19,319 research outputs found

    Implementing Rapid Prototyping Using CNC Machining (CNC-RP) Through a CAD/CAM Interface

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    This paper presents the methodology and implementation of a rapid machining system using a CAD/CAM interface. Rapid Prototyping using CNC Machining (CNC-RP) is a method that has been developed which enables automatic generation of process plans for a machined component. The challenge with CNC-RP is not the technical problems of material removal, but with all of the required setup, fixture and toolpath planning, which has previously required a skilled machinist. Through the use of advanced geometric algorithms, we have implemented an interface with a CAD/CAM system that allows true automatic NC code generation directly from a CAD model with no human interaction; a capability necessary for a practical rapid prototyping system.Mechanical Engineerin

    A Review of State-of-the-Art Large Sized Foam Cutting Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing Technologies.

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    Purpose – Current additive rapid prototyping (RP) technologies fail to efficiently produce objects greater than 0.5?m3 due to restrictions in build size, build time and cost. A need exists to develop RP and manufacturing technologies capable of producing large objects in a rapid manner directly from computer-aided design data. Foam cutting RP is a relatively new technology capable of producing large complex objects using inexpensive materials. The purpose of this paper is to describe nine such technologies that have been developed or are currently being developed at institutions around the world. The relative merits of each system are discussed. Recommendations are given with the aim of enhancing the performance of existing and future foam cutting RP systems. Design/methodology/approach – The review is based on an extensive literature review covering academic publications, company documents and web site information. Findings – The paper provides insights into the different machine configurations and cutting strategies. The most successful machines and cutting strategies are identified. Research limitations/implications – Most of the foam cutting RP systems described have not been developed to the commercial level, thus a benchmark study directly comparing the nine systems was not possible. Originality/value – This paper provides the first overview of foam cutting RP technology, a field which is over a decade old. The information contained in this paper will help improve future developments in foam cutting RP systems

    Optimization of 5-axis milling processes using process models

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    Productivity and part quality are extremely important for all machining operations, but particularly for 5-axis milling where the machine tool cost is relatively higher, and most parts have complex geometries and high quality requirements with tight tolerances. 5- axis milling, presents additional challenges in modeling due to more complex tool and workpiece interface geometry, and process mechanics. In this paper, modeling and optimization of 5-axis processes with cutting strategy selection are presented. The developed process models are used for cutting force predictions using a part-tool interface identification method which is also presented. Based on the model predictions and simulations, best cutting conditions are identified. Also, for finish process of a complex surface, machining time is estimated using three machining strategy alternatives. Results are demonstrated by example applications, and verified by experiments

    Comparative study of Sustainability Metrics for Face Milling AISI 1045 in different Machining Centers

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    Comunicación presentada a MESIC 2019 8th Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference (Madrid, 19-21 de Junio de 2019)The objective of this study is to compare a set of sustainability metrics between different manufacturing resources applied to high performances machining centers. The research compares distributed scenarios in order to find the optimal conditions that allow the minimum consumed power and the minimum roughness when performing face milling operations of AISI 1045 steel. The set of experiments for the surface machining was carried out considering different path strategies in three main directions for two dimensional movements of the tool. The selected experiments considered the main axis movement, the perpendicular axis movement and a 45 degrees movement. Besides, it was considered the feed rate speed and the cutting depth. The design of experiments was developed with the Taguchi method considering an orthogonal matrix of L27 design type, and three levels of experimental design, and the analysis of variance and noise signal were performed. The methodology to determine the lowest power consumed and the best surface quality allowed to establish the working condition in the most sustainable machining. The results show how the cutting parameters influence in each manufacturing resource

    Machining strategy development in 5-axis milling operations using process models

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    Increased productivity and part quality can be achieved by selecting machining strategies and conditions properly. At one extreme very high speed and feed rate with small depth of cut can be used for high productivity whereas deep cuts accompanied with slow speeds and feeds may also provide increased material removal rates in some cases. In this study, it is shown that process models are useful tools to simulate and compare alternative strategies for machining of a part. 5-axis milling of turbine engine compressors made out of titanium alloys is used as the case study where strategies such as flank milling (deep cuts), point milling (light cuts) and stripe milling (medium depths) are compared in terms of process time by considering chatter stability, surface finish and tool deflections

    Turn-by-wire: Computationally mediated physical fabrication

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    Advances in digital fabrication have simultaneously created new capabilities while reinforcing outdated workflows that constrain how, and by whom, these fabrication tools are used. In this paper, we investigate how a new class of hybrid-controlled machines can collaborate with novice and expert users alike to yield a more lucid making experience. We demonstrate these ideas through our system, Turn-by-Wire. By combining the capabilities of a traditional lathe with haptic input controllers that modulate both position and force, we detail a series of novel interaction metaphors that invite a more fluid making process spanning digital, model-centric, computer control, and embodied, adaptive, human control. We evaluate our system through a user study and discuss how these concepts generalize to other fabrication tools

    Generative feature-based design-by-constraints as a means of integration within the manufacturing industry

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    The article examines the development of computer aids within manufacturing industry and proposes an alternative approach to the way we design and the designer's role within manufacturing. A feature-based generative design-by-constraints approach is applied, which requires the designer to specify solutions in terms of manufacturing data, which is captured by means of an interactive simulation of machining processes, in which the constraints of equipment, materials and tools are displayed to the designer. The effect of this approach on the integration of all areas within a manufacturing environment is explored, as is the simultaneous design nature of this approach

    Ensuring the reliability and performance criterias of crankshafts

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    The issues of efficiency improvement of manufacturing crankshafts in order to ensure their reliability and performance criteria are the priorities in modern production of internal combustion engines. Using the capabilities of modern special grinding machines can improve the quality of machining and obtain the necessary running characteristics of crankshafts. In work the questions connected with development of a method of calculation of rigidity of crankshafts for increase of accuracy of their machining, reliability and performance criteria’s are considered. Based on the proposed methodology, numerical calculations have performed and the possibility of determining the deflections and crankshafts rigidity in any section have been justified. The original construction of the following grinding steady rest for CNC grinding machines specified for machining the crankshaft main bearing journal and connecting rod journal is proposed. The construction design of the device allows for compensating the influence of the cutting force on the elastic strain of the part, depending on the change in its rigidity. The practical value of the research includes in develop recommendations for determining the optimal parameters for the round infeed grinding cycle of the crank pins from the point of view of productivity and accuracy

    A CAD/CAM concept for High Speed Cutting compatible rough machining in die, mould and pattern manufacturing

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    Die, mould and pattern manufacturing plays a central role in the production of capital and consumer goods. Ever-shorter product life cycles and the expanding diversity of features require continued cuts in production lead times. Recently, these developments in the market, accompanied by a simultaneous demand for improved quality at a lower cost, are becoming clearly noticeable. Along with the streamlining of organizational structures and advanced technological developments, it is above all the introduction of CAD/CAM software that offers great potential for reducing lead times for components with free surfaces. The role of milling in the integrated process chain of die, mould and pattern manufacturing is steadily gaining importance. This is due to the ongoing further development of milling-machine technology, the cutting tools and their coatings, and of the CAD /CAM systems themselves. Generally speaking, the milling process is divided into the operations of roughing and finishing. For rough milling, efficient machining means high stock-removal rates together with close contour approximation and low tool wear. Rough milling is normally carried out layer by layer, i.e. in a 2.SD machining operation with constant depth per cut because the rate of material removal and process reliability are usually highest when this method is used. High-speed cutting (HSC), which has been the subject of extensive university research for far more than ten years, has meanwhile become established as a finishing process in many companies. However, the application of HSC demands the observance of geometric and, above all, technological constraints. A considerable degree of optimization can be achieved when these constraints are applied to rough milling. In the integrated process chain, the CAD/CAM system performs the task of calculating NC programs based on CAD data which meet the requirements posed by rough and finish machining operations. While general interest was focused on the development of CAM strategies for HSC finish machining, advanced development of technology-oriented CAM modules for upstream roughing operations was neglected. The paper at hand deals with the development of a CAM module for rough-machining complex components in die, mould and pattern manufacturing. It provides an insight into the process-technological demands made on HSC operations and their application in rough machining, from which guidelines and requirements on technologically oriented NC functions for CAM software were derived. These encompass both the complete development of an interactive, dialogue-based user guidance function and the algorithmic conversion of the calculation routines. The concept at hand was almost entirely implemented and integrated in the CAD/CAM system developed by Tebis AG, Germany, which was conceived especially for die, mould and pattern manufacturing and is scheduled for introduction to the free market starting in April 2001

    Eco-efficient process based on conventional machining as an alternative technology to chemical milling of aeronautical metal skin panels

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    El fresado químico es un proceso diseñado para la reducción de peso de pieles metálicas que, a pesar de los problemas medioambientales asociados, se utiliza en la industria aeronáutica desde los años 50. Entre sus ventajas figuran el cumplimiento de las estrictas tolerancias de diseño de piezas aeroespaciales y que pese a ser un proceso de mecanizado, no induce tensiones residuales. Sin embargo, el fresado químico es una tecnología contaminante y costosa que tiende a ser sustituida. Gracias a los avances realizados en el mecanizado, la tecnología de fresado convencional permite alcanzar las tolerancias requeridas siempre y cuando se consigan evitar las vibraciones y la flexión de la pieza, ambas relacionadas con los parámetros del proceso y con los sistemas de utillaje empleados. Esta tesis analiza las causas de la inestabilidad del corte y la deformación de las piezas a través de una revisión bibliográfica que cubre los modelos analíticos, las técnicas computacionales y las soluciones industriales en estudio actualmente. En ella, se aprecia cómo los modelos analíticos y las soluciones computacionales y de simulación se centran principalmente en la predicción off-line de vibraciones y de posibles flexiones de la pieza. Sin embargo, un enfoque más industrial ha llevado al diseño de sistemas de fijación, utillajes, amortiguadores basados en actuadores, sistemas de rigidez y controles adaptativos apoyados en simulaciones o en la selección estadística de parámetros. Además se han desarrollado distintas soluciones CAM basadas en la aplicación de gemelos virtuales. En la revisión bibliográfica se han encontrado pocos documentos relativos a pieles y suelos delgados por lo que se ha estudiado experimentalmente el efecto de los parámetros de corte en su mecanizado. Este conjunto de experimentos ha demostrado que, pese a usar un sistema que aseguraba la rigidez de la pieza, las pieles se comportaban de forma diferente a un sólido rígido en términos de fuerzas de mecanizado cuando se utilizaban velocidades de corte cercanas a la alta velocidad. También se ha verificado que todas las muestras mecanizadas entraban dentro de tolerancia en cuanto a la rugosidad de la pieza. Paralelamente, se ha comprobado que la correcta selección de parámetros de mecanizado puede reducir las fuerzas de corte y las tolerancias del proceso hasta un 20% y un 40%, respectivamente. Estos datos pueden tener aplicación industrial en la simplificación de los sistemas de amarre o en el incremento de la eficiencia del proceso. Este proceso también puede mejorarse incrementando la vida de la herramienta al utilizar fluidos de corte. Una correcta lubricación puede reducir la temperatura del proceso y las tensiones residuales inducidas a la pieza. Con este objetivo, se han desarrollado diferentes lubricantes, basados en el uso de líquidos iónicos (IL) y se han comparado con el comportamiento tribológico del par de contacto en seco y con una taladrina comercial. Los resultados obtenidos utilizando 1 wt% de los líquidos iónicos en un tribómetro tipo pin-on-disk demuestran que el IL no halogenado reduce significativamente el desgaste y la fricción entre el aluminio, material a mecanizar, y el carburo de tungsteno, material de la herramienta, eliminando casi toda la adhesión del aluminio sobre el pin, lo que puede incrementar considerablemente la vida de la herramienta.Chemical milling is a process designed to reduce the weight of metals skin panels. This process has been used since 1950s in the aerospace industry despite its environmental concern. Among its advantages, chemical milling does not induce residual stress and parts meet the required tolerances. However, this process is a pollutant and costly technology. Thanks to the last advances in conventional milling, machining processes can achieve similar quality results meanwhile vibration and part deflection are avoided. Both problems are usually related to the cutting parameters and the workholding. This thesis analyses the causes of the cutting instability and part deformation through a literature review that covers analytical models, computational techniques and industrial solutions. Analytics and computational solutions are mainly focused on chatter and deflection prediction and industrial approaches are focused on the design of workholdings, fixtures, damping actuators, stiffening devices, adaptive control systems based on simulations and the statistical parameters selection, and CAM solutions combined with the use of virtual twins applications. In this literature review, few research works about thin-plates and thin-floors is found so the effect of the cutting parameters is also studied experimentally. These experiments confirm that even using rigid workholdings, the behavior of the part is different to a rigid body at high speed machining. On the one hand, roughness values meet the required tolerances under every set of the tested parameters. On the other hand, a proper parameter selection reduces the cutting forces and process tolerances by up to 20% and 40%, respectively. This fact can be industrially used to simplify workholding and increase the machine efficiency. Another way to improve the process efficiency is to increase tool life by using cutting fluids. Their use can also decrease the temperature of the process and the induced stresses. For this purpose, different water-based lubricants containing three types of Ionic Liquids (IL) are compared to dry and commercial cutting fluid conditions by studying their tribological behavior. Pin on disk tests prove that just 1wt% of one of the halogen-free ILs significantly reduces wear and friction between both materials, aluminum and tungsten carbide. In fact, no wear scar is noticed on the ball when one of the ILs is used, which, therefore, could considerably increase tool life