195 research outputs found

    A Survey on Automatic Parameter Tuning for Big Data Processing Systems

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    Big data processing systems (e.g., Hadoop, Spark, Storm) contain a vast number of configuration parameters controlling parallelism, I/O behavior, memory settings, and compression. Improper parameter settings can cause significant performance degradation and stability issues. However, regular users and even expert administrators grapple with understanding and tuning them to achieve good performance. We investigate existing approaches on parameter tuning for both batch and stream data processing systems and classify them into six categories: rule-based, cost modeling, simulation-based, experiment-driven, machine learning, and adaptive tuning. We summarize the pros and cons of each approach and raise some open research problems for automatic parameter tuning.Peer reviewe

    Quality of Service Aware Data Stream Processing for Highly Dynamic and Scalable Applications

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    Huge amounts of georeferenced data streams are arriving daily to data stream management systems that are deployed for serving highly scalable and dynamic applications. There are innumerable ways at which those loads can be exploited to gain deep insights in various domains. Decision makers require an interactive visualization of such data in the form of maps and dashboards for decision making and strategic planning. Data streams normally exhibit fluctuation and oscillation in arrival rates and skewness. Those are the two predominant factors that greatly impact the overall quality of service. This requires data stream management systems to be attuned to those factors in addition to the spatial shape of the data that may exaggerate the negative impact of those factors. Current systems do not natively support services with quality guarantees for dynamic scenarios, leaving the handling of those logistics to the user which is challenging and cumbersome. Three workloads are predominant for any data stream, batch processing, scalable storage and stream processing. In this thesis, we have designed a quality of service aware system, SpatialDSMS, that constitutes several subsystems that are covering those loads and any mixed load that results from intermixing them. Most importantly, we natively have incorporated quality of service optimizations for processing avalanches of geo-referenced data streams in highly dynamic application scenarios. This has been achieved transparently on top of the codebases of emerging de facto standard best-in-class representatives, thus relieving the overburdened shoulders of the users in the presentation layer from having to reason about those services. Instead, users express their queries with quality goals and our system optimizers compiles that down into query plans with an embedded quality guarantee and leaves logistic handling to the underlying layers. We have developed standard compliant prototypes for all the subsystems that constitutes SpatialDSMS

    Efficient Communication and Synchronization on Manycore Processors

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    The increased number of cores integrated on a chip has brought about a number of challenges. Concerns about the scalability of cache coherence protocols have urged both researchers and practitioners to explore alternative programming models, where cache coherence is not a given. Message passing, traditionally used in distributed systems, has surfaced as an appealing alternative to shared memory, commonly used in multiprocessor systems. In this thesis, we study how basic communication and synchronization primitives on manycore processors can be improved, with an accent on taking advantage of message passing. We do this in two different contexts: (i) message passing is the only means of communication and (ii) it coexists with traditional cache-coherent shared memory. In the first part of the thesis, we analytically and experimentally study collective communication on a message-passing manycore processor. First, we devise broadcast algorithms for the Intel SCC, an experimental manycore platform without coherent caches. Our ideas are captured by OC-Bcast (on-chip broadcast), a tree-based broadcast algorithm. Two versions of OC-Bcast are presented: One for synchronous communication, suitable for use in high-performance libraries implementing the Message Passing Interface (MPI), and another for asynchronous communication, for use in distributed algorithms and general-purpose software. Both OC-Bcast flavors are based on one-sided communication and significantly outperform (by up to 3x) state-of-the-art two-sided algorithms. Next, we conceive an analytical communication model for the SCC. By expressing the latency and throughput of different broadcast algorithms through this model, we reveal that the advantage of OC-Bcast comes from greatly reducing the number of off-chip memory accesses on the critical path. The second part of the thesis focuses on lock-based synchronization. We start by introducing the concept of hybrid mutual exclusion algorithms, which rely both on cache-coherent shared memory and message passing. The hybrid algorithms we present, HybLock and HybComb, are shown to significantly outperform (by even 4x) their shared-memory-only counterparts, when used to implement concurrent counters, stacks and queues on a hybrid Tilera TILE-Gx processor. The advantage of our hybrid algorithms comes from the fact that their most critical parts rely on message passing, thereby avoiding the overhead of the cache coherence protocol. Still, we take advantage of shared memory, as shared state makes the implementation of certain mechanisms much more straightforward. Next, we try to profit from these insights even on processors without hardware support for message passing. Taking two classic x86 processors from Intel and AMD, we come up with cache-aware optimizations that improve the performance of executing contended critical sections by as much as 6x

    Storage and Ingestion Systems in Support of Stream Processing: A Survey

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    Under the pressure of massive, exponentially increasing amounts ofheterogeneous data that are generated faster and faster, Big Data analyticsapplications have seen a shift from batch processing to stream processing,which can reduce the time needed to obtain meaningful insight dramatically.Stream processing is particularly well suited to address the challenges of fog/edgecomputing: much of this massive data comes from Internet of Things (IoT)devices and needs to be continuously funneled through an edge infrastructuretowards centralized clouds. Thus, it is only natural to process data on theirway as much as possible rather than wait for streams to accumulate on thecloud. Unfortunately, state-of-the-art stream processing systems are not wellsuited for this role: the data are accumulated (ingested), processed andpersisted (stored) separately, often using different services hosted ondifferent physical machines/clusters. Furthermore, there is only limited support foradvanced data manipulations, which often forces application developers tointroduce custom solutions and workarounds. In this survey article, wecharacterize the main state-of-the-art stream storage and ingestion systems.We identify the key aspects and discuss limitations and missing features inthe context of stream processing for fog/edge and cloud computing. The goal is tohelp practitioners understand and prepare for potential bottlenecks when usingsuch state-of-the-art systems. In particular, we discuss both functional(partitioning, metadata, search support, message routing, backpressuresupport) and non-functional aspects (high availability, durability,scalability, latency vs. throughput). As a conclusion of our study, weadvocate for a unified stream storage and ingestion system to speed-up datamanagement and reduce I/O redundancy (both in terms of storage space andnetwork utilization)

    Towards Network-Accelerated Databases

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    Throughout the last years, data processing systems have seen substantial changes, notably moving towards disaggregation of resources. This shift separates compute and storage resources into distinct servers for better resource utilization, as they can now be scaled independently based on demand. This development is crucial for cloud-native Database Management Systems (DBMS), which mainly build on such disaggregated structures. This thesis examines two significant hardware trends in disaggregated architectures for DBMSs: modern networks and heterogeneous computing. Modern networks such as Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) are critical for efficient, high-throughput, low-latency data transfer, but present challenges for achieving optimal performance for DBMSs. The reason for this is that RDMA comes with a low-level interface with a plentitude of performance-critical aspects to consider. To address this challenge, this thesis introduces a high-level programming interface, the Data Flow Interface, specifically targeting the needs of data-intensive processing systems. In addition, this thesis highlights the emerging trend toward programmable network devices that offer data processing capabilities in the network. This trend is especially interesting for distributed DBMSs as they have to transfer large amounts of data over the network due to the disaggregated architecture, but also typical distributed data processing operations such as joins have to shuffle data between compute nodes. In the thesis, in-network processing devices are evaluated with typical DBMS operations to investigate the benefits and potential shortcomings. Another trend in the data center is the increasing heterogeneity of computing units such as GPUs and FPGAs due to their fast processing capabilities. Incorporating these heterogeneous devices into disaggregated architectures with fast networks has many merits. The reason is that specialized compute units can be exposed as network-attached disaggregated accelerator pools and thus provide flexible and scalable high-performance data processing. This integration of heterogeneous compute units and fast RDMA-capable networks is however non-trivial since networks like RDMA are typically not directly supported for devices besides CPUs and are as such non-trivial to integrate efficiently. The challenge of how to achieve efficient communication between different types of compute devices is addressed by proposing a network-driven communication scheme that leverages a programmable switch to carry out the network communication on behalf of the compute devices

    The Revenue Operations (RevOps) Framework: A Qualitative Study of Industry Practitioners.

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    In recent years Revenue Operations or RevOps has emerged in professional circles as a new approach to manage Sales, Marketing and Customer Success teams in the context of b2b sales. In practitioner circles, RevOps definitions range from the increased collaboration of the three job functions to an all-out creation of job function within organizations. While the subject of interdepartmental alignment has been covered extensively in academia (albeit not exhaustively), RevOps as a term and set of practices has received no attention and industry practitioners struggle to find a unified set of best practices that isn’t coming from organizations trying to pitch a product or service. As a first step and to provide some background we decided to perform a Multivocal style Literary Review to take advantage of grey literature such as blogs and industry reports. Following, a more formalized literature review serves to give a background in issues around organizational integration and alignment along with an exploration of the concepts of Sales, Marketing and Customer Success within organizations and how these are changing. We then performed an exploratory based interview study involving multiple RevOps professionals using the grounded theory approach to help guide our line of questioning as we interviewed practitioners and learned new concepts. As a main objective, we aim to produce a standardized framework to help practitioners understand the key tenets of Revenue Operations, how it may be implemented, what challenges organizations can face and provide researchers with a basis to explore the concept in further detail

    The Mondrian Data Engine

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    The increasing demand for extracting value out of ever-growing data poses an ongoing challenge to system designers, a task only made trickier by the end of Dennard scaling. As the performance density of traditional CPU-centric architectures stagnates, advancing compute capabilities necessitates novel architectural approaches. Near-memory processing (NMP) architectures are reemerging as promising candidates to improve computing efficiency through tight coupling of logic and memory. NMP architectures are especially fitting for data analytics, as they provide immense bandwidth to memory-resident data and dramatically reduce data movement, the main source of energy consumption. Modern data analytics operators are optimized for CPU execution and hence rely on large caches and employ random memory accesses. In the context of NMP, such random accesses result in wasteful DRAM row buffer activations that account for a significant fraction of the total memory access energy. In addition, utilizing NMP’s ample bandwidth with fine-grained random accesses requires complex hardware that cannot be accommodated under NMP’s tight area and power constraints. Our thesis is that efficient NMP calls for an algorithm-hardware co-design that favors algorithms with sequential accesses to enable simple hardware that accesses memory in streams. We introduce an instance of such a co-designed NMP architecture for data analytics, the Mondrian Data Engine. Compared to a CPU-centric and a baseline NMP system, the Mondrian Data Engine improves the performance of basic data analytics operators by up to 49× and 5×, and efficiency by up to 28× and 5×, respectively

    A framework for multidimensional indexes on distributed and highly-available data stores

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    Spatial Big Data is considered an essential trend in future scientific and business applications. Indeed, research instruments, medical devices, and social networks generate hundreds of peta bytes of spatial data per year. However, as many authors have pointed out, the lack of specialized frameworks dealing with such kind of data is limiting possible applications and probably precluding many scientific breakthroughs. In this thesis, we describe three HPC scientific applications, ranging from molecular dynamics, neuroscience analysis, and physics simulations, where we experience first hand the limits of the existing technologies. Thanks to our experience, we define the desirable missing functionalities, and we focus on two features that when combined significantly improve the way scientific data is analyzed. On one side, scientific simulations generate complex datasets where multiple correlated characteristics describe each item. For instance, a particle might have a space position (x,y,z) at a given time (t). If we want to find all elements within the same area and period, we either have to scan the whole dataset, or we must organize the data so that all items in the same space and time are stored together. The second approach is called Multidimensional Indexing (MI), and it uses different techniques to cluster and to organize similar data together. On the other side, approximate analytics has been often indicated as a smart and flexible way to explore large datasets in a short period. Approximate analytics includes a broad family of algorithms which aims to speed up analytical workloads by relaxing the precision of the results within a specific interval of confidence. For instance, if we want to know the average age in a group with 1-year precision, we can consider just a random fraction of all the people, thus reducing the amount of calculation. But if we also want less I/O operations, we need efficient data sampling, which means organizing data in a way that we do not need to scan the whole data set to generate a random sample of it. According to our analysis, combining Multidimensional Indexing with efficient data Sampling (MIS) is a vital missing feature not available in the current distributed data management solutions. This thesis aims to solve such a shortcoming and it provides novel scalable solutions. At first, we describe the existing data management alternatives; then we motivate our preference for NoSQL key-value databases. Secondly, we propose an analytical model to study the influence of data models on the scalability and performance of this kind of distributed database. Thirdly, we use the analytical model to design two novel multidimensional indexes with efficient data sampling: the D8tree and the AOTree. Our first solution, the D8tree, improves state of the art for approximate spatial queries on static and mostly read dataset. Later, we enhanced the data ingestion capability or our approach by introducing the AOTree, an algorithm that enables the query performance of the D8tree even for HPC write-intensive applications. We compared our solution with PostgreSQL and plain storage, and we demonstrate that our proposal has better performance and scalability. Finally, we describe Qbeast, the novel distributed system that implements the D8tree and the AOTree using NoSQL technologies, and we illustrate how Qbeast simplifies the workflow of scientists in various HPC applications providing a scalable and integrated solution for data analysis and management.La gestión de BigData con información espacial está considerada como una tendencia esencial en el futuro de las aplicaciones científicas y de negocio. De hecho, se generan cientos de petabytes de datos espaciales por año mediante instrumentos de investigación, dispositivos médicos y redes sociales. Sin embargo, tal y como muchos autores han señalado, la falta de entornos especializados en manejar este tipo de datos está limitando sus posibles aplicaciones y está impidiendo muchos avances científicos. En esta tesis, describimos 3 aplicaciones científicas HPC, que cubren los ámbitos de dinámica molecular, análisis neurocientífico y simulaciones físicas, donde hemos experimentado en primera mano las limitaciones de las tecnologías existentes. Gracias a nuestras experiencias, hemos podido definir qué funcionalidades serían deseables y no existen, y nos hemos centrado en dos características que, al combinarlas, mejoran significativamente la manera en la que se analizan los datos científicos. Por un lado, las simulaciones científicas generan conjuntos de datos complejos, en los que cada elemento es descrito por múltiples características correlacionadas. Por ejemplo, una partícula puede tener una posición espacial (x, y, z) en un momento dado (t). Si queremos encontrar todos los elementos dentro de la misma área y periodo, o bien recorremos y analizamos todo el conjunto de datos, o bien organizamos los datos de manera que se almacenen juntos todos los elementos que comparten área en un momento dado. Esta segunda opción se conoce como Indexación Multidimensional (IM) y usa diferentes técnicas para agrupar y organizar datos similares. Por otro lado, se suele señalar que las analíticas aproximadas son una manera inteligente y flexible de explorar grandes conjuntos de datos en poco tiempo. Este tipo de analíticas incluyen una amplia familia de algoritmos que acelera el tiempo de procesado, relajando la precisión de los resultados dentro de un determinado intervalo de confianza. Por ejemplo, si queremos saber la edad media de un grupo con precisión de un año, podemos considerar sólo un subconjunto aleatorio de todas las personas, reduciendo así la cantidad de cálculo. Pero si además queremos menos operaciones de entrada/salida, necesitamos un muestreo eficiente de datos, que implica organizar los datos de manera que no necesitemos recorrerlos todos para generar una muestra aleatoria. De acuerdo con nuestros análisis, la combinación de Indexación Multidimensional con Muestreo eficiente de datos (IMM) es una característica vital que no está disponible en las soluciones actuales de gestión distribuida de datos. Esta tesis pretende resolver esta limitación y proporciona unas soluciones novedosas que son escalables. En primer lugar, describimos las alternativas de gestión de datos que existen y motivamos nuestra preferencia por las bases de datos NoSQL basadas en clave-valor. En segundo lugar, proponemos un modelo analítico para estudiar la influencia que tienen los modelos de datos sobre la escalabilidad y el rendimiento de este tipo de bases de datos distribuidas. En tercer lugar, usamos el modelo analítico para diseñar dos novedosos algoritmos IMM: el D8tree y el AOTree. Nuestra primera solución, el D8tree, mejora el estado del arte actual para consultas espaciales aproximadas, cuando el conjunto de datos es estático y mayoritariamente de lectura. Después, mejoramos la capacidad de ingestión introduciendo el AOTree, un algoritmo que conserva el rendimiento del D8tree incluso para aplicaciones HPC intensivas en escritura. Hemos comparado nuestra solución con PostgreSQL y almacenamiento plano demostrando que nuestra propuesta mejora tanto el rendimiento como la escalabilidad. Finalmente, describimos Qbeast, el sistema que implementa los algoritmos D8tree y AOTree, e ilustramos cómo Qbeast simplifica el flujo de trabajo de los científicos ofreciendo una solución escalable e integraPostprint (published version