16 research outputs found

    Affective Computing for Emotion Detection using Vision and Wearable Sensors

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    The research explores the opportunities, challenges, limitations, and presents advancements in computing that relates to, arises from, or deliberately influences emotions (Picard, 1997). The field is referred to as Affective Computing (AC) and is expected to play a major role in the engineering and development of computationally and cognitively intelligent systems, processors and applications in the future. Today the field of AC is bolstered by the emergence of multiple sources of affective data and is fuelled on by developments under various Internet of Things (IoTs) projects and the fusion potential of multiple sensory affective data streams. The core focus of this thesis involves investigation into whether the sensitivity and specificity (predictive performance) of AC, based on the fusion of multi-sensor data streams, is fit for purpose? Can such AC powered technologies and techniques truly deliver increasingly accurate emotion predictions of subjects in the real world? The thesis begins by presenting a number of research justifications and AC research questions that are used to formulate the original thesis hypothesis and thesis objectives. As part of the research conducted, a detailed state of the art investigations explored many aspects of AC from both a scientific and technological perspective. The complexity of AC as a multi-sensor, multi-modality, data fusion problem unfolded during the state of the art research and this ultimately led to novel thinking and origination in the form of the creation of an AC conceptualised architecture that will act as a practical and theoretical foundation for the engineering of future AC platforms and solutions. The AC conceptual architecture developed as a result of this research, was applied to the engineering of a series of software artifacts that were combined to create a prototypical AC multi-sensor platform known as the Emotion Fusion Server (EFS) to be used in the thesis hypothesis AC experimentation phases of the research. The thesis research used the EFS platform to conduct a detailed series of AC experiments to investigate if the fusion of multiple sensory sources of affective data from sensory devices can significantly increase the accuracy of emotion prediction by computationally intelligent means. The research involved conducting numerous controlled experiments along with the statistical analysis of the performance of sensors for the purposes of AC, the findings of which serve to assess the feasibility of AC in various domains and points to future directions for the AC field. The AC experiments data investigations conducted in relation to the thesis hypothesis used applied statistical methods and techniques, and the results, analytics and evaluations are presented throughout the two thesis research volumes. The thesis concludes by providing a detailed set of formal findings, conclusions and decisions in relation to the overarching research hypothesis on the sensitivity and specificity of the fusion of vision and wearables sensor modalities and offers foresights and guidance into the many problems, challenges and projections for the AC field into the future

    A Novel Two Stream Decision Level Fusion of Vision and Inertial Sensors Data for Automatic Multimodal Human Activity Recognition System

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    This paper presents a novel multimodal human activity recognition system. It uses a two-stream decision level fusion of vision and inertial sensors. In the first stream, raw RGB frames are passed to a part affinity field-based pose estimation network to detect the keypoints of the user. These keypoints are then pre-processed and inputted in a sliding window fashion to a specially designed convolutional neural network for the spatial feature extraction followed by regularized LSTMs to calculate the temporal features. The outputs of LSTM networks are then inputted to fully connected layers for classification. In the second stream, data obtained from inertial sensors are pre-processed and inputted to regularized LSTMs for the feature extraction followed by fully connected layers for the classification. At this stage, the SoftMax scores of two streams are then fused using the decision level fusion which gives the final prediction. Extensive experiments are conducted to evaluate the performance. Four multimodal standard benchmark datasets (UP-Fall detection, UTD-MHAD, Berkeley-MHAD, and C-MHAD) are used for experimentations. The accuracies obtained by the proposed system are 96.9 %, 97.6 %, 98.7 %, and 95.9 % respectively on the UP-Fall Detection, UTDMHAD, Berkeley-MHAD, and C-MHAD datasets. These results are far superior than the current state-of-the-art methods

    Gait Abnormality Detection in Unilateral Trans-tibial Amputee in Real Time Gait using Wearable Setup

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.The presented study proposes a novel approach to detect gait abnormalities in unilateral trans-tibial amputees using a wearable setup. The system uses force sensitive resistors and potentiometers to collect data on the user’s gait patterns. A machine learning algorithm based on Extreme Learning Machines is utilized to classify the gait patterns as normal or abnormal. The system is evaluated on a dataset of healthy and unilateral trans-tibial amputees, and the results reveal that the ELM-based classification technique achieved high accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and F1 score. The proposed wearable gait setup is tested by conducting a standard six-meter walk test, and the collected data is segmented into stance and swing phases. The study also compares various gait parameters of healthy and amputated subjects, and the results show significant asymmetry in the amputated subjects. The proposed setup also detects asymmetry in force distribution under each foot. The study’s findings reveal that the proposed wearable gait setup is a reliable and effective tool for gait analysis in unilateral trans-tibial amputees, and the results are comparable with those obtained using a Vicon gait measurement system

    A review of computer vision-based approaches for physical rehabilitation and assessment

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    The computer vision community has extensively researched the area of human motion analysis, which primarily focuses on pose estimation, activity recognition, pose or gesture recognition and so on. However for many applications, like monitoring of functional rehabilitation of patients with musculo skeletal or physical impairments, the requirement is to comparatively evaluate human motion. In this survey, we capture important literature on vision-based monitoring and physical rehabilitation that focuses on comparative evaluation of human motion during the past two decades and discuss the state of current research in this area. Unlike other reviews in this area, which are written from a clinical objective, this article presents research in this area from a computer vision application perspective. We propose our own taxonomy of computer vision-based rehabilitation and assessment research which are further divided into sub-categories to capture novelties of each research. The review discusses the challenges of this domain due to the wide ranging human motion abnormalities and difficulty in automatically assessing those abnormalities. Finally, suggestions on the future direction of research are offered

    Recent advances in rehabilitation for Parkinson’s Disease with Exergames: A Systematic Review

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    Objective: The goal of this contribution is to gather and to critically analyze recent evidence regarding the potential of exergaming for Parkinson’s disease (PD) rehabilitation and to provide an up-to-date analysis of the current state of studies on exergame-based therapy in PD patients. Methods: We performed our search based on the conclusions of a previous systematic review published in 2014. Inclusion criteria were articles published in the indexed databases Pubmed, Scopus, Sciencedirect, IEEE and Cochrane published since January 1, 2014. Exclusion criteria were papers with a target group other than PD patients exclusively, or contributions not based on exergames. Sixty-four publications out of 525 matches were selected. Results: The analysis of the 64 selected publications confirmed the putative improvement in motor skills suggested by the results of the previous review. The reliability and safety of both Microsoft Kinect and Wii Balance Board in the proposed scenarios was further confirmed by several recent studies. Clinical trials present better (n = 5) or similar (n = 3) results than control groups (traditional rehabilitation or regular exercise) in motor (TUG, BBS) and cognitive (attention, alertness, working memory, executive function), thus emphasizing the potential of exergames in PD. Pilot studies (n = 11) stated the safety and feasibility of both Microsoft Kinect and Wii Balance Board, potentially in home scenarios as well. Technical papers (n = 30) stated the reliability of balance and gait data captured by both devices. Related metaanalyses and systematic reviews (n = 15) further support these statements, generally citing the need for adaptation to patient’s skills and new input devices and sensors as identified gaps. Conclusion: Recent evidence indicates exergame-based therapy has been widely proven to be feasible, safe, and at least as effective as traditional PD rehabilitation. Further insight into new sensors, best practices and different cognitive stadiums of PD (such as PD with Mild Cognitive Impairment), as well as task specificity, are required. Also, studies linking game parameters and results with traditional assessment methods, such as UPDRS scores, are required. Outcomes for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) should be standardized, and follow-up studies are required, particularly for motor outcomes

    Position Estimation Using LPWAN for Natural Environment Monitoring by Animals

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    学位の種別: 修士University of Tokyo(東京大学

    Kvantitativna analiza pokreta u rehabilitaciji neuroloških poremećaja korišćenjem vizuelnih i nosivih senzora.

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    Neuroloska oboljenja, kao sto su Parkinsonova bolest i slog, dovode do ozbiljnih motornih poremecaja, smanjuju kvalitet zivota pacijenata i mogu da uzrokuju smrt. Rana dijagnoza i adekvatno lecenje su krucijalni faktori za drzanje bolesti pod kontrolom, kako bi se omogucio normalan svakodnevni zivot pacijenata. Lecenje neurolo skih bolesti obicno ukljucuje rehabilitacionu terapiju i terapiju lekovima, koje se prilagodavaju u skladu sa stanjem pacijenta tokom vremena. Tradicionalne tehnike evaluacije u dijagnozi i monitoringu neuroloskih bolesti oslanjaju se na klinicke evaluacione alate, tacnije specijalno dizajnirane klinicke testove i skale. Medutim, iako su korisne i najcesce koriscene, klinicke skale su sklone subjektivnim ocenama i nepreciznoj interpretaciji performanse pacijenta...Neurological disorders, such as Parkinson's disease (PD) and stroke, lead to serious motor disabilities, decrease the patients' quality of life and can cause the mortality. Early diagnosis and adequate disease treatment are thus crucial factors towards keeping the disease under control in order to enable the normal every-day life of patients. The treatment of neurological disorders usually includes the rehabilitation therapy and drug treatment, that are adapted based on the evaluation of the patient state over time. Conventional evaluation techniques for diagnosis and monitoring in neurological disorders rely on the clinical assessment tools i.e. specially designed clinical tests and scales. However, although benecial and commonly used, those scales are descriptive (qualitative), primarily intended to be carried out by a trained neurologist, and are prone to subjective rating and imprecise interpretation of patient's performance..

    Context-aware home monitoring system for Parkinson's disease patients : ambient and wearable sensing for freezing of gait detection

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    Tesi en modalitat de cotutela: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya i Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. This PhD Thesis has been developed in the framework of, and according to, the rules of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate on Interactive and Cognitive Environments EMJD ICE [FPA no. 2010-0012]Parkinson’s disease (PD). It is characterized by brief episodes of inability to step, or by extremely short steps that typically occur on gait initiation or on turning while walking. The consequences of FOG are aggravated mobility and higher affinity to falls, which have a direct effect on the quality of life of the individual. There does not exist completely effective pharmacological treatment for the FOG phenomena. However, external stimuli, such as lines on the floor or rhythmic sounds, can focus the attention of a person who experiences a FOG episode and help her initiate gait. The optimal effectiveness in such approach, known as cueing, is achieved through timely activation of a cueing device upon the accurate detection of a FOG episode. Therefore, a robust and accurate FOG detection is the main problem that needs to be solved when developing a suitable assistive technology solution for this specific user group. This thesis proposes the use of activity and spatial context of a person as the means to improve the detection of FOG episodes during monitoring at home. The thesis describes design, algorithm implementation and evaluation of a distributed home system for FOG detection based on multiple cameras and a single inertial gait sensor worn at the waist of the patient. Through detailed observation of collected home data of 17 PD patients, we realized that a novel solution for FOG detection could be achieved by using contextual information of the patient’s position, orientation, basic posture and movement on a semantically annotated two-dimensional (2D) map of the indoor environment. We envisioned the future context-aware system as a network of Microsoft Kinect cameras placed in the patient’s home that interacts with a wearable inertial sensor on the patient (smartphone). Since the hardware platform of the system constitutes from the commercial of-the-shelf hardware, the majority of the system development efforts involved the production of software modules (for position tracking, orientation tracking, activity recognition) that run on top of the middle-ware operating system in the home gateway server. The main component of the system that had to be developed is the Kinect application for tracking the position and height of multiple people, based on the input in the form of 3D point cloud data. Besides position tracking, this software module also provides mapping and semantic annotation of FOG specific zones on the scene in front of the Kinect. One instance of vision tracking application is supposed to run for every Kinect sensor in the system, yielding potentially high number of simultaneous tracks. At any moment, the system has to track one specific person - the patient. To enable tracking of the patient between different non-overlapped cameras in the distributed system, a new re-identification approach based on appearance model learning with one-class Support Vector Machine (SVM) was developed. Evaluation of the re-identification method was conducted on a 16 people dataset in a laboratory environment. Since the patient orientation in the indoor space was recognized as an important part of the context, the system necessitated the ability to estimate the orientation of the person, expressed in the frame of the 2D scene on which the patient is tracked by the camera. We devised method to fuse position tracking information from the vision system and inertial data from the smartphone in order to obtain patient’s 2D pose estimation on the scene map. Additionally, a method for the estimation of the position of the smartphone on the waist of the patient was proposed. Position and orientation estimation accuracy were evaluated on a 12 people dataset. Finally, having available positional, orientation and height information, a new seven-class activity classification was realized using a hierarchical classifier that combines height-based posture classifier with translational and rotational SVM movement classifiers. Each of the SVM movement classifiers and the joint hierarchical classifier were evaluated in the laboratory experiment with 8 healthy persons. The final context-based FOG detection algorithm uses activity information and spatial context information in order to confirm or disprove FOG detected by the current state-of-the-art FOG detection algorithm (which uses only wearable sensor data). A dataset with home data of 3 PD patients was produced using two Kinect cameras and a smartphone in synchronized recording. The new context-based FOG detection algorithm and the wearable-only FOG detection algorithm were both evaluated with the home dataset and their results were compared. The context-based algorithm very positively influences the reduction of false positive detections, which is expressed through achieved higher specificity. In some cases, context-based algorithm also eliminates true positive detections, reducing sensitivity to the lesser extent. The final comparison of the two algorithms on the basis of their sensitivity and specificity, shows the improvement in the overall FOG detection achieved with the new context-aware home system.Esta tesis propone el uso de la actividad y el contexto espacial de una persona como medio para mejorar la detección de episodios de FOG (Freezing of gait) durante el seguimiento en el domicilio. La tesis describe el diseño, implementación de algoritmos y evaluación de un sistema doméstico distribuido para detección de FOG basado en varias cámaras y un único sensor de marcha inercial en la cintura del paciente. Mediante de la observación detallada de los datos caseros recopilados de 17 pacientes con EP, nos dimos cuenta de que se puede lograr una solución novedosa para la detección de FOG mediante el uso de información contextual de la posición del paciente, orientación, postura básica y movimiento anotada semánticamente en un mapa bidimensional (2D) del entorno interior. Imaginamos el futuro sistema de consciencia del contexto como una red de cámaras Microsoft Kinect colocadas en el hogar del paciente, que interactúa con un sensor de inercia portátil en el paciente (teléfono inteligente). Al constituirse la plataforma del sistema a partir de hardware comercial disponible, los esfuerzos de desarrollo consistieron en la producción de módulos de software (para el seguimiento de la posición, orientación seguimiento, reconocimiento de actividad) que se ejecutan en la parte superior del sistema operativo del servidor de puerta de enlace de casa. El componente principal del sistema que tuvo que desarrollarse es la aplicación Kinect para seguimiento de la posición y la altura de varias personas, según la entrada en forma de punto 3D de datos en la nube. Además del seguimiento de posición, este módulo de software también proporciona mapeo y semántica. anotación de zonas específicas de FOG en la escena frente al Kinect. Se supone que una instancia de la aplicación de seguimiento de visión se ejecuta para cada sensor Kinect en el sistema, produciendo un número potencialmente alto de pistas simultáneas. En cualquier momento, el sistema tiene que rastrear a una persona específica - el paciente. Para habilitar el seguimiento del paciente entre diferentes cámaras no superpuestas en el sistema distribuido, se desarrolló un nuevo enfoque de re-identificación basado en el aprendizaje de modelos de apariencia con one-class Suport Vector Machine (SVM). La evaluación del método de re-identificación se realizó con un conjunto de datos de 16 personas en un entorno de laboratorio. Dado que la orientación del paciente en el espacio interior fue reconocida como una parte importante del contexto, el sistema necesitaba la capacidad de estimar la orientación de la persona, expresada en el marco de la escena 2D en la que la cámara sigue al paciente. Diseñamos un método para fusionar la información de seguimiento de posición del sistema de visión y los datos de inercia del smartphone para obtener la estimación de postura 2D del paciente en el mapa de la escena. Además, se propuso un método para la estimación de la posición del Smartphone en la cintura del paciente. La precisión de la estimación de la posición y la orientación se evaluó en un conjunto de datos de 12 personas. Finalmente, al tener disponible información de posición, orientación y altura, se realizó una nueva clasificación de actividad de seven-class utilizando un clasificador jerárquico que combina un clasificador de postura basado en la altura con clasificadores de movimiento SVM traslacional y rotacional. Cada uno de los clasificadores de movimiento SVM y el clasificador jerárquico conjunto se evaluaron en el experimento de laboratorio con 8 personas sanas. El último algoritmo de detección de FOG basado en el contexto utiliza información de actividad e información de texto espacial para confirmar o refutar el FOG detectado por el algoritmo de detección de FOG actual. El algoritmo basado en el contexto influye muy positivamente en la reducción de las detecciones de falsos positivos, que se expresa a través de una mayor especificida