548 research outputs found

    Extending remote patient monitoring with mobile real time clinical decision support

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    Large scale implementation of telemedicine services such as telemonitoring and teletreatment will generate huge amounts of clinical data. Even small amounts of data from continuous patient monitoring cannot be scrutinised in real time and round the clock by health professionals. In future huge volumes of such data will have to be routinely screened by intelligent software systems. We investigate how to make m-health systems for ambulatory care more intelligent by applying a Decision Support approach in the analysis and interpretation of biosignal data and to support adherence to evidence-based best practice such as is expressed in treatment protocols and clinical practice guidelines. The resulting Clinical Decision Support Systems must be able to accept and interpret real time streaming biosignals and context data as well as the patient’s (relatively less dynamic) clinical and administrative data. In this position paper we describe the telemonitoring/teletreatment system developed at the University of Twente, based on Body Area Network (BAN) technology, and present our vision of how BAN-based telemedicine services can be enhanced by incorporating mobile real time Clinical Decision Support. We believe that the main innovative aspects of the vision relate to the implementation of decision support on a mobile platform; incorporation of real time input and analysis of streaming\ud biosignals into the inferencing process; implementation of decision support in a distributed system; and the consequent challenges such as maintenance of consistency of knowledge, state and beliefs across a distributed environment

    Thirty years of artificial intelligence in medicine (AIME) conferences: A review of research themes

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    Over the past 30 years, the international conference on Artificial Intelligence in MEdicine (AIME) has been organized at different venues across Europe every 2 years, establishing a forum for scientific exchange and creating an active research community. The Artificial Intelligence in Medicine journal has published theme issues with extended versions of selected AIME papers since 1998

    Data demonstrating the anti-oxidant role of hemopexin in the heart

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    The data presented in this article are related to the research article entitled Hemopexin counteracts systolic dysfunction induced by heme-driven oxidative stress (G. Ingoglia, C. M. Sag, N. Rex, L. De Franceschi, F. Vinchi, J. Cimino, S. Petrillo, S. Wagner, K. Kreitmeier, L. Silengo, F. Altruda, L. S. Maier, E. Hirsch, A. Ghigo and E. Tolosano, 2017) [1]. Data show that heme induces reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in primary cardiomyocytes. H9c2 myoblastic cells treated with heme bound to human Hemopexin (Hx) are protected from heme accumulation and oxidative stress. Similarly, the heme-driven oxidative response is reduced in primary cardiomyocytes treated with Hx-heme compared to heme alone. Our in vivo data show that mouse models of hemolytic disorders, β-thalassemic mice and phenylhydrazine-treated mice, have low serum Hx associated to enhanced expression of heme- and oxidative stress responsive genes in the heart. Hx-/- mice do not show signs of heart fibrosis or overt inflammation. For interpretation and discussion of these data, refer to the research article referenced above. Keywords: Heme, Hemopexin, Heart, Oxidative stres

    Effect of the Heteroaromatic Antenna on the Binding of Chiral Eu(III) Complexes to Bovine Serum Albumin

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    The cationic enantiopure R) and luminescent Eu(III) complex [Eu(bisoQcd)(H2O)(2)] OTf (with bisoQcd = N,N'-bis(2-isaquinolinmethyl)-trarts-1,2diaminocyclohexane N/N1 -diacetate and OTf = triflate) was synthesized and characterized. At physiological pH, the 1:1 [Eu(bisoQcd)(H2O)(2)](+) species, possessing two water molecules in the inner coordination sphere, is largely dominant. The interaction with bovine serum albumin (BSA) was studied by means of several experimental techniques, such as luminescence spectroscopy, isothermal titration calorimeti-y (ITC), molecular docking (MD), and molecular dynamics simulations M11.-.)S). In this direction, a ligand competition study was also performed by using three clinically established drugs (i.e., ibuprofen, warfarin, and digito)cin). The nature of this interaction is strongly affected by the type of the involved heteroaromatic antenna in the complexes. In fact, the presence of isoqiiinolirie rings drives the corresponding complex toward the protein superficial area containing the tryptophan residue 134 (Trp134). As the main consequence, the metal center undergoes the loss of one water molecule upon interaction with the side chain of a glutamic acid residue. On the other hand, the similar complex containing pyridine rings f[Eti(bpcd)(H2O)(2)]Cl with bpcd = N,N'-bis(2-pytidylmethyl)-trans-1,2-diaminocyclohexane N,N'-diacetate)interacts more weakly with the protein in a different superficial cavity, without losing the coordinated water molecules

    Normalizing Spontaneous Reports into MedDRA: some Experiments with MagiCoder

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    Text normalization into medical dictionaries is useful to support clinical task. A typical setting is Pharmacovigilance (PV). The manual detection of suspected adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in narrative reports is time consuming and Natural Language Processing (NLP) provides a concrete help to PV experts. In this paper we carry on experiments for testing performances of MagiCoder, an NLP application designed to extract MedDRA terms from narrative clinical text. Given a narrative description, MagiCoder proposes an automatic encoding. The pharmacologist reviews, (possibly) corrects, and then validates the solution. This drastically reduces the time needed for the validation of reports with respect to a completely manual encoding. In previous work we mainly tested MagiCoder performances on Italian written spontaneous reports. In this paper, we include some new features, change the experiment design, and carry on more tests about MagiCoder. Moreover, we do a change of language, moving to English documents. In particular, we tested MagiCoder on the CADEC dataset, a corpus of manually annotated posts about ADRs collected from social media

    Local security policies and the protection of territory: an analysis of the Italian experience: 2007-2009

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    This paper explores the territorial dimension of local security policies, with reference to the “Security Pacts” signed in Italy between 2007 and 2009. These Security Pacts are an innovative instrument introduced by the central government, aimed at changing the model of security governance at the local level. After describing how Security Pacts have spread, and which institutional actors have participated in them, this study aims at deepening the analysis of their territorial dimension. More specifically, the research question at the basis of this study focuses on the identification of factors that can explain why the pacts feature variations in numbers and types of public administration at different levels, and why they tend to acquire particular spatial configurations rather than others. Three hypotheses are tested based on empirical data (obtained using a Quantitative Narrative Analysis with the aid of Geographic Information Systems and other statistical tools) used to identify which variable may best explain the propensity to use such pacts to solve security-related issues in different areas of the country

    Chimica dei Sistemi Biologici

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    PEG-capped, lanthanide doped GdF3 nanoparticles: luminescent and T-2 contrast agents for optical and MRI multimodal imaging

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    A facile method for the synthesis of water dispersible Er3+/Yb3+ and Tm3+/Yb3+ doped upconverting GdF3 nanoparticles is reported. Strong upconversion emissions are observed in the red (for Er/Yb doped) and near-infrared (for Tm/Yb doped) regions upon laser excitation at 980 nm. The PEG coating ensures a good dispersion of the system in water and reduces the radiationless de-excitation of the excited states of the Er3+ and Tm3+ ions by water molecules. The r(2) relaxivity values are quite high with respect to the common T-2-relaxing agents (22.6 +/- 3.4 mM(-1) s(-1) and 15.8 +/- 3.4 mM(-1) s(-1) for the Tm/Yb and Er/Yb doped samples, respectively), suggesting that the present NPs can be interesting as T-2 weighted contrast agents for proton MRI purpose. Preliminary experiments conducted in vitro, in stem cell cultures, and in vivo, after subcutaneous injection of the lanthanide-doped GdF3 NPs, indicate scarce toxic effects. After an intravenous injection in mice, the GdF3 NPs localize mainly in the liver. The present results indicate that the present Er3+/Yb3+ and Tm3+/Yb3+ doped GdF3 NPs are suitable candidates to be efficiently used as bimodal probes for both in vitro and in vivo optical and magnetic resonance imaging
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