7 research outputs found

    Temporal segmentation tool for high-quality real time video editing software

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    The increasing use of video editing software requires faster and more efficient editing tools. As a first step, these tools perform a temporal segmentation in shots that allows a later building of indexes describing the video content. Here, we propose a novel real-time high-quality shot detection strategy, suitable for the last generation of video editing software requiring both low computational cost and high quality results. While abrupt transitions are detected through a very fast pixel-based analysis, gradual transitions are obtained from an efficient edge-based analysis. Both analyses are reinforced with a motion analysis that helps to detect and discard false detections. This motion analysis is carried out exclusively over a reduced set of candidate transitions, thus maintaining the computational requirements demanded by new applications to fulfill user needs

    Annotation of multimedia learning materials for semantic search

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    Multimedia is the main source for online learning materials, such as videos, slides and textbooks, and its size is growing with the popularity of online programs offered by Universities and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). The increasing amount of multimedia learning resources available online makes it very challenging to browse through the materials or find where a specific concept of interest is covered. To enable semantic search on the lecture materials, their content must be annotated and indexed. Manual annotation of learning materials such as videos is tedious and cannot be envisioned for the growing quantity of online materials. One of the most commonly used methods for learning video annotation is to index the video, based on the transcript obtained from translating the audio track of the video into text. Existing speech to text translators require extensive training especially for non-native English speakers and are known to have low accuracy. This dissertation proposes to index the slides, based on the keywords. The keywords extracted from the textbook index and the presentation slides are the basis of the indexing scheme. Two types of lecture videos are generally used (i.e., classroom recording using a regular camera or slide presentation screen captures using specific software) and their quality varies widely. The screen capture videos, have generally a good quality and sometimes come with metadata. But often, metadata is not reliable and hence image processing techniques are used to segment the videos. Since the learning videos have a static background of slide, it is challenging to detect the shot boundaries. Comparative analysis of the state of the art techniques to determine best feature descriptors suitable for detecting transitions in a learning video is presented in this dissertation. The videos are indexed with keywords obtained from slides and a correspondence is established by segmenting the video temporally using feature descriptors to match and align the video segments with the presentation slides converted into images. The classroom recordings using regular video cameras often have poor illumination with objects partially or totally occluded. For such videos, slide localization techniques based on segmentation and heuristics is presented to improve the accuracy of the transition detection. A region prioritized ranking mechanism is proposed that integrates the keyword location in the presentation into the ranking of the slides when searching for a slide that covers a given keyword. This helps in getting the most relevant results first. With the increasing size of course materials gathered online, a user looking to understand a given concept can get overwhelmed. The standard way of learning and the concept of “one size fits all” is no longer the best way to learn for millennials. Personalized concept recommendation is presented according to the user’s background knowledge. Finally, the contributions of this dissertation have been integrated into the Ultimate Course Search (UCS), a tool for an effective search of course materials. UCS integrates presentation, lecture videos and textbook content into a single platform with topic based search capabilities and easy navigation of lecture materials

    Local features for visual object matching and video scene detection

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    Local features are important building blocks for many computer vision algorithms such as visual object alignment, object recognition, and content-based image retrieval. Local features are extracted from an image by a local feature detector and then the detected features are encoded using a local feature descriptor. The resulting features based on the descriptors, such as histograms or binary strings, are used in matching to find similar features between objects in images. In this thesis, we deal with two research problem in the context of local features for object detection: we extend the original local feature detector and descriptor performance benchmarks from the wide baseline setting to the intra-class matching; and propose local features for consumer video scene boundary detection. In the intra-class matching, the visual appearance of objects semantic class can be very different (e.g., Harley Davidson and Scooter in the same motorbike class) and making the task more difficult than wide baseline matching. The performance of different local feature detectors and descriptors are evaluated over three different image databases and results for more advance analysis are reported. In the second part of the thesis, we study the use of Bag-of-Words (BoW) in the video scene boundary detection. In literature there have been several approaches to the task exploiting the local features, but based on the author’s knowledge, none of them are practical in an online processing of user videos. We introduce an online BoW based scene boundary detector using a dynamic codebook, study the optimal parameters for the detector and compare our method to the existing methods. Precision and recall curves are used as a performance metric. The goal of this thesis is to find the best local feature detector and descriptor for intra-class matching and develop a novel scene boundary detection method for online applications

    Novel perspectives and approaches to video summarization

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    The increasing volume of videos requires efficient and effective techniques to index and structure videos. Video summarization is such a technique that extracts the essential information from a video, so that tasks such as comprehension by users and video content analysis can be conducted more effectively and efficiently. The research presented in this thesis investigates three novel perspectives of the video summarization problem and provides approaches to such perspectives. Our first perspective is to employ local keypoint to perform keyframe selection. Two criteria, namely Coverage and Redundancy, are introduced to guide the keyframe selection process in order to identify those representing maximum video content and sharing minimum redundancy. To efficiently deal with long videos, a top-down strategy is proposed, which splits the summarization problem to two sub-problems: scene identification and scene summarization. Our second perspective is to formulate the task of video summarization to the problem of sparse dictionary reconstruction. Our method utilizes the true sparse constraint L0 norm, instead of the relaxed constraint L2,1 norm, such that keyframes are directly selected as a sparse dictionary that can reconstruct the video frames. In addition, a Percentage Of Reconstruction (POR) criterion is proposed to intuitively guide users in selecting an appropriate length of the summary. In addition, an L2,0 constrained sparse dictionary selection model is also proposed to further verify the effectiveness of sparse dictionary reconstruction for video summarization. Lastly, we further investigate the multi-modal perspective of multimedia content summarization and enrichment. There are abundant images and videos on the Web, so it is highly desirable to effectively organize such resources for textual content enrichment. With the support of web scale images, our proposed system, namely StoryImaging, is capable of enriching arbitrary textual stories with visual content

    Deliverable D1.4 Visual, text and audio information analysis for hypervideo, final release

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    Having extensively evaluated the performance of the technologies included in the first release of WP1 multimedia analysis tools, using content from the LinkedTV scenarios and by participating in international benchmarking activities, concrete decisions regarding the appropriateness and the importance of each individual method or combination of methods were made, which, combined with an updated list of information needs for each scenario, led to a new set of analysis requirements that had to be addressed through the release of the final set of analysis techniques of WP1. To this end, coordinated efforts on three directions, including (a) the improvement of a number of methods in terms of accuracy and time efficiency, (b) the development of new technologies and (c) the definition of synergies between methods for obtaining new types of information via multimodal processing, resulted in the final bunch of multimedia analysis methods for video hyperlinking. Moreover, the different developed analysis modules have been integrated into a web-based infrastructure, allowing the fully automatic linking of the multitude of WP1 technologies and the overall LinkedTV platform