vehicle routing problem considers the distribution of goods to geographically scattered customers from a central depot using a homogeneous fleet of vehicles with finite capacity. Each customer has a known demand and can be visited by exactly one vehicle. Each vehicle services the assigned customers in such a way that all customers are fully supplied and the total service does not exceed the vehicle capacity. In the split delivery vehicle routing problem, a customer can be visited by more than one vehicle, i.e., a customer demand can be split between various vehicles. Allowing split deliveries has been proven to potentially reduce the operational costs of the fleet. This study efficiently solves the split delivery vehicle routing problem using three new approaches. In the first approach, the problem is solved in two stages. During the first stage, an initial solution is found by means of a greedy approach that can produce high quality solutions comparable to those obtained with existing sophisticated approaches. The greedy approach is based on a novel concept called the route angle control measure that helps to produce spatially thin routes and avoids crossing routes. In the second stage, this constructive approach is extended to an iterative approach using adaptive memory concepts, and then a variable neighborhood descent process is added to improve the solution obtained. A new solution diversification scheme is presented in the second approach based on concentric rings centered at the depot that partitions the original problem. The resulting sub-problems are then solved using the greedy approach with route angle control measures. Different ring settings produce varied partitions and thus different solutions to the original problem are obtained and improved via a variable neighborhood descent. The third approach is a learning procedure based on a set or population of solutions. Those solutions are used to find attractive attributes and construct new solutions within a tabu search framework. As the search progresses, the existing population evolves, better solutions are included in it whereas bad solutions are removed from it. The initial set is constructed using the greedy approach with the route angle control measure whereas new solutions are created using an adaptation of the well known savings algorithm of Clarke and Wright (1964) and improved by means of an enhanced version of the variable neighborhood descent process. The proposed approaches are tested on benchmark instances and results are compared with existing implementations

    Multi-echelon distribution systems in city logistics

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    In the last decades , the increasing quality of services requested by the cust omer, yields to the necessity of optimizing the whole distribution process. This goal may be achieved through a smart exploitation of existing resources other than a clever planning of the whole distribution process. For doing that, it is necessary to enha nce goods consolidation. One of the most efficient way to implement it is to adopt Multi - Echelon distribution systems which are very common in City Logistic context, in which they allow to keep large trucks from the city center, with strong environmental a dvantages . The aim of the paper is to review routing problems arising in City Logistics , in which multi - e chelon distribution systems are involved: the Two Echelon Location Routing Problem ( 2E - LRP) , the Two Echelon Vehicle Routing Problem (2E - VRP) and Truck and Trailer Routing Problem (TTRP), and to discuss literature on optimization methods, both exact and heuristic, developed to address these problems

    Rich vehicle routing: A data-driven heuristic application for a logistics company

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    Changing online shopping behaviors have resulted in the emergence of different product and services that aim high customer satisfaction. In this thesis, we develop an alternative approach to solve problem of a logistics company, which operates solely for e-commerce transactions, using an Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search (ALNS) heuristic. To understand the nature of the distribution system and for the development of the solution procedure, we create, preprocess and analyze a dataset constructed from company’s database that is used for daily operations. The proposed solution provides a prioritization mechanism for the deliveries based on certain specifications related to deliveries. To evaluate the performance of the proposed ALNS, we perform computational experiments using scenarios with real-life instances extracted from the dataset. Our results show that, the proposed ALNS can produce solutions with high quality regarding customer satisfactio
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