21,303 research outputs found

    Food and welfare in India, c. 1900–1950

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    In 2001, the People's Union for Civil Liberties submitted a writ petition to the Supreme Court of India on the “right to food.” The petitioner was a voluntary human rights organization; the initial respondents were the Government of India, the Food Corporation of India, and six state governments. The petition opens with three pointed questions posed to the court: * A. Does the right to life mean that people who are starving and who are too poor to buy food grains ought to be given food grains free of cost by the State from the surplus stock lying with the State, particularly when it is reported that a large part of it is lying unused and rotting? * B. Does not the right to life under Article 21 of the Constitution of India include the right to food? * C. Does not the right to food, which has been upheld by the Honourable Court, imply that the state has a duty to provide food especially in situations of drought, to people who are drought affected and are not in a position to purchase food

    Radical Unionism in the Midwest, 1900–1950

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    Review of: "Radical Unionism in the Midwest, 1900–1950," by Rosemary Feurer

    Writings; The Big Change written by Dr. and Mrs. Harry W. Rockwell

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    Writings discussing a world change from 1900-1950.https://digitalcommons.buffalostate.edu/rockwell_writings/1013/thumbnail.jp

    Sejarah sosial kota Semarang 1900-1950

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    Buku ini membahas mengenai sejarah sosial kota Semarang pada tahun 1900-1950, meliputi sistem dan tata kehidupan sosial, kehidupan ekonomi serta kehidupan keagamaan dan pendidikan

    Ricardo Robledo. 2022. La tierra es vuestra. La reforma agraria. Un problema no resuelto. España: 1900-1950. Barcelona: Ediciones Pasado y Presente, 611 pp.

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    Ricardo Robledo. 2022. La tierra es vuestra. La reforma agraria. Un problema no resuelto. España: 1900-1950. Barcelona: Ediciones Pasado y Presente, 611 pp.Ricardo Robledo. 2022. La tierra es vuestra. La reforma agraria. Un problema no resuelto. España: 1900-1950. Barcelona: Ediciones Pasado y Presente, 611 pp.Ricardo Robledo. 2022. La tierra es vuestra. La reforma agraria. Un problema no resuelto. España: 1900-1950. Barcelona: Ediciones Pasado y Presente, 611 pp.Ricardo Robledo. 2022. La tierra es vuestra. La reforma agraria. Un problema no resuelto. España: 1900-1950. Barcelona: Ediciones Pasado y Presente, 611 pp

    A magyar zenetudomány bibliográfiája (1900-1950)

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    Hungarian musicology failed to compile a summary of the history of Hungarian musical writing in the 20th century so far. Though the book series ’Music history of Hungary’, one of the central projects of the Musicological Institute, aims at presenting every aspects of musical life in Hungary, research into history of Hungarian musical writing concentrates primarily on the leading figures of Hungarian musicology. Creating the database ’Bibliography of Hungarian Music Literature (1900-1950)’ (http://db.zti.hu/mza_biblio/biblio_Kereses.asp) which includes more than 2000 data already, may give a more concise picture of the volumen of this literature and can inspire further researches

    Biopolíticas en el mundo ibérico contemporáneo

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    Review of Cayuela Sánchez, S.: Por la grandeza de la patria. La biopolítica en la España de Franco (1939-1975) (México, FCE, 2014) and Cleminson, R.: Catholicism, race and empire. Eugenics in Portugal (1900-1950) (Budapest-New York, Central European University Press, 2014

    Kentucky: Portrait in Paradox, 1900-1950

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    This volume is the first comprehensive and in-depth history of Kentucky during the first half of the twentieth century. State Historian James C. Klotter examines in depth not only the people and their lives but also the state’s economy, educational system, cultural activities, politics, and folkways. He demonstrates how, enduring images and stereotypes developed that have shaped the state’s progress throughout the century. In his view, the first half of the century were years of unrealized promises and failed dreams. Yet amid poverty there was plenty; along with educational weaknesses were cultural strengths; beside partisanship there was leadership. “This is an account of what happened in Kentucky and to Kentucky,” Klotter writes. “It focuses on the process and the possibility of change, and how the people sought to adjust and to balance the positives of their past with the promises of their future. To know better what happened between 1900 and 1950 requires a study of not only the formal actions taken, but also the irony of actions, the presence of paradoxes, and the quieter things that shaped the state’s character, its essence, its heart and its soul.” A landmark in historical writing about the state, Kentucky: Portrait in Paradox is complemented by more than one hundred photographs and illustrations. Published by the Kentucky Historical Society and distributed by the University Press of Kentucky. James C. Klotter, State Historian and professor of history at Georgetown College, is the author and editor of several books, including A New History of Kentucky, History Mysteries, Our Kentucky, Kentucky: Land of Tomorrow, Kentucky:Decades of Discord, William Goebel, and Faces of Kentucky. The sweep of Kentucky: Portrait in Paradox is immense. Nearly every social and political development in the first half of the Commonwealth’s twentieth-century history receives some treatment. As such, it remains an essential starting point for any related future work. —Ohio Valley Historyhttps://uknowledge.uky.edu/upk_united_states_history/1121/thumbnail.jp