14 research outputs found

    Pareto Boundary of the Rate Region for Single-Stream MIMO Interference Channels: Linear Transceiver Design

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    We consider a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) interference channel (IC), where a single data stream per user is transmitted and each receiver treats interference as noise. The paper focuses on the open problem of computing the outermost boundary (so-called Pareto boundary-PB) of the achievable rate region under linear transceiver design. The Pareto boundary consists of the strict PB and non-strict PB. For the two user case, we compute the non-strict PB and the two ending points of the strict PB exactly. For the strict PB, we formulate the problem to maximize one rate while the other rate is fixed such that a strict PB point is reached. To solve this non-convex optimization problem which results from the hard-coupled two transmit beamformers, we propose an alternating optimization algorithm. Furthermore, we extend the algorithm to the multi-user scenario and show convergence. Numerical simulations illustrate that the proposed algorithm computes a sequence of well-distributed operating points that serve as a reasonable and complete inner bound of the strict PB compared with existing methods.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in IEEE Tans. Signal Process. June. 201

    A Formulation of the Log-Logistic Distribution for Fading Channel Modeling

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    In some scenarios, the log-logistic (LL) distribution is shown to provide the best fit to field measurements in the context of wireless channel modeling. However, a fading channel model based on the LL distribution has not been formulated yet. In this work, we introduce the L-distribution as a reformulation of the LL distribution for channel modeling purposes. We provide closed-form expressions for its PDF, CDF, and moments. Performance analysis of wireless communication systems operating under L-fading channels is exemplified, providing exact and asymptotic expressions for relevant metrics such as the outage probability and the average capacity. Finally, important practical aspects related to the use of the L-distribution for channel fitting purposes are discussed in two contexts: (i) millimeter-wave links with misaligned gain, and (ii) air–ground channels in unmanned aerial vehicle communications.European Social and Regional FundsJunta de Andalucia P18-RT-3175 UMA20-FEDERJA-002Universidad de MalagaUniversidad de Granad

    Transmission Cooperative Strategies for MIMO-OFDM Heterogeneous Networks

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    Mobile traffic in cellular networks is increasing exponentially, mainly due to the use of data intensive services like video. One way to cope with these demands is to reduce the cell-size by deploying small-cells along the coverage area of the current macro-cell system. The deployment of small-cells significantly improves indoor coverage. Nevertheless, as additional spectrum licenses are difficult and expensive to acquire it is expected that the macro and small-cells will coexist under the same spectrum. The coexistence of the two systems results in crosstier/ inter-system interference. In this context, we design several interference alignment based techniques for the downlink of heterogeneous networks, in order to cancel the interference generated from macro-cell at small-cell user terminals. More specifically, in this contribution we design interference alignment methods under different levels of inter-system coordination and the constraint that the performance of macro-cell system is kept close to the case where small-cell system is switched-off. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed methods achieve close to the optimal performance with low overhea

    On the use of composite indicators for mobile communications network management in smart sustainable cities

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    Beyond 5G networks will be fundamental towards enabling sustainable mobile communication networks. One of the most challenging scenarios will be met in ultra-dense networks that are deployed in densely populated areas. In this particular case, mobile network operators should benefit from new assessment metrics and data science tools to ensure an effective management of their networks. In fact, incorporating architectures allowing a cognitive network management framework could simplify processes and enhance the network's performance. In this paper, we propose the use of composite indicators based on key performance indicators both as a tool for a cognitive management of mobile communications networks, as well as a metric which could successfully integrate more advanced user-centric measurements. Composite indicators can successfully synthesize and integrate large amounts of data, incorporating in a single index different metrics selected as triggers for autonomous decisions. The paper motivates and describes the use of this methodology, which is applied successfully in other areas with the aim of ranking metrics to simplify complex realities. A use case that is based on a universal mobile telecommunications system network is analyzed, due to technology simplicity and scalability, as well as the availability of key performance indicators. The use case focuses on analyzing the fairness of a network over different coverage areas as a fundamental metric in the operation and management of the networks. To this end, several ranking and visualization strategies are presented, providing examples of how to extract insights from the proposed composite indicator

    Enhanced Spectrum Sensing Techniques for Cognitive Radio Systems

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    Due to the rapid growth of new wireless communication services and applications, much attention has been directed to frequency spectrum resources. Considering the limited radio spectrum, supporting the demand for higher capacity and higher data rates is a challenging task that requires innovative technologies capable of providing new ways of exploiting the available radio spectrum. Cognitive radio (CR), which is among the core prominent technologies for the next generation of wireless communication systems, has received increasing attention and is considered a promising solution to the spectral crowding problem by introducing the notion of opportunistic spectrum usage. Spectrum sensing, which enables CRs to identify spectral holes, is a critical component in CR technology. Furthermore, improving the efficiency of the radio spectrum use through spectrum sensing and dynamic spectrum access (DSA) is one of the emerging trends. In this thesis, we focus on enhanced spectrum sensing techniques that provide performance gains with reduced computational complexity for realistic waveforms considering radio frequency (RF) impairments, such as noise uncertainty and power amplifier (PA) non-linearities. The first area of study is efficient energy detection (ED) methods for spectrum sensing under non-flat spectral characteristics, which deals with relatively simple methods for improving the detection performance. In realistic communication scenarios, the spectrum of the primary user (PU) is non-flat due to non-ideal frequency responses of the devices and frequency selective channel conditions. Weighting process with fast Fourier transform (FFT) and analysis filter bank (AFB) based multi-band sensing techniques are proposed for overcoming the challenge of non-flat characteristics. Furthermore, a sliding window based spectrum sensing approach is addressed to detect a re-appearing PU that is absent in one time and present in other time. Finally, the area under the receiver operating characteristics curve (AUC) is considered as a single-parameter performance metric and is derived for all the considered scenarios. The second area of study is reduced complexity energy and eigenvalue based spectrum sensing techniques utilizing frequency selectivity. More specifically, novel spectrum sensing techniques, which have relatively low computational complexity and are capable of providing accurate and robust performance in low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) with noise uncertainty, as well as in the presence of frequency selectivity, are proposed. Closed-form expressions are derived for the corresponding probability of false alarm and probability of detection under frequency selectivity due the primary signal spectrum and/or the transmission channel. The offered results indicate that the proposed methods provide quite significant saving in complexity, e.g., 78% reduction in the studied example case, whereas their detection performance is improved both in the low SNR and under noise uncertainty. Finally, a new combined spectrum sensing and resource allocation approach for multicarrier radio systems is proposed. The main contribution of this study is the evaluation of the CR performance when using wideband spectrum sensing methods in combination with water-filling and power interference (PI) based resource allocation algorithms in realistic CR scenarios. Different waveforms, such as cyclic prefix based orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (CP-OFDM), enhanced orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (E-OFDM) and filter bank based multicarrier (FBMC), are considered with PA nonlinearity type RF impairments to see the effects of spectral leakage on the spectrum sensing and resource allocation performance. It is shown that AFB based spectrum sensing techniques and FBMC waveforms with excellent spectral containment properties have clearly better performance compared to the traditional FFT based spectrum sensing techniques with the CP-OFDM. Overall, the investigations in this thesis provide novel spectrum sensing techniques for overcoming the challenge of noise uncertainty with reduced computational complexity. The proposed methods are evaluated under realistic signal models

    Multiantenna Interference Mitigation Schemes and Resource Allocation for Cognitive Radio

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    Maximum and efficient utilization of available resources has been a central theme of research on various areas of science and engineering. Wireless communication is not an exception to this. With the rapid growth of wireless communication applications, radio frequency spectrum has become a valuable commodity. Supporting very high demands for data rate and throughput has become a challenging problem which requires innovative solutions. Dynamic spectrum sharing (DSS) based cognitive radio (CR) is envisioned as a promising technology for future wireless communication systems, such as fifth generation (5G) further development and sixth generation (6G). Extensive research has been done in the areas of CRs and it is considered to mitigate the spectral crowding problem by introducing the notion of opportunistic spectrum usage. Spectrum sensing, which enables CRs to identify spectral holes, is a critical component in CR technology. Furthermore, improving the efficiency of the radio spectrum use through spectrum sensing and dynamic spectrum access (DSA) is one of the emerging trends. In the first part of this thesis, we focus on enhancing the spectrum usage of CR’s using interference cancellation methods that provides considerable performance gains with realistic computational complexity, especially, in the context of the widely used multicarrier waveforms. The primary focus is on interference rejection combining (IRC) methods, applied to the black-space cognitive radio (BS-CR). Earlier studies on the BS-CR in the literature were focused on using CRs as repeaters for the primary transmitter to guarantee that the CR is not causing significant interference to nearby primary users’ receivers. This kind of approaches are transmitter-centric in nature. In this thesis, receiver-centric approaches such as multi-antenna diversity combining, especially enhanced IRC methods, are considered and evaluated. IRC methods have been widely studied and adopted in several practical wireless communication systems. We focus on developing such BS-CR schemes under strong interference conditions, which has not been studied in the CR literature so far. Spatial covariance matrix estimation under mobility and high carrier frequencies is found to be the most critical part of such scheme. Algorithms and methods to mitigate these effects are developed in this thesis and they are evaluated under realistic BS-CR receiver operating conditions. We use sample covariance estimation approach with silent gaps in the CR transmisison. Covariance interpolation between silent gaps improves greatly the robustness with time-varying channels. Good link performance can be reached with low mobility at carrier frequency considered for the TV white-spaced case. The proposed BS-CR scheme could be feasible at below 6 GHz frequencies with pedestrian mobilities. The second part of this thesis investigates the effect of radio frequency (RF) impairments on the performance of the cognitive wireless communication. There are various unavoidable imperfections, mainly due to the limitations of analog high-frequency transmitter and receiver circuits. These imperfections include power amplifier (PA) non-linearities, receiver nonlinearities, and carrier frequency offset (CFO), which are considered in this study. These effects lead to significant signal distortion and, as a result of this, the wireless link quality may deteriorate. In multicarrier communications such signal distortions may lead to additional interference, and it is important to evaluate their effects on spectrum sensing quality and on the performance of the proposed BS-CR scheme. This part of the thesis provides critical analysis and insights into such issues caused by RF imperfections and demonstrates the need for designing proper compensation techniques required to avoid/reduce such degradations. It is found that the transmitter’s PA nonlinearities affect in the same way as in basic OFDM systems and BS-CR receiver’s linearity requirements are similar to those for advanced DSP-intensive software defined radios. The CR receiver’s CFO with respect to the PU has the most critical effect. However, synchronizing the CR with the needed high accuracy is considered achievable due to the PU signal’s high-power level. The final part of the thesis briefly looks at alternate waveforms and techniques that can be used in CRs. The filter bank multicarrier (FBMC) waveforms are considered as an alternative to the widely used OFDM schemes. Here the core idea is interference avoidance, targeting to reduce the interference leakage between CRs and the primary systems, by means of using a waveform with good spectrum localization properties. FBMC system’s performance is compared with OFDM based system in the context of CRs. The performance is compared from a combined spectrum sensing and resource allocation point of view through simulations. It is found that well-localized CR waveforms improve the CR link capacity, but with poorly localized primary signals, these possibilities are rather limited

    Performance and Security Enhancements in Practical Millimeter-Wave Communication Systems

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    Millimeter-wave (mm-wave) communication systems achieve extremely high data rates and provide interference-free transmissions. to overcome high attenuations, they employ directional antennas that focus their energy in the intended direction. Transmissions can be steered such that signals only propagate within a specific area-of-interest. Although these advantages are well-known, they are not yet available in practical networks. IEEE 802.11ad, the recent standard for communications in the unlicensed 60 GHz band, exploits a subset of the directional propagation effects only. Despite the large available spectrum, it does not outperform other developments in the prevalent sub-6 GHz bands. This underutilization of directional communications causes unnecessary performance limitations and leaves a false sense of security. For example, standard compliant beam training is very time consuming. It uses suboptimal beam patterns, and is unprotected against malicious behaviors. Furthermore, no suitable research platform exists to validate protocols in realistic environments. To address these challenges, we develop a holistic evaluation framework and enhance the performance and security in practical mm-wave communication systems. Besides signal propagation analyses and environment simulations, our framework enables practical testbed experiments with off-the-shelf devices. We provide full access to a tri-band router’s operating system, modify the beam training operation in the Wi-Fi firmware, and create arbitrary beam patterns with the integrated antenna array. This novel approach allows us to implement custom algorithms such as a compressive sector selection that reduces the beam training overhead by a factor of 2.3. By aligning the receive beam, our adaptive beam switching algorithm mitigates interference from lateral directions and achieves throughput gains of up to 60%. With adaptive beam optimization, we estimate the current channel conditions and generate directional beams that implicitly exploit potential reflections in the environment. These beams increase the received signal strength by about 4.4 dB. While intercepting a directional link is assumed to be challenging, our experimental studies show that reflections on small-scale objects are sufficient to enable eavesdropping from afar. Additionally, we practically demonstrate that injecting forged feedback in the beam training enables Man-in-the Middle attacks. With only 7.3% overhead, our authentication scheme protects against this beam stealing and enforces responses to be only accepted from legitimate devices. By making beam training more efficient, effective, and reliable, our contributions finally enable practical applications of highly directional transmissions