36 research outputs found

    La orientación emprendedora del fundador y el éxito en la internacionalización de la empresa

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    This paper analyses the role that individual entrepreneurial orientation (IEO) plays in the success of international entrepreneurship moves. Additionally, we argue that entrepreneurial experience constitutes one of the primary sources of IEO. The hypotheses are empirically analysed using a 22-year panel of family SMEs. Our results confirm the hypotheses and provide a better understanding of the role of IEO in the success of corporate strategies such as internationalisation. Specifically, IEO indirectly improves firm performance by increasing internationalisation speed.Este artículo analiza el papel que juega la orientación emprendedora individual (OEI) en el éxito de las iniciativas empresariales internacionales. Además, argumentamos que la experiencia emprendedora constituye una de las principales fuentes de OEI. Las hipótesis se analizan empíricamente utilizando un panel de 22 años de pymes familiares. Nuestros resultados confirman las hipótesis y proporcionan una mejor comprensión del papel de la OEI en el éxito de estrategias corporativas como la internacionalización. Específicamente, la OEI mejora indirectamente el desempeño de la empresa al aumentar la velocidad de internacionalización

    Examining the relationship between team-level entrepreneurial orientation and team performance

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    PurposeThis article investigates (in)direct relationships between team-level entrepreneurial orientation and team performance, where team entrepreneurial orientation (EO) is measured as a team-level construct, not as concentration of team members' scores. In this article, the authors present and explore how EO-oriented behaviour within a team affect its performance, taking into account the team's trust in a manager and commitment to team and company goals.Design/methodology/approachThis article focuses on a quantitative analysis of 55 teams operating within a large high-tech manufacturing enterprise, gathered through a traditional survey. The conceptual framework for this research was based on the theories of organisational citizenship, extra-role behaviour and social exchange. The authors explain how contextual factors establish a framework which enables team EO transformation towards higher performance of teams.FindingsThe results show that (team) performance benefits from EO-related behaviours. However, individual dimensions of EO are not universally beneficial and need to be combined with a mutual trust and/or commitment to team enterprise's goals to achieve high performance.Originality/valueThe findings provide important insight into which team factors may be targeted at the intervention or support of team members, including managers and immediate superiors who lack an active personality and are not willing to take risks at workplace. The authors adopted EO instruments, mutual trust and commitment from an individual scale to a team one, and also offer new opportunities to analyse such phenomena from a new level and evaluate them from the perspective of team managers

    Personality Characteristics of Entrepreneur and Business Survival: The Role of External Environments

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    Entrepreneurial is one of the solutions for a country to face an economic crisis and reduce the country's unemployment problem. However, no more than 50% of the startup business can survive in the first three years. The Open System Theory explains that there is a positive relationship between external environmental factors and business activities. This study tries to provide the complex relationship between Self-efficacy, Risk-taking propensity, Innovativeness, and business survival with technology turbulence as the moderating variable. The data collection was provided through literature review from the previous study as the predictor. The contribution of this study is the clarification of the facts of personality characteristics of entrepreneurs and the indication that external environments can moderate the personality characteristics of an entrepreneur. The result shows that risk-taking propensity and Innovativeness positively affect business survival and will be best influencing at the moderate level.Keywords: Risk-taking propensity, Technology Turbulence, Self-Efficacy, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Business Performance, Open System Theory

    Innovation Management

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    Strategisches Management

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    Entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial intention: When more learning exposures are efficacious

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    Banyak sekolah bisnis di dunia telah terlibat dalam menciptakan calon wirausaha baru mulai dari ketika mereka belajar di universitas. Banyak universitas di Indonesia juga terlibat dalam upaya yang menantang ini. Penelitian ini mengkaji pengaruh orientasi kewirausahaan individu terhadap niat berwirausaha melalui analisis regresi dan uji perbandingan (uji-t) yang diujikan pada 200 mahasiswa dari beberapa perguruan tinggi besar di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa semua dimensi orientasi kewirausahaan individu (yaitu, keinovatifan, pengambilan risiko, keproaktifan, gairah, dan ketekunan) berdampak positif terhadap niat berwirausaha. Temuan ini mengisi kesenjangan terkait pengujian orientasi kewirausahaan individu dalam konteks lain dengan penambahan dua dimensi baru, yaitu gairah dan ketekunan. Lebih lanjut, temuan menarik dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa efek orientasi kewirausahaan individu pada niat berwirausaha ditemukan lebih tinggi pada siswa yang pernah mengikuti kursus kewirausahaan, tetapi hanya pada dua dimensi orientasi kewirausahaan individu (yaitu, pengambilan risiko dan proaktif). Selain itu, tingkat orientasi kewirausahaan mahasiswa yang aktif dalam organisasi kemahasiswaan lebih tinggi daripada yang tidak berpartisipasi, terkhusus pada tiga dimensi (yaitu, inovasi, pengambilan risiko, proaktif). Penelitian ini kemudian menganjurkan pentingnya berbagai eksposur pembelajaran (tidak hanya di dalam kelas) yang harus dialami oleh mahasiswa untuk mengembangkan orientasi kewirausahaan individu mereka.Many business schools in the world seek to create newly aspiring entrepreneurs starting from their university years. Many Indonesian universities also engage in this challenging effort. This study investigates the effect of students’ individual entrepreneurial orientation (IEO) on entrepreneurial intention (EI) through regression analysis and t-test on 200 students from several major Indonesian universities. Our results indicate that all IEO dimensions (i.e., innovativeness, risk-taking, proactiveness, passion, and perseverance) positively affect EI. These findings fill in the gap regarding the IEO studies in other contexts by adding two new dimensions, namely passion and perseverance. Further, this study demonstrates that students who have taken entrepreneurship courses exhibit greater effect of IEO on EI, but only in two dimensions (i.e., risk taking and proactiveness). Besides, students who actively participate in student organizations exhibit higher IEO than those who do not, especially in three dimensions dimensions (i.e., innovativeness, risk taking, proactiveness). Hence, this study underscores the importance of various learning exposures (not only in the classroom) for university students to develop their IEO

    Anti-aging: How innovation is shaped by firm age and mutual knowledge creation in an alliance

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    Abstract Firms might operate in alliances and 'vitalize' themselves to achieve innovation. Still, the older and more mature firms might may not sufficiently utilize the innovation potentials in alliances because they have structural rigidities, and their managers continuously draw upon established sensemaking patterns. Our hypotheses testing on a sample of 296 firms in alliances finds that greater firm age decreases the possibilities for innovation value creation. While all firms across the age range can benefit from mutual knowledge creation in their alliances, the older firms can reduce their limitations for innovation value creation when they mutually create knowledge with their partners. Our study contributes explicitly to the dynamic relational view, combining it with a sensemaking theory

    The Role of Socioemotional Wealth in Entrepreneurial Persistence Decisions for Family Businesses

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    Many factors may influence entrepreneurial persistence in various contexts. For example, scholars find that family business entrepreneurs are more persistent than other entrepreneurs. However, the reasons why they are more persistent are not as well known. Utilizing a conjoint experiment with 64 entrepreneurs and 376 decisions, this paper examines the influence of socioemotional wealth (SEW) on persistence decisions in a family business context. The results of the Hierarchical Linear Modelling show that the expected financial returns, expected non-financial benefits, expected switching costs, and probability of expected outcomes influence entrepreneurial persistence decisions. Further, family business entrepreneurs with higher levels of SEW focus more on non-financial benefits when facing alternative opportunities. This study also provided empirical evidence for different dimensions of SEW. The results show that the emotional attachment of family members and the renewal of family bonds to the firm are effective indicators, which provide a direct measurement of SEW. The findings of this study increase scholarly understanding of both entrepreneurial persistence literature founded in threshold theory and SEW literature

    Facilitating innovation in FinTech: a review and research agenda

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    The purpose of this paper is to carry out content analyses on the existing literature to investigate the knowledge state of innovation facilitators adopted to promote financial innovation. In total, 56 papers were analysed using the NVivo software package. Three categories of innovation facilitators emerged from the literature capturing the perspective of regulators, incumbents and new entrants. Each identified instrument is defined and its processes and implications described. Many initiatives were led by regulators, revealing a regulatory strategy change from risk-based to opportunity-based regulation, with regulatory sandboxes being the most commonly adopted instrument. Incumbent-led innovation facilitators were also identified and typically took the form of corporate incubation models, co-working spaces, venture funds and innovation platforms to support financial institutions with partnerships, acquisitions or self-development. Lastly, the literature review revealed innovator-led instruments to support start-ups with raising capital. Based on our results, we discuss several important observations and propose avenues for future research capturing each of the identified perspectives. This paper contributes to incubation research and the financial innovation and FinTech literature streams.publishedVersio


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    Projects implemented in conditions of high uncertainty are sometimes called entrepreneurial projects. Success in such projects is more difficult to achieve. To successfully manage entrepreneurial projects, project managers should have entrepreneurial skills. The article explores two issues related to project success, entrepreneurial characteristics, and project uncertainty. First, the article tries to find out whether the increase in the entrepreneurial nature of the project, manifested in the increase in project goals and methods uncertainty, is accompanied by a decrease in project success. Second question is – does the entrepreneurial orientation of project managers affect project success and the relationship between the projects’ success and their entrepreneurial features. To answer these questions, data were collected from Russian project managers assessing the entrepreneurial nature of projects, project success and the individual entrepreneurial orientation of project-managers. The collected data were examined using factor and regression analysis. The findings indicate that there is a negative relationship between the entrepreneurial nature and such indicators of project success as internal efficiency, preparation for the future, and results for clients. Some indicators of success were positively associated with such indicators of entrepreneurial orientation as proactivity and risk taking. As uncertainty increased, some measures of individual entrepreneurial orientation of project managers can positively compensate negative impact on project success from uncertainty associated with projects’ entrepreneurial nature