95 research outputs found

    some remarks about a community open source lagrangian pollutant transport and dispersion model

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    Nowadays fishes and mussels farming is very important, from an economical point of view, for the local social background of the Bay of Naples. Hence, the accurate forecast of marine pollution becomes crucial to have reliable evaluation of its adverse effects on coastal inhabitants' health. The use of connected smart devices for monitoring the sea water pollution is getting harder because of the saline environment, the network availability and the maintain and calibration costs2. To this purpose, we designed and implemented WaComM (Water Community Model), a community open source model for sea pollutants transport and dispersion. WaComM is a model component of a scientific workflow which allows to perform, on a dedicated computational infrastructure, numerical simulations providing spatial and temporal high-resolution predictions of weather and marine conditions of the Bay of Naples leveraging on the cloud based31FACE-IT workflow engine27. In this paper we present some remarks about the development of WaComM, using hierarchical parallelism which implies distributed memory, shared memory and GPGPUs. Some numerical details are also discussed. Peer-review under responsibility of the Conference Program Chairs

    Political ecology of health in the Land of Fires: a hotspot of environmental crimes in the south of Italy

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    Environmental crimes, if they are perceived as victimless, have not received the appropriate governmental response and have been frequently ranked low on the law enforcement priority list, punished with lenient or no administrative sanctions. This has contributed to an underestimation of the immediate consequences of environmental crimes, which can go undetected for lengthy periods. On the contrary, the mismanagement and illegal trafficking of waste in the Land of Fires, an area in the Campania region in the South of Italy, has been experienced as a 'victimful' crime. Using a political ecology of health approach, and integrating qualitative and quantitative methods, we investigate how the perception of being a victim of waste-related environmental crimes has been magnified by evidence of serious disease outcomes . Health concerns have become a central issue in the resurgence of grassroots movements against waste mismanagement in Campania

    A virtualized software based on the NVIDIA cuFFT library for image denoising:performance analysis

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    Generic Virtualization Service (GVirtuS) is a new solution for enabling GPGPU on Virtual Machines or low powered devices. This paper focuses on the performance analysis that can be obtained using a GPGPU virtualized software. Recently, GVirtuS has been extended in order to support CUDA ancillary libraries with good results. Here, our aim is to analyze the applicability of this powerful tool to a real problem, which uses the NVIDIA cuFFT library. As case study we consider a simple denoising algorithm, implementing a virtualized GPU-parallel software based on the convolution theorem in order to perform the noise removal procedure in the frequency domain. We report some preliminary tests in both physical and virtualized environments to study and analyze the potential scalability of such an algorithm. Peer-review under responsibility of the Conference Program Chairs

    Application of Supply Chain Management at Drugs Flow in an Italian Hospital District

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    The globalization has pushed to change the organization of every companies, even the hospitals. The principal phenomenon in that period and fundamental today again, has been the Supply Chain Management (SCM), with which the company is no longer seen as an isolated entity but active part in an extremely complex supply network. In fact, the only way to guarantee the competitiveness of businesses in the new world economy is through the cooperation and the integration between customers and suppliers. The present work analyses the drugs flow of three Italian hospital: the Cardarelli Hospital in Campobasso, the Veneziale located in Isernia and the San Timoteo site in Termoli. The data was provided by MOLISE DATA SPA that collected the information from all ASREM with particular interest in the already mentioned hospitals. Particularly, will be highlight, using simulation model, the benefits deriving from the implementation of a new Supply Chain, creating a collaboration along the entire logistics production chain. Thanks to a more efficient management of drugs will get a reduction of business costs and an improvement of the health services offered

    TPU Cloud-Based Generalized U-Net for Eye Fundus Image Segmentation

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    Medical images from different clinics are acquired with different instruments and settings. To perform segmentation on these images as a cloud-based service we need to train with multiple datasets to increase the segmentation independency from the source. We also require an ef cient and fast segmentation network. In this work these two problems, which are essential for many practical medical imaging applications, are studied. As a segmentation network, U-Net has been selected. U-Net is a class of deep neural networks which have been shown to be effective for medical image segmentation. Many different U-Net implementations have been proposed.With the recent development of tensor processing units (TPU), the execution times of these algorithms can be drastically reduced. This makes them attractive for cloud services. In this paper, we study, using Google's publicly available colab environment, a generalized fully con gurable Keras U-Net implementation which uses Google TPU processors for training and prediction. As our application problem, we use the segmentation of Optic Disc and Cup, which can be applied to glaucoma detection. To obtain networks with a good performance, independently of the image acquisition source, we combine multiple publicly available datasets (RIM-One V3, DRISHTI and DRIONS). As a result of this study, we have developed a set of functions that allow the implementation of generalized U-Nets adapted to TPU execution and are suitable for cloud-based service implementation.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2016-77785-

    A Sequential Monte Carlo Approach for the pricing of barrier option in a Stochastic Volatility Model

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    In this paper we propose a numerical scheme to estimate the price of a barrier option in a general framework. More precisely, we extend a classical Sequential Monte Carlo approach, developed under the hypothesis of deterministic volatility, to Stochastic Volatility models, in order to improve the efficiency of Standard Monte Carlo techniques in the case of barrier options whose underlying approaches the barriers. The paper concludes with the application of our procedure to two case studies in a SABR model

    Enhancing IoT Data Dependability through a Blockchain Mirror Model

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is a remarkable data producer and these data may be used to prevent or detect security vulnerabilities and increase productivity by the adoption of statistical and Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques. However, these desirable benefits are gained if data from IoT networks are dependablethis is where blockchain comes into play. In fact, through blockchain, critical IoT data may be trusted, i.e., considered valid for any subsequent processing. A simple formal model named the Mirror Model is proposed to connect IoT data organized in traditional models to assets of trust in a blockchain. The Mirror Model sets some formal conditions to produce trusted data that remain trusted over time. A possible practical implementation of an application programming interface (API) is proposed, which keeps the data and the trust model in synch. Finally, it is noted that the Mirror Model enforces a top-down approach from reality to implementation instead of going the opposite way as it is now the practice when referring to blockchain and the IoT

    ECG-based driving fatigue detection using heart rate variability analysis with mutual information

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    One of the WHO’s strategies to reduce road traffic injuries and fatalities is to enhance vehicle safety. Driving fatigue detection can be used to increase vehicle safety. Our previous study developed an ECG-based driving fatigue detection framework with AdaBoost, producing a high cross-validated accuracy of 98.82% and a testing accuracy of 81.82%; however, the study did not consider the driver’s cognitive state related to fatigue and redundant features in the classification model. In this paper, we propose developments in the feature extraction and feature selection phases in the driving fatigue detection framework. For feature extraction, we employ heart rate fragmentation to extract non-linear features to analyze the driver’s cognitive status. These features are combined with features obtained from heart rate variability analysis in the time, frequency, and non-linear domains. In feature selection, we employ mutual information to filter redundant features. To find the number of selected features with the best model performance, we carried out 28 combination experiments consisting of 7 possible selected features out of 58 features and 4 ensemble learnings. The results of the experiments show that the random forest algorithm with 44 selected features produced the best model performance testing accuracy of 95.45%, with cross-validated accuracy of 98.65%

    Feature-rich networks: going beyond complex network topologies.

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    Abstract The growing availability of multirelational data gives rise to an opportunity for novel characterization of complex real-world relations, supporting the proliferation of diverse network models such as Attributed Graphs, Heterogeneous Networks, Multilayer Networks, Temporal Networks, Location-aware Networks, Knowledge Networks, Probabilistic Networks, and many other task-driven and data-driven models. In this paper, we propose an overview of these models and their main applications, described under the common denomination of Feature-rich Networks, i. e. models where the expressive power of the network topology is enhanced by exposing one or more peculiar features. The aim is also to sketch a scenario that can inspire the design of novel feature-rich network models, which in turn can support innovative methods able to exploit the full potential of mining complex network structures in domain-specific applications