144 research outputs found

    Visualisation of semantic architectural information within a game engine environment

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    Because of the importance of graphics and information within the domain of architecture, engineering and construction (AEC), an appropriate combination of visualisation technology and information management technology is of utter importance in the development of appropriately supporting design and construction applications. We therefore started an investigation of two of the newest developments in these domains, namely game engine technology and semantic web technology. This paper documents part of this research, containing a review and comparison of the most prominent game engines and documenting our architectural semantic web. A short test-case illustrates how both can be combined to enhance information visualisation for architectural design and construction

    Establishing connectivity between the existing networked music notation packages Quintet.net, Decibel ScorePlayer and MaxScore

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    In this paper we outline a collaboration where live internet-based and local collaboration between research groups/musicians from Decibel New Music Ensemble (Perth, Australia) and ZM (Hamburg, Germany), was facilitated by novel innovations in customised software solutions employed by both groups. The exchange was funded by the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst and Universities Australia. Both groups were previously engaged in the research and performance of similar musical repertoire such as John Cage\u27s \u27Five\u27 (1988) and \u27Variations I — VIII\u27 (1958-67) among others, the performances of which utilise graphic, animated and extended traditional Western music notation. Preliminary steps were taken to achieve communication between the three existing network music notation packages, the Decibel ScorePlayer, MaxScore and quintet.net, facilitating a merging – and ultimately an extension – of notational approaches previously prescribed by each music notation package. In addition to the technical innovations required to achieve such a project, we consider the outcomes and future directions of the project, as well as their relevance for the wider contemporary music community

    Production of Virtual Models for Co-Creative Design in Construction Business

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    Game engine based technologies are becoming a more common platform for immersive head mounted displays. Due to the experiences derived from immersive demonstrations, construction industry has adopted the game engines as platforms to produce virtual models for different uses. A virtual model created in game engine can serve as the base for immersive visualization or physic-based simulation of different natural phenomena. Both examples provide information that interests designers and clients in construction industry. The research is divided into two parts. The first part is definition of a process for production of virtual models through empirical trials. The second part focuses how virtual models could be applied in co-creative design in construction business. The need for virtual models in co-creative design was researched by organizing themed interviews with different parties in construction business. The interviewees had either experience in co-creative design or modern technologies applied in construction and gaming industries. In addition, a case study for using a virtual model as a part of a facilitated workshop in co-creative design was done with help from University Properties of Finland Ltd. As the result of this thesis, a process for production of virtual models from different data sources in construction project was defined. The process is presented in three parts: data preparation, data refinement and import to the game engine, Unity3D. Performance requirements defined in research outlines can be achieved through different optimization techniques explained in the thesis. To illustrate the versatility of virtual models, two case examples explain how virtual models can be evolved into immersive visualizations of the design data on different platforms. Implementation to co-creative design process can be done via an organized workshop or by using the virtual model as a platform to provoke conversation between different parties in a construction project

    Collaborative visualization and virtual reality in construction projects

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    In the Colombian construction industry it is recognized as a general practice that di!erent designers deliver 2D drawings to the project construction team -- Some 3D modeling applications are used but only with commercial intentions, thus wasting visualization tools that facilitate the understanding of the project, that allow the coordination of plans between di!erent specialists, and that can prevent errors with high impact on costs in the construction phase of the project -- As a continuation of the project "immersive virtual reality for construction" developed by EAFIT University, the present work intends to demonstrate how a collaborative virtual environment can be helpful in order to improve visualization of construction projects and achieve the interaction of di!erent specialties, evaluating the impact of collaborative work in the design process of the same -- The end result of this research is an application created using freely available tools and a use case scenario on how this application can be used to perform review meetings by di!erent specialist in real time -- Initial test on the system has been made with civil engineering students showing that this virtual reality tool ease the burden of performing reviews where traditionally plans and sharing the same geographical space were neede

    Study of Augmented Reality based manufacturing for further integration of quality control 4.0: a systematic literature review

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    Augmented Reality (AR) has gradually become a mainstream technology enabling Industry 4.0 and its maturity has also grown over time. AR has been applied to support different processes on the shop-floor level, such as assembly, maintenance, etc. As various processes in manufacturing require high quality and near-zero error rates to ensure the demands and safety of end-users, AR can also equip operators with immersive interfaces to enhance productivity, accuracy and autonomy in the quality sector. However, there is currently no systematic review paper about AR technology enhancing the quality sector. The purpose of this paper is to conduct a systematic literature review (SLR) to conclude about the emerging interest in using AR as an assisting technology for the quality sector in an industry 4.0 context. Five research questions (RQs), with a set of selection criteria, are predefined to support the objectives of this SLR. In addition, different research databases are used for the paper identification phase following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) methodology to find the answers for the predefined RQs. It is found that, in spite of staying behind the assembly and maintenance sector in terms of AR-based solutions, there is a tendency towards interest in developing and implementing AR-assisted quality applications. There are three main categories of current AR-based solutions for quality sector, which are AR-based apps as a virtual Lean tool, AR-assisted metrology and AR-based solutions for in-line quality control. In this SLR, an AR architecture layer framework has been improved to classify articles into different layers which are finally integrated into a systematic design and development methodology for the development of long-term AR-based solutions for the quality sector in the future

    Enhanced Living Environments

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    This open access book was prepared as a Final Publication of the COST Action IC1303 “Algorithms, Architectures and Platforms for Enhanced Living Environments (AAPELE)”. The concept of Enhanced Living Environments (ELE) refers to the area of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) that is more related with Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Effective ELE solutions require appropriate ICT algorithms, architectures, platforms, and systems, having in view the advance of science and technology in this area and the development of new and innovative solutions that can provide improvements in the quality of life for people in their homes and can reduce the financial burden on the budgets of the healthcare providers. The aim of this book is to become a state-of-the-art reference, discussing progress made, as well as prompting future directions on theories, practices, standards, and strategies related to the ELE area. The book contains 12 chapters and can serve as a valuable reference for undergraduate students, post-graduate students, educators, faculty members, researchers, engineers, medical doctors, healthcare organizations, insurance companies, and research strategists working in this area

    Content rendering and interaction technologies for digital heritage systems

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    Existing digital heritage systems accommodate a huge amount of digital repository information; however their content rendering and interaction components generally lack the more interesting functionality that allows better interaction with heritage contents. Many digital heritage libraries are simply collections of 2D images with associated metadata and textual content, i.e. little more than museum catalogues presented online. However, over the last few years, largely as a result of EU framework projects, some 3D representation of digital heritage objects are beginning to appear in a digital library context. In the cultural heritage domain, where researchers and museum visitors like to observe cultural objects as closely as possible and to feel their existence and use in the past, giving the user only 2D images along with textual descriptions significantly limits interaction and hence understanding of their heritage. The availability of powerful content rendering technologies, such as 3D authoring tools to create 3D objects and heritage scenes, grid tools for rendering complex 3D scenes, gaming engines to display 3D interactively, and recent advances in motion capture technologies for embodied immersion, allow the development of unique solutions for enhancing user experience and interaction with digital heritage resources and objects giving a higher level of understanding and greater benefit to the community. This thesis describes DISPLAYS (Digital Library Services for Playing with Shared Heritage Resources), which is a novel conceptual framework where five unique services are proposed for digital content: creation, archival, exposition, presentation and interaction services. These services or tools are designed to allow the heritage community to create, interpret, use and explore digital heritage resources organised as an online exhibition (or virtual museum). This thesis presents innovative solutions for two of these services or tools: content creation where a cost effective render grid is proposed; and an interaction service, where a heritage scenario is presented online using a real-time motion capture and digital puppeteer solution for the user to explore through embodied immersive interaction their digital heritage

    End user oriented BIM enabled multi-functional virtual environment supporting building emergency planning and evacuation

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    Relevant research has identified that high level of building emergency casualty (e.g. due to fire) has direct link with the delayed evacuation especially in residential and high-rising buildings. The traditional fire drill can only passively identify some bottleneck for evacuation after the building has been constructed and under its operation stage; and end-users normally lack of means to be effectively involved in the decision making process in the first place (e.g. building emergency planning and design) and lack of cost-effective and convenient means to be well trained about emergency evacuation at later operation stage. Modern building emergency management research has highlighted the need for the effective utilization of dynamically updated building emergency information. Building Information Modelling (BIM) has become the information backbone which can enable integration and collaboration throughout the entire building life cycle. BIM can play a significant role in building emergency management due to its comprehensive and standardized data format and integrated life cycle process. This PhD research aims at developing an end user oriented BIM enabled virtual environment to address several key issues for building emergency evacuation and planning. The focus lies on how to utilize BIM as a comprehensive building information provider to work with virtual reality technology to build an adaptable immersive serious game for complex buildings to provide general end users emergency evacuation training/guides. The contribution lies on the seamless integration between BIM and a serious game based Virtual Reality (VR) environment, which enables effective engagement of end-uses. By doing so potential bottlenecks for existing and new buildings for emergency evacuation can be identified and rectified in a timely and cost-effective manner. The system has been tested for its robustness and functionality against the research hypothesis and research questions, and the results show promising potential to support more effective fire emergency evacuation and planning solutions
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