20,987 research outputs found

    Seismic Performance of Steel Pipe Pile to Cap Beam Moment Resisting Connections

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    INE/AUTC 13.0

    Analisis Pembuatan Pipa Baja Sistem Dua Bagian Las Astm A139 Dengan Menggunakan Metoda Lsaw = Manufactur Analysis Dual Seam Weld Steel Pipe Astm A139 by Using Lsaw Methode

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    One of the main components of the manufacture of steel pipe is in the form of plate steel sheet, slab or hot roll coil, which of these materials may be made for various types of pipes, among others, seamless, Electric Wire Resistance, Spiral and Longitudinal pipes.The main material used welding steel pipe is a steel plate or hot roll coil. Material procurement dependence becomes an obstacle for welding steel pipe mill, which at this moment in our country\u27s steel mills have not been able to produce material of diameter of 24 "steel pipe used primarily in the oil and gas sector.In this research, the analysis of welded steel pipe manufacture using local plate material consisting of two sections then welded with GMAW and SMAW welding type, where the manufacture of welded steel pipe with dimensions Ø 28 "x 8.7 mm x 12.000 mm is done using the LSAW (Longitudinal Sub Merged Arc Welding) method. Mechanical testing and inspection conducted in accordance with ASTM A139.Based on the analysis of the results of testing and inspection, it can be concluded that the method of manufacture of welded steel pipes using dual seam weld longitudinal submerged arc welding compliant as required in the standard ASTM A139

    Nitric Acid Pickling Bath Recovery

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    This case study describes a diffusion dialysis acid recovery technology pilot project at Gerlin Inc, a company that manufactures stainless steel pipe fittings and flanges, to recover acid from their spent pickling baths

    Teräsputkisiltarakenteen toimitusprosessin dokumentaatio ja CE-merkintä Aurajoki Oy:lle

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tehdä Aurajoki Oy:lle laaja selvitystyö teräsputkisiltarakenteisiin liittyvistä ohjeista ja määräyksistä Aurajoki Oy:n tuodessa markkinoille omaa teräsputkisiltarakennettaan. Selvitystyön tarkoituksena oli ottaa selvää kaikista teräsputkisiltarakenteisiin ja teräsputkisiltojen rakentamiseen ja toimittamiseen liittyvistä viranomaismääräyksistä, asetuksista sekä alan yleisistä lainalaisuuksista. Selvitystyön lopullinen päätavoite oli saada Aurajoki Oy:n teräsputkisiltarakenteet tuotehyväksyttyä CE-merkinnällä, sekä ensimmäinen teräsputkisiltarakenne toimitettua maaliin asti. CE-merkintää varten dokumentoin Aurajoki Oy:n teräsputkisiltarakenteiden toimitusprosessin, sekä laadin auditointia ja teräsputkisiltarakenteen toimitusta varten vaadittavat laatusuunnitelmat ja tekniset työsuunnitelmat. Tässä opinnäytetyössä käydään ensin lyhyesti läpi yleisellä tasolla teräsputkisiltarakenteet ja niiden rakentaminen, sekä vaatimukset teräsrakenteen CE-merkintää varten. Itse teräsputkisillan toimitusprosessi varsinaisen teräsrakenteen osalta on esitetty jokseenkin kronologisessa järjestyksessä Tiilivuorentien alikulkukäytävään liittyvänä casena. Kyseisessä kappaleessa mainitut toimitusprosessiin liittyvät dokumentit olen luovuttanut Aurajoki Oy:n käyttöön, jonka takia niitä ei ole julkaistu liitteinä tässä opinnäytetyöni julkisessa osassa.The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis was to do a comprehensive study of corrugated steel pipe structures for Aurajoki Oy as they were bringing their own corrugated steel pipe structure to the market. The purpose of the study was to research and make clear of all the specifications concerning manufacturing and building corrugated steel pipe structures set by the Finnish Transport Agency. The goal was to have Aurajoki’s corrugated steel pipe structure approved for a CE marking, and to successfully deliver Aurajoki’s first corrugated steel pipe structure to the customer. For the CE marking audit I made a documentation of Aurajoki’s supply chain process which included various quality documents and technical work plans necessary to the delivery process. This bachelor’s thesis is constructed so that it first briefly introduces what corrugated steel pipe structures are and how they’re built, and then the requirements for a CE marking. The actual supply chain process and the delivery of the corrugated steel pipe structure is presented in a somewhat chronological order as a case study. The documents I made for the supply chain process and the delivery process that are mentioned in the case study are now property of Aurajoki Oy, and have thus been removed from this publication

    Comparison of High-Strength Steel Pipe and H-Shaped Steel in the Strut of a Braced Wall System

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    Excavation work accounts for a high percentage of the total building construction cost. The most widely used method for excavation work in an urban area is a braced wall system with struts or rakers. H-shaped steel, which is the most commonly used component for struts in braced wall systems, has disadvantages such as cost-ineffectiveness and increased work interference associated with narrow strut spacing. Therefore, the use of high-strength steel pipe struts in braced wall systems can be an effective alternative to widening the strut spacing. In this study, the construction costs of a braced wall system using H-shaped steel and a braced wall system made with high strength steel pipe were compared by analyzing the required amounts of materials and the construction costs for four practical cases. All analyzed cases considered a change from H-shaped steel to high strength steel pipe in a design change during the construction stage. The results of this study show that the required amount of materials and the construction costs of a braced wall system with high strength steel pipe were lower than those of a braced wall system with H-shaped steel. Consequently, this study suggests that a high strength steel pipe strut is a more economical alternative than an H-shaped steel strut in braced wall systems for deep excavation work

    Penjadwalan Perawatan di PT. Steel Pipe Industry Of Indonesia

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    PT. SPINDO (Steel Pipe Industry of Indonesia) merupakan Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang industri penghasil produk pipa besi, tiang besi, dan pipa stainless steel. PT. SPINDO mengalami kesulitan dikarenakan seringnya terjadi kerusakan pada mesin ERW/Mill. Untuk mengatasi hal ini, PT. SPINDO telah membuat dan melakukan penjadwalan perawatan mesin pada ERW/Mill. Kerusakan pada mesin memang tidak dapat diketahui secara pasti kapan terjadinya sehingga perawatan mesin yang telah dibuat tidak selalu berjalan tiap 3 dan 4 bulan sekali, sehingga perlu dilakukan perbaikan penjadwalan perawatan mesin. Data waktu kerusakan yang diolah menjadi waktu antar kerusakan dicari ditribusinya dengan menggunakan software statfit. Dari software tersebut, fungsi keandalan dan MTTF dapat diketahui. Interval jadwal pergantian dicari berdasarkan tingkat downtime yang minimum. Dengan diketahuinya interval pergantian yang optimal, maka jadwal perawatan untuk mesin ERW 3, jadwal pergantian untuk submesin uncoiler adalah sebagai berikut: komponen air cylinder diganti setiap 129 hari, komponen bearing dan as diganti setiap 18 hari, komponen solenoid valve diganti 201 hari, komponen rem diganti 170 hari. Dengan adanya preventive maintenance, terjadi penghematan biaya pada submesin uncoiler adalah sebagai berikut: air cylinder penghematan biayanya 41,48%, bearing dan as penghematan biayanya 94,62%, solenoid valve penghematan biayanya 7,45%, rem penghematan biayanya tidak ada

    A Study on Simulation Models of Seismic Energy Absorbing Steel Pipes

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    The aim of this study is to develop simulation models of steel pipe as hysteretic dampers for seismic resistant steel structures. Steel pipe dampers are chosen as energy dissipating device because they are easy to install, maintain and inexpensive. Steel pipes in various positions are able to dissipate seismic input energy in a structure through hysteresis of the metal. Numerical simulation is carried out using nonlinear structural analysis program ABAQUS. Cyclic shear loading is applied to: a) vertical steel pipe dampers positioned in the plane of the frame of the structure; and b) horizontal steel pipe dampers positioned perpendicular to the plane of the frame of the structure. Cyclic axial loading is applied to the horizontal steel pipes positioned in the plane of the frame of the structure; in this case the steel pipes are intended to function as stoppers to backup the main damper in absorbing excessive seismic input energy. The following requirements for steel pipe dampers are taken into account: a) dampers provide stiffness and supplement damping to the structure; b) most part of the dampers yield simultaneously; c) dampers have satisfactory ultra low-cycle fatigue (ULCF) capacity. Steel pipes with diameter greater than 100 mm (considered to be useable as dampers) have diameter to thickness ratio more than 20 which is too slender; meaning, steel pipes have less than necessary amount of material to fulfill the above requirements. Various strengthening strategies to bare steel pipes are explored in the simulation models. Ductile fracture in steel that initiates in fewer than twenty constant amplitude loading cycles has been term Ultra Low Fatigue Cycle. Under ULCFs load dampers experienced extensive plasticity and limited cyclicity. ULCF has been treated more as a fracture problem than a fatigue problem in micromechanics-based models, which provide accurate criteria for predicting ductile fracture, proposed by Kanvinde and Deierlein (2007). Ductile fracture controls the ultimate strength and ductility of structural components, therefore accurate preliminary prediction of ductile fracture is critical to the performance of steel pipe dampers. The finite element simulation models can be utilized to preliminary predict ductile fracture in steel pipes using the criteria from the micromechanics-based models. Several results from studying the behavior and preliminary ductile fracture prediction of the models, which show the potential to be developed further into operational hysteretic steel pipe dampers, will be presente

    Flow estimation in a steel pipe using guided waves

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    In this investigation, a flow rate estimation guided wave based scheme in pipes is proposed. The effect of the fluid over the propagation of longitudinal waves has been experimentally studied by using several laminar flows of water transported by a steel pipe. Results have shown a decrease of the guided wave pattern repeatability and the signal energy as the flow rate increase as a result of the energy leakage from the pipe to the fluid. A Matlab® script is used to excite the PZT actuator via picoscope 2208 of Picotech®, the captured signal is acquired also by the picoscope and the data is processed in Matlab. The test bench utilized is composed by a 1” sch 40 A-106 pipe, a needle valve and a centrifugal pump provides the flow energy. A couple of PZTs are used in a picth-catch configuration to produce and capture the longitudinal waves along the cross section of the pipe.Postprint (author's final draft

    Effect of municipal liquid waste on corrosion susceptibility of galvanized steel pipe

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    This investigation studied the effect of municipal liquid waste discharged into the environment within Kano municipal area on the corrosion susceptibility of galvanized steel pipe burial underground. Six stagnant and six moving municipal liquid waste samples were used for the investigation. The corrosion rate of the galvanized steel pipe was measured using the gravimetric technique. The results obtained from weight loss measurement shows a serious corrosion effect of municipal liquid waste on the galvanized steel pipe. The overall corrosion rates are much higher in the stagnant and moving liquid waste samples collected within the core city than the liquid waste samples collected outside the city, but become low with the formation of passive films on galvanized steel surface after 2500 hours. Therefore, this investigation revealed that the galvanized steel pipes used to supply the city with pipe borne water are at high risk of supplying contaminated water due to some leaking pipes. Key words: Liquid waste, galvanized steel, weight loss, ravimetric, corrosion, leakin

    An experimental investigation of properties of Q345 steel pipe at elevated temperatures

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    This paper presents the results of an extensive experimental investigation of the thermal and mechanical properties of Q345 steel pipe at elevated temperatures using both the steady-state and transient-state test methods. Under these two test conditions, the thermal expansion coefficient, yield strength and elastic modulus of the specimens at different temperatures were measured. The tested results indicate that both the yield strength and elastic modulus decrease gradually with increasing temperature. However, at the same temperature, both the yield strength and elastic modulus tested using the steady-state test are higher than those tested using the transient-state test. Hence, it is less safe to use the material properties tested using the steady-state test for fire resistance design of the steel structure. Based on the transient-state test results, the models of the mechanical properties of Q345 steel pipe at elevated temperatures were proposed. These models can be used for the design and analysis of Q345 steel pipe structures under fire conditions.2012 Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Programme of Higher Education of China (Grant No. 20120095110027)