62 research outputs found

    An Eventful Past Predicting a Bizarre Future: Assessing the Influence of Ocean Circulation on Key Fish Species in Icelandic Waters. An analysis of past circulation records in order to predict the state of demersal fish stocks in future climate scenarios

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    Feedback-driven changes in North Atlantic Ocean circulation are affecting marine ecosystems off the coast of Iceland and are predicted to have differing outcomes by 2100. In this study, data reflecting Icelandic fish stock distributions was compiled on a map with oceanographic temperature and depth in order to observe patterns of population changes with changes in ocean currents. After evaluating past temperature effects on demersal fish stocks, future habitat predictions were estimated in weaker ocean circulation scenarios. A number of assumptions were made in order to pinpoint a correlation between ocean temperature and fish habitat. Iceland’s unique location and climate offers researchers a chance to analyze changes in marine ecosystems that could see an uncharacteristic drop in temperature. Thus, the purpose of this study is to use maps to make inferences regarding oceanographic patterns, then use the inferences to hypothesize what the future may hold. In this study, fishing data on 4 unique demersal fish species from the past 19 years was compiled on a map in coordination with oceanic conditions within Iceland’s waters. A key hope is that future research will delve into studying the magnitude of atmospheric and oceanographic systems in manipulating Iceland’s marine ecosystems. With this, more permanent circulation records in the future can shed light on the island’s environmental response to changes in climate. In the study, the results revealed that ocean conditions and fish habitats appear to be affected by ocean circulation habits, however it is difficult to accurately predict a future environmental state

    Phonological Interpretation of the Voiceless Alveolar Trill in Icelandic

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    Icelandic has the voiceless alveolar trill. The voiceless alveolar trill has traditionally been analyzed as a realization of /hr/ sequence, and within a recent framework based on the modern distinctive feature theory, the trill may be analyzed as the devoicing of /r/ which is triggered by the feature [+spread glottis] of the following segment. However, both of these two previous analyses have several deficiencies in their data and argumentation. On critical examination of the previous studies and based on the data of compounds and phrase/sentences, which both of the previous analyses failed to take into consideration, this paper shall draw the following three conclusions: i) besides /r/, the voiceless alveolar trill is a phoneme in Icelandic; ii) the voiceless trill in the word-initial and –medial position are both phonemic; iii) the voiceless trill in the word-final position is the realization of /r/ which is devoiced at the utterance-final position.学術論

    Pseudoterranova decipiens (Nematoda, Anisakidae) larvae reported from humans in Iceland after consumption of insufficiently cooked fish

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenRecently, two human cases of Pseudoterranova decipiens nematode larvae were confirmed in Iceland. In each case a larva was found in the throat five and six days after the consumption of insufficiently cooked filets of the common catfish Anarhicas lupus that were bought fresh in a fish store. In both cases the larva had already developed from 3rd to the 4th stage during the time of infection. In the former case a young male woke up in the morning as he noticed a larva crawling around in his throat. In the latter case a young woman coughed up the larva after intense itching in her throat. Anisakid larva of Pseudoterranova decipiens and Anisakis simplex are common in fish around Iceland. Both are known as human pathogens but usually Anisakis simplex causes more severe symptoms and is more commonly found in human cases than Pseudoterranova decipiens. Traditional cooking of fish in Iceland by boiling or thorough frying before consumption is believed to prevent human anisakidosis in Iceland. However, increased consumption of fresh or poorly heated fish and fish products might result in increased anisakidosis cases in Iceland.Greint er frá tveimur tilfellum hringormasmits í fólki hér á landi. Tegundin Pseudoterranova decipiens fannst í koki tveggja einstaklinga sem neytt höfðu illa hitaðra rétta úr ferskum steinbít fimm og sex dögum áður. Þriðja stigs lirfur upprunnar úr fiskholdinu höfðu í báðum tilvikum þroskast upp á 4. stig á þeim tíma sem liðinn var frá smitun. Í fyrra tilvikinu vaknaði ungur karlmaður við að ormur var að hreyfa sig í koki og í hinu fann ung kona fyrir ertingu í hálsi. Þegar hún hóstaði barst lirfan upp í kok. Lirfur hringormanna Pseudoterranova decipiens og Anisakis simplex eru algengar í fiskum við Íslandsstrendur. Menn eru ekki náttúrulegir lokahýslar en hringormar sem koma úr fiski geta lifað í fólki og valdið sjúkdómi. Erlendis er Anisakis simplex mun algengari sjúkdómsvaldur og oftast heldur illskeyttari en Pseudoterranova decipiens. Hefðbundnar matreiðsluaðferðir hér á landi sem fela í sér suðu eða eldun á ferskum fiski upp fyrir 70°C hafa að líkindum að mestu komið í veg smitun manna. Hætta er þó á að tilfellum geti fjölgað hér á landi aukist neysla á hráum fiski og hráum hrognum eða fiskréttum sem ekki hafa verið hitaðir eða frystir nægjanlega lengi til að drepa í þeim hringorma

    A Time to Connect? On Tourism Policy Making in Iceland

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    Tourism in Iceland has experienced a rapid growth during the last three decades and currently provides a substantial part of Iceland‘s foreign currency earnings. Tourism has often been described as a sector with huge potentialities on the island and after the banking crisis in 2008 tourism has been recognized as an important part of the national economy. This article explores efforts made by the central authorities to create a tourism policy. The main features in the history of tourism policy making are described but the focus remains on two phases, which cast light on its emergence and development. The article makes use of actor-network theory to highlight the heterogeneity and dynamics of tourism policy making. It is argued that tourism policy is an effect of complex set of relations and at times unexpected conjunctions and coincidences as well as being characterized by an apparent lack of relation between the authorities and the sector. In the two cases discussed the cod stock and volcanic ash particles play significant roles in shaping and accomplishing tourism policies

    Remarks on features

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    This paper pursues the idea that uninterpretable features are not present in syntax, but are instead a product of the interfaces. In particular, it argues that formal feature values belong to PF only, i.e., that they are not syntactic objects but PF ‘translations’ of more abstract syntactic structures and correlations. It follows that case is nonexistent in syntax and it also follows that agreement is a PF copying process, differing radically from abstract, syntactic Agree. Accordingly, much of the work of traditional syntax happens in PF and is thus invisible to the semantic interface, SF, that is, the computation proceeds on the PF side after transfer

    A Gravity Model for Exports from Iceland

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    This paper applies a gravity model to examine the determinants of Icelandic exports. The model specifications tested allow for sector and trade bloc estimation. Also, a combination of an export ratio and a gravity model is tested, as well as marine product subsamples. The estimates are based on panel data on exports from 4 sectors, to 16 countries, over a period of 11 years. Estimates indicate that the size and wealth of Iceland does not seem to matter much for the volume of exports, not even when correted for the country’s small size. Finally, results indicate that trade bloc and sector effects matter and that marine products vary considerable in their sensitivity to distance and country factors.export; gravity model

    Alþýðan og atvinnulífið : Félagslegt framtak á Eskifirði 1925 til 1937

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    Rakin er atvinnusaga Eskifjarðar á millistríðsárunum, einkum frá 1925 til 1937. Hún birtir óvenju skýrt dæmi um hinn almenna rekstrarvanda sjávarútvegsins sem í senn glímdi við skuldabyrði, ósjálf bæra vegna óhæfilegra raunvaxta, og við endurtekin áföll af ýmsu tagi, ekki síst eftir að heimskreppan skall á. Dæmi Eskfirðinga sýnir líka óvenju margvísleg úrræði sem gripið var til í atvinnumálum, mest fyrir forgöngu sveitarfélagsins, verkamannafélagsins og Landsbankaútibúsins og jafnan í anda félagshyggju eða vinstri aflaThroughout the inter-war period Icelandic fishing industry faced a constant struggle with unsustainable debt as well as repeated ex ternal shocks. The article focuses on a particularly hard-hit fishing village, Eskifjörður in Eastern Iceland, and its heroic attempts, largely lead by the local bank filial as well as its labour and co-operative movements, to reverse the inexorable decline of its fishing industry.Peer reviewe

    Vegen inn i språket. Om integrering av nyord i islandsk

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    Nye samfunnstilhøve og ny teknologi krev nye nemningar. Medan mange språksamfunn løyser trongen til nye ord gjennom å låna frå kvarandre, har heimleg nyorddanning vore den rådande norma i islandsk. I denne oppgåva undersøker eg korleis eit utval islandske nyord frå perioden 1880-2010 har greidd seg etter at dei vart introduserte i språksamfunnet. Målet med oppgåva har vore å 1) undersøka kor langt dei innsamla nyorda er komne i integreringa, og 2) undersøka korleis eigenskapar ved orda og eventuelt ytre faktorar kan ha verka inn på integreringa deira. Eg har sjølv samla orda eg undersøker, og ordsamlinga inneheld hovudsakleg ålmennspråklege, heimleg danna nyord. Ei særleg viktig kjelde i arbeidet har vore avis- og tidsskriftsamlinga Tímarit.is, som eg mellom anna har nytta for å observera bruksfrekvensen av nyorda. På bakgrunn av søk i Tímarit.is har eg kategorisert nyorda etter integreringssteg. Fleire lingvistar peikar på at ord danna med frekvente og produktive orddanningsprosessar er lettast å forstå for språkbrukarane. Eit sentralt spørsmål i undersøkinga mi er om dette kan ha hatt noko å seia for integreringa til dei innsamla nyorda. I kartlegginga av eigenskapar ved orda har eg særleg lagt vekt på dei eigenskapane som ifylgje dei teoretiske tilnærmingane er kopla til korleis språkbrukarane forstår orda. I kapittel 1 gjer eg greie for problemstillinga og viktige omgrep knytte til integreringsprosessen. Kapittel 2 er ein gjennomgang av moderne nyorddanning og -forsking i islandsk, medan eg i kapittel 3 greier ut om islandske orddanningsmåtar. I kapittel 4 presenterer eg teori som gjeld integreringa av nye ord. Kapittel 5 er eigna til kjelder, arbeidsspørsmål og framgangsmåte. Analysen fylgjer i kapittel 6, der eg særleg ser på dei morfologiske og semantiske eigenskapane til orda. Kapittel 7 er ei avsluttande drøfting. Analysen syner at produktivitet har mykje å seia for kva for ord som vert danna, men å vera produktivt danna er ikkje nok til å sikra ordet ein plass i språket. Den viktigaste suksessfaktoren ser ut til å vera ei mest mogeleg direkte og konvensjonell kopling mellom form og tyding. Den viktigaste utanomspråklege faktoren er tid - eldre ord greier seg betre enn yngre synonym. Funna er ikkje utan unntak, og for svært mange ord kan så mange faktorar ha verka samstundes at det er uråd å seia kva som har vege tyngst.The Journey Into Language. On New Words Becoming Part of Islandic As society and technology evolves, the requirement for new words emerges. With the demand for new words, the prevailing norm in a speech community has been to adopt words from other languages. In Iceland, however, the preferred solution is to coin new words from Icelandic word elements. In this thesis, I examine a selection of Icelandic neologisms, all of which were introduced between 1880 and 2010, and try to determine how successful they have been. This thesis aims to 1) investigate how far the new words has come in the process of becoming part of the norm, and 2) examine how features of words and external factors influence their process of becoming accepted and established. I have personally collected the words that I am investigating, and the collection mainly consists of common words coined from Icelandic word elements. A particularly important source has been Tímarit.is, an open access digital library which hosts digital editions of newspapers and periodicals. Here, I have been able to trace the neologisms and study their frequency. Based on these searches in Tímarit.is, I have categorized the new words by levels of integration. Many linguists agree upon the theory that words that are created through productive processes of word formation are easier to understand for speakers than others. One basic question in this thesis is thus whether this affects the establishing process of the collection of new words. In the survey of word features, I have mainly emphasized the features that, according to theoretical approaches, are connected to how the speakers understand the words. In Chapter 1, I introduce and elaborate on the research question and important terms that are connected to the process of becoming established words. Chapter 2 is a review of modern word creation and Icelandic research in this field. Chapter 3 is about Icelandic ways of creating new words, and in chapter 4 I present theories on integration of new words. Chapter 5 contains sources, topic related questions and procedure. Accordingly, the analyses follows in chapter 6. This analysis mainly emphasizes the morfological and semantical features of the words. The final discussion appears in chapter 7. The analysis shows that productivity largely determines how new words are coined, but being coined by a productive word-formation process is not enough for the word to remain in the language. However, the most important factor seems to be a direct and general connection between form and meaning. The most essential non-linguistic factor is time. Old words have a higher tendency to maintain their status than a newer synonym. The findings show that exeptions exist, and there might be many factors working together in several new words. Conclusions cannot be distinctively drawn as to which factors weigh the most.Master i Nordisk språk og litteraturMAHF-NORDNOLISP35

    Memoirs of the Muroran Institute of Technology No. 65

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