217,854 research outputs found

    The Source of Maser Emission W33C (G12.8-0.2)

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    Results of observations of the maser sources toward the W33C region (G12.8-0.2) carried out on the 22-m radio telescope of the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory in the 1.35-cm H2O line and on the Large radio telescope in Nancay (France) in the main (1665 and 1667 MHz) and satellite (1612 and 1720 MHz) OH lines are reported. Multiple, strongly variable short-lived H2O emission features were detected in a broad interval of radial velocities, from -7 to 55 km/s. OH maser emission in the 1667-MHz line was discovered in a velocity range of 35-41 km/s. Stokes parameters of maser emission in the main OH lines 1665 and 1667 MHz were measured. Zeeman splitting was detected in the 1665-MHz line at 33.4 and 39.4 km/s and in the 1667 MHz line only at 39.4 km/s. The magnetic field intensity was estimated. A appreciable variability of Zeeman splitting components was observed at 39 and 39.8 km/s in both main lines. The extended spectrum and fast variability of the H2O maser emission together with the variability of the Zeeman splitting components in the main OH lines can be due to the composite clumpy structure of the molecular cloud and to the presence in it of large-scale rotation and bipolar outflow as well as of turbulent motions of material.Comment: 7 pages, 2 tables, 8 figures, accepted by Astronomicheskii Zhurnal (Astronomy Reports

    Warm thick target solar gamma-ray source revisited

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    The 1.63 MeV gamma-ray line of Ne-20 is sensitive to protons of lower energies than most other nuclear de-excitation lines. Its unexpected strength has been taken as evidence for a solar flare fast ion distribution that remains steep at low energies, and thus has a large total energy content. It has also been suggested that its strength might instead reflect the enhancement of ion lifetimes that occurs when ambient temperatures exceed 10(7) K. Here we revisit this idea ( a) recognising that ions may be effectively trapped in high temperature regions and (b) taking account of the contribution to the line of all ions above threshold. The strength of the 1.63 MeV line relative to other de-excitation lines has been used to estimate the steepness (e.g. energy power-law index) of the ion distribution. We show that these estimates must be significantly revised if primary ions are contained in a region with temperature in the few 10(7) K range, lower than found elsewhere. Such a region would almost certainly be coronal, so we also briefly review other arguments for and against coronal gamma-ray sources

    OH spectral evolution of oxygen-rich late-type stars

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    We investigated the main-line spectral evolution with shell thickness of oxygen rich AGB stars. The study is based on a sample of 30 sources distributed along the IRAS colour-colour diagram. The sources were chosen to trace the Miras with thick shells and the whole range of OH/IR stars. The Miras exhibit a 1665 MHz emission strength comparable to that at 1667 MHz. Even though the Miras of the study have quite thick shells, their spectral characteristics in both main lines attest to a strong heterogeneity in their OH shell with, in particular, the presence of significant turbulence and acceleration. The expansion velocity has been found to be about the same at 1665 and 1667 MHz, taking into account a possible velocity turbulence of 1-2km/s at the location of the main-line maser emission. An increase in the intensity ratio 1667/1665 with shell thickness has been found. A plausible explanation for such a phenomenon is that competitive gain in favour of the 1667 MHz line increases when the shell is getting thicker. There is an evolution in the spectral profile shape with the appearance of a substantial inter-peak signal when the shell is getting thicker. Also, inter-peak components are found and can be as strong as the external standard peaks when the shell is very thick. This trend for an increase of the signal in between the two main peaks is thought to be the result of an increase of the saturation with shell thickness. All sources but two - a Mira and an OH/IR star from the lower part of the colour-colour diagram - are weakly polarized. The strong polarization observed for those two particular objects is thought to be the result of perturbations in their shells.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The Governance of Genomic Information: Will It Come of Age?

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    The completion of the Human Genome Project has opened up unprecedented possibilities in healthcare, but also ethical and social dilemmas in terms of how these can be achieved. Genomic information can be seen as a 'global public good' (GPG), in that it is represented by knowledge in the public domain and across national boundaries. Lack of investment, infrastructure and expertise in developing countries means that they are unable to take advantage of these GPG characteristics to address their health needs, fuelling fears of a growing 'genomics divide'. Some have suggested an international knowledge sharing and capacity building network, a Global Genomics Initiative, as a means to harness the potential of genomics to reduce inequalities in health between North and South. Three UNESCO declarations also call for cooperation between developed and developing countries in genomics research and science and technology in general. Using international relations theories around global governance and networks as a conceptual framework, this paper examines whether these initiatives are likely to succeed in providing effective governance of genomics

    Insight into the OH polarimetric structure of OH 26.5+0.6

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    We present the first view of the magnetic field structure in the OH shell of the extreme OH/IR star OH 26.5+0.6. MERLIN interferometric observations of this object were obtained in December 1993 in full polarisation, at 1612, 1665 and 1667 MHz. The maser spots show a spheroidal distribution both at 1612 and 1667 MHz, while at 1665 MHz emission from the blue-shifted maser peak is concentrated on the stellar position, and the red-shifted peak emission exhibits a filamentary structure oriented on a SE-NW axis. The linear polarisation in both main lines is rather faint, ranging from 9 to 20% at 1665 MHz and from 0 to 30% at 1667 MHz. At 1612 MHz most maser spots exhibit a similar range of linear polarisation although those in the outermost parts of the envelope reach values as high as 66%. This is particularly apparent in the southern part of the shell. The detailed distribution of the polarisation vectors could only be obtained at 1612 MHz. The polarisation vectors show a highly structured distribution indicative of a poloidal magnetic field inclined by 40-60^\circ to the line of sight. The velocity distribution of the maser spots with respect to the radial distance is well explained by an isotropic outflow at constant velocity in the case of a prolate shaped spheroid envelope, also tilted about 45-65^\circ to the line of sight.Comment: 20 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    OH main line masers in the M82 starburst

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    A study of the distribution of OH gas in the central region of the nearby active starburst galaxy M82 has confirmed two previously known bright masers and revealed several new main line masers. Three of these are seen only at 1665 MHz, one is detected only at 1667 MHz, while the rest are detected in both lines. Observations covering both the 1665 and 1667 MHz lines, conducted with both the Very Large Array (VLA) and the Multi-Element Radio Linked Interferometer Network (MERLIN), have been used to accurately measure the positions and velocities of these features. This has allowed a comparison with catalogued continuum features in the starburst such as HII regions and supernova remnants, as well as known water and satellite line OH masers. Most of the main line masers appear to be associated with known HII regions although the two detected only at 1665 MHz are seen along the same line of sight as known supernova remnants.Comment: MNRAS accepted. 16 pages, 13 figure

    Hydroxyl as a Tracer of H2 in the Envelope of MBM40

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    We observed 51 positions in the OH 1667 MHz main line transitions in the translucent, high latitude cloud MBM40. We detected OH emission in 8 out of 8 positions in the molecular core of the cloud and 24 out of 43 in the surrounding, lower extinction envelope and periphery of the cloud. Using a linear relationship between the integrated OH line intensity and E(B-V), we estimate the mass in the core, the envelope, and the periphery of the cloud to be 4, 8, and 5 solar masses. As much as a third of the total cloud mass may be found in the in the periphery (E(B-V) << 0.12 mag) and about a half in the envelope (0.12 \le E(B-V) \le 0.17 mag). If these results are applicable to other translucent clouds the OH 1667 MHz line is an excellent tracer of gas in very low extinction regions and high-sensitivity mapping of the envelopes of molecular clouds may reveal the presence of significant quantities of molecular mass.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figures, and 5 table

    Long-term periodicity in LSI+61303 as beat frequency between orbital and precessional rate

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    Context: In the binary system LSI+61303 the peak flux density of the radio outburst, which is related to the orbital period of 26.4960 +/- 0.0028d, exibits a modulation of 1667 +/- 8 d. The radio emission at high spatial resolution appears structured in a precessing jet with a precessional period of 27-28 d. Aims: How close is the precessional period of the radio jet to the orbital period? Any periodicity in the radio emission should be revealed by timing analysis. The aim of this work is to establish the accurate value of the precessional period. Methods: We analyzed 6.7 years of the Green Bank Interferometer database at 2.2 GHz and 8.3 GHz with the Lomb-Scargle and phase dispersion minimization (PDM) methods and performed simulations. Results: The periodograms show two periodicities, P1 = 26.49 +/- 0.07 d (\nu1=0.03775 d^{-1}) and P2 = 26.92 +/- 0.07 d (\nu2 = 0.03715 d^{-1}). Whereas radio outbursts have been known to have nearly orbital occurrence P1 with timing residuals exhibiting a puzzling sawtooth pattern, we probe in this paper that they are actually periodical outbursts and that their period is Paverage= (2/(\nu1 + \nu2)= 26.70 +/- 0.05 d. The period Paverage as well as the long-term modulation Pbeat=1/(\nu1 - \nu2)=1667 +/- 393 d result from the beat of the two close periods, the orbital P1 and the precessional P2 periods. Conclusions: The precessional period, indicated by the astrometry to be of 27--28 d, is P2=26.92 d. The system \lsi seems to be one more case in astronomy of beat, i.e., a phenomenon occurring when two physical processes create stable variations of nearly equal frequencies. The very small difference in frequency creates a long-term variation of period 1/(\nu1-\nu2). The long-term modulation of 1667 d results from the beat of the two close orbital and precessional rates.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in A&