9 research outputs found

    Memory sharing for interactive ray tracing on clusters

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    ManuscriptWe present recent results in the application of distributed shared memory to image parallel ray tracing on clusters. Image parallel rendering is traditionally limited to scenes that are small enough to be replicated in the memory of each node, because any processor may require access to any piece of the scene. We solve this problem by making all of a cluster's memory available through software distributed shared memory layers. With gigabit ethernet connections, this mechanism is sufficiently fast for interactive rendering of multi-gigabyte datasets. Object- and page-based distributed shared memories are compared, and optimizations for efficient memory use are discussed

    Annual Meeting of the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group : November 1-3, 2016, Columbia, Maryland

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    The meeting goals are three-fold: 1. Integrate the perspectives and interests of the different stakeholders (science, engineering, government, and private sector) to explore common goals of lunar exploration. 2. Use the results of recent and ongoing missions to examine how science enables exploration and exploration enables science. 3. Provide a forum for community updates and input into the issues that affect lunar science and exploration.NASA Lunar Exploration Analysis Group (LEAG) Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) Universities Space Research Association (USRA) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) NASA Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute (SSERVI)Organizing Committee, Clive Neal, Convener, University of Notre Dame, Stephen Mackwell, Convener, Universities Space Research Associatio

    Masivně paralelní implementace algoritmů počítačové grafiky

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    Computer graphics, since its inception in the 1960s, has made great progress. It has become part of everyday life. We can see it all around us, from smartwatches and smartphones, where graphic accelerators are already part of the chips and can render not only interactive menus but also demanding graphic applications, to laptops and personal computers as well as to high-performance visualization servers and supercomputers that can display demanding simulations in real time. In this dissertation we focus on one of the most computationally demanding area of computer graphics and that is the computation of global illumination. One of the most widely used methods for simulating global illumination is the path tracing method. Using this method, we can visualize, for example, scientific or medical data. The path tracing method can be accelerated using multiple graphical accelerators, which we will focus on in this work. We will present a solution for path tracing of massive scenes on multiple GPUs. Our approach analyzes the memory access pattern of the path tracer and defines how the scene data should be distributed across up to 16 GPUs with minimal performance impact. The key concept is that the parts of the scene that have the highest number of memory accesses are replicated across all GPUs. We present two methods for maximizing the performance of path tracing when dealing with partially distributed scene data. Both methods operate at the memory management level, and therefore the path tracing data structures do not need to be redesigned. We implemented this new out-of-core mechanism in the open-source Blender Cycles path tracer, which we also extended with technologies that support running on supercomputers and can take advantage of all accelerators allocated on multiple nodes. In this work, we also introduce a new service that uses our extended version of the Blender Cycles renderer to simplify sending and running jobs directly from Blender.Počítačová grafika od svého vzniku v 60. letech 20. století udělala velký pokrok. Stala se součástí každodenního života. Můžeme ji vidět všude kolem nás, od chytrých hodinek a smartphonů, kde jsou grafické akcelerátory již součástí čipů a dokáží vykreslovat nejen interaktivní menu, ale i náročné grafické aplikace, přes notebooky a osobní počítače až po výkonné vizualizační servery nebo superpočítače, které dokáží zobrazovat náročné simulace v reálném čase. V této disertační práci se zaměříme na jednu z výpočetně nejnáročnějších oblastí počítačové grafiky, a tou je výpočet globálního osvětlení. Jednou z nejpoužívanějších metod pro simulaci globálního osvětlení je metoda sledování cesty. Pomocí této metody můžeme vizualizovat např. vědecká nebo lékařská data. Metodu sledování cest lze urychlit pomocí několika grafických akcelerátorů, na které se v této práci zaměříme. Představíme řešení pro vykreslování masivních scén na více GPU. Náš přístup analyzuje vzory přístupů k paměti a definuje, jak by měla být data scény rozdělena mezi grafickými akcelerátory s minimální ztrátou výkonu. Klíčovým konceptem je, že části scény, které mají nejvyšší počet přístupů do paměti, jsou replikovány na všech grafických akcelerátorech. Představíme dvě metody pro maximalizaci výkonu vykreslování při práci s částečně distribuovanými daty scény. Obě metody pracují na úrovni správy paměti, a proto není třeba datové struktury přepracovávat. Tento nový out-of-core mechanismus jsme implementovali do open-source path traceru Blender Cycles, který jsme také rozšířili o technologie podporující běh na superpočítačích a schopné využít všechny akcelerátory alokované na více uzlech. V této práci také představíme novou službu, která využívá naši rozšířenou verzi Blender Cycles a zjednodušuje odesílání a spouštění úloh přímo z programu Blender.96220 - Laboratoř pro výzkum infrastrukturyvyhově

    Efficient global illumination for dynamic scenes

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    The production of high quality animations which feature compelling lighting effects is computationally a very heavy task when traditional rendering approaches are used where each frame is computed separately. The fact that most of the computation must be restarted from scratch for each frame leads to unnecessary redundancy. Since temporal coherence is typically not exploited, temporal aliasing problems are also more difficult to address. Many small errors in lighting distribution cannot be perceived by human observers when they are coherent in temporal domain. However, when such a coherence is lost, the resulting animations suffer from unpleasant flickering effects. In this thesis, we propose global illumination and rendering algorithms, which are designed specifically to combat those problems. We achieve this goal by exploiting temporal coherence in the lighting distribution between the subsequent animation frames. Our strategy relies on extending into temporal domain wellknown global illumination and rendering techniques such as density estimation path tracing, photon mapping, ray tracing, and irradiance caching, which have been originally designed to handle static scenes only. Our techniques mainly focus on the computation of indirect illumination, which is the most expensive part of global illumination modelling.Die Erstellung von hochqualitativen 3D-Animationen mit anspruchsvollen Lichteffekten ist für traditionelle Renderinganwendungen, bei denen jedes Bild separat berechnet wird, sehr aufwendig. Die Tatsache jedes Bild komplett neu zu berechnen führt zu unnötiger Redundanz. Wenn temporale Koherenz vernachlässigt wird, treten unter anderem auch schwierig zu behandelnde temporale Aliasingprobleme auf. Viele kleine Fehler in der Beleuchtungsberechnung eines Bildes können normalerweise nicht wahr genommen werden. Wenn jedoch die temporale Koherenz zwischen aufeinanderfolgenden Bildern fehlt, treten störende Flimmereffekte auf. In dieser Arbeit stellen wir globale Beleuchtungsalgorithmen vor, die die oben genannten Probleme behandeln. Dies erreichen wir durch Ausnutzung von temporaler Koherenz zwischen aufeinanderfolgenden Einzelbildern einer Animation. Unsere Strategy baut auf die klassischen globalen Beleuchtungsalgorithmen wie "Path tracing", "Photon Mapping" und "Irradiance Caching" auf und erweitert diese in die temporale Domäne. Dabei beschränken sich unsereMethoden hauptsächlich auf die Berechnung indirekter Beleuchtung, welche den zeitintensivsten Teil der globalen Beleuchtungsberechnung darstellt

    Técnicas de aceleración para el método de radiosidad jerárquica

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    [Resumen] Uno de los métodos que mejor modelan el comportamiento real de la luz en la búsqueda del realismo visual en imágenes construidas de forma sintética es el método de radiosidad. Este método presenta, sin embargo, el inconveniente de un alto coste computacional, tanto en tiempo de cálculo como en almacenamiento. Entre las numerosas variantes surgidas con el objetivo de rebajar la complejidad del método clásico destaca el método de radiosidad jerárquica, basado en la aplicación de una subdivisión adaptativa de la escena. El método de radiosidad jerárquica mantiene, no obstante, todavía una elevada complejidad que dificulta su explotación en escenas de gran tamaño. En este trabajo se han tratado de desarrollar nuevas soluciones para algunos de los diversos problemas que el método jerárquico de radiosidad plantea. El primer punto en el que se centra el trabajo es en la determinación de la visibilidad entre los distintos objetos de una escena (principal cuello de botella en un algoritmo de iluminación), analizando las principales soluciones existentes y proponiendo una nueva aproximación al problema, basada en aprovechar el principio de localidad en el espacio de direcciones de los rayos lanzados durante el proceso. Otro aspecto desarrollado en la tesis es la utilización de modelos geométricos de diferentes complejidades que permitan el tratamiento de escenas grandes con objetos detallados, independizando la correcta simulación de la distribución de la energía en la escena de la complejidad geométrica de los objetos que la componen. A este respecto se presenta una propuesta para el cálculo de la radiosidad jerárquica basada en el uso de esquemas de subdivisión de superficies. Por último, en esta tesis se propone una solución paralela para el aprovechamiento de sistemas distribuidos en la aplicación del método de radiosidad jerárquica en escenas de gran tamaño, realizando una distribución real de la geometría de la escena entre todas las memorias del sistema y con una aproximación multi-hilo para la ejecución, lo que va a permitir un mejor ajuste de la granularidad utilizada en la paralelización de las tareas.[Resumo] Uns dos métodos que mellor modelan o comportamento real da luz na búsqueda do realismo visual en imaxes construidas de forma sintética é o método de radiosidade. Este método presenta, sen embargo, a desvantaxe dun alto coste computacional, tanto en tempo de cálculo coma en almacenamento. Entre as numerosas variantes xurdidas co obxectivo de rebaixar a complexidade do método clásico sobresae o método de radiosidade xerárquica, baseado na aplicación dunha subdivisión adaptativa na escea. O método de radiosidade xerárquica mantén todavía, así a todo, unha elevada complexidade que dificulta a súa explotación en esceas de gran tamaño. Neste traballo tratáronse de desenvolver novas solucións para algúns dos diversos problemas plantexados polo método de radiosidade xerárquica. O primeiro punto ao que se presta atención no traballo é á determinación de visibilidade entre os distintos obxectos dunha escea (principal colo de botella nun algoritmo de iluminación), analizando as principais solucións existentes e propondo unha nova aproximación ao problema baseada no aproveitamento do principio de localidade no espazo de direccións dos raios lanzados durante o proceso. Outro aspecto desenvolvido na tese é a utilización de modelos xeométricos de diferente complexidad que permitan o tratamento de esceas grandes con obxectos moi detallados, independizando a correcta simulación da distribución da enerxía na escea da complexidade xeométrica dos obxectos que a compoñen. Ao respecto preséntase unha proposta para o cálculo da radiosidade xerárquica baseada no uso de esquemas de subdivisión de superficies. Por último, nesta tese proponse unha solución paralela para o aproveitamento de sistemas distribuidos na aplicación do método de radiosidade xerárquica en esceas de gran tamaño, facendo unha distribución real da xeometría da escea entre todas as memorias do sistema e cunha aproximación multi-fío na execución, o que vai permitir un mellor axuste da granularidade empregada na paralelización das tarefas.[Absract] Radiosity is one of the best methods in modelling the physical behaviour of light in a synthetic scene. However, the main drawback is the high requirements in terms of computational and storage costs. Hierarchical radiosity stands out among the different alternatives to reduce complexity in classic radiosity, applying an adaptive subdivision on scene. Hierarchical radiosity still presents, anyway, a high complexity that difficults to process really large scenes. In this work we have developed new solutions for several of the most common bottenecks presented in hierarchical radiosity. Our first goal is to accelerate visibility determination (most consuming task in global illumination), analysing the main existing solutions and proposing a new method based in taking advantage of directional coherence for the rays casted during process. Other aspect we have touched in the thesis is the use of multiresolution models that allow to work with very complex geometrical models in our input scene, isolating geometry detail and illumination detail. Specifically, we have developed a new method to compute hierarchical radiosity based on surface subdivision. Finally, a new parallel solution for computing hierarchical radiosity on multiprocessor systems, allowing huge input scenes is presented. The scene is totally distributed (geometrically and computationally) among the processors in our proposal, and a multi-thread implementation improves the flexibility in the granularity of the parallel execution

    Efficient global illumination for dynamic scenes

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    The production of high quality animations which feature compelling lighting effects is computationally a very heavy task when traditional rendering approaches are used where each frame is computed separately. The fact that most of the computation must be restarted from scratch for each frame leads to unnecessary redundancy. Since temporal coherence is typically not exploited, temporal aliasing problems are also more difficult to address. Many small errors in lighting distribution cannot be perceived by human observers when they are coherent in temporal domain. However, when such a coherence is lost, the resulting animations suffer from unpleasant flickering effects. In this thesis, we propose global illumination and rendering algorithms, which are designed specifically to combat those problems. We achieve this goal by exploiting temporal coherence in the lighting distribution between the subsequent animation frames. Our strategy relies on extending into temporal domain wellknown global illumination and rendering techniques such as density estimation path tracing, photon mapping, ray tracing, and irradiance caching, which have been originally designed to handle static scenes only. Our techniques mainly focus on the computation of indirect illumination, which is the most expensive part of global illumination modelling.Die Erstellung von hochqualitativen 3D-Animationen mit anspruchsvollen Lichteffekten ist für traditionelle Renderinganwendungen, bei denen jedes Bild separat berechnet wird, sehr aufwendig. Die Tatsache jedes Bild komplett neu zu berechnen führt zu unnötiger Redundanz. Wenn temporale Koherenz vernachlässigt wird, treten unter anderem auch schwierig zu behandelnde temporale Aliasingprobleme auf. Viele kleine Fehler in der Beleuchtungsberechnung eines Bildes können normalerweise nicht wahr genommen werden. Wenn jedoch die temporale Koherenz zwischen aufeinanderfolgenden Bildern fehlt, treten störende Flimmereffekte auf. In dieser Arbeit stellen wir globale Beleuchtungsalgorithmen vor, die die oben genannten Probleme behandeln. Dies erreichen wir durch Ausnutzung von temporaler Koherenz zwischen aufeinanderfolgenden Einzelbildern einer Animation. Unsere Strategy baut auf die klassischen globalen Beleuchtungsalgorithmen wie "Path tracing", "Photon Mapping" und "Irradiance Caching" auf und erweitert diese in die temporale Domäne. Dabei beschränken sich unsereMethoden hauptsächlich auf die Berechnung indirekter Beleuchtung, welche den zeitintensivsten Teil der globalen Beleuchtungsberechnung darstellt

    An integrated traverse planner and analysis tool for future lunar surface exploration

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2010.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Cataloged from student submitted PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 161-168).This thesis discusses the Surface Exploration Traverse Analysis and Navigation Tool (SEXTANT), a system designed to help maximize productivity, scientific return, and safety on future lunar and planetary explorations,. The goal of SEXTANT is twofold: to provide engineers with a realistic simulation of traverses to assist with hardware design, and to serve as an aid for astronauts that will allow for more autonomy in traverse planning and re-planning. SEXTANT is a MATLAB-based tool that computes the most efficient path between user-specified Activity Points across a lunar or planetary surface for a suited astronaut or transportation rover. Currently, SEXTANT uses an elevation model of the lunar south pole generated from topography data from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter instrument aboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. The efficiency of a traverse is derived from any number of metrics: the path distance, time, or the explorer's energy consumption. Energy consumption is either the metabolic expenditure of an astronaut or the power usage of a transportation rover over the terrain. The user can select Activity Points and visualize the generated path on a 3D mapping interface. The capabilities of SEXTANT are further augmented by the Individual Mobile Agents System (iMAS) astronaut assistant, developed by NASA Ames. SEXTANT leverages iMAS's speech dialog interface to provide the explorer with real-time guidance and navigation along the most efficient path. SEXTANT can also calculate the sun position and shadowing with respect to points along the traverse and the time the explorer arrives at each of them. This data is then used to compute the thermal load on suited astronauts, or the solar power generation of rovers. Example traverses are presented for both types of explorers, showing the capabilities of SEXTANT and the dynamics of the thermal and power systems given different environmental conditions. All of its capabilities make SEXTANT the traverse planning tool with the most accurate and comprehensive representation of lunar and planetary traverses.by Aaron William Johnson.S.M