1,810 research outputs found


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    In recent years there has been a proliferation of research on a number of wireless multi-hop networks that include mobile ad-hoc networks, wireless mesh networks, and wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Routing protocols in such networks are of- ten required to meet design objectives that include a combination of factors such as throughput, delay, energy consumption, network lifetime etc. In addition, many mod- ern wireless networks are equipped with multi-channel radios, where channel selection plays an important role in achieving the same design objectives. Consequently, ad- dressing the routing problem together with cross-layer adaptations such as channel selection is an important issue in such networks. In this work, we study the joint routing and channel selection problem that spans two domains of wireless networks. The first is a cost-effective and scalable wireless-optical access networks which is a combination of high-capacity optical access and unethered wireless access. The joint routing and channel selection problem in this case is addressed under an anycasting paradigm. In addition, we address two other problems in the context of wireless- optical access networks. The first is on optimal gateway placement and network planning for serving a given set of users. And the second is the development of an analytical model to evaluate the performance of the IEEE 802.11 DCF in radio-over- fiber wireless LANs. The second domain involves resource constrained WSNs where we focus on route and channel selection for network lifetime maximization. Here, the problem is further exacerbated by distributed power control, that introduces addi- tional design considerations. Both problems involve cross-layer adaptations that must be solved together with routing. Finally, we present an analytical model for lifetime calculation in multi-channel, asynchronous WSNs under optimal power control

    Distributed Clustering in Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks Using Soft-Constraint Affinity Propagation

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    Absence of network infrastructure and heterogeneous spectrum availability in cognitive radio ad hoc networks (CRAHNs) necessitate the self-organization of cognitive radio users (CRs) for efficient spectrum coordination. The cluster-based structure is known to be effective in both guaranteeing system performance and reducing communication overhead in variable network environment. In this paper, we propose a distributed clustering algorithm based on soft-constraint affinity propagation message passing model (DCSCAP). Without dependence on predefined common control channel (CCC), DCSCAP relies on the distributed message passing among CRs through their available channels, making the algorithm applicable for large scale networks. Different from original soft-constraint affinity propagation algorithm, the maximal iterations of message passing is controlled to a relatively small number to accommodate to the dynamic environment of CRAHNs. Based on the accumulated evidence for clustering from the message passing process, clusters are formed with the objective of grouping the CRs with similar spectrum availability into smaller number of clusters while guaranteeing at least one CCC in each cluster. Extensive simulation results demonstrate the preference of DCSCAP compared with existing algorithms in both efficiency and robustness of the clusters

    State-of-the-art of distributed channel assignment

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    Channel assignment for Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) attempts to increase the network performance by decreasing the interference of simultaneous transmissions. The reduction of interference is achieved by exploiting the availability of fully or partially non-overlapping channels. Although it is still a young research area, many different approaches have already been developed. These approaches can be distinguished into centralized and distributed. Centralized algorithms rely on a central entity, usually called Channel Assignment Server (CAS), which calculates the channel assignment and sends the result to the mesh routers. In distributed approaches, each mesh router calculates its channel assignment decision based on local information. Distributed approaches can react faster to topology changes due to node failures or mobility and usually introduce less protocol overhead since communication with the CAS is not necessary. As a result, distributed approaches are more suitable once the network is operational and running. Distributed approaches can further be classified into static and dynamic, in regard to the modus of channel switching. In dynamic approaches, channels can be switched on a per-packet basis, whereas in static approaches radios stay on a specific channel for a longer period of time. Static assignments have been more in focus, since the channel switching time for current Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.11 hardware is in the order of milliseconds which is two orders higher than the packet transmission time. Recently, surveys of channel assignment algorithms have been presented which cover certain aspects of the research field. The survey in [1] introduces the problem and presents a couple of distributed algorithms and [2] gives a broad introduction to centralized and distributed approaches. The survey herein is focused on distributed approaches for peer- to-peer network architectures. This report describes the problem formulation for channel assignment in WMNs and the fundamental concepts and challenges of this research area. We present different distributed channel assignment algorithms and characterize them according to a set of classification keys. Since channel assignment algorithms may change the connectivity and therefore the network topology, they may have a high impact on routing. Therefore, we present routing metrics that consider channel diversity and adapt better to the multi- radio multi-channel scenario than traditional routing metrics designed for single channel networks. The presented algorithms are discussed and compared focusing on practical evaluations in testbed and network environments. The implementation for real networks is a hard and labor-intensive task because the researcher has to deal with the complexity of the hardware, operating system, and wireless network interface drivers. As a result, frameworks emerged in order to simplify the implementation process. We describe these frameworks and the mechanisms used to help researchers implementing their algorithms and show their limitations and restrictions

    Performance evaluation of interference aware topology power and flow control channel assignment algorithm

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    Multi-Radio Multi-Channel Wireless Mesh Network (MRMC-WMN) has been considered as one of the key technology for the enhancement of network performance. It is used in a number of real-time applications such as disaster management system, transportation system and health care system. MRMC-WMN is a multi-hop network and allows simultaneous data transfer by using multiple radio interfaces. All the radio interfaces are typically assigned with different channels to reduce the effect of co-channel interference. In MRMC-WMN, when two nodes transmit at the same channel in the range of each other, generates co-channel interference and degrades the network throughput. Co-channel interference badly affects the capacity of each link that reduces the overall network performance. Thus, the important task of channel assignment algorithm is to reduce the co-channel interference and enhance the network performance. In this paper, the problem of channel assignment has been addressed for MRMC-WMN. We have proposed an Interference Aware, Topology, Power and Flow Control (ITPFC) Channel Assignment algorithm for MRMC-WMN. This algorithm assignes the suitable channels to nodes, which provides better link capacity and reduces the co-channel interference. In the previous work performance of the proposed algorithm has been evaluated for a network of 30 nodes. The aim of this paper is to further evaluate the performance of proposed channel assignment algorithm for 40 and 50 nodes network. The results obtained from these networks show the consistent performance in terms of throughput, delay, packet loss and number of channels used per node as compared to LACA, FCPRA and IATC Channel Assignment algorithms

    Distributed optimal congestion control and channel assignment in wireless mesh networks

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    Wireless mesh networks have numerous advantages in terms of connectivity as well as reliability. Traditionally the nodes in wireless mesh networks are equipped with single radio, but the limitations are lower throughput and limited use of the available wireless channel. In order to overcome this, the recent advances in wireless mesh networks are based on multi-channel multi-radio approach. Channel assignment is a technique that selects the best channel for a node or to the entire network just to increase the network capacity. To maximize the throughput and the capacity of the network, multiple channels with multiple radios were introduced in these networks. In the proposed system, algorithms are developed to improve throughput, minimise delay, reduce average energy consumption and increase the residual energy for multi radio multi-channel wireless mesh networks. In literature, the existing channel assignment algorithms fail to consider both interflow and intra flow interferences. The limitations are inaccurate bandwidth estimation, throughput degradation under heavy traffic and unwanted energy consumption during low traffic and increase in delay. In order to improve the performance of the network distributed optimal congestion control and channel assignment algorithm (DOCCA) is proposed. In this algorithm, if congestion is identified, the information is given to previous node. According to the congestion level, the node adjusts itself to minimise congestion

    Attacks and countermeasures on routing protocols in wireless networks

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    Routing in wireless networks is not an easy task as they are highly vulnerable to attacks. The main goal of this work is to study the routing performance and security aspects of wireless ad hoc and mesh networks. Most of the routing protocols use hop-count as the routing metric. Hop count metric may not be appropriate for routing in wireless networks as this does not account for the link qualities, advantages of multi-radio paradigm etc. There are several metrics designed for link quality based source routing protocols for multi-radio wireless ad hoc and mesh networks. For example Weighted Cumulative Expected Transmission Time (WCETT), Adjusted Expected Transfer Delay(AETD) etc. But these metrics do not consider the effect of individual link qualities on the total route quality and route selection. This lack of ability from WCETT or AETD would allow them to select suboptimal paths when actually an optimal path is available. In another point of view, this inability can create a routing disruption attack named as delay-variation attack (a variant of black hole attack). It can be launched by a couple of colluding attackers attracting packets at one point by showing very good link qualities and dropping packets at another point by decreasing the link quality. To select an optimal route and prevent the above mentioned attack, a new routing metric known as Variance Based Path Quality metric (VBPQ) is proposed. VBPQ metric provides a robust, reliable and secure edge to the routing mechanism. Another major contribution of this study is to provide a detection mechanism for wormhole attacks in wireless ad hoc networks operating on link quality based source routing protocols. There have been several detection techniques designed for hop count based routing protocols but not for link quality based source routing protocols. In this work, a data mining approach called Cross feature analysis is used in an algorithm to detect wormhole attacks