759 research outputs found

    The Art of Maude J. Mitchell (1875-1957)

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    Maude Josephine Mitchell was the daughter of early Wabaunsee County pioneers Captain William and Mary Mitchell. Captain Mitchell was a leader of the Beecher Bible and Rifle Colony who came to the area in 1856. He operated an Underground Railroad station at his home three miles east of the town of Wabaunsee. Maude was a very famous Kansas artist who strived to capture the pure beauty of the land and all that it contained

    Kirby, John Quincy, 1875-1957 - Letters to (SC 78)

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    Finding aid and scan (Click on additional files below) for Manuscripts Small Collection 78. Letters, 2 and 14 November 1930, written to J. Quince Kirby, Bowling Green, Kentucky, one by Joe S. Kirby, the other by “Joda” Kirby. The letters relate genealogical information about the Boone and Kirby families.

    Le nationalisme acadien et l’émergence de la littérature acadienne (1875-1957)

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    This article proposes that Acadian nationalism was shaped by both the Acadian National Conventions and also by a collective narrative serving as the foundation of that nationalism. These forces gave rise to an emerging Acadian literature during the first half of the twentieth century. Although not yet profuse at that time, the literature was nonetheless committed to determining and ensuring a distinct Acadian identity, including a struggle for survival of the Acadian “nation.” Notable, especially, was the generic diversity of this early literature. In addition to nationalist speeches, it included essays, plays, novels, and poetry. It offered, as well, a regeneration of history, particularly great myths and heroes, and it defended language, traditions, customs, and religion. These objectives of the first Acadian writers can thus be construed as an expansion of the nationalist discourse that was taking place at the end of the nineteenth century.Le nationalisme acadien qui prend forme surtout à l’occasion des conventions nationales, et notamment le récit commun qui lui sert principalement d’assise, donnera lieu, dans la première moitié du vingtième siècle surtout, à l’émergence d’une littérature acadienne sinon abondante, du moins convaincue du rôle qu’elle doit jouer dans la définition et dans la perpétuation d’une identité acadienne distincte, voire dans la lutte pour la survie de la « nation » acadienne. Soulignons que cette littérature est également assez variée puisqu’elle regroupe tous les genres. Outre des discours, la littérature acadienne émergente rassemble des essais, des pièces de théâtre, des romans et des recueils de poésie. Faire revivre l'histoire, recréer les grands mythes de l'Acadie en même temps que ses héros, défendre sa langue, ses traditions, ses coutumes et sa religion, voilà les buts que se fixent les premiers écrivains acadiens. Leurs œuvres peuvent être perçues comme une mise en œuvre sur le plan littéraire du discours nationaliste de la fin du dix-neuvième siècle

    Body Consciousness in Modern Urban Surroundings: Freerunning and Parkour

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    The paper covers the matter of body consciousness in modern urban surroundings. Somatic disciplines known as Freerunning and Parkour are presented as activities of a performative nature that can be understood and practised as means of redefining an aesthetic experience in modern urban surroundings

    Hüseyin Cahit Yalçın (1875-1957)'ın Dil İle İlgili Görüşleri

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    Hüseyin Cahit Yalçın, Türk modernleşme hareketinin önemli simalarından biridir.Bu çalışmada Hüseyin Cahit'in dil ile ilgili görüşleri üzerinde durulmuştur. İlk olarak alfabetartışmalarındaki tutumu ele alınmış, ikinci olarak Türkçenin sadeleştirilmesi hareketihakkındaki görüşleri değerlendirilmiştir. Son olarak yazarın dil bilgisi yazımı ve öğretimi ileilgili katkılarına değinilmiştir

    Декорации М. В. Добужинского как версия пушкинистики

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    The sets by M. V. Dobuzhinsky for the operas by Mussorgsky and Tchaikovsky based on Pushkin’s works represent an attempt to reconstruct Pushkin’s world and Pushkin’s attitude to history. The libretto required a stylization and standardization of scenography, but Dobuzhinsky continued to interpret the images of St. Petersburg and central Russia, correlating the plots of operas with a new national upsurge. Thus, the plot of The Queen of Spades was understood as part of Pushkin’s view on the successes and failures of the Petrine reforms, about the connection between adventurism and the imperial style, which corresponded to the general cultural myth of Petersburg but was supplemented by a number of observations on the Pushkin text. The plot of Boris Godunov was read not as a Russian story, but as a common one for countries inheriting the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Russia. The plot of Eugene Onegin was brought closer to the dacha plots of Russian literature, becoming part of the integrated image of a lost Russia. It is proved that Dobuzhinsky in his decisions followed not the structure of the libretto, but a close reading of Pushkin’s texts. Декорации М. В. Добужинского к операм Мусоргского и Чайковского на пушкинские сюжеты представляют собой попытку реконструкции пушкинского мира и отношения самого Пушкина к истории. Либретто требовало стилизации и стандартизации сценографии, но Добужинский продолжал разрабатывать образы Петербурга и центральной России, соотнося сюжеты опер с новым национальным подъемом. Так, сюжет «Пиковой дамы» был понят как часть мысли Пушкина об удачах и неудачах петровских реформ, о связи авантюризма и имперского стиля, что отвечало общему культурному мифу о Петербурге, но было дополнено рядом наблюдений над пушкинским текстом. Сюжет «Бориса Годунова» был прочитан не как русский, но как общий для стран, наследующих Речи Посполитой и России. Сюжет «Евгения Онегина» был сближен с дачными сюжетами русской литературы, став частью собирательного образа утраченной России. Доказано, что Добужинский в своих решениях следовал не характеру либретто, а медленному чтению текстов Пушкина

    Arthur Upham Pope and his research methods in Muhammadan art:Persian carpets

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    This paper looks at the emergence of Persian carpet scholarship in the early twentieth century, and the formative role played by Arthur Upham Pope, one of the American pioneers of Iranian art studies and collecting. By examining the background to his article published in the Art Bulletin in 1925, the paper considers how Persian carpets were incorporated into Islamic art-historical discourse in the early twentieth century