26,279 research outputs found

    Die Epistola de lamentabili statu Francie: Eine prosimetrische Allegorie aus der Zeit des Hundertjährigen Krieges

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    The so-called Hundred Years’ War (1337-1453) gave rise to a large number of Latin texts in contemporary France lamenting the political, military and social situation. Among them is the hitherto unedited Epistola de lamentabili statu Francie, which was ap- parently written soon after the defeat at Agincourt (1415). The text, arranged as an allegorical vision, describes the negative consequences of the inner-French conflicts and calls for an end to them. From a formal point of view, the text is impressive for its prose, which largely approximates metrical poetry.The so-called Hundred Years’ War (1337-1453) gave rise to a large number of Latin texts in contemporary France lamenting the political, military and social situation. Among them is the hitherto unedited Epistola de lamentabili statu Francie, which was apparently written soon after the defeat at Agincourt (1415). The text, arranged as an alle- gorical vision, describes the negative consequences of the inner-French conflicts and calls for an end to them. From a formal point of view, the text is impressive for its prose, which largely approximates metrical poetry

    Guerre e paci veneto-turche dal 1453 al 1573

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    Atti del XV convegno internazionale di Chianciano-PienzaCe travail entend souligner comment les conflits entre Venise et les Turcs Ottomans constituent les épisodes d'une unique guerre, comme la guerre de Cent ans qui a opposé la France et l'Angleterre de 1337 à 1433.Vorremmo tentare di evidenziare come le diverse fasi di pace e di guerra che alternano nelle relazioni veneto-turche dal 1453 al 1573 siano, in fatti, un'unica guerra, tipo guerra dei Cent'Anni che contrappose Francia e Inghilterra dal 1337 al 1433. Limiteremo il nostro discorso al 1573 —anche se l'ipotesi ci sembra valida fino al 1669— prima per entrare nei limiti intellettuali del convegno e poi perchè la battaglia di Lepanto fu una vittoria non sfruttata che però rappresentò la fine del mito terrificante dell'invincibilità turca, come l'abbiamo già sottolineato

    6. John Wyclif\u27s Divine Dominion and the End of the Middle Ages

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    John Wyclif (c. 1320-1384) has been called both the last of the schoolmen and the morning star of the Reformation. A native Englishman and a Franciscan, he spent most of his life at the University of Oxford, first as scholar, later as teacher of theology, and, from 1356 to 1382, as master of Balliol College. He witnessed the opening battles of the Hundred Years\u27 War between England and France (1337-1453) with its heavy toll of life, the beginning of the Great Schism (1378-1417) during which there was one pope at and another at Avignon, and finally the spectacle of peasant revolts in France and England. The situation in England during Wyclif\u27s lifetime was complicated by the reluctance of Englishmen to support the policies and especially the heavy financial demands of a papacy which was operating from the French-dominated seat at Avignon. [excerpt

    Спорядження англійської армії в роки Столітньої війни (1337-1453)

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    На ґрунті іконографічних джерел розглядається спорядження англійської армії в роки Столітньої війни, простежується його еволюція та встановлюються особливості обладунку воїнів різних родів військ. Підкреслюється роль артилерії при облозі укріплень.На основании иконографических материалов (рыцарских надгробий и миниатюр) рассматривается вооружение и снаряжение английских войск, их эволюция на протяжении конфликта. Основу средневековых армий любой страны Западной Европы составляли рыцари. Англия не была исключением.Based on iconographic materials (knights’ gravestones and miniatures), armament and equipment of English forces and their evolution over the conflict are considered. Knights presented the base of mediaeval armies of any Western European country. England was not an exception

    Guerreiros e batalhas na mira de Jean Froissart (1337-1405) : cenário em transformação

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    Orientadora : Profª Drª Marcella Lopes GuimarãesDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em História. Defesa: Curitiba, 07/05/2015Inclui referênciasResumo: O presente trabalho tem como objetivo compreender as transformações dentro da cultura cavalheiresca medieval e dos diversos agentes dos combates envolvidos, focando principalmente no conflito franco-inglês da Guerra dos Cem Anos (1337 - 1453). Para isso, foram analisadas as obras do cronista Jean Froissart (c. 1337 - c. 1405) concentrando-se principalmente nos relatos onde a instituição cavaleiresca, encabeçada por um líder militar, apresenta sinais de reinvenção. Primeiramente, apresentamos o cronista e quais as principais características de suas obras. Posteriormente, adentramos numa reflexão sobre o contexto e os personagens que compõem nosso trabalho, focando no reino da Inglaterra da Baixa Idade Média. Por fim, analisamos os combates de Crécy (1346) e Poitiers (1356) onde Jean Froissart compôs um relato que aponta para as transformações nos modos de combate. Dessa maneira, apresentamos os reflexos da instituição cavaleiresca e sua adaptação dentro das transformações do século XIV e o papel do rei no seio destes eventos. Palavras-chave: Cavalaria - Guerra dos Cem Anos - Jean FroissartAbstract: The aim of this work is to comprehend the transformations in the chivalric culture and the diversity of combat agents involved in it, focusing mainly in the Hundred Years War conflict (1337 - 1453). For this, the work of Jean Froissart (c. 1337 - c. 1405) was analyzed with special concentration in the reports where the chivalric institution, headed by a military leader, shows signs of reinvention. At first, we will present the chronicler and what are the main characteristics of his work. Later, we entered in a discussion about the context and the persons that compose our work, focusing on the English Kingdom at the Late Middle Ages. Finally, we analyzed the battles of Crécy (1346) and Poitiers (1356) where Jean Froissart wrote a report the points to the transformations of the ways of combat. Therefore, we showed the responses of the chivalric institution and its adaptation inside the transformations of the 14th century and the role of the king in the midst of these events. Keywords: Chivalry - Hundred Years War - Jean Froissar

    La prophétie médiévale dans le Royaume de France : Lumière divine et ténèbres humaines

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    Les multiples catastrophes de la fin du Moyen Âge — perte des États latins d’Orient (chute de Tripoli en 1288 puis de Saint-Jean d’Acre en 1291), guerre de Cent Ans (1337-1453), Grand Schisme d’Occident (1378-1417), etc. —, entrainent un important courant eschatologique, nourri d’écrits prophétiques divers circulant dans tout l’espace de la Chrétienté. Le Bas Moyen Âge est en effet « un temps d’attente », pour reprendre l’expression d’Heinz Zahrnt, professeur de théologie à Hambourg (Zahrnt 1970 : 13), un temps simultanément marqué par la mélancolie et le sentiment d’un recommencement imminent, un temps donc où les hommes ont soif de la parole de Dieu

    Wind Energy Development on the United States Outer Continental Shelf: Balancing Efficient Development and Environmental Risks in the Shadow of OCSLA

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    Calls for United States energy independence and concerns about dwindling fossil fuel reserves have drawn national attention to the search for viable sources of alternative energy. One such source is offshore wind power generation. Offshore wind farms have already proven successful in Europe and Australia, but none yet exist off the coasts of the United States. A private proposal to build such a facility off the coast of Massachusetts has faced strong opposition. Debate exists as to whether the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act permits the federal government to lease areas of the Outer Continental Shelf for alternative energy development. Oil and gas extraction developments authorized under the Act have allowed accelerated development at the expense of the environment. This Note argues that a current proposal to amend the Act to include wind power generation facilities does not address the problems encountered by oil and gas developments, and calls for entirely new legislation

    Rocky Point Union Free School District No. 9 and Rocky Point Administrators Association (2014)

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