72 research outputs found

    A New Image Segmentation Algorithm and Its Application in Lettuce Object Segmentation

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    Lettuce image segmentation which based on computer image processing is the premise of non-destructive testing of lettuce quality. The traditional 2-D maximum entropy algorithm has some faults, such as low accuracy of segmentation, slow speed, and poor anti-noise ability. As a result, it leads to the problems of poor image segmentation and low efficiency. An improved 2-D maximum entropy algorithm is presented in this paper. It redistricts segmented regions and furtherly classifies the segmented image pixels with the method of the minimum fuzzy entropy, and reduces the impact of noise points, as a result the image segmentation accuracy is improved. The improved algorithm is used to lettuce object segmentation, and the experimental results show that the improved segmentation algorithm has many advantages compared with the traditional 2-D maximum entropy algorithm, such as less false interference, strong anti-noise ability, good robustness and validity

    Biometric iris image segmentation and feature extraction for iris recognition

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    PhD ThesisThe continued threat to security in our interconnected world today begs for urgent solution. Iris biometric like many other biometric systems provides an alternative solution to this lingering problem. Although, iris recognition have been extensively studied, it is nevertheless, not a fully solved problem which is the factor inhibiting its implementation in real world situations today. There exists three main problems facing the existing iris recognition systems: 1) lack of robustness of the algorithm to handle non-ideal iris images, 2) slow speed of the algorithm and 3) the applicability to the existing systems in real world situation. In this thesis, six novel approaches were derived and implemented to address these current limitation of existing iris recognition systems. A novel fast and accurate segmentation approach based on the combination of graph-cut optimization and active contour model is proposed to define the irregular boundaries of the iris in a hierarchical 2-level approach. In the first hierarchy, the approximate boundary of the pupil/iris is estimated using a method based on Hough’s transform for the pupil and adapted starburst algorithm for the iris. Subsequently, in the second hierarchy, the final irregular boundary of the pupil/iris is refined and segmented using graph-cut based active contour (GCBAC) model proposed in this work. The segmentation is performed in two levels, whereby the pupil is segmented first before the iris. In order to detect and eliminate noise and reflection artefacts which might introduce errors to the algorithm, a preprocessing technique based on adaptive weighted edge detection and high-pass filtering is used to detect reflections on the high intensity areas of the image while exemplar based image inpainting is used to eliminate the reflections. After the segmentation of the iris boundaries, a post-processing operation based on combination of block classification method and statistical prediction approach is used to detect any super-imposed occluding eyelashes/eyeshadows. The normalization of the iris image is achieved though the rubber sheet model. In the second stage, an approach based on construction of complex wavelet filters and rotation of the filters to the direction of the principal texture direction is used for the extraction of important iris information while a modified particle swam optimization (PSO) is used to select the most prominent iris features for iris encoding. Classification of the iriscode is performed using adaptive support vector machines (ASVM). Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach achieves accuracy of 98.99% and is computationally about 2 times faster than the best existing approach.Ebonyi State University and Education Task Fund, Nigeri

    Improved terrain type classification using UAV downwash dynamic texture effect

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    The ability to autonomously navigate in an unknown, dynamic environment, while at the same time classifying various terrain types, are significant challenges still faced by the computer vision research community. Addressing these problems is of great interest for the development of collaborative autonomous navigation robots. For example, an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) can be used to determine a path, while an Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) follows that path to reach the target destination. For the UAV to be able to determine if a path is valid or not, it must be able to identify the type of terrain it is flying over. With the help of its rotor air flow (known as downwash e↵ect), it becomes possible to extract advanced texture features, used for terrain type classification. This dissertation presents a complete analysis on the extraction of static and dynamic texture features, proposing various algorithms and analyzing their pros and cons. A UAV equipped with a single RGB camera was used to capture images and a Multilayer Neural Network was used for the automatic classification of water and non-water-type terrains by means of the downwash e↵ect created by the UAV rotors. The terrain type classification results are then merged into a georeferenced dynamic map, where it is possible to distinguish between water and non-water areas in real time. To improve the algorithms’ processing time, several sequential processes were con verted into parallel processes and executed in the UAV onboard GPU with the CUDA framework achieving speedups up to 10x. A comparison between the processing time of these two processing modes, sequential in the CPU and parallel in the GPU, is also presented in this dissertation. All the algorithms were developed using open-source libraries, and were analyzed and validated both via simulation and real environments. To evaluate the robustness of the proposed algorithms, the studied terrains were tested with and without the presence of the downwash e↵ect. It was concluded that the classifier could be improved by per forming combinations between static and dynamic features, achieving an accuracy higher than 99% in the classification of water and non-water terrain.Dotar equipamentos moveis da funcionalidade de navegação autónoma em ambientes desconhecidos e dinâmicos, ao mesmo tempo que, classificam terrenos do tipo água e não água, são desafios que se colocam atualmente a investigadores na área da visão computacional. As soluções para estes problemas são de grande interesse para a navegação autónoma e a colaboração entre robôs. Por exemplo, um veículo aéreo não tripulado (UAV) pode ser usado para determinar o caminho que um veículo terrestre não tripulado (USV) deve percorrer para alcançar o destino pretendido. Para o UAV conseguir determinar se o caminho é válido ou não, tem de ser capaz de identificar qual o tipo de terreno que está a sobrevoar. Com a ajuda do fluxo de ar gerado pelos motores (conhecido como efeito downwash), é possível extrair características de textura avançadas, que serão usadas para a classificação do tipo de terreno. Esta dissertação apresenta uma análise completa sobre extração de texturas estáticas e dinâmicas, propondo diversos algoritmos e analisando os seus prós e contras. Um UAV equipado com uma única câmera RGB foi usado para capturar as imagens. Para classi ficar automaticamente terrenos do tipo água e não água foi usada uma rede neuronal multicamada e recorreu-se ao efeito de downwash criado pelos motores do UAV. Os re sultados da classificação do tipo de terreno são depois colocados num mapa dinâmico georreferenciado, onde é possível distinguir, em tempo real, terrenos do tipo água e não água. De forma a melhorar o tempo de processamento dos algoritmos desenvolvidos, vários processos sequenciais foram convertidos em processos paralelos e executados na GPU a bordo do UAV, com a ajuda da framework CUDA, tornando o algoritmo até 10x mais rápido. Também são apresentadas nesta dissertação comparações entre o tempo de processamento destes dois modos de processamento, sequencial na CPU e paralelo na GPU. Todos os algoritmos foram desenvolvidos através de bibliotecas open-source, e foram analisados e validados, tanto através de ambientes de simulação como em ambientes reais. Para avaliar a robustez dos algoritmos propostos, os terrenos estudados foram testados com e sem a presença do efeito downwash. Concluiu-se que o classificador pode ser melhorado realizando combinações entre as características de textura estáticas e dinâmicas, alcançando uma precisão superior a 99% na classificação de terrenos do tipo água e não água

    Adaptive Feature Engineering Modeling for Ultrasound Image Classification for Decision Support

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    Ultrasonography is considered a relatively safe option for the diagnosis of benign and malignant cancer lesions due to the low-energy sound waves used. However, the visual interpretation of the ultrasound images is time-consuming and usually has high false alerts due to speckle noise. Improved methods of collection image-based data have been proposed to reduce noise in the images; however, this has proved not to solve the problem due to the complex nature of images and the exponential growth of biomedical datasets. Secondly, the target class in real-world biomedical datasets, that is the focus of interest of a biopsy, is usually significantly underrepresented compared to the non-target class. This makes it difficult to train standard classification models like Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Trees, and Nearest Neighbor techniques on biomedical datasets because they assume an equal class distribution or an equal misclassification cost. Resampling techniques by either oversampling the minority class or under-sampling the majority class have been proposed to mitigate the class imbalance problem but with minimal success. We propose a method of resolving the class imbalance problem with the design of a novel data-adaptive feature engineering model for extracting, selecting, and transforming textural features into a feature space that is inherently relevant to the application domain. We hypothesize that by maximizing the variance and preserving as much variability in well-engineered features prior to applying a classifier model will boost the differentiation of the thyroid nodules (benign or malignant) through effective model building. Our proposed a hybrid approach of applying Regression and Rule-Based techniques to build our Feature Engineering and a Bayesian Classifier respectively. In the Feature Engineering model, we transformed images pixel intensity values into a high dimensional structured dataset and fitting a regression analysis model to estimate relevant kernel parameters to be applied to the proposed filter method. We adopted an Elastic Net Regularization path to control the maximum log-likelihood estimation of the Regression model. Finally, we applied a Bayesian network inference to estimate a subset for the textural features with a significant conditional dependency in the classification of the thyroid lesion. This is performed to establish the conditional influence on the textural feature to the random factors generated through our feature engineering model and to evaluate the success criterion of our approach. The proposed approach was tested and evaluated on a public dataset obtained from thyroid cancer ultrasound diagnostic data. The analyses of the results showed that the classification performance had a significant improvement overall for accuracy and area under the curve when then proposed feature engineering model was applied to the data. We show that a high performance of 96.00% accuracy with a sensitivity and specificity of 99.64%) and 90.23% respectively was achieved for a filter size of 13 × 13

    Pattern Recognition

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    A wealth of advanced pattern recognition algorithms are emerging from the interdiscipline between technologies of effective visual features and the human-brain cognition process. Effective visual features are made possible through the rapid developments in appropriate sensor equipments, novel filter designs, and viable information processing architectures. While the understanding of human-brain cognition process broadens the way in which the computer can perform pattern recognition tasks. The present book is intended to collect representative researches around the globe focusing on low-level vision, filter design, features and image descriptors, data mining and analysis, and biologically inspired algorithms. The 27 chapters coved in this book disclose recent advances and new ideas in promoting the techniques, technology and applications of pattern recognition

    Detail and contrast enhancement in images using dithering and fusion

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    This thesis focuses on two applications of wavelet transforms to achieve image enhancement. One of the applications is image fusion and the other one is image dithering. Firstly, to improve the quality of a fused image, an image fusion technique based on transform domain has been proposed as a part of this research. The proposed fusion technique has also been extended to reduce temporal redundancy associated with the processing. Experimental results show better performance of the proposed methods over other methods. In addition, achievements have been made in terms of enhancing image contrast, capturing more image details and efficiency in processing time when compared to existing methods. Secondly, of all the present image dithering methods, error diffusion-based dithering is the most widely used and explored. Error diffusion, despite its great success, has been lacking in image enhancement aspects because of the softening effects caused by this method. To compensate for the softening effects, wavelet-based dithering was introduced. Although wavelet-based dithering worked well in removing the softening effects, as the method is based on discrete wavelet transform, it lacked in aspects like poor directionality and shift invariance, which are responsible for making the resultant images look sharp and crisp. Hence, a new method named complex wavelet-based dithering has been introduced as part of this research to compensate for the softening effects. Image processed by the proposed method emphasises more on details and exhibits better contrast characteristics in comparison to the existing methods

    An improved marine predators algorithm tuned data-driven multiple-node hormone regulation neuroendocrine-PID controller for multi-input–multi-output gantry crane system

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    Conventionally, researchers have favored the model-based control scheme for controlling gantry crane systems. However, this method necessitates a substantial investment of time and resources in order to develop an accurate mathematical model of the complex crane system. Recognizing this challenge, the current paper introduces a novel data-driven control scheme that relies exclusively on input and output data. Undertaking a couple of modifications to the conventional marine predators algorithm (MPA), random average marine predators algorithm (RAMPA) with tunable adaptive coefficient to control the step size ( CF) has been proposed in this paper as an enhanced alternative towards fine-tuning data-driven multiple-node hormone regulation neuroendocrine-PID (MnHR-NEPID) controller parameters for the multi-input–multi-output (MIMO) gantry crane system. First modification involved a random average location calculation within the algorithm’s updating mechanism to solve the local optima issue. The second modification then introduced tunable CF that enhanced search capacity by enabling users’ resilience towards attaining an offsetting level of exploration and exploitation phases. Effectiveness of the proposed method is evaluated based on the convergence curve and statistical analysis of the fitness function, the total norms of error and input, Wilcoxon’s rank test, time response analysis, and robustness analysis under the influence of external disturbance. Comparative findings alongside other existing metaheuristic-based algorithms confirmed excellence of the proposed method through its superior performance against the conventional MPA, particle swarm optimization (PSO), grey wolf optimizer (GWO), moth-flame optimization (MFO), multi-verse optimizer (MVO), sine-cosine algorithm (SCA), salp-swarm algorithm (SSA), slime mould algorithm (SMA), flow direction algorithm (FDA), and the formally published adaptive safe experimentation dynamics (ASED)-based methods


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    A well-known statement says that the PID controller is the "bread and butter" of the control engineer. This is indeed true, from a scientific standpoint. However, nowadays, in the era of computer science, when the paper and pencil have been replaced by the keyboard and the display of computers, one may equally say that MATLAB is the "bread" in the above statement. MATLAB has became a de facto tool for the modern system engineer. This book is written for both engineering students, as well as for practicing engineers. The wide range of applications in which MATLAB is the working framework, shows that it is a powerful, comprehensive and easy-to-use environment for performing technical computations. The book includes various excellent applications in which MATLAB is employed: from pure algebraic computations to data acquisition in real-life experiments, from control strategies to image processing algorithms, from graphical user interface design for educational purposes to Simulink embedded systems

    Evolutionary Computation

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    This book presents several recent advances on Evolutionary Computation, specially evolution-based optimization methods and hybrid algorithms for several applications, from optimization and learning to pattern recognition and bioinformatics. This book also presents new algorithms based on several analogies and metafores, where one of them is based on philosophy, specifically on the philosophy of praxis and dialectics. In this book it is also presented interesting applications on bioinformatics, specially the use of particle swarms to discover gene expression patterns in DNA microarrays. Therefore, this book features representative work on the field of evolutionary computation and applied sciences. The intended audience is graduate, undergraduate, researchers, and anyone who wishes to become familiar with the latest research work on this field
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