39 research outputs found

    The Impact of Computer Augmented Online Learning and Assessment

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    The purpose of the study was to investigate the impact of an experimental online learning tool on student performance. By applying cognitive load theory to online learning, the experimental tool used was designed to minimize cognitive load during the instructional and learning process. This tool enabled students to work with programming code that was supplemented with instructor descriptions and feedback, embedded directly within the code while maintaining the original integrity of the coding environment. A sample of 24 online graduate students at a southeastern university were randomly assigned to four groups: Group 1 (Control group), Group 2 (Assessment group: the tool was used to provide feedback on student work), Group 3 (Lecture group: the tool was used to describe examples of code provided in lectures), and Group 4 (Total tool group: the tool was used to provide feedback on student work as well as describe examples of code in lectures). Student learning was measured via analysis of six online quizzes. While provision of tool-facilitated feedback alone did not appear to enhance student learning, the results indicate that students performed best when they had the opportunity to view examples of code facilitated by the tool during the learning process of new material. This implies a carefully designed online learning environment, especially while controlling for and minimizing cognitive load when presenting new information, can enhance that student learning

    Algon: a framework for supporting comparison of distributed algorithm performance

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    Programmers often need to use distributed algorithms to add non-functional behaviour such as mutual exclusion, deadlock detection and termination, to a distributed application. They find the selection and implementation of these algorithms daunting. Consequently, they have no idea which algorithm will be best for their particular application. To address this difficulty the Algon framework provides a set of pre-coded distributed algorithms for programmers to choose from, and provides a special performance display tool to support choice between algorithms. The performance tool is discussed. The developer of a distributed application will be able to observe the performance of each of the available algorithms according to a set of of widely accepted and easily-understandable performance metrics and compare and contrast the behaviour of the algorithms to support an informed choice. The strength of the Algon framework is that it does not require a working knowledge of algorithmic theory or functionality in order for the developer to use the algorithms

    Enhancing Skills Transfer through Problem-based Learning. Department of Computer Science, Technical Report Series. NUIM-CS-TR-2005-13

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    Problem-based Learning (PBL) has proved itself as a successful teaching and learning environment in the medical field, and has slowly become the preferred teaching and learning method in other disciplines. In this report we look at the learning theories that have influenced PBL and investigate the use of PBL in computer science. We extend the boundaries of PBL and software engineering education with a proposal that fully integrates PBL into a computer science and software engineering degree structure. The objective of this proposal is to produce graduates who can successfully transfer their knowledge and skills into practical situations in new domains

    Describing the IS Professional with a Structural Model

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    Enhancing Skills Transfer through Problem-based Learning. Department of Computer Science, Technical Report Series. NUIM-CS-TR-2005-13

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    Problem-based Learning (PBL) has proved itself as a successful teaching and learning environment in the medical field, and has slowly become the preferred teaching and learning method in other disciplines. In this report we look at the learning theories that have influenced PBL and investigate the use of PBL in computer science. We extend the boundaries of PBL and software engineering education with a proposal that fully integrates PBL into a computer science and software engineering degree structure. The objective of this proposal is to produce graduates who can successfully transfer their knowledge and skills into practical situations in new domains

    AlgoWeb: A Web-Based Environment for Learning Introductory Programming

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    Esse artigo descreve um ambiente de web chamado AlgoWeb para o aprendizado de algoritmos. O Algoweb possui um editor orientado à sintaxe de algoritmos em Português estruturado, executa processamento passo-a-passo, e suporta pontos de parada e monitoramento de variáveis. Ele também possui um banco de problemas algorítmicos que cobrem os conceitos e técnicas ensinados nas disciplinas de introdução a programação. O ambiente realiza a verificação automática da correção dos algoritmos submetidos para cada problema (conforme os dados de entrada e saída definidos previamente). Todas as interações entre os usuários e o ambiente são registradas, fornecendo uma ferramenta valiosa para avaliar o progresso de cada estudante ou da turma

    Contemporary developments in teaching and learning introductory programming: Towards a research proposal

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    The teaching and learning of introductory programming in tertiary institutions is problematic. Failure rates are high and the inability of students to complete small programming tasks at the completion of introductory units is not unusual. The literature on teaching programming contains many examples of changes in teaching strategies and curricula that have been implemented in an effort to reduce failure rates. This paper analyses contemporary research into the area, and summarises developments in the teaching of introductory programming. It also focuses on areas for future research which will potentially lead to improvements in both the teaching and learning of introductory programming. A graphical representation of the issues from the literature that are covered in the document is provided in the introduction

    Automated Feedback for 'Fill in the Gap' Programming Exercises

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    Timely feedback is a vital component in the learning process. It is especially important for beginner students in Information Technology since many have not yet formed an effective internal model of a computer that they can use to construct viable knowledge. Research has shown that learning efficiency is increased if immediate feedback is provided for students. Automatic analysis of student programs has the potential to provide immediate feedback for students and to assist teaching staff in the marking process. This paper describes a “fill in the gap” programming analysis framework which tests students’ solutions and gives feedback on their correctness, detects logic errors and provides hints on how to fix these errors. Currently, the framework is being used with the Environment for Learning to Programming (ELP) system at Queensland University of Technology (QUT); however, the framework can be integrated into any existing online learning environment or programming Integrated Development Environment (IDE

    Using Groupware for international collaborative learning

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    The paper reports the lessons learned from a two year collaborative learning trial between students at Auckland University of Technology (AUT) and Uppsala University. The trials took place using a combination of email and a custom developed Lotus NotesTM database. The first trial involved a case study in which students performed different roles in designing a software solution for an Auckland based nailcare distributor. The second trial built upon the knowledge base of the earlier trial, and required students to evaluate and rank the previous design proposals. A theoretical model developed from the group support systems literature guided some of the changes in the second trial. The software, the collaboration process and the evaluation methods evolved over the course of these trials. The challenges of creating global student communities within a short collaboration window in existing courses of study are discussed. Further extensions to this research are proposed and some general recommendations are mad

    Enhancing the social issues components in our computing curriculum: Computing for the social good

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    The acceptance and integration of social issues into computing curricula is still a work in progress twenty years after it was first incorporated into the ACM Computing Curricula. Through an international survey of computing instructors, this paper corroborates prior work showing that most institutions include the societal impact of ICT in their programs. However, topics often concentrate on computer history, codes of ethics and intellectual property, while neglecting broader issues of societal impact. This paper explores how these neglected topics can be better developed through a subtle change of focus to the significant role that ICT plays in addressing the needs of the community. Drawing on the survey and a set of implementation cases, the paper provides guidance by means of examples and resources to empower teaching teams to engage students in the application of ICT to bring about positive social outcomes – computing for the social good