8 research outputs found


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    This design is implemented in a safes which is used to protect valuables from the danger of theft. In general, the safety lock on the safe use two systems, there are analog or digital or both. Safes on the market do not always answer the needs of its users to keep the valuables stored in it. This design invented a system that combines the locking safes using a password with an electronic key in the form of 4x3 keypad, solenoid door lock, and SMS Gateway features that provide information directly to the owner’s mobile phone of who had access the safes. Web camera function to store information in the images form that allow the owner photographs who have tried to access the safes. This tool design expected to get the safety system that implemented in security safes

    Writing Towards The Experience Of Participation

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    This article discusses the influence of media on the experience of writing. The aim here is to show two models of participation in the culture, two models of the brain, two models of communication. First, connected with the culture of printed books, is based on the distance, reflexivity and aloneness. Second, born with new media and called „culture of participation”, is a new style of life (interactive) and thinking (logovisual). It redefines roles of the author and the reader. The shift from the one to the second is dynamic, happening here and now. The effects of it are today still unpredictable for us. Anyway literature and literary studies are changing, influenced by new digital technologies treated as extensions of man

    Prototipe Sistem Monitoring Berat Dan Posisi Kendaraan Bermuatan Dengan Menggunakan PC

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    Proses pengiriman suatu barang di industri terkadang membutuhkan waktu yang sangat lama karena jarak yang ditempuh. Banyak rintangan yang akan dihadapi ketika pengiriman suatu barang yang ada di industri. Salah satu rintangan yang dihadapi antara lain terjadinya pencurian terhadap barang yang dikirim. Pencurian barang tersebut terkadang tidak diketahui jumlah barang yang dicuri serta posisi saat barang tersebut dicuri. Oleh karena itu diciptakan suatu sistem yang bertujuan sebagai monitoringberat serta posisi dari kendaraan bermuatan. Sistem ini terdiri dari beberapa komponen yaitu : power supply, sensor loadcell, op-amp, mikrokontroler Atmega16, RS232, serta GPS. Power supply+5volt akan terhubung ke sensor loadcelldan GPS. Loadcelldihubungkan ke rangkaian op-ampsebelum terhubung ke mikrokontroler. Sedangkan GPS akan langsung terhubung ke mikrokontroler. Kemudian dari dari loadcell dan GPS yang masuk ke mikrokontroler akan diteruskan ke rangkaian RS232 untuk disambungkan ke modem (transmitter). Dari modem (transmitter) akan dihubungkan ke modem (receiver) untuk ditampilkan ke Delphi. Setelah melalui proses pengujian, data yang didapat yaitu untuk loadcell mengalami error sebesar 0,2 %, dalam artian untuk 1volt nilai yang keluar sebesar 1Kg. sedangkan data GPS yang didapat saat pengujian mengalami errorsebesar 0,002% untuk latitude dan untuk longitude mengalami errorsebesar 0,004%. ========== The process of sending an item in the industry can sometimes take a very long time because of the distance. Many obstacles to be faced when shipping an item that is in the industry. One of the obstacles faced by, among others, the theft of the goods shipped. Theft of goods in delivering process is sometimes unknown the quantity of goods as well as the current position of the item stolen. Therefore created a system that is intended as a payload weight monitoring and monitoring the position of the vehicle. The system consists of several components: power supply, loadcell sensors, op-amps, microcontroller, RS232, as well as GPS. +5 Volt power supply will be connected to a load cell sensor and a GPS. Loadcell connected to the op-amp circuit before connecting to the microcontroller. While the GPS will be directly connected to the microcontroller. Then from out of loadcell and GPS are included into the microcontroller will be forwarded to the RS232 circuit to be connected to the modem (transmitter). of the modem (transmitter) will be connected to the modem (receiver) to be displayed to Delphi. After going through the testing process, the data obtained is for loadcell has an error of 0,2%, meaning that for 1volt value out of 1Kg. while the GPS data obtained while testing has an error of 0.002% for the latitude and longitude for experiencing an error of 0.004%

    The Use of SW Tools of Emergency Office for Solutions of Emergency Situations

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    Tato práce pojednává o zapojení informační technologie do procesu krizové řízení. Společnost T-SOFT vytvořila informační systém pro podporu krizového řízení EMOFF, který je unikátní nejen v České republice, ale i v Evropě, a ulehčuje práci krizovým manažerům. Z literatury se ale bohužel o tomto relativně novém systému zatím příliš nedozvíme, a proto má tato práce za úkol zmapovat celý systém a vytvořit jakýsi manuál tohoto systému, který ukáže, jak systém pracuje, kde je využíván, jaké má přednosti a na co je potřebné se ještě zaměřit.Information technology is integral part of crisis management nowadays. T-SOFT company developed EMOFF – information system for support of crisis management, which is unique not only in Czech republic, but also in Europe. EMOFF facilitates work and tasks of crisis managers. Professional literature and information of EMOFF are very limited or do not exist, therefore this work describes the system and creates manual of EMOFF, focused on work,usability, weaknesses and strengths of the system.

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring Emisi Kadar Gas Sulfur Dioksida Menggunakan Sensor Mq-136 Berbasis Mikrokontroler STM32F4 Discovery

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    Gas Sulfur merupakan salah satu polutan berbahaya bagi manusia. Akibat utama polutan SO2 terhadap manusia adalah terjadinya iritasi pada sistem pernafasan. Terutama kesehatan bagi usia lanjut dan penderita yang mengalami penyakit kronis pada sistem pernafasan dan kardiovaskular yang sangat sensitif jika kontak dengan SO2. Sehingga dalam tugas akhir ini perlu adanya sebuah rancang bangun sistem monitoring kadar gas sulfur dioksida di udara. Sistem monitoring ini menggunakan buah sensor MQ 136. Untuk monitoring ini mempunyai range sebesar 0,04 hingga 1,04 dan error sebesar 5,5%, Hasil pengukuran (x) dari alat monitoring ini sebesar 0,52±0,105 ppm dengan menggunakan faktor cakupan sebesar 2,196 dan confidence level (CL) 95%. Alat monitoring ini dilengkapi dengan teknologi SMS Gateway guna untuk memberitahukan periangatan dini yang terhubung ke mobile user. Selain itu alat monitoring ini menggunakan Real Time Clock sehingga penyimpanan data logger sesuai dengan waktu yang sebenarnya. ============================================================Sulfur Diooxide gas is one of the most harmful pollutants for humans. The main effect of the SO2 pollutants on humans is the irritation of the respiratory system. Especially health for the elderly and patients with chronic illness in the respiratory and cardiovascular system are very sensitive even if contact with SO2. So in this final task need a design construction of monitoring system of gas content of sulfur dioxide in air. This monitoring system uses the MQ 136 sensor. For this monitoring has a range of 0.04 to 1.04 and error of 5.5%, The measurement result (x) of this monitoring tool is 0,52±0,105 ppm using the coverage factor of 2,196 and a confidence level (CL) of 95%. This monitoring tool is equipped with SMS Gateway technology in order to notify the early flutter connected to the mobile user. In addition, this monitoring tool uses Real Time Clock so that the data storage logger in accordance with the actual time


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    Monitoring Ketinggian dan Aliran Air Pada Sistem Irigasi Tanaman Padi Berbasis ATmega16 Menggunakan Komunikasi GSM adalah sebuah sistem monitoring aliran dan ketinggian air. Tujuan Proyek akhir ini adalah merancang, membuat dan mengetahui unjuk kerja Monitoring Ketinggian dan Aliran Air Pada Sistem Irigasi Tanaman Padi Berbasis ATmega16 Menggunakan Komunikasi GSM. Pembuatan Monitoring Ketinggian dan Aliran Air Pada Sistem Irigasi Tanaman Padi Berbasis ATmega16 Menggunakan Komunikasi GSM terdiri dari beberapa tahap, meliputi analisa kebutuhan, perancangan rangkaian, pembuatan alat, pengujian alat dan pengambilan data. Perancangan alat ini meliputi blok diagram alat, perancangan hardware yang meliputi pembuatan PCB, box dan software pemrograman dengan menggunakan CV-AVR. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian yang sudah dilakukan, diperoleh hasil bahwa Monitoring Ketinggian dan Aliran Air Pada Sistem Irigasi Tanaman Padi Berbasis ATmega16 Menggunakan Komunikasi GSM mampu menunjukkan unjuk kerja yang baik. Rangkaian catu daya menghasilkan output stabil, error pembacaan sensor ketinggian sebesar 1,08%, Bluetooth mempunyai konektifitas yang baik, serta pembacaan sensor aliran dan respon modem GSM bekerja sesuai yang diharapkan

    Kotak Hitam Sebagai Pencatat Pengeremen, Kecepatan, Dan Temperatur Mesin Sepeda Motor Dengan Media Secure Digital Card

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    Penyedia jasa persewaan sepeda motor pada tempat wisata seringkali mengalami kejadian kehilangan sepeda motor akibat dicuri atau terjadi kecelakaan saat sepeda motor tersebut disewa oleh orang yang menyewanya. Tidak adanya sebuah alat yang dapat menyimpan data terakhir kendaraan dan memberikan posisi secara langsung untuk menemukan sepeda motor inilah yang akan menjadi permasalahan ketika sepeda motor yang sedang disewa hilang atau mengalami kecelakaan. Proses identifikasi yang akan dilakukan oleh pihak kepolisian atau pihak pemilik jasa akan persewaan mengalami kesulitan. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan suatu inovasi yang dapat mencatat history terakhir dari sepeda bermotor dan mampu memberikan posisi sepeda motor, konsep paling sederhana membuat semacam kotak hitam dan transponder seperti terpasang di pesawat terbang namun dipasang pada sepeda motor. Kotak hitam ini akan dipasang sensor tekanan pada bagian pengereman, sensor kecepatan agar kecepatan putaran roda dapat diketahui dan sensor temperatur pada bagian mesin selain itu dilengkapi gps untuk memberikan posisi, sehingga posisi dari sepeda motor akan diketahui. Kotak hitam ini akan menyimpan data sensor dan posisi menggunakan secure digital card dan akan mengirimkan sms berupa posisi setiap satu menit sekali. ============================================================================================================================= Rental motorcycle company on spot holiday oftentimes have bad tragedy, like missing or accident their motorcycle when it rentaling to tourist. Until now no one technology which save last history motorcycle and can give the position, make a new problem when the motorcycle still use with other person who rentalling the motorcycle. Oftentimes, process of identification for victim of traffic accident has been done less accurately by polices Therefore, it needs some innovations that can record the last history fom vehicle. The simplest concept is how to make a kind of black box that set in vehicle. This equipment is adoption from the black box of airplane. The black box and transpoder is set by cencor of pressure at breaking part, censor of speed in order that speed of wheel’s rotation when breaking part, censor of speed in order that speed of wheel’s rotation when breaking is ascertainable from the censor of temperatur at engine-fittings. The way of working this tool is save the data from vehicle like pressure when breaking, speed and temperature of vehicle engine that will be keep automatically in secure digital card. In other word, the black box will be the last history from vehicle automatically and this system be equipped with gps for sending the position of motorcycle soon. This black box will save the censor data dan position with secure digital card, and give the position via short massage service in one minutes in this system on

    Targeted client communication via mobile devices for improving sexual and reproductive health.

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    BACKGROUND: The burden of poor sexual and reproductive health (SRH) worldwide is substantial, disproportionately affecting those living in low- and middle-income countries. Targeted client communication (TCC) delivered via mobile devices (MD) (TCCMD) may improve the health behaviours and service use important for sexual and reproductive health. OBJECTIVES: To assess the effects of TCC via MD on adolescents' knowledge, and on adolescents' and adults' sexual and reproductive health behaviour, health service use, and health and well-being. SEARCH METHODS: In July/August 2017, we searched five databases including The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, MEDLINE and Embase. We also searched two trial registries. A search update was carried out in July 2019 and potentially relevant studies are awaiting classification. SELECTION CRITERIA: We included randomised controlled trials of TCC via MD to improve sexual and reproductive health behaviour, health service use, and health and well-being. Eligible comparators were standard care or no intervention, non-digital TCC, and digital non-targeted communication. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: We used standard methodological procedures recommended by Cochrane, although data extraction and risk of bias assessments were carried out by one person only and cross-checked by a second. We have presented results separately for adult and adolescent populations, and for each comparison. MAIN RESULTS: We included 40 trials (27 among adult populations and 13 among adolescent populations) with a total of 26,854 participants. All but one of the trials among adolescent populations were conducted in high-income countries. Trials among adult populations were conducted in a range of high- to low-income countries. Among adolescents, nine interventions were delivered solely through text messages; four interventions tested text messages in combination with another communication channel, such as emails, multimedia messaging, or voice calls; and one intervention used voice calls alone. Among adults, 20 interventions were delivered through text messages; two through a combination of text messages and voice calls; and the rest were delivered through other channels such as voice calls, multimedia messaging, interactive voice response, and instant messaging services. Adolescent populations TCCMD versus standard care TCCMD may increase sexual health knowledge (risk ratio (RR) 1.45, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.23 to 1.71; low-certainty evidence). TCCMD may modestly increase contraception use (RR 1.19, 95% CI 1.05 to 1.35; low-certainty evidence). The effects on condom use, antiretroviral therapy (ART) adherence, and health service use are uncertain due to very low-certainty evidence. The effects on abortion and STI rates are unknown due to lack of studies. TCCMD versus non-digital TCC (e.g. pamphlets) The effects of TCCMD on behaviour (contraception use, condom use, ART adherence), service use, health and wellbeing (abortion and STI rates) are unknown due to lack of studies for this comparison. TCCMD versus digital non-targeted communication The effects on sexual health knowledge, condom and contraceptive use are uncertain due to very low-certainty evidence. Interventions may increase health service use (attendance for STI/HIV testing, RR 1.61, 95% CI 1.08 to 2.40; low-certainty evidence). The intervention may be beneficial for reducing STI rates (RR 0.61, 95% CI 0.28 to 1.33; low-certainty evidence), but the confidence interval encompasses both benefit and harm. The effects on abortion rates and on ART adherence are unknown due to lack of studies. We are uncertain whether TCCMD results in unintended consequences due to lack of evidence. Adult populations TCCMD versus standard care For health behaviours, TCCMD may modestly increase contraception use at 12 months (RR 1.17, 95% CI 0.92 to 1.48) and may reduce repeat abortion (RR 0.68 95% CI 0.28 to 1.66), though the confidence interval encompasses benefit and harm (low-certainty evidence). The effect on condom use is uncertain. No study measured the impact of this intervention on STI rates. TCCMD may modestly increase ART adherence (RR 1.13, 95% CI 0.97 to 1.32, low-certainty evidence, and standardised mean difference 0.44, 95% CI -0.14 to 1.02, low-certainty evidence). TCCMD may modestly increase health service utilisation (RR 1.17, 95% CI 1.04 to 1.31; low-certainty evidence), but there was substantial heterogeneity (I2 = 85%), with mixed results according to type of service utilisation (i.e. attendance for STI testing; HIV treatment; voluntary male medical circumcision (VMMC); VMMC post-operative visit; post-abortion care). For health and well-being outcomes, there may be little or no effect on CD4 count (mean difference 13.99, 95% CI -8.65 to 36.63; low-certainty evidence) and a slight reduction in virological failure (RR 0.86, 95% CI 0.73 to 1.01; low-certainty evidence). TCCMD versus non-digital TCC No studies reported STI rates, condom use, ART adherence, abortion rates, or contraceptive use as outcomes for this comparison. TCCMD may modestly increase in service attendance overall (RR: 1.12, 95% CI 0.92-1.35, low certainty evidence), however the confidence interval encompasses benefit and harm. TCCMD versus digital non-targeted communication No studies reported STI rates, condom use, ART adherence, abortion rates, or contraceptive use as outcomes for this comparison. TCCMD may increase service utilisation overall (RR: 1.71, 95% CI 0.67-4.38, low certainty evidence), however the confidence interval encompasses benefit and harm and there was considerable heterogeneity (I2 = 72%), with mixed results according to type of service utilisation (STI/HIV testing, and VMMC). Few studies reported on unintended consequences. One study reported that a participant withdrew from the intervention as they felt it compromised their undisclosed HIV status. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: TCCMD may improve some outcomes but the evidence is of low certainty. The effect on most outcomes is uncertain/unknown due to very low certainty evidence or lack of evidence. High quality, adequately powered trials and cost effectiveness analyses are required to reliably ascertain the effects and relative benefits of TCC delivered by mobile devices. Given the sensitivity and stigma associated with sexual and reproductive health future studies should measure unintended consequences, such as partner violence or breaches of confidentiality