1,547 research outputs found

    Integrated DC-DC boost converters using CMOS silicon on Sapphire Technology

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    With the recent advancements in semiconductor manufacturing towards smaller, faster and more efficient microelectronic systems, the problems of increasing leakage current and reduced breakdown voltage in bulk-CMOS transistors have become substantial in the sub-100-nanometer era. The Peregrine UltraCMOS Silicon-on-Sapphire (SOS) technology that uses highly-insulating sapphire substrate as insulator was introduced to meet the continually growing need for higher performance RF products. The electrically isolated circuit elements in the UltraCMOS technology lead to increased switching speeds and lower power consumption due to reduced junction and parasitic capacitances. Furthermore, the growing need for high-speed switching applications such as boosting a lower voltage level to a higher one gives the UltraCMOS technology an upper hand over the bulk-CMOS process. The limitation to using an UltraCMOS transistor is that its maximum drain to source voltage (VDS ) swing is 2.5V. This thesis aims to address this limitation by studying and implementing various stacking techniques in high power switching applications where voltage switching of higher than 2.5V are required. Fully-integrated DC to DC boost converters with switching circuits based on dynamically self-biased stacked transistors are proposed. For high voltage and high power handling, the proposed stacking techniques equally distribute the overall output voltage to less than 2.5V across each stacked transistor in the switch (V DS of 2.5V)

    Aspectos de interconectividade dos moduladores de polĂ­mero

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    Orientador: Hugo Enrique Hernández-FigueroaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: As interconexões ópticas e elétricas são de grande interese na area de encapsulamento de circuitos integrados híbridos fotônicos. Baixas perdas e banda larga são necessárias para o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologías na área. Nesta tese apresentan-se as seguintes contribuições originais: uma metodologia do modelamento de interconexões elétricas em encapsulamento de moduladores de polímero eletro-óptico, um dispositivo óptico compacto de banda larga para interconectar a plataforma de silício sobre isolante com a plataforma de filmes finos de polímero sobre silícioAbstract: Electrical and optical interconnects are of great interest for photonic integrated circuits with hybrid platforms. Low loss and wide band are essential for the development of new technologies in this area. In this thesis, we present the following original contributions: a methodology for modeling electrical ceramic interconnects inside an electrooptic polymer packaging, and a compact low-loss optical interconnect for the silicon-on-insulator platform to the thin-film polymer on silicon platformDoutoradoTelecomunicações e TelemáticaDoutor em Engenharia Elétrica07/2014-36CAPE

    A Recofigurable Tri-Band Interconnect for Future Network-On-Chip

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    The scaling of CMOS feature sizes has yielded the capability of integrating heterogeneous intellectual properties (IPs) like graphics processing units (GPUs), digital signal processors (DSPs) and central processing units (CPUs) on a single die. The collection of multiple IPs on a single die presents a problem of reliable communication due to congestion. The infrastructure that facilitates and manages communication among IPs is referred to as a network-on-chip (NoC). Its ultimate goal should be low latency with negligible power and area consumption. Unfortunately, as CMOS feature sizes have been scaling smaller, this has exacerbated latency and signal degradation due to increasing on-chip channel resistance. Furthermore, contemporary interfaces use baseband-only signaling and have critical limitations like exponential energy consumption, limited bandwidth and non-reconfigurable data access.;In this work, we propose an energy efficient tri-band (baseband + 2 RF bands) signaling interface that is capable of simultaneous bi-directional communication and reconfigurable data access. Additionally, communication is accomplished through a shared transmission line which reduces the overall number of global interconnections. As a result, this reduces area consumption and mitigates interconnection complexity. The primary signicance of this interconnect configuration compared to contemporary designs is an increase of bandwidth and energy efficiency.;The interconnect design is composed of a baseband transceiver and two RF (10Ghz and 20GHz) transceivers. The RF transceivers utilize amplitude-shift keying (ASK) modulation scheme. ASK modulation allows ease of circuit design, but most importantly it can be used for noncoherent communication, which we implemented in this system. Noncoherent ASK modulation is area conservative and power efficient since there is no longer a need for power-hungry frequency synthesizers. Moreover, noncoherent ASK demodulation accomplishes direct-down conversation through a passive self-mixer for additional power savings.;The results from our work show that a multi-band interconnect is a suitable remedy for future NoC communication that has been reaching its bandwidth limitation with baseband-only signaling. In conclusion, this work demonstrates a sustainable balance of energy efficiency and increased bandwidth for future on-chip interconnect designs

    Instrumentation for Cryogenic Dynamic Nuclear Polarization and Electron Decoupling in Rotating Solids

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    Dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) increases the sensitivity of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) using the higher polarization of electron radical spins compared to nuclear spins. The addition of electron radicals for DNP to the sample can cause hyperfine broadening, which decreases the resolution of the NMR resonances due to hyperfine interactions between electron and nuclear spins. Electron decoupling has been shown to attenuate the effects of hyperfine coupling in rotating solids. Magic angle spinning (MAS) DNP with electron decoupling requires a high electron Rabi frequency provided by a high-power microwave source such as a frequency-agile gyrotron. This dissertation describes the development of instrumentation to improve electron decoupling through a higher electron Rabi frequency, including two designs for frequency agile gyrotrons and a MAS rotor resonator to increase the effect of microwaves at the sample. Electron spin relaxation times are increased at cryogenic temperatures, enabling manipulation of electron spins with lower electron Rabi frequency. Therefore, a cryostat with interchangeable MAS-DNP NMR probes for DNP experiments ranging from 4-80 K has been constructed and tested

    Design of a class-F power amplifier with reconfigurable output harmonic termination in 0.13 µm CMOS

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    Next generation wireless communication technology requires mobile devices and base stations to support multiband multimode frequencies with higher data rate because of the type of enriched and enhanced features and services that are provided to the end user. The challenge for next generation PA designers is to provide high efficiency, output power and good linearity across multiple frequency bands, modulation standards and bandwidth. Current industry solution involves parallel PAs dedicated to a single band of operation. As more and more features are added, more and more PAs will be required with increasing cost, area and complexity. As a solution to this problem, one tunable fully integrated class-F power amplifier with reconfigurable output harmonic termination is proposed, designed, fabricated and tested with a commercially available 0.13µm CMOS process technology. By using the coupling between the primary and the secondary winding of an on chip transformer with a variable secondary termination capacitance, the second and third harmonic short and open circuit frequencies are dynamically tuned from 700 MHz to 1200 MHz and achieve high efficiency and output power. To overcome CMOS process low break down voltage, a series voltage combining approach is used for the power device to boost output power, by allowing the power supply to exceed process limits. The fabricated die was packaged and mounted to a printed circuit board for evaluation. Compared to previously publish fully integrated PAs, our design exhibits superior peak power added efficiency, 48.4%, and decent saturated output power and power gain of 24.6 dBm and 16.5 dB respectively with reconfigurability from 700 MHz to 1200 MHz

    Monolithic integrated reflective transceiver in indium phosphide

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    The work presented in this thesis is about an InP based monolithic integrated reflective transceiver meant for use in future fiber access networks at the user site. The motivation for this research results from the users’ demands for ever-increasing bandwidth at low cost of operation, administration and maintenance. We investigated solutions to these challenges with a network concept using a dynamically reconfigurable optical network topology with a wavelength router and a colorless optical network unit. This work focuses on developing the optical part of the optical network unit, a reflective transceiver. This reflective transceiver consists of three basic components: a tunable wavelength duplexer, a photodetector and a reflective modulator. The tunable wavelength duplexer separates two wavelengths, one for the downstream and one for the upstream signals, and guides them to the photodetector and the reflective modulator. The photodetector detects the downstream data. The reflective modulator modulates the light carrier with the upstream data and reflects it back to the network. The integrated transceiver was realized bymonolithically integrating these components on a common active-passive butt-joint layer stack based on InP technology. This approach not only offers high bandwidth for both downstream data and upstream data, but also lowers the cost of the device and the network operation because of the colorless operation at the user site. The main results obtained within this work are summarized as follows: an efficient and polarization insensitive tunable wavelength duplexer was realized; a new method to fabricate a reflective SOA has been proposed and demonstrated; a high performance waveguide photodetector based on SOA layer stack was successfully fabricated; a low cost photoreceiverwhich includes an InP photodetector and a SiGe amplifier was demonstrated; aworking monolithic integrated reflective transceiver based on InP was successfully realized and demonstrated; two monolithic integrated transceivers aiming for higher bandwidth have been designed and fabricated. In addition, a novel MMI reflector has been proposed and realized with high reflectivity. This work was funded by DutchMinistry of Economic Affairs through the Freeband Project Broadband Photonics Access, the Smartmix projectMemphis and the NRC Photonics

    Development of a Sensor Readout Integrated Circuit Towards a Contact Lens for Wireless Intraocular Pressure Monitoring

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    This design covers the design of an integrated circuit (IC) in support of the active contact lens project at Cal Poly. The project aims to monitor intraocular eye pressure (IOP) to help diagnose and treat glaucoma, which is expected affect 6.3 million Americans by 2050. The IC is designed using IBM’s 130 nm 8RF process, is powered by an on-lens thin film 3.8 V rechargeable battery, and will be fabricated at no cost through MOSIS. The IC features a low-power linear regulator that powers a current-starved voltage-controlled oscillator (CSVCO) used for establishing a backscatter communication link. Additional circuitry is included to regulate power to and from the battery. An undervoltage lockout circuit protects the battery from deep discharge damage. When recharging, a rectifier and a voltage regulator provides overvoltage protection. These circuit blocks are biased primarily using a 696 mV subthreshold voltage reference that consumes 110.5 nA

    Millimeter-Wave Super-Regenerative Receivers for Wireless Communication and Radar

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    Today’s world is becoming increasingly automated and interconnected with billions of smart devices coming online, leading to a steep rise in energy consumption from small microelectronics. This coincides with an urgent push to transform global energy production to green energies, causing disruptions and energy shortages, and making the case for efficient energy use ever more pressing. Two major areas where high growth is expected are the fields of wireless communication and radar sensors. Millimeter-wave frequency bands are planned for fifth-generation (5G) and sixth-generation (6G) cellular communication standards, as well as automotive frequency-modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar systems for driving assistance and automation. Fast silicon-based technologies enable these advances by operating at high maximum frequencies, such as the silicon-germanium (SiGe) heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) technologies. However, even the fastest transistors suffer from low and energy expensive gains at millimeter-wave frequencies. Rather than incremental improvements in circuit efficiency using conventional approaches, a disruptive revolution for green microelectronics could be enabled by exploring the low-power benefits of the super-regenerative receiver for some applications. The super-regenerative receiver uses a regenerative oscillator circuit to increase the gain by positive feedback, through coupling energy from the output back into the input. Careful bias and control of the circuit enables a very large gain from a small number of transistors and a very low energy dissipation. Thus, the super-regenerative oscillator could be used to replace amplifier circuits in high data rate wireless communication systems, or as active reflectors to increase the range of FMCW radar systems, greatly reducing the power consumption. The work in this thesis presents fundamental scientific research into the topic of energy-efficient millimeter-wave super-regenerative receivers for use in civilian wireless communication and radar applications. This research work covers the theory, analysis, and simulations, all the way up to the proof of concept, hardware realization, and experimental characterization. Analysis and modeling of regenerative oscillator circuits is presented and used to improve the understanding of the circuit operation, as well as design goals according to the specific application needs. Integrated circuits are investigated and characterized as a proof of concept for a high data rate wireless communication system operating between 140–220 GHz, and an automotive radar system operating at 60 GHz. Amplitude and phase regeneration capabilities for complex modulation are investigated, and principles for spectrum characterization are derived. The circuits are designed and fabricated in a 130 nm SiGe HBT technology, combining bipolar and complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (BiCMOS) transistors. To prove the feasibility of the research concepts, the work achieves a wireless communication link at 16 Gbit/s over 20 cm distance with quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), which is a world record for the highest data rate ever reported in super-regenerative circuits. This was powered by a super-regenerative oscillator circuit operating at 180 GHz and providing 58 dB of gain. Energy efficiency is also considerably high, drawing 8.8 mW of dc power consumption, which corresponds to a highly efficient 0.6 pJ/bit. Packaging and module integration innovations were implemented for the system experiments, and additional broadband circuits were investigated to generate custom quench waveforms to further enhance the data rate. For radar active reflectors, a regenerative gain of 80 dB is achieved at 60 GHz from a single circuit, which is the best in its frequency range, despite a low dc power consumption of 25 mW

    Performance Comparison of Dual Connectivity and Hard Handover for LTE-5G Tight Integration in mmWave Cellular Networks

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    MmWave communications are expected to play a major role in the Fifth generation of mobile networks. They offer a potential multi-gigabit throughput and an ultra-low radio latency, but at the same time suffer from high isotropic pathloss, and a coverage area much smaller than the one of LTE macrocells. In order to address these issues, highly directional beamforming and a very high-density deployment of mmWave base stations were proposed. This Thesis aims to improve the reliability and performance of the 5G network by studying its tight and seamless integration with the current LTE cellular network. In particular, the LTE base stations can provide a coverage layer for 5G mobile terminals, because they operate on microWave frequencies, which are less sensitive to blockage and have a lower pathloss. This document is a copy of the Master's Thesis carried out by Mr. Michele Polese under the supervision of Dr. Marco Mezzavilla and Prof. Michele Zorzi. It will propose an LTE-5G tight integration architecture, based on mobile terminals' dual connectivity to LTE and 5G radio access networks, and will evaluate which are the new network procedures that will be needed to support it. Moreover, this new architecture will be implemented in the ns-3 simulator, and a thorough simulation campaign will be conducted in order to evaluate its performance, with respect to the baseline of handover between LTE and 5G.Comment: Master's Thesis carried out by Mr. Michele Polese under the supervision of Dr. Marco Mezzavilla and Prof. Michele Zorz
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