45,766 research outputs found

    Evolutionary algorithms in dynamic environments

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version.Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) are widely and often used for solving stationary optimization problems where the fitness landscape or objective function does not change during the course of computation. However, the environments of real world optimization problems may fluctuate or change sharply. If the optimization problem is dynamic, the goal is no longer to find the extrema, but to track their progression through the search space as closely as possible. All kinds of approaches that have been proposed to make EAs suitable for the dynamic environments are surveyed, such as increasing diversity, maintaining diversity, memory based approaches, multi-population approaches and so on


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    极地在气候系统、全球资源和战略中具有重要意义,并且随着人类对它的开发,极地研究也日益成为地球与环境科学领域的核心和热点议题。基于Web of Science 数据库收录的2010 - 2016 年SCI文章,利用文献计量方法,结合国际政策和战略,分析了2010 - 2016 年极地研究的发展格局和变化趋势。结果表明: ( 1) 近年来国际极地研究论文年发文量总体呈持续增长态势,年均增幅为3. 6%。( 2)发达国家及高纬度国家是极地领域的主要研究力量,美国占据绝对优势。( 3) 在SCI 发表的国际极地研究论文来源期刊共计915 种,来自57 个国家,美国期刊占1 /3。( 4) 结合欧盟极地研究优先领域和文献计量方法得出,极地研究未来新的发展方向侧重于人文及社会因素,重点提倡人类对极地的影响以及新技术应用。建议我国科研人员密切关注国际极地研究的发展态势和进展,鼓励海洋学、气象学、地质学、环境生态学、生物学、社会学和政治学等领域专家有计划地开展极地研究,为我国赢取极地研究国际发言权和参与度。</p

    Research on Prosecution Limitation of Environmental Crime in China

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    生态环境是人类生存的基础,我国在1997年修订刑法时增设了破坏环境资源保护罪,但仅对常见的环境犯罪种类加以规定。追诉时效制度是刑法中重要制度之一,决定了追诉权及求刑权的取得与消灭,具有重要价值。环境犯罪作为刑事犯罪的一种,应当适用我国追诉时效制度,然而,由于环境犯罪存在特殊性,且我国刑法对于环境犯罪追诉时效制度的规定不明确,目前学界针对环境犯罪相关问题存在争议,导致现有追诉时效制度在适用于环境犯罪时,存在追诉时效起算点不易判断、追诉时效较短、无法适用超期追诉程序,以及当行为主体为单位时无法追诉等问题,无法满足惩治环境犯罪的需要。本文从我国环境犯罪追诉时效制度的概念与特点出发,分析当前诉讼时效制...The ecological environment is the foundation of human existence, so when modifying the Criminal Law in 1997, China has set up a special chapter for environmental crime,but only defined the common types of environmental crime. The system of limitation of prosecution serves as an important one within criminal law,and its existence carries great weight, directly influencing the effective period for t...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士学号:1302013115028

    Study on the learning adaptability of College Freshmen from the perspective of ecosystem ——take B University in Guangdong as an example

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    大学是人生发展的重要阶段,是大学生世界观、人生观、价值观形成的关键时期,是大学新生适应人生的新阶段。在大学新的学习环境,适应能力较强的大学新生能够很快适应大学学习生活。相反,适应能力较差的大学新生,则可能会遇到诸如学习动力不足、不适应大学的教与学、难以合理安排学习时间等学习上的问题,难以适应新的学习环境。因此,最紧要的是提升大学新生的学习能力,帮助大学新生迅速完成角色转变,尽快适应大学新的学习环境。 本研究拟以广东B大学为个案,选取该校大学新生作为研究对象,采用文献研究、问卷调查、访谈等方法,收集该校新生学习方面的资料,归纳总结出该校新生学习适应性问题的现状,并依据生态系统理论,分析该校新生...College study is an important stage in one's life,it is the key period for college students to foster their world outlook, outlook on life and values. It is a new stage for college freshmen to adapt to their life. Under the new environment, students with strong ability of adaptation to environment will adapt to the new environment quickly. On the contrary, those who hasn’t such strong ability will...学位:社会工作硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_社会工作硕士学号:1402013115051


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    Plant phenomics is under rapid development in recent years, a research field that is progressing towards integration, scalability, multi-perceptivity and high-throughput analysis. Through combining remote sensing, Internet of Things (IoT), robotics, computer vision, and artificial intelligence techniques such as machine learning and deep learning, relevant research methodologies, biological applications and theoretical foundation of this research domain have been advancing speedily in recent years. This article first introduces the current trends of plant phenomics and its related progress in China and worldwide. Then, it focuses on discussing the characteristics of indoor phenotyping and phenotypic traits that are suitable for indoor experiments, including yield, quality, and stress related traits such as drought, cold and heat resistance, salt stress, heavy metals, and pests. By connecting key phenotypic traits with important biological questions in yield production, crop quality and Stress-related tolerance, we associated indoor phenotyping hardware with relevant biological applications and their plant model systems, for which a range of indoor phenotyping devices and platforms are listed and categorised according to their throughput, sensor integration, platform size, and applications. Additionally, this article introduces existing data management solutions and analysis software packages that are representative for phenotypic analysis. For example, ISA-Tab and MIAPPE ontology standards for capturing metadata in plant phenotyping experiments, PHIS and CropSight for managing complicated datasets, and Python or MATLAB programming languages for automated image analysis based on libraries such as OpenCV, Scikit-Image, MATLAB Image Processing Toolbox. Finally, due to the importance of extracting meaningful information from big phenotyping datasets, this article pays extra attention to the future development of plant phenomics in China, with suggestions and recommendations for the integration of multi-scale phenotyping data to increase confidence in research outcomes, the cultivation of cross-disciplinary researchers to lead the next-generation plant research, as well as the collaboration between academia and industry to enable world-leading research activities in the near future

    The Theoretical and Practical Research on Bringing Green Development Idea into College Students’ Ecology Civilization Ideology Education

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    “绿色发展”理念的内容具有理论和实践向度。一方面“绿色发展”理念蕴含着深刻的马克思主义生态思想,包括运用辩证唯物主义视角看待人在实践中改造自然从而实现发展、人与自然和人与人的关系相互制约的辩证关系、生态的平衡中包含着人的自由全面发展的价值取向、生态关怀等,另一方面“绿色发展”理念是中国社会主义建设对马克思主义生态思想的一脉相承,并在十三五规划中正式提出来的,在中国特色社会主义实践中体现为全面地、永续地、科学地、共享地发展,并指向社会主义生态文明的建成。因此,“绿色发展”理念具有的社会主义意识形态功能和生态功能对于目前我国大学生生态文明意识教育存在着的“碎片化”、效果差、边缘化等问题的解决有着重...The idea of Green Development idea has the theoretical and practical views. On the one hand, Green Development idea contains deep Marxist ecology thinking, including using the dialectical materialist point of view to evaluate how people transform nature in practice to achieve development; the dialectical relation——the relation between people and nature and the relation between people and people in...学位:法学硕士院系专业:马克思主义学院_思想政治教育学号:3322014115220


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    Study on the regulation of large scale ecological tort

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    生态破坏突发事件或积累性的生态破坏行为不仅给生活于生态系统中的人们带来了巨大的人身损害以及财产损失,还给生态环境带来了巨大的损害。生态侵权课题具有广泛的实际运用前景和深入的科学研究价值,但截止目前,国内外学者对此类问题的研究尚处于起步阶段。笔者在前言中通过结合几则案例,引出本文主题,并分为三章来探讨生态侵权理论基本框架的构建,以期为未来该理论的发展提供参考依据和理论基础。 第一章是大规模生态侵权的理论概述。这一章主要探讨大规模生态侵权的概念及特征,分析大规模生态侵权产生的原因,同时通过比较、分析发达国家的相关经验探讨对我国的启示。笔者认为“大规模生态侵权”发生的前提是造成生态系统中的个体存在...Ecological damage incidents or cumulative ecological destructions in ecological system not only lead to serious personal injury huge and economic loss, but also bring great damages to the ecological environment. The researches on ecological tort have great scientific values and extensive application prospects. But until now, no important findings have been made from domestic and foreign scholars d...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士学号:K20100803