10 research outputs found

    A Construction Kit for Efficient Low Power Neural Network Accelerator Designs

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    Implementing embedded neural network processing at the edge requires efficient hardware acceleration that couples high computational performance with low power consumption. Driven by the rapid evolution of network architectures and their algorithmic features, accelerator designs are constantly updated and improved. To evaluate and compare hardware design choices, designers can refer to a myriad of accelerator implementations in the literature. Surveys provide an overview of these works but are often limited to system-level and benchmark-specific performance metrics, making it difficult to quantitatively compare the individual effect of each utilized optimization technique. This complicates the evaluation of optimizations for new accelerator designs, slowing-down the research progress. This work provides a survey of neural network accelerator optimization approaches that have been used in recent works and reports their individual effects on edge processing performance. It presents the list of optimizations and their quantitative effects as a construction kit, allowing to assess the design choices for each building block separately. Reported optimizations range from up to 10'000x memory savings to 33x energy reductions, providing chip designers an overview of design choices for implementing efficient low power neural network accelerators

    Architecture and Circuit Design Optimization for Compute-In-Memory

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    The objective of the proposed research is to optimize computing-in-memory (CIM) design for accelerating Deep Neural Network (DNN) algorithms. As compute peripheries such as analog-to-digital converter (ADC) introduce significant overhead in CIM inference design, the research first focuses on the circuit optimization for inference acceleration and proposes a resistive random access memory (RRAM) based ADC-free in-memory compute scheme. We comprehensively explore the trade-offs involving different types of ADCs and investigate a new ADC design especially suited for the CIM, which performs the analog shift-add for multiple weight significance bits, improving the throughput and energy efficiency under similar area constraints. Furthermore, we prototype an ADC-free CIM inference chip design with a fully-analog data processing manner between sub-arrays, which can significantly improve the hardware performance over the conventional CIM designs and achieve near-software classification accuracy on ImageNet and CIFAR-10/-100 dataset. Secondly, the research focuses on hardware support for CIM on-chip training. To maximize hardware reuse of CIM weight stationary dataflow, we propose the CIM training architectures with the transpose weight mapping strategy. The cell design and periphery circuitry are modified to efficiently support bi-directional compute. A novel solution of signed number multiplication is also proposed to handle the negative input in backpropagation. Finally, we propose an SRAM-based CIM training architecture and comprehensively explore the system-level hardware performance for DNN on-chip training based on silicon measurement results.Ph.D

    FAT: An In-Memory Accelerator with Fast Addition for Ternary Weight Neural Networks

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    Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) demonstrate excellent performance in various applications but have high computational complexity. Quantization is applied to reduce the latency and storage cost of CNNs. Among the quantization methods, Binary and Ternary Weight Networks (BWNs and TWNs) have a unique advantage over 8-bit and 4-bit quantization. They replace the multiplication operations in CNNs with additions, which are favoured on In-Memory-Computing (IMC) devices. IMC acceleration for BWNs has been widely studied. However, though TWNs have higher accuracy and better sparsity than BWNs, IMC acceleration for TWNs has limited research. TWNs on existing IMC devices are inefficient because the sparsity is not well utilized, and the addition operation is not efficient. In this paper, we propose FAT as a novel IMC accelerator for TWNs. First, we propose a Sparse Addition Control Unit, which utilizes the sparsity of TWNs to skip the null operations on zero weights. Second, we propose a fast addition scheme based on the memory Sense Amplifier to avoid the time overhead of both carry propagation and writing back the carry to memory cells. Third, we further propose a Combined-Stationary data mapping to reduce the data movement of activations and weights and increase the parallelism across memory columns. Simulation results show that for addition operations at the Sense Amplifier level, FAT achieves 2.00X speedup, 1.22X power efficiency, and 1.22X area efficiency compared with a State-Of-The-Art IMC accelerator ParaPIM. FAT achieves 10.02X speedup and 12.19X energy efficiency compared with ParaPIM on networks with 80% average sparsity.Comment: 14 page

    Finite precision deep learning with theoretical guarantees

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    Recent successes of deep learning have been achieved at the expense of a very high computational and parameter complexity. Today, deployment of both inference and training of deep neural networks (DNNs) is predominantly in the cloud. A recent alternative trend is to deploy DNNs onto untethered, resource-constrained platforms at the Edge. To realize on-device intelligence, the gap between algorithmic requirements and available resources needs to be closed. One popular way of doing so is via implementation in finite precision. While ad-hoc trial and error techniques in finite precision deep learning abound, theoretical guarantees on network accuracy are elusive. The work presented in this dissertation builds a theoretical framework for the implementation of deep learning in finite precision. For inference, we theoretically analyze the worst-case accuracy drop in the presence of weight and activation quantization. Furthermore, we derive an optimal clipping criterion (OCC) to minimize the precision of dot-product outputs. For implementations using in-memory computing, OCC lowers ADC precision requirements. We analyze fixed-point training and present a methodology for implementing quantized back-propagation with close-to-minimal per-tensor precision. Finally, we study accumulator precision for reduced precision floating-point training using variance analysis techniques. We first introduce our work on fixed-point inference with accuracy guarantees. Theoretical bounds on the mismatch between limited and full precision networks are derived. Proper precision assignment can be readily obtained employing these bounds, and weight-activation, as well as per-layer precision trade-offs, are derived. Applied to a variety of networks and datasets, the presented analysis is found to be tight to within 2 bit. Furthermore, it is shown that a minimum precision network can have up to ∼3.5×\sim3.5\times lower hardware complexity than a binarized network at iso-accuracy. In general, a minimum precision network can reduce complexity by up to ∼10×\sim10\times compared to a full precision baseline while maintaining accuracy. Per-layer precision analysis indicates that precision requirements of common networks vary from 2 bit to 10 bit to guarantee an accuracy close to the floating-point baseline. Then, we study DNN implementation using in-memory computing (IMC), where we propose OCC to minimize the column ADC precision. The signal-to-quantization-noise ratio (SQNR) of OCC is shown to be within 0.8 dB of the well-known optimal Lloyd-Max quantizer. OCC improves the SQNR of the commonly employed full range quantizer by 14 dB which translates to a 3 bit ADC precision reduction. The input-serial weight-parallel (ISWP) IMC architecture is studied. Using bit-slicing techniques, significant energy savings can be achieved with minimal accuracy lost. Indeed, we prove that a dot-product can be realized with single memory access while suffering no more than 2 dB SQNR drop. Combining the proposed OCC and ISWP noise analysis with our proposed DNN precision analysis, we demonstrate ∼6×\sim6\times reduction of energy consumption in DNN implementation at iso-accuracy. Furthermore, we study the quantization of the back-propagation training algorithm. We propose a systematic methodology to obtain close-to-minimal per-layer precision requirements for the guaranteed statistical similarity between fixed-point and floating-point training. The challenges of quantization noise, inter-layer and intra-layer precision trade-offs, dynamic range, and stability are jointly addressed. Applied to several benchmarks, fixed-point training is demonstrated to achieve high fidelity to the baseline with an accuracy drop no greater than 0.56\%. The derived precision assignment is shown to be within 1 bit per tensor of the minimum. The methodology is found to reduce representational, computational, and communication costs of training by up to 6×6\times, 8×8\times, and 4×4\times, respectively, compared to the baseline and related works. Finally, we address the problem of reduced precision floating-point training. In particular, we study accumulation precision requirements. We present the variance retention ratio (VRR), an analytical metric measuring the suitability of accumulation mantissa precision. The analysis expands on concepts employed in variance engineering for weight initialization. An analytical expression for the VRR is derived and used to determine accumulation bit-width for precise tailoring of computation hardware. The VRR also quantifies the benefits of effective summation reduction techniques such as chunked accumulation and sparsification. Experimentally, the validity and tightness of our analysis are verified across multiple deep learning benchmarks


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    The objective of this research is to accelerate deep neural networks (DNNs) with emerging non-volatile memories (eNVMs) based compute-in-memory (CIM) architecture. The research first focuses on the inference acceleration and proposes a resistive random access memory (RRAM) based CIM architecture. Two generations of RRAM testchips which monolithically integrate the RRAM memory array and CMOS peripheral circuits are designed and fabricated using Winbond 90 nm and TSMC 40 nm commercial embedded RRAM process respectively. The first generation of testchip named XNOR-RRAM is dedicated for binary neural networks (BNNs) and the second generation named Flex-RRAM features 1bit-to-8bit run-time configurable precision and leverages the input sparsity of the DNN model to improve the throughput and energy efficiency. However, the non-ideal characteristics of eNVM devices, especially when utilized as multi-level analog synaptic weights, may incur a notable accuracy degradation for both training and inference. This research develops a PyTorch based framework that incorporates the device characteristics into the DNN model to evaluate the impact of the eNVM nonidealities on training/inference accuracy. The results suggest that it is challenging to directly use eNVMs for in-situ training and resistance drift remains as a critical challenge to maintain a high inference accuracy. Furthermore, to overcome the challenges posed by the asymmetric conductance tuning behavior of typical eNVMs, which is found to be the most critical nonideality that prevents the model from achieving software equivalent training accuracy, this research proposes a novel 2-transistor-1-FeFET (ferroelectric field effect transistor) based synaptic weight cell that exploits hybrid precision for in situ training and inference, which achieves near-software classification accuracy on MNIST and CIFAR-10 dataset.Ph.D

    Low Power Memory/Memristor Devices and Systems

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    This reprint focusses on achieving low-power computation using memristive devices. The topic was designed as a convenient reference point: it contains a mix of techniques starting from the fundamental manufacturing of memristive devices all the way to applications such as physically unclonable functions, and also covers perspectives on, e.g., in-memory computing, which is inextricably linked with emerging memory devices such as memristors. Finally, the reprint contains a few articles representing how other communities (from typical CMOS design to photonics) are fighting on their own fronts in the quest towards low-power computation, as a comparison with the memristor literature. We hope that readers will enjoy discovering the articles within

    Simulation and programming strategies to mitigate device non-idealities in memristor based neuromorphic systems

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    Since its inception, resistive random access memory (RRAM) has widely been regarded as a promising technology, not only for its potential to revolutionize non-volatile data storage by bridging the speed gap between traditional solid state drives (SSD) and dynamic random access memory (DRAM), but also for the promise it brings to in-memory and neuromorphic computing. Despite the potential, the design process of RRAM neuromorphic arrays still finds itself in its infancy, as reliability (retention, endurance, programming linearity) and variability (read-to-read, cycle-to-cycle and device-to-device) issues remain major hurdles for the mainstream implementation of these systems. One of the fundamental stages of neuromorphic design is the simulation stage. In this thesis, a simulation framework for evaluating the impact of RRAM non-idealities on NNs, that emphasizes flexibility and experimentation in NN topology and RRAM programming conditions is coded in MATLAB, making full use of its various toolboxes. Using these tools as the groundwork, various RRAM non-idealities are comprehensively measured and their impact on both inference and training accuracy of a pattern recognition system based on the MNIST handwritten digits dataset are simulated. In the inference front, variability originated from different sources (read-to-read and programming-to-programming) are statistically evaluated and modelled for two different device types: filamentary and non-filamentary. Based on these results, the impact of various variability sources on inference are simulated and compared, showing much more pronounced variability in the filamentary device compared to its non-filamentary counterpart. The staged programming scheme is introduced as a method to improve linearity and reduce programming variability, leading to negligible accuracy loss in non-filamentary devices. Random telegraph noise (RTN) remains the major source of read variability in both devices. These results can be explained by the difference in switching mechanisms of both devices. In training, non-idealities such as conductance stepping and cycle-to-cycle variability are characterized and their impact on the training of NNs based on backpropagation are independently evaluated. Analysing the change of weight distributions during training reveals the different impacts on the SET and RESET processes. Based on these findings, a new selective programming strategy is introduced for the suppression of non-idealities impact on accuracy. Furthermore, the impact of these methods are analysed between different NN topologies, including traditional multi-layer perceptron (MLP) and convolutional neural network (CNN) configurations. Finally, the new dynamic weight range rescaling methodology is introduced as a way of not only alleviating the constraints imposed in hardware due to the limited conductance range of RRAM in training, but also as way of increasing the flexibility of RRAM based deep synaptic layers to different sets of data