44 research outputs found

    SSDB-Net: a single-step dual branch network for weakly supervised semantic segmentation of food images

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    Food image segmentation, as a critical task in food and nutrition research, promotes the development of various application domains such as calorie and nutrition estimation, food recommender systems, and daily food monitoring systems. Currently, most of the research is focused on food and non-food segmentation, which simply segments the food and background regions. Differently, semantic food segmentation can identify different specific food ingredients in a food image and provide more detailed and accurate information such as object location, shape and class. This is a more challenging but meaningful task, because the same food may appear in completely different colours, shapes and textures in different dishes, and correspondingly less researched. From the implementation perspective, most previous research is based on deep learning methods with pixel-level labelled data. However, annotating pixel-level labels requires extremely high labour costs. In this paper, a novel single-step dual branch network (SSDB-Net) is proposed to achieve weakly supervised semantic food segmentation. To our knowledge, this research is the first time proposing weakly supervised semantic food segmentation with image-level labels based on convolutional neural networks (CNN). It may serve as a benchmark for future food segmentation research. Our proposal method resulted in an mIoU of 14.79% for 104 categories in the FoodSeg103 dataset compared to 11.49% of the state-of-the-art WSSS method applied in food domains

    Assistive Systems for the Visually Impaired Based on Image Processing

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    In this chapter, we proposed three assistive systems for visually impaired individuals based on image processing: Kinect cane system, Kinect goggle system, and light checking system. The Kinect cane system can detect obstacles of various sizes and also recognize objects such as seats. A visually impaired user is notified of the results of detection and recognition by means of vibration feedback. The Kinect goggle system is another type of wearable system, and can make user’s hands free. The light checking system is implemented as an application for a smartphone, and can tell a visually impaired user the ON/OFF states of room lights and elevator button lights. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed systems are effective in helping visually impaired individuals in everyday environments

    VISION: a video and image dataset for source identification

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    Abstract Forensic research community keeps proposing new techniques to analyze digital images and videos. However, the performance of proposed tools are usually tested on data that are far from reality in terms of resolution, source device, and processing history. Remarkably, in the latest years, portable devices became the preferred means to capture images and videos, and contents are commonly shared through social media platforms (SMPs, for example, Facebook, YouTube, etc.). These facts pose new challenges to the forensic community: for example, most modern cameras feature digital stabilization, that is proved to severely hinder the performance of video source identification technologies; moreover, the strong re-compression enforced by SMPs during upload threatens the reliability of multimedia forensic tools. On the other hand, portable devices capture both images and videos with the same sensor, opening new forensic opportunities. The goal of this paper is to propose the VISION dataset as a contribution to the development of multimedia forensics. The VISION dataset is currently composed by 34,427 images and 1914 videos, both in the native format and in their social version (Facebook, YouTube, and WhatsApp are considered), from 35 portable devices of 11 major brands. VISION can be exploited as benchmark for the exhaustive evaluation of several image and video forensic tools

    Application of Texture Descriptors to Facial Emotion Recognition in Infants

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    The recognition of facial emotions is an important issue in computer vision and artificial intelligence due to its important academic and commercial potential. If we focus on the health sector, the ability to detect and control patients’ emotions, mainly pain, is a fundamental objective within any medical service. Nowadays, the evaluation of pain in patients depends mainly on the continuous monitoring of the medical staff when the patient is unable to express verbally his/her experience of pain, as is the case of patients under sedation or babies. Therefore, it is necessary to provide alternative methods for its evaluation and detection. Facial expressions can be considered as a valid indicator of a person’s degree of pain. Consequently, this paper presents a monitoring system for babies that uses an automatic pain detection system by means of image analysis. This system could be accessed through wearable or mobile devices. To do this, this paper makes use of three different texture descriptors for pain detection: Local Binary Patterns, Local Ternary Patterns, and Radon Barcodes. These descriptors are used together with Support Vector Machines (SVM) for their classification. The experimental results show that the proposed features give a very promising classification accuracy of around 95% for the Infant COPE database, which proves the validity of the proposed method.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) under project CloudDriver4Industry TIN2017-89266-R, and by the Conselleria de Educación, Investigación, Cultura y Deporte, of the Community of Valencia, Spain, within the program of support for research under project AICO/2017/134

    Statistical meta-analysis of presentation attacks for secure multibiometric systems

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    Prior work has shown that multibiometric systems are vulnerable to presentation attacks, assuming that their matching score distribution is identical to that of genuine users, without fabricating any fake trait. We have recently shown that this assumption is not representative of current fingerprint and face presentation attacks, leading one to overestimate the vulnerability of multibiometric systems, and to design less effective fusion rules. In this paper, we overcome these limitations by proposing a statistical meta-model of face and fingerprint presentation attacks that characterizes a wider family of fake score distributions, including distributions of known and, potentially, unknown attacks. This allows us to perform a thorough security evaluation of multibiometric systems against presentation attacks, quantifying how their vulnerability may vary also under attacks that are different from those considered during design, through an uncertainty analysis. We empirically show that our approach can reliably predict the performance of multibiometric systems even under never-before-seen face and fingerprint presentation attacks, and that the secure fusion rules designed using our approach can exhibit an improved trade-off between the performance in the absence and in the presence of attack. We finally argue that our method can be extended to other biometrics besides faces and fingerprints

    Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Cancer Detection and Classification: Review Study

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    Cancer is the general name for a group of more than 100 diseases. Although cancer includes different types of diseases, they all start because abnormal cells grow out of control. Without treatment, cancer can cause serious health problems and even loss of life. Early detection of cancer may reduce mortality and morbidity. This paper presents a review of the detection methods for lung, breast, and brain cancers. These methods used for diagnosis include artificial intelligence techniques, such as support vector machine neural network, artificial neural network, fuzzy logic, and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system, with medical imaging like X-ray, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, and computed tomography scan images. Imaging techniques are the most important approach for precise diagnosis of human cancer. We investigated all these techniques to identify a method that can provide superior accuracy and determine the best medical images for use in each type of cancer

    A Novel Remote Visual Inspection System for Bridge Predictive Maintenance

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    Predictive maintenance on infrastructures is currently a hot topic. Its importance is proportional to the damages resulting from the collapse of the infrastructure. Bridges, dams and tunnels are placed on top on the scale of severity of potential damages due to the fact that they can cause loss of lives. Traditional inspection methods are not objective, tied to the inspector’s experience and require human presence on site. To overpass the limits of the current technologies and methods, the authors of this paper developed a unique new concept: a remote visual inspection system to perform predictive maintenance on infrastructures such as bridges. This is based on the fusion between advanced robotic technologies and the Automated Visual Inspection that guarantees objective results, high-level of safety and low processing time of the results