12 research outputs found

    Sendai y el clan Date: la realidad tras la Embajada Keichô

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    Sendai y el clan Date: la realidad tras la Embajada Keichô

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    During the still recent four hundredth anniversary of Spanish-Japanese diplomatic relationships, the Keichô Embassy has been promoted almost as a linking event between the two brotherly countries. However, the Japanese's alleged interest in embracing Christianity hid a series of political motivations which had little or nothing to do with a spiritual approach. In this article, we will explain who was Date Masamune, the last promoter of that diplomatic mission, and to what ambitious plans he tried to aspire by sponsoring it.Durante el aún reciente cuatrocientos aniversario de las relaciones hispano-japonesas la Embajada Keichô se ha promocionado casi como un evento de hermandad que enlaza dos países hermanos. No obstante, el presunto interés de los japoneses por abrazar la cristiandad escondía una serie de motivaciones políticas poco o nada relacionadas con lo espiritual. En el presente artículo explicaremos quién fue Date Masamune, impulsor último de aquella misión diplomática, y a qué ambiciosos planes pretendía aspirar patrocinándola

    El origen de las artes marciales tradicionales en Japón: Con especial referencia a Masaaki Hatsumi y Bujinkan Dōjō

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    En el mundo occidental, el término “Artes Marciales", Budō en japonés, se utiliza como sinónimo de disciplinas como el Judō, Karate-dō, Aikidō y el Jujutsu. Estas disciplinas, que implican tanto entrenamiento físico y mental, también se cree comúnmente que son el comienzo para iniciar al practicante en las enseñanzas filosóficas y mentales, que pueden conducir a una comprensión particular de la naturaleza y lo que significa ser humano. En este trabajo el origen, el desarrollo y la difusión en todo el mundo de estas artes están presentes. Estas disciplinas se comparan desde sus inicios que dieron lugar a la evolución que se conoce actualmente. Las fuentes literarias principales utilizadas para este proyecto son textos japoneses del célebre artista marcial Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi. Las artes marciales tradicionales de Japón y sus equivalentes modernos, de hoy en día, difieren. Se argumenta que los aspectos físicos y filosóficos se han trasformado drásticamente, debido a que se han adoptado para la competición deportiva. Concluyo en la distinción entre el verdadero Budō (artes marciales antiguas y tradicionales practicadas durante la guerra) que es inseparable de la cultura, dentro de la cual evolucionó de las disciplinas de combate moderno pues generalmente se practican con fines recreativos y para la salud.In the occidental world, the term martial art is used synonymously for disciplines such as Judō, Karate-dō, Aikido, and Jujutsu. These disciplines which involve both physical and mental training are also commonly believed to involve the initiation of the practitioner into philosophical and esoteric teachings which can lead to a particular understanding of nature and what it means to be human. In this work the origins, development and eventual worldwide dispersal of these arts are illuminated. These disciplines are then compared with the ancient predecessors from which they evolved. The primary literary sources used for this project are Japanese texts by the celebrated martial artist and author Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi. The main thesis proposed is that the traditional martial arts of Japan and their modern day equivalents are now fundalmentally different. It is argued that the physical and philosophical aspects have been drastically, because they have taken to sporting competition. He concludes the distinction between true Budō (old and traditional martial arts practiced during the war), which is inseparable from culture, within which evolved from the disciplines of modern combat is generally practiced for recreational purposes and for health.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Estudios de Asia Orienta

    A nobreza cristã de Kyushu. Redes de parentesco e acção jesuítica

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em História dos Descobrimentos e da Expansão Portuguesa (séculos XV-XVIII)A presente dissertação tem por objectivo analisar um aspecto específico das multi-facetadas relações luso-nipónicas dos séculos XVI e XVII. Foi intenção do trabalho estudar, à luz da documentação jesuítica, a nobreza cristã de Kyûshû, a par do relacionamento que estas linhagens mantiveram com o Cristianismo e os seus agentes, durante o período em que os missionários europeus foram autorizados a permanecer no Japão. O nosso ponto de partida consistiu no estudo daquelas que sabemos terem sido, durante uma parte significativa da segunda metade do século XVI e os primeiros anos do século seguinte, as principais linhagens cristãs de Kyûshû, a saber, os Koteda, os Ômura, os Arima, os Ôtomo, os senhores do arquipélago de Amakusa e, numa fase já tardia, os Konishi. A importância destas estirpes no contexto político-social e militar japonês não era evidentemente a mesma. Os líderes das casas Koteda, Ômura e os vários senhores do arquipélago de Amakusa, denominados kokujin, pertenciam a linhagens de menor protagonismo político-militar. Os primeiros eram vassalos de uma linhagem de dáimios, os Matsuura de Hirado; os últimos senhoreavam um pequeno arquipélago que, durante o período em estudo, passou pelas mãos de várias estirpes, Ôtomo, Shimazu e Konishi. Numa escala diametralmente oposta temos os Ôtomo e os Konishi, dáimios de Bungo e de Higo, respectivamente, que, em períodos distintos, foram as linhagens cristãs mais proeminentes da ilha. Foi nos domínios pertencentes a estas estirpes que o grosso do investimento jesuíta foi realizado. Na verdade, de uma forma geral, em nenhuma outra zona do arquipélago houve um investimento análogo, pelo menos com a continuidade e a dimensão daquele que foi realizado em algumas destas zonas de Kyûshû. No entanto, o trabalho missionário desenvolvido nos diferentes domínios destes guerreiros foi desigual e, à data de expulsão dos religiosos do Japão (1614), eram as populações do Noroeste da ilha aquelas que tinham sofrido uma influência mais duradoura e sólida da parte dos missionários. Deste modo, o Cristianismo acabou por conhecer uma implantação maior em áreas como Ômura, a vizinha península de Takaku ou as ilhas sob jurisdição dos Koteda, locais onde mais tarde, e como resposta às crescentes pressões do xogunato Tokugawa (1603-1867) para extirpar o Cristianismo do Japão, surgiram várias comunidades distintas e isoladas de kakure kirishitan. Deste modo, no que respeita aos limites geográficos cingimos a nossa análise às casas nobiliárquicas cristãs de Kyûshû acima citadas. Os limites cronológicos do trabalho abarcam o período em que os padres actuaram livremente no Japão, de 1549 a 1614

    Japón, tratados de oportunidades

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    Historiador (a)Pregrad

    Arte Namban no mercado leiloeiro internacional

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    ProjetoA chegada dos primeiros mercadores portugueses ao Japão significou o primeiro contacto entre duas civilizações distintas, até então completamente separadas: a europeia e a japonesa. A arte nipo-portuguesa que resultou deste encontro, mais conhecida como “arte namban”, beneficia hoje de uma grande procura no mercado leiloeiro, atingindo frequentemente preços elevados. O objectivo deste projecto de mestrado é analisar o valor mercantil de objectos de arte namban, tendo em conta o seu valor artístico, histórico e documental.The arrival of the first Portuguese traders in Japan meant the first contact between two distinct civilizations, up until then completely separated: the European and the Japanese. Nipo-portuguese art which resulted after this encounter, best known as “namban art”, benefits nowadays from great interest in the auction market, often reaching high hammer prices. The goal of this master’s project is to analyze the market value of namban art objects, considering their artistic, historic and documental value

    El imperialismo japonés

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    Treballs Finals de Grau en Història, Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2013-2014, Tutor: Àngels Solà PareraEl imperialismo japonés es un caso de especial interés pues es la única nación no-occidental que pasó de sufrir el imperialismo occidental a ejercer el suyo propio en la era del imperialismo de finales el siglo XIX y primera mitad del XX. En ese tiempo Japón sufrió una importante transformación en todos los ámbitos que les llevó a ser la única nación asiática que se trataba de igual a igual con las potencias europeas. Una de las manifestaciones de ese cambio se reflejó en la política exterior, en la que siguiendo modelos europeos Japón trató de forjar un imperio sometiendo a los países de alrededor, apoyado en una ideología que al mismo tiempo que pretendía liberar Asia del imperialismo occidental afirmaba la superioridad de Japón sobre el resto de países

    Die nishiki'e-Karikaturen von Kuniyoshi

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    Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, durch genaue Untersuchungen ausgewählter nishiki’e -Karikaturen (fūshi nishiki’e) politischen Inhalts von Kuniyoshi (15. 11. Kansei 9 - 5. 3. Bunkyū 1: 1798-1861), dessen politisches Bewusstsein herauszuarbeiten und auf Kuniyoshis bisher wenig bekannte Seite als Karikaturist aufmerksam zu machen.The purpose of this research is to get a clear picture of Kuniyoshi as an active caricaturist by analysing his political nishiki’e-caricatures which were extremely risky at that time. Most of them are unknown in literature until today. Furthermore, I would like to determine Kuniyoshi’s important role as a caricaturist by which he succeeded in waking up and supporting the great interest of the citizens in Edo in the feudal-politics of the shogunate’s government. Kuniyoshi, one of the most important nishiki’e artists at the end of Edo period, was born at 15th 11. Kansei 9 (1. 1. 1798) in Edo Nihonbashi. Since the age of 13, he has been a member of the ukiyo’e-school of Toyokuni I. In 1827 he gained fame after publishing the series Tsūzoku Suikoden gōketsu hyakuhachinin no hitori (One hundred and eight heroes of the popular Suikoden) and therefore he was called the great master of hero-picture. From the 6th month of 1842 the production of yakusha’e (actors’ pictures) and bijinga (courtesans’ pictures) was prohibited as one of the measures of the Tenpō reforms. This led to the greatest damage in the nishiki’e-world, because these were the most popular motifs of nishiki’e. However also during that time Kuniyoshi continued to be very successful. He produced quite a big amount of interesting caricatures of high level and through them protested against the reform-politics. In autumn 1855 he began suffering from cerebral apoplexy. Although he lost his high technical capacity of painting during his dicease, he did not stop to work. He carried on painting caricatures but only in primitive outlines and simple compositions. He also continued teaching and supporting a great number of his students until his last day, the 5th 3. 1861. It is evident that Kuniyoshi was the key-person of the catfish picture (namazu’e) boom in 1855 and that he, even after his death, was responsible for the great success of the caricatures during the Boshin-war (Boshinsensō’e) in 1868/69. In the first chapter I examine the bibliographical data of Kuniyoshi and the results of research about nishiki’e caricatures. I try to find out why there are so very few references to his caricatures, although this is one of the very important categories of his achievements. Furthermore I explain my method of analysing caricatures. In the second chapter I try to define what is a “nishiki’e caricature”. At first I examine the illustrated storybook with yellow covers (kibyoshi) as one of the important image sources and I compare the broadsheets (kawaraban), as they are the most similar prints, and the nishiki’e caricatures. The strong limitation of the nishiki’e which were mass-produced commercial publications during the Tenpō reforms is researched precisely. In the third chapter I focus on the artistic career of Kuniyoshi, especially as a caricaturist, which is divided into three periods. Also the relationship between Kuniyoshi, his many pupils and his best partner, the comic tanka poet Umenoya will be explained. His strong interest in European style painting must be emphasized. In the fourth chapter I systematize Kuniyoshi’s caricature techniques and 40 of his prohibited caricatures are analysed exactly in details

    Technische Humankapitalbildung in der Yokosuka-Schiffswerft zu Beginn der Industrialisierung Japans

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    Durch den Kontakt mit holländischen Händlern hatte Japan frühzeitig Zugang zu westlichem Wissen. In der Edo-Zeit (1603-1868) wurden insgesamt mehr als 10.000 Bücher über Medizin und Technologie aus Holland eingeführt. Die Anzahl der Japaner, die sich über die holländische Sprache westliches Wissen aneigneten, betrug bis Ende der Edo-Zeit über 3.000. Sie verbreiteten das technische, medizinische und kulturelle Wissen aus dem Westen über ihre Lehrtätigkeit in den ‚Schulen der westlichen Wissenschaften (yōgaku-juku)‘, die in der Edo-Zeit die Rezeptions- und Diffusionsstellen westlichen Wissens waren. Dieses akkumulierte Vorwissen über die westliche Technologie und Medizin wurde seit Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts zunehmend umgesetzt und zur Weiterentwicklung eigener Techniken angewendet. Die japanische Industrialisierung ging somit mit einem langfristigen Wissens- und Technologietransfer aus dem Westen einher und kann deshalb nicht als spontane, von der neuen Meiji-Regierung inspirierte Handlung bezeichnet werden. Die Industrialisierung Japans muss vielmehr in ihrer historischen Kontinuität und den historischen Kontexten untersucht werden. In der sogenannten ‚industriellen Lehrzeit‘ (1850-1870) wurden zahlreiche frühe Industrien eingerichtet. Dort erfolgte eine Ausbildung von technischen Fachkräften weitgehend selbstständig, aber auch, wie zum Beispiel in der Nagasaki-Schiffswerft, durch ausländische Fachkräfte und Meister. Auch die Humankapitalbildung in der Yokosuka-Schiffswerft begann in der Zeit der ‚industriellen Lehrzeit Japans‘ und komplettierte ihr Ausbildungsprogramm in der Ära des industriellen Aufschwungs. Zwischen dem Anfang der Ausbildung des technischen Personals in der Schiffswerft 1865 und 1907 wurden dort fast 300 Ingenieure und Vorarbeiter ausgebildet. Die Absolventen erhielten direkt nach ihrer Ausbildung eine höhere Stelle als Ingenieur oder Lehrkräfte in weiteren Schiffswerften und Ausbildungsstätten, wie zum Beispiel an der 1873 gegründeten Kōbu dai-gakkō (College of Engineering). Hier wird deutlich, dass die in der Yokosuka-Schiffswerft ausgebildeten Ingenieure zur Diffusion des technischen Wissens in Japan beitrugen und somit die Industrialisierung Japans in großem Ausmaß unterstützten. Vor diesem Hintergrund steht im Zentrum des Interesses der vorliegenden Arbeit die Ausbildung von hoch qualifiziertem technischen Personal von der ‚industriellen Lehrzeit Japans‘ bis zum industriellen Aufschwung in der ersten modernen Fabrik Japans, der Yokosuka-Schiffswerft. Wie diese Ausbildungsprozesse möglich wurden, und welche Bedeutung dieser Humankapitalbildung in der Yokosuka-Schiffswerft für die Industrialisierung Japans beigemessen werden kann, sind Fragen, welche die Darlegungen leiten werden

    To be or nor to be Japanese? : identity construction of Japanese descendant Brazilians in the international migration context of contemporary Japan

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    Orientador: Maria Teresa Sales de Melo SuarezTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias HumanasResumo: Desde meados da década de 1980, brasileiros descendentes de japoneses têm ido para o Japão como trabalhadores migrantes. Esses migrantes tanto demonstram um histórico de práticas com estadas temporárias consecutivas, como experiências de fixação permanente. Para considerar a questão da construção de identidade dos brasileiros de origem japonesa no Japão, observamos um período longo de tempo - não apenas ao longo do século XX, mas desde o início da era Meiji (1868), quando o país experimentou um acelerado processo de modernização e ocidentalização. Essa observação histórica de longa duração teve dois objetivos principais: 1) analisar como as noções de "nacional" e "estrangeiro" vieram sendo tratadas pelos formuladores de políticas do Estado japonês - especialmente considerando um país que foi colonizador e imperialista na Ásia Oriental, até o fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial -; e 2) sopesar em que medida isso interfere ou influencia a construção de identidade dos brasileiros no Japão no início do terceiro milênio.Abstract: Since the middle 1980's Japanese descendant Brazilians have been moving to Japan as migrant workers. These migrants have both practices of consecutive temporary stays and experiences permanent settles. In order to consider the issue of the identity construction of Brazilians with Japanese origin in Japan, we have observed a large period of time - not only during 20th Century, but since the beginning of the Meiji era (1868), when the country has experienced a fast process of modernization and Westernization. The long term historical observation had two major aims: 1) analyzing how the notions of "national" and "foreign" have been used by Japanese government policymakers - especially considering a country that was a major imperialist power in East Asia until the end of 2nd World War -; and 2) taking into account how this background has been influencing and interfering in the identity construction of Japanese-Brazilians at the beginning of the third millennium.DoutoradoDoutor em Ciências Sociai