209 research outputs found

    Flexible Application-Layer Multicast in Heterogeneous Networks

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    This work develops a set of peer-to-peer-based protocols and extensions in order to provide Internet-wide group communication. The focus is put to the question how different access technologies can be integrated in order to face the growing traffic load problem. Thereby, protocols are developed that allow autonomous adaptation to the current network situation on the one hand and the integration of WiFi domains where applicable on the other hand

    Mobility-adaptive clustering and network-layer multicasting in mobile ad hoc networks

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    Effective bootstrapping of Peer-to Peer networks over Mobile Ad-hoc networks

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    Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) and Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks are vigorous, revolutionary communication technologies in the 21st century. They lead the trend of decentralization. Decentralization will ultimately win clients over client/server model, because it gives ordinary network users more control, and stimulates their active participation. It is a determinant factor in shaping the future of networking. MANETs and P2P networks are very similar in nature. Both are dynamic, distributed. Both use multi-hop broadcast or multicast as major pattern of traffic. Both set up connection by self-organizing and maintain connection by self-healing. Embodying the slogan networking without networks, both abandoned traditional client/server model and disclaimed pre-existing infrastructure. However, their status quo levels of real world application are widely divergent. P2P networks are now accountable for about 50 ~ 70% internet traffic, while MANETs are still primarily in the laboratory. The interesting and confusing phenomenon has sparked considerable research effort to transplant successful approaches from P2P networks into MANETs. While most research in the synergy of P2P networks and MANETs focuses on routing, the network bootstrapping problem remains indispensable for any such transplantation to be realized. The most pivotal problems in bootstrapping are: (1) automatic configuration of nodes addresses and IDs, (2) topology discovery and transformation in different layers and name spaces. In this dissertation research, we have found novel solutions for these problems. The contributions of this dissertation are: (1) a non-IP, flat address automatic configuration scheme, which integrates lower layer addresses and P2P IDs in application layer and makes simple cryptographical assignment possible. A related paper entitled Pastry over Ad-Hoc Networks with Automatic Flat Address Configuration was submitted to Elsevier Journal of Ad Hoc Networks in May. (2) an effective ring topology construction algorithm which builds perfect ring in P2P ID space using only simplest multi-hop unicast or multicast. Upon this ring, popular structured P2P networks like Chord, Pastry could be built with great ease. A related paper entitled Chord Bootstrapping on MANETs - All Roads lead to Rome will be ready for submission after defense of the dissertation


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    The reliance on wireless networks has grown tremendously within a number of varied application domains, prompting an evolution towards the use of heterogeneous multihop network architectures. We propose and analyze two communication frameworks for such networks. A first framework is designed for communications within multihop wireless access networks. The framework supports dynamic algorithms for locating access points using anycast routing with multiple metrics and balancing network load. The evaluation shows significant performance improvement over traditional solutions. A second framework is designed for communication within sensor networks and includes lightweight versions of our algorithms to fit the limitations of sensor networks. Analysis shows that this stripped down version can work almost equally well if tailored to the needs of a sensor network. We have also developed an extensive simulation environment using NS-2 to test realistic situations for the evaluations of our work. Our tools support analysis of realistic scenarios including the spreading of a forest fire within an area, and can easily be ported to other simulation software. Lastly, we us our algorithms and simulation environment to investigate sink movements optimization within sensor networks. Based on these results, we propose strategies, to be addressed in follow-on work, for building topology maps and finding optimal data collection points. Altogether, the communication framework and realistic simulation tools provide a complete communication and evaluation solution for access and sensor networks

    Rohc-Mpls Tunnel Architecture For Wireless Mesh

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    Natural or human-made disasters are sudden events that can cause significant damage, especially to the network communication infrastructure. In these events, a rapid deployment of network communication systems is required in order to relay or receive the communication among the people in the disaster areas to conduct relief and rescue efforts. Wireless mesh networks have emerged and has been recognised for its potential for rapid deployment and last mile coverage of network infrastructure, which is highly suitable for emergency response management. While wireless mesh networks have beneficial attributes, it also introduces some crucial problems. During data transmission, the path recovery time is significantly higher resulting in the loss of data if node and link failures occur

    Routing in Large Scale tactical mobile ad hoc Networks

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    The current Transformation of the military networks adopts the MANET as a main component of the tactical domain. Indeed, a MANET is the right solution to enable highly mobile, highly reactive and quickly deployable tactical networks. Many applications such as the Situational Awareness rely on group communications, underlying the need for a multicast service within the tactical environment where the MANET is employed as a transit network. The purpose of this thesis is to study the setting up of an optimal multicast service within this tactical environment. We firstly focus on defining the protocol architecture to carry out within the tactical network paying particular attention to the MANET. This network is interconnected with different types of networks based on IP technologies and implementing potentially heterogeneous multicast protocols. The tactical MANET is supposed to be made of several hundred of mobile nodes, which implies that the scalability is crucial in the multicast protocol architecture choice. Since the concept of clustering proposes interesting scalability features, we consider that the MANET is a clustered network. Thereby, we define two multicast routing protocols adapted to the MANET: firstly STAMP that is in charge of the multicast communications within each cluster and secondly SAFIR that handles multicast flows between the clusters. These two protocols that can be implemented independently, act in concert to provide an efficient and scalable multicast service for the tactical MANET. Then, we study the interoperability of these multicast protocols employed within the MANET with those employed in the heterogeneous networks that it is interconnected with in order to guarantee end-to-end seamless multicast services to users. Finally, since the multicast protocols proposed in this thesis rely on underlying unicast routing protocols, we propose, in the last chapter, a scalable unicast routing protocol based on OLS

    Position-Based Multicast for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks

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    In general, routing protocols for mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) can be classified into topology-based protocols and position-based protocols. While for unicast routing many proposals for both classes exist, the existing approaches to multicast routing basically implement topology-based algorithms and only a few of them make use of the geographic positions of the network nodes. These have in common that the sending node has to precalculate the multicast tree over which the packets are distributed and store it in each packet header. This involves two main issues: (a) These approaches are not very flexible with regard to topological changes which abandons the advantages that position-based routing has against topology-based routing, and (b) they do not scale with the number of receivers, since every one of them has to be named in the packet header. This thesis solves these issues and further advances position-based multicast routing. Position-Based Multicast (PBM) enhances the flexibility of position-based multicast routing by following the forwarding principle of position-based unicast routing. It transfers the choice of the next hops in the tree from the sender to the forwarding nodes. Based on the positions of their neighboring nodes, these are able to determine the most suitable next hop(s) at the moment when the packet is being forwarded. The scalability with respect to the number of receiving nodes in a group is solved by Scalable Position-Based Multicast (SPBM). It includes a membership management fulfilling different tasks at once. First, it administers group memberships in order to provide multicast sources with information on whether nodes are subscribed to a specific group. Second, it implements a location service providing the multicast sources with the positions of the subscribed receiver nodes. And third, it geographically aggregates membership data in order to achieve the desired scalability. The group management features two modes of operation: The proactive variant produces a bounded overhead scaling well with the size of the network. The reactive alternative, in contrast, reaches low worst-case join delays but does not limit the overhead. Contention-Based Multicast Forwarding (CBMF) addresses the problems that appear in highly mobile networks induced by outdated position information. Instead of basing forwarding decisions on a perception that may no longer be up to date, the packets are addressed only to the final destination; no explicit next hops are specified. The receiving nodes, which are candidate next hops, then decide by means of contention which of them are the most suitable next hop(s) for a packet. Not only is the decision made based on the most currently available data, but this procedure also saves the regular sending of beacon messages, thus reducing the overhead. The lack of multicast congestion control is another unsolved problem obstructing high-bandwidth data transmission. Sending out more and more packets to a multicast group lets the performance decrease. Backpressure Multicast Congestion Control (BMCC) takes care that the network does not need to handle more packets than it is able to. It achieves this by limiting the packet queues on the intermediate hops. A forwarder may not forward the next packet of a stream before it has noticed---by overhearing the transmission of the next hop---that the previous packet has succeeded. If there is congestion in an area, backpressure is implicitly built up towards the source, which then stops sending out packets until the congestion is released. BMCC takes care that every receiving node will receive packets at the same rate. An alternative mode of operation, BMCC with Backpressure Pruning (BMCC-BP) allows the cutting of congested branches for single packets, permitting a higher rate for uncongested receivers. Besides presenting protocols for multicast communication in MANETs, this thesis also describes implementations of two of the above-mentioned protocols. The first one is an implementation of SPBM for the Linux kernel that allows IP applications to send data via UDP to a group of receivers in an ad-hoc network. The implementation resides between the MAC layer and the network/IP layer of the network stack. It is compatible with unmodified standard kernels of versions 2.4 and 2.6, and may be compiled for x86 or ARM processor architectures. The second implementation is an implementation of CBMF for the ScatterWeb MSB430 sensor nodes. Due to their low-level programmability they allow an integration of the routing protocol with the medium access control. The absence of periodic beacon messages makes the protocol especially suitable for energy-constrained sensor networks. Furthermore, other constraints like limited memory and computational power demand special consideration as well

    Resilient scalable internet routing and embedding algorithms

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    GMPLS-OBS interoperability and routing acalability in internet

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    The popularization of Internet has turned the telecom world upside down over the last two decades. Network operators, vendors and service providers are being challenged to adapt themselves to Internet requirements in a way to properly serve the huge number of demanding users (residential and business). The Internet (data-oriented network) is supported by an IP packet-switched architecture on top of a circuit-switched, optical-based architecture (voice-oriented network), which results in a complex and rather costly infrastructure to the transport of IP traffic (the dominant traffic nowadays). In such a way, a simple and IP-adapted network architecture is desired. From the transport network perspective, both Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS) and Optical Burst Switching (OBS) technologies are part of the set of solutions to progress towards an IP-over-WDM architecture, providing intelligence in the control and management of resources (i.e. GMPLS) as well as a good network resource access and usage (i.e. OBS). The GMPLS framework is the key enabler to orchestrate a unified optical network control and thus reduce network operational expenses (OPEX), while increasing operator's revenues. Simultaneously, the OBS technology is one of the well positioned switching technologies to realize the envisioned IP-over-WDM network architecture, leveraging on the statistical multiplexing of data plane resources to enable sub-wavelength in optical networks. Despite of the GMPLS principle of unified control, little effort has been put on extending it to incorporate the OBS technology and many open questions still remain. From the IP network perspective, the Internet is facing scalability issues as enormous quantities of service instances and devices must be managed. Nowadays, it is believed that the current Internet features and mechanisms cannot cope with the size and dynamics of the Future Internet. Compact Routing is one of the main breakthrough paradigms on the design of a routing system scalable with the Future Internet requirements. It intends to address the fundamental limits of current stretch-1 shortest-path routing in terms of RT scalability (aiming at sub-linear growth). Although "static" compact routing works fine, scaling logarithmically on the number of nodes even in scale-free graphs such as Internet, it does not handle dynamic graphs. Moreover, as multimedia content/services proliferate, the multicast is again under the spotlight as bandwidth efficiency and low RT sizes are desired. However, it makes the problem even worse as more routing entries should be maintained. In a nutshell, the main objective of this thesis in to contribute with fully detailed solutions dealing both with i) GMPLS-OBS control interoperability (Part I), fostering unified control over multiple switching domains and reduce redundancy in IP transport. The proposed solution overcomes every interoperability technology-specific issue as well as it offers (absolute) QoS guarantees overcoming OBS performance issues by making use of the GMPLS traffic-engineering (TE) features. Keys extensions to the GMPLS protocol standards are equally approached; and ii) new compact routing scheme for multicast scenarios, in order to overcome the Future Internet inter-domain routing system scalability problem (Part II). In such a way, the first known name-independent (i.e. topology unaware) compact multicast routing algorithm is proposed. On the other hand, the AnyTraffic Labeled concept is also introduced saving on forwarding entries by sharing a single forwarding entry to unicast and multicast traffic type. Exhaustive simulation campaigns are run in both cases in order to assess the reliability and feasible of the proposals