41 research outputs found

    High performance bilayer-graphene Terahertz detectors

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    We report bilayer-graphene field effect transistors operating as THz broadband photodetectors based on plasma-waves excitation. By employing wide-gate geometries or buried gate configurations, we achieve a responsivity 1.2V/W(1.3mA/W)\sim 1.2V/W (1.3 mA/W) and a noise equivalent power 2×109W/Hz1/2\sim 2\times 10^{-9} W/Hz^{-1/2} in the 0.29-0.38 THz range, in photovoltage and photocurrent mode. The potential of this technology for scalability to higher frequencies and the development of flexible devices makes our approach competitive for a future generation of THz detection systems.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    Terahertz wave transmission in flexible polystyrene-lined hollow metallic waveguides for the 2.5-5 THz band.

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    A low-loss and low-dispersive optical-fiber-like hybrid HE11 mode is developed within a wide band in metallic hollow waveguides if their inner walls are coated with a thin dielectric layer. We investigate terahertz (THz) transmission losses from 0.5 to 5.5 THz and bending losses at 2.85 THz in a polystyrene-lined silver waveguides with core diameters small enough (1 mm) to minimize the number of undesired modes and to make the waveguide flexible, while keeping the transmission loss of the HE11 mode low. The experimentally measured loss is below 10 dB/m for 2 < ? < 2.85 THz (∼4-4.5 dB/m at 2.85 THz) and it is estimated to be below 3 dB/m for 3 < ? < 5 THz according to the numerical calculations. At ∼1.25 THz, the waveguide shows an absorption peak of ∼75 dB/m related to the transition between the TM11-like mode and the HE11 mode. Numerical modeling reproduces the measured absorption spectrum but underestimates the losses at the absorption peak, suggesting imperfections in the waveguide walls and that the losses can be reduced further. © 2013 Optical Society of America

    Magneto-optic transmittance modulation observed in a hybrid graphene-split ring resonator terahertz metasurface

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    By placing a material in close vicinity of a resonant optical element, its intrinsic optical response can be tuned, possibly to a wide extent. Here, we show that a graphene monolayer, spaced a few tenths of nanometers from a split ring resonator metasurface, exhibits a magneto-optical response which is strongly influenced by the presence of the metasurface itself. This hybrid system holds promises in view of thin optical modulators, polarization rotators, and nonreciprocal devices, in the technologically relevant terahertz spectral range. Moreover, it could be chosen as the playground for investigating the cavity electrodynamics of Dirac fermions in the quantum regime.The work was supported in part by the European Union Graphene Flagship under grant agreement n° 604391.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from AIP via http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.493170

    High performance bilayer-graphene Terahertz detectors

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    We report bilayer-graphene field effect transistors operating as THz broadband photodetectors based on plasma-waves excitation. By employing wide-gate geometries or buried gate configurations, we achieve a responsivity 1.2V/W(1.3mA/W)\sim 1.2V/W (1.3 mA/W) and a noise equivalent power 2×109W/Hz1/2\sim 2\times 10^{-9} W/Hz^{-1/2} in the 0.29-0.38 THz range, in photovoltage and photocurrent mode. The potential of this technology for scalability to higher frequencies and the development of flexible devices makes our approach competitive for a future generation of THz detection systems

    RIEC Newsletter No.4

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    Real-time terahertz digital holography with a quantum cascade laser

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    Coherent imaging in the THz range promises to exploit the peculiar capabilities of these wavelengths to penetrate common materials like plastics, ceramics, paper or clothes with potential breakthroughs in non-destructive inspection and quality control, homeland security and biomedical applications. Up to now, however, THz coherent imaging has been limited by time-consuming raster scanning, point-like detection schemes and by the lack of adequate coherent sources. Here, we demonstrate real-time digital holography (DH) at THz frequencies exploiting the high spectral purity and the mW output power of a quantum cascade laser combined with the high sensitivity and resolution of a microbolometric array. We show that, in a one-shot exposure, phase and amplitude information of whole samples, either in reflection or in transmission, can be recorded. Furthermore, a 200 times reduced sensitivity to mechanical vibrations and a significantly enlarged field of view are observed, as compared to DH in the visible range. These properties of THz DH enable unprecedented holographic recording of real world dynamic scenes

    Black Phosphorus Terahertz Photodetectors

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    The first room-temperature terahertz (THz)-frequency nanodetector exploiting a 10 nm thick flake of exfoliated crystalline black phosphorus as an active channel of a field-effect transistor, is devised. By engineering and embedding planar THz antennas for efficient light harvesting, the first technological demonstration of a phosphorus-based active THz device is described