3,633 research outputs found

    Effect of diabetes and prediabetes on the development of disability and mortality among middle-aged Japanese adults: A 22-year follow up of NIPPON DATA90

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    滋賀医科大学博士(医学)application/pdfThesis or DissertationJournal of diabetes investigation. 2022 Nov;13(11):1897-1904.令和4年度thesi

    Els models simfònics

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    Estudio de la estructuración de los modelos sinfónicos en la Barcelona de finales del siglo XIX hasta los albores del XX. El autor parte de la actividad sinfónica barcelonesa de la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII, en la que la recepción de las obras de Haydn, Mozart y Beethoven era coetánea, hasta el paréntesis provocado por las crisis políticas y sociales de mediados del s. XIX. A partir de 1867 se inicia un nuevo proceso de recuperación de los modelos sinfónicos europeos, que culmina con la Sociedad de Conciertos de Barcelona (1880), la Sociedad Catalana de Conciertos (1892-1897) y la Sociedad Filarmónica (1897-1904). (M.D.M.)Étude de la structuration des modèles symphoniques dans la ville de Barcelone depuis la fin du XIXè siècle jusqu'au début du XXè. L'auteur part de l'activité symphonique barcelonaise de la seconde moitié du XVIIIè siècle, période contemporaine de la réception des oeuvres de Haydn, Mozart et Beethoven jusqu'à la parenthèse provoquée par les crises politiques et sociales du milieu du XIXè s. À partir de 1867, commence un nouveau processus de récupération des modèles symphoniques européens, qui culmine avec la Sociedad de Conciertos de Barcelona (1880), la Sociedad Catalana de Conciertos (1892-1897) et la Sociedad Filarmónica (1897-1904). (M.D.M.)This study looks at the structuring of symphonic models in Barcelona from the end of the 19th to the dawn of the 20th century. The author begins with the symphonic activity in Barcelona from the second half of the 18th century, contemporary with the reception of the works of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven, to the parenthesis caused by the political and social crises in the middle of the 19th century. From 1867, a new process of recovering the European symphonic models began, culminating in the Sociedad de Conciertos de Barcelona (1880), the Sociedad Catalana de Conciertos (1892-1897) and the Sociedad Filarmónica (1897-1904). (M.D.M.)Studie der Strukturierung sinfonischer Modelle in Barcelona Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts bis Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts. Der Verfasser geht von der sinfonischen Aktivität Barcelonas in der zweiten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts aus, in der die Rezeption der Werke von Haydn, Mozart y Beethoven zeitgenössisch war, bis zur Unterbrechung, die durch die politischen und gesellschaftlichen Krisen Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts ausgelöst wurde. Ab 1867 beginnt ein neuer Prozess der Wiedererlangung von den europäischen sinfonischen Modellen, der mit der Sociedad de Conciertos de Barcelona (Konzertgesellschaft von Barcelona) (1880), der Sociedad Catalana de Conciertos (Katalanischen Gesellschaft von Konzerten) (1892-1897) und der Sociedad Filarmónica (Philharmonischen Gesellschaft) (1897-1904) seinen Höhepunkt erreicht. (M.D.M.

    El menjar del Mesón del Universo, la fonda del meu avi

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    El Mesón del Universo, la fonda iniciada l'any 1897 per Ramon Salicrú i Masvidal, i el seu restaurant, actius fins al 1907, van esdevenir un referent del Mataró de la fi del segle XIX i l'inici del segle XX. A partir d'uns dietaris (1897-1904) conservats a l'arxiu de la familia Salicrú i Lluch es pot parlar del menjar que servia l'establimen

    Protein-based materials, toward a new level of structural control

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    Through billions of years of evolution nature has created and refined structural proteins for a wide variety of specific purposes. Amino acid sequences and their associated folding patterns combine to create elastic, rigid or tough materials. In many respects, nature’s intricately designed products provide challenging examples for materials scientists, but translation of natural structural concepts into bio-inspired materials requires a level of control of macromolecular architecture far higher than that afforded by conventional polymerization processes. An increasingly important approach to this problem has been to use biological systems for production of materials. Through protein engineering, artificial genes can be developed that encode protein-based materials with desired features. Structural elements found in nature, such as β-sheets and α-helices, can be combined with great flexibility, and can be outfitted with functional elements such as cell binding sites or enzymatic domains. The possibility of incorporating non-natural amino acids increases the versatility of protein engineering still further. It is expected that such methods will have large impact in the field of materials science, and especially in biomedical materials science, in the future

    Onawa House (Onawa, Me.) Records, 1897-1904

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    The collection contains three volumes of guest registers, 1897-1904, for the hotel. Volumes two and three have printed blotter sheets advertising various businesses in Maine. They also contain printed guides listing hotels for each state, their rates, etc. Book plates in the registers identify them as belonging to the library of Inez and Webb Noyes, Pinawa II, Onawa, Maine. Pinawa II was the Noyes family camp built in 1937 to replace Pinawa I, built in 1901 or 1902. This camp had been given to Webb and Inez Noyes as a wedding gift in 1927 and burned in the 1930\u27s.https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/findingaids/1122/thumbnail.jp

    Inhaltsverzeichnis zu Band I der Zwingliana (Jahre 1897-1904)

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    The Analysis of Nonstationary Time Series Using Regression, Correlation and Cointegration with an Application to Annual Mean Temperature and Sea Level

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    There are simple well-known conditions for the validity of regression and correlation as statistical tools. We analyse by examples the effect of nonstationarity on inference using these methods and compare them to model based inference. Finally we analyse some data on annual mean temperature and sea level, by applying the cointegrated vector autoregressive model, which explicitly takes into account the nonstationarity of the variables.regression correlation cointegration; model based inference; likelihood inference; annual mean temperature; sea level


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    Successfully launched in June 2008, the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, formerly named GLAST, has been observing the high-energy gamma-ray sky with unprecedented sensitivity inthe 20MeV ÷ 300 GeV energy range and electrons + positrons in the 7 GeV ÷ 1TeV range, opening a new observational window on a wide variety of astrophysical objects

    “Soldiers for Sale: German “Mercenaries” with the British in Canada during the American Revolution, 1776-83 (Book Review)” by Jean-Pierre Wilhelmy

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    Review of Soldiers for Sale: German “Mercenaries” with the British in Canada during the American Revolution, 1776-83 by Jean-Pierre Wilhelm