1,191 research outputs found

    A Comparative Analysis of Wastewater Reuse as a Possible Solution to Drought Crisis

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    Recent decrease in rainfall in Israel has caused severe damage to both the farmers as well as to the national economy. During drought years there is a need to either reduce the water consumption or alternatively increase supply by alternative methods (use of marginal water, desalination or water storage). Because agricultural water use is considered as the marginal user of water in Israel, it is also the first segment that suffers from water allotments cut. The uncertainty involved with this process caused farmers to move to less profitable crops which are associated with short term decisions and are less capital intensive. This is especially true with respect to crops which their capital inputs have low salvage value. In this research we examine alternative solutions. We concentrate on wastewater re-use because of its popularity in Israel due to its external environmental benefits, and compare it to alternative solutions such as water storage, desalination, water price increase or compensation for losses. Wastewater can be thought of as a certain supply source which can be also stored during the winter in order to be used in the summer. This research shows that while uncertainty does not count, there is no justification in wastewater reclamation. This conclusion changes when we take uncertainty into account through its implied damages. We find that wastewater use is, in general, more cost effective than water storage. We draw conditions at which waste water are preferable to other means. Transfer cost is the limiting factor of waste water use

    Physiological aspects of post harvest berry drop in certain grape varieties

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    Storage experiments were conduced with fruit of two grape varieties, Muscat of Hambourg and Dabouki.The drop of Muscat of Hambourg is a "dry drop" while the Dabouki has no definite drop. Shed berries in this latter variety were due mostly to mechanical injury.The dry drop due to an abscission layer was found to be a "physiological drop".This drop could be:Prevented by subjecting the fruit to cold store immediately after picking.Reduced by spraying the fruit 4 days before picking with 10-20 ppm of NAA or PCPA if storage has to be postponed for more than 36 hours.Growth regulators as well as delayed cold storage had no effect on the drop of Dabouki berries during storage.A mechanism for the shedding in varieties with a physiological drop was suggested

    IAA reversible growth inhibition of grape shoots (Vitis vinifera) by maleic hydrazide compared to gibberellic acid induced growth

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    The growth rate of irrigated grape shoots on mature vines was determined. A linear growing period was found between 20 and 55 d after bud opening. Maleic hydrazide (MH) was found to reduce this growth rate without affecting its linearity. The degree of inhibition is concentration dependent. A lag period of 5 d was found from application to a measurable change of the growth rate. IAA had no effect on grape shoot growth rate when applied in the linear growth phase at concentrations up to 80 mg/l. This is true also when applied to shoots with a reduced growth rate induced by MH. IAA applied during the 5-d lag period after MH treatment could, however, reverse the MH inhibition. The degree of reversion is concentration dependent. Gibberellic acid (GA3) has a pronounced promoting effect on grape shoot growth. No direct interaction between MH-induced growth reduction and GA3-induced growth stimulation was found.Die Hemmung des Triebwachstums von Reben (Vitis vinifera) durch Maleinsäurehydrazid und ihre Aufhebung durch IES im Vergleich mit der  Wachstumsförderung durch GibberellinsäureBei bewässerten vollentwickelten Reben der Sorte Madlene wurde die Wachstumsgeschwindigkeit der Triebe untersucht. Zwischen dem 20. und 55. d nach dem Austrieb wurde eine Periode linearen Längenwachstums festgestellt. Maleinsäurehydrazid (MH) verringerte die Wachstumsgeschwindigkeit, beeinflußte aber die Linearität des Wachstumsverlaufs nicht. Das Ausmaß der Wachstumshemmung war konzentrationsabhängig. Die Wachstumsgeschwindigkeit war erst 5 d nach der Applikation meßbar verändert. IES in Konzentrationen bis zu 80 mg/l hatte keinen Einfluß auf die Wachstumsgeschwindigkeit, wenn sie während der linearen Wachstumsphase angewandt wurde. Dies war auch der Fall, wenn Triebe behandelt wurden, deren Wachstumsgeschwindigkeit durch MR-Vorbehandlung verringert war. IES-Applikation während der 5tägigen Zwischenphase nach der MR-Vorbehandlung konnte - in Abhängigkeit von der IES-Konzentration - die MR-bedingte Hemmung jedoch aufheben. Zwischen der MR-induzierten Wachstumsverringerung und der GS3-induzierten Förderung wurde keine unmittelbare Wechselwirkung gefunden

    Necrosis in grapevine buds (Vitis vinifera cv. Queen of Vineyard) III. Endogenous gibberellin levels in leaves and buds

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    The endogenous content of free and bound gibberellins (GA) in leaves and buds of Queen of Vineyard grapevines was determined. Lateral buds on shoots from vigorous vines had about double the free GA activity of buds from less vigorous vines. No difference in the activity of bound GA was found. The GA content in the leaves of Queen of Vineyard was uniform, regardless of the vigor of the plants. The relation between vigor, GA content and bud necrosis in Queen of Vineyard vines is discussed and a causal dependence is suggested

    Cost Benefit Analysis of Wastewater Reuse in Israel

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    The state of Israel has semi arid climate conditions. In order to operate a desirable and productive agricultural sector, demand and supply of water need to be carefully and thoughtfully managed. This paper deals with one method of supply management, namely wastewater reuse for agricultural purposes

    Creative Expression and Dementia

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    Art is the expression or application of human creative skills using that individual’s imagination. While most often taught amongst young people, I believe that art is a tool that can be used at all ages to promote reflection, pleasure, and personal passions. As a way to investigate the benefits of artistic expression amongst different groups of people, I have focused on the rewards achieved with art practiced by individuals living with dementia. Highlighting the difficulties a patient with dementia may encounter, and some of the benefits art can have on those patients; I was able to create art workshops that are easily accessible, and enjoyable. The workshops I have developed allow elderly care facilities a way to introduce creative expression to their patients. These classes presented in my paper are supported with research and personal experiences explored through various avenues including an account of my personal teaching experience. The lesson plans discussed were created with the understanding that not all care facilities have volunteers and teachers with teaching backgrounds, and cover basic teaching techniques. Through research I have found that there is a large need for an instrument such as this. My goal as a teacher is to promote independent practice, generate enthusiasm, and to create excitement in the student’s day

    Control of vegetative growth of grapevine shoots by ethylene-releasing substances Conditions and sites of action

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    Grapevine shoots of the cvs. Muscat Hamburg and Perlette were treated with two commercial ethylene-releasing substances, Ethrel (2-chloroethylphosphonic acid) and Alsol (2Tchloroethyl-tris-(2-methoxyethoxy)silane) at acid and neutral pH. Ethrel caused significant shoot growth inhibition, Alsol had no effect on the growth rate. Ethrel was more active at pH 6.9 than at pH 2.2, and its uptake was significantly higher at the low pH. In many cases the apical meristem of Ethrel-treated shoots was damaged. The relation of uptake to growth response was determined. Leaf blade treatments alone did not inhibit the growth of the apex.Die Kontrolle des vegetativen Wachstums von Rebtrieben durch Äthylen-liefernde Substanzen Einwirkungsbedingungen und -orteTriebe der Rebsorten Muskat Hamburg und Perlette wurden mit zwei Äthylen-freisetzenden Handelspräparaten behandelt: Ethrel (2-Chloräthylphosphonsäure) und Alsol (2-Chloräthyl-tris-(2-methoxyäthoxy)silan) bei saurem und neutralem pH. Ethrel verursachte eine signifikante Hemmung des Triebwachstums, Alsol hatte keinen Einfluß auf die Wachstumsgeschwindigkeit. Ethrel war bei pH 6,9 wirksamer als bei pH 2,2; im niedrigen pH-Bereich war seine Aufnahme signifikant erhöht. In den behandelten Sprossen war vielfach das apikale Meristem geschädigt. Die Beziehung zwischen Substanzaufnahme und Wachstumsreaktion wurde bestimmt. Bei alleiniger Blattbehandlung war das Wachstum der Triebspitze nicht gehemmt

    Style Classification of Rabbinic Literature for Detection of Lost Midrash Tanhuma Material

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    Midrash collections are complex rabbinic works that consist of text in multiple languages, which evolved through long processes of unstable oral and written transmission. Determining the origin of a given passage in such a compilation is not always straightforward and is often a matter of dispute among scholars, yet it is essential for scholars' understanding of the passage and its relationship to other texts in the rabbinic corpus. To help solve this problem, we propose a system for classification of rabbinic literature based on its style, leveraging recent advances in natural language processing for Hebrew texts. Additionally, we demonstrate how this method can be applied to uncover lost material from a specific midrash genre, Tan\d{h}uma-Yelammedenu, that has been preserved in later anthologies
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