22 research outputs found

    Leveraging Evolutionary Changes for Software Process Quality

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    Real-world software applications must constantly evolve to remain relevant. This evolution occurs when developing new applications or adapting existing ones to meet new requirements, make corrections, or incorporate future functionality. Traditional methods of software quality control involve software quality models and continuous code inspection tools. These measures focus on directly assessing the quality of the software. However, there is a strong correlation and causation between the quality of the development process and the resulting software product. Therefore, improving the development process indirectly improves the software product, too. To achieve this, effective learning from past processes is necessary, often embraced through post mortem organizational learning. While qualitative evaluation of large artifacts is common, smaller quantitative changes captured by application lifecycle management are often overlooked. In addition to software metrics, these smaller changes can reveal complex phenomena related to project culture and management. Leveraging these changes can help detect and address such complex issues. Software evolution was previously measured by the size of changes, but the lack of consensus on a reliable and versatile quantification method prevents its use as a dependable metric. Different size classifications fail to reliably describe the nature of evolution. While application lifecycle management data is rich, identifying which artifacts can model detrimental managerial practices remains uncertain. Approaches such as simulation modeling, discrete events simulation, or Bayesian networks have only limited ability to exploit continuous-time process models of such phenomena. Even worse, the accessibility and mechanistic insight into such gray- or black-box models are typically very low. To address these challenges, we suggest leveraging objectively [...]Comment: Ph.D. Thesis without appended papers, 102 page

    Systematic mapping of software engineering management with an agile approach

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    El enfoque ágil ha generado una amplia variedad de estrategias para administrar con éxito diversos proyectos de software en todo el mundo. Además, podemos asegurar que los proyectos de software se han beneficiado de los métodos ágiles ya conocidos. En este sentido, este artículo busca demostrar cómo se aplica el enfoque ágil en las áreas de la gestión en la ingeniería del Software. Para ello, este estudio realiza un mapeo sistemático para identificar las principales tendencias en la gestión de la ingeniería de software con un enfoque ágil. Se han identificado un total de 1137 artículos, de los cuales 165 son relevantes para los fines de este estudio, estos indican que la entrega temprana de valor, un principio clave de la agilidad, sigue siendo la principal tendencia para el uso de métodos ágiles. Sin embargo, también existen fuertes tendencias enfocadas en puntos clave de la gestión en ingeniería de software, como optimizar la gestión de calidad, optimizar la especificación de requisitos, optimizar la gestión de riesgos y mejorar la comunicación y coordinación del equipo, estos resultados permitirán generar nuevas líneas de investigación para cada punto clave de la gestión en la ingeniería del software impactado por el enfoque ágil.The agile approach has generated a wide variety of strategies to successfully manage various software projects worldwide. In addition, we can ensure that software projects have benefited from the already known agile methods. In this sense, this article seeks to demonstrate how the agile approach is applied in Software engineering management areas. To do this, this study performs a systematic mapping to identify the main trends in software engineering management with an agile approach. A total of 1137 articles have identified, of which 165 are relevant for the purposes of this study, these indicate that early value delivery, a key principle of agility, continues to be the main trend for the use of agile methods. However, there are also strong trends focused on key points of management in software engineering, such as optimize quality management, optimize requirements specification, optimize risk management, and improve team communication and coordination, these results will allow generating new lines of research for each key point of management in software engineering impacted by the agile approach

    Systematic mapping of software engineering management with an agile approach

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    El enfoque ágil ha generado una amplia variedad de estrategias para administrar con éxito diversos proyectos de software en todo el mundo. Además, podemos asegurar que los proyectos de software se han beneficiado de los métodos ágiles ya conocidos. En este sentido, este artículo busca demostrar cómo se aplica el enfoque ágil en las áreas de la gestión en la ingeniería del Software. Para ello, este estudio realiza un mapeo sistemático para identificar las principales tendencias en la gestión de la ingeniería de software con un enfoque ágil. Se han identificado un total de 1137 artículos, de los cuales 165 son relevantes para los fines de este estudio, estos indican que la entrega temprana de valor, un principio clave de la agilidad, sigue siendo la principal tendencia para el uso de métodos ágiles. Sin embargo, también existen fuertes tendencias enfocadas en puntos clave de la gestión en ingeniería de software, como optimizar la gestión de calidad, optimizar la especificación de requisitos, optimizar la gestión de riesgos y mejorar la comunicación y coordinación del equipo, estos resultados permitirán generar nuevas líneas de investigación para cada punto clave de la gestión en la ingeniería del software impactado por el enfoque ágil.The agile approach has generated a wide variety of strategies to successfully manage various software projects worldwide. In addition, we can ensure that software projects have benefited from the already known agile methods. In this sense, this article seeks to demonstrate how the agile approach is applied in Software engineering management areas. To do this, this study performs a systematic mapping to identify the main trends in software engineering management with an agile approach. A total of 1137 articles have identified, of which 165 are relevant for the purposes of this study, these indicate that early value delivery, a key principle of agility, continues to be the main trend for the use of agile methods. However, there are also strong trends focused on key points of management in software engineering, such as optimize quality management, optimize requirements specification, optimize risk management, and improve team communication and coordination, these results will allow generating new lines of research for each key point of management in software engineering impacted by the agile approach

    Systematic mapping of software engineering management with an agile approach

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    El enfoque ágil ha generado una amplia variedad de estrategias para administrar con éxito diversos proyectos de software en todo el mundo. Además, podemos asegurar que los proyectos de software se han beneficiado de los métodos ágiles ya conocidos. En este sentido, este artículo busca demostrar cómo se aplica el enfoque ágil en las áreas de la gestión en la ingeniería del Software. Para ello, este estudio realiza un mapeo sistemático para identificar las principales tendencias en la gestión de la ingeniería de software con un enfoque ágil. Se han identificado un total de 1137 artículos, de los cuales 165 son relevantes para los fines de este estudio, estos indican que la entrega temprana de valor, un principio clave de la agilidad, sigue siendo la principal tendencia para el uso de métodos ágiles. Sin embargo, también existen fuertes tendencias enfocadas en puntos clave de la gestión en ingeniería de software, como optimizar la gestión de calidad, optimizar la especificación de requisitos, optimizar la gestión de riesgos y mejorar la comunicación y coordinación del equipo, estos resultados permitirán generar nuevas líneas de investigación para cada punto clave de la gestión en la ingeniería del software impactado por el enfoque ágil.The agile approach has generated a wide variety of strategies to successfully manage various software projects worldwide. In addition, we can ensure that software projects have benefited from the already known agile methods. In this sense, this article seeks to demonstrate how the agile approach is applied in Software engineering management areas. To do this, this study performs a systematic mapping to identify the main trends in software engineering management with an agile approach. A total of 1137 articles have identified, of which 165 are relevant for the purposes of this study, these indicate that early value delivery, a key principle of agility, continues to be the main trend for the use of agile methods. However, there are also strong trends focused on key points of management in software engineering, such as optimize quality management, optimize requirements specification, optimize risk management, and improve team communication and coordination, these results will allow generating new lines of research for each key point of management in software engineering impacted by the agile approach

    Models versus Datasets: Reducing Bias through Building a Comprehensive IDS Benchmark

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    Today, deep learning approaches are widely used to build Intrusion Detection Systems for securing IoT environments. However, the models’ hidden and complex nature raises various concerns, such as trusting the model output and understanding why the model made certain decisions. Researchers generally publish their proposed model’s settings and performance results based on a specific dataset and a classification model but do not report the proposed model’s output and findings. Similarly, many researchers suggest an IDS solution by focusing only on a single benchmark dataset and classifier. Such solutions are prone to generating inaccurate and biased results. This paper overcomes these limitations in previous work by analyzing various benchmark datasets and various individual and hybrid deep learning classifiers towards finding the best IDS solution for IoT that is efficient, lightweight, and comprehensive in detecting network anomalies. We also showed the model’s localized predictions and analyzed the top contributing features impacting the global performance of deep learning models. This paper aims to extract the aggregate knowledge from various datasets and classifiers and analyze the commonalities to avoid any possible bias in results and increase the trust and transparency of deep learning models. We believe this paper’s findings will help future researchers build a comprehensive IDS based on well-performing classifiers and utilize the aggregated knowledge and the minimum set of significantly contributing features

    SW-VHDL Co-Verification Environment Using Open Source Tools

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    The verification of complex digital designs often involves the use of expensive simulators. The present paper proposes an approach to verify a specific family of complex hardware/software systems, whose hardware part, running on an FPGA, communicates with a software counterpart executed on an external processor, such as a user/operator software running on an external PC. The hardware is described in VHDL and the software may be described in any computer language that can be interpreted or compiled into a (Linux) executable file. The presented approach uses open source tools, avoiding expensive license costs and usage restrictions.Unión Europea 68722

    Digital twins: definition, application options in the product life cycle and marketing

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    Germany is in the digital transformation process of the economy and society. Digital transformation influences not only production and marketing, but also the consumption and use of goods. The development and use of digital twins accelerate the digital transformation process and increase the competitiveness of the German economy. So far, the focus of research has been on the use of digital twins in the production of industrial goods. This article analyzes the use of digital twins in consumer goods marketing. For this purpose, the concept of digital twins is explained, and its use is presented over the entire life cycle of durable consumer goods. Subsequently, the possibilities of use of the digital twin in marketing will be presented and an outlook on further research fields will be given

    Underpinning Quality Assurance: Identifying Core Testing Strategies for Multiple Layers of Internet-of-Things-Based Applications

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) constitutes a digitally integrated network of intelligent devices equipped with sensors, software, and communication capabilities, facilitating data exchange among a multitude of digital systems via the Internet. Despite its pivotal role in the software development life-cycle (SDLC) for ensuring software quality in terms of both functional and non-functional aspects, testing within this intricate software–hardware ecosystem has been somewhat overlooked. To address this, various testing techniques are applied for real-time minimization of failure rates in IoT applications. However, the execution of a comprehensive test suite for specific IoT software remains a complex undertaking. This paper proposes a holistic framework aimed at aiding quality assurance engineers in delineating essential testing methods across different testing levels within the IoT. This delineation is crucial for effective quality assurance, ultimately reducing failure rates in real-time scenarios. Furthermore, the paper offers a mapping of these identified tests to each layer within the layered framework of the IoT. This comprehensive approach seeks to enhance the reliability and performance of IoT-based applications

    Do practitioners intentionally repay their own Technical Debt and why?

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    The impact of Technical Debt (TD) on software maintenance and evolution is of great concern, but recent evidence shows that a considerable amount of TD is fixed by the same developers who introduced it; this is termed self-fixed TD. This characteristic of TD management can potentially impact team dynamics and practices in managing TD. However, the initial evidence is based on low-level source code analysis; this casts some doubt whether practitioners repay their own debt intentionally and under what circumstances. To address this gap, we conducted an online survey on 17 well-known Java and Python open-source software communities to investigate practitioners’ intent and rationale for self-fixing technical debt. We also investigate the relationship between human-related factors (e.g., experience) and self-fixing. The results, derived from the responses of 181 participants, show that a majority addresses their own debt consciously and often. Moreover, those with a higher level of involvement (e.g., more experience in the project and number of contributions) tend to be more concerned about self-fixing TD. We also learned that the sense of responsibility is a common self-fixing driver and that decisions to fix TD are not superficial but consider balancing costs and benefits, among other factors. The findings in this paper can lead to improving TD prevention and management strategies