868 research outputs found

    Comparisons of crop yields using semi-organic and inorganic fertilizers

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    A series of experiments is described in which a semi-organic fertilizer is compared to the more widely used inorganic type. A semi-organic fertilizer contains a base of organic materials to which is added a mixture of inorganic salts to make up a suitable analysis. The results from three years field trials and certain greenhouse experiments are presented. Barley was used as the test crop in all experiments.Biomass production and nitrogen accumulation were studied in the field trials.In the field trials a greater stand density was produced using the semi-organic fertilizer as compared with an inorganic fertilizer and no-fertilizer treatment. This difference was evident from early in the season and was therefore attributed to relative success in germination and/or establishment. A high salt concentration in the soil water surrounding seeds has been shown to reduce the rate and final percentage germination for a wide variety of crops. The superior stand density produced on the semi-organic treatment was probably due to the lower osmotic effect produced by that fertilizer. The results of the greenhouse experiments supported this hypothesis. Field and greenhouse experiments were not analogous with respect to the emergence observed on the no fertilizer treatment.The pattern of nitrogen uptake was different on the two fertilizer treatments. Proportionally more nitrogen was absorbed later in the season by plants growing on'the semi-organic treatment. This led to a greater nitrogen content per head on the semi-organic treatment. Although there were significantly more heads per unit area on the semi-organic treatment there was no difference in the dry weight per head, this could be due to prolonged photosynthesis in the heads on this treatment. Total biomass production was similar on the two fertilized treatments but proportionally more of the weight was in the heads on the semi-organic treatment. There was a strong negative correlation, later in the season, between plant density and a) dry weight per plant and b) nitrogen content per plant on the inorganic fertilizer treatment but this was not so on the semi-organic fertilizer

    Soil Fertility Properties and Rice Biomass Production Under Three Rice Farming Systems at Vertisols Sambung Macan Sub District, Sragen Regency

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    The farmers realize that green revolution technology with high inputs is no longer sustainable. They want to move to other rice farming systems. The aim of research was to study soil chemical-physical characteristics and rice productions under  three  rice farming systems. This study was conducted in Vertisols at Sambung Macan Sub District, Sragen Regency, arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replications and as the treatments was an organic, semi organic and conventional rice systems. One kilo gram composites soil  samples of 0-20 cm in depth were collected from five random sampling points of every site and taken in March 2017, before soil preparation. Rice biomass productions namely rice grains, rice straw and rice residues were harvested in the end of June 2017. The results indicated that in organic field, the soil chemical-physical fertility was superior to that of in semi organic and conventional and semi organic system was better than conventional in terms of soil pH, organic C and total N, P and K total, soil bulk density, particle density, soil porosity and permeability. Similar finding was observed for rice biomass productions. The rice grains yields were 7.53 ± 0.85, 6.60 ± 0.15 and 5.77 ± 0.71, rice straw were 7.97 ± 0.47, 7.63 ± 0.21 and 6.93 ± 0.25 and forrice residues were 4.20 ± 0.10, 3.30 ± 0.20 and 3.25 ± 0.35 Mgs ha-1 season-1 in organic, semi organic and conventional systems, respectively.Compared to the conventional system, the organic increased about 31 %, 15% and 29 % for rice grains, rice straw and rice residues, respectively. Comparing semi organic to conventional, the improvement was 14 %, 10 % and 2 % for rice grains, rice straw and rice residues, respectively. This short term research concluded that organic rice farming was superior to both semi organic and conventional systems, but the long term effect of organic need to be further evaluated

    Hubungan Kandungan Kimia Tanah terhadap Keanekaragaman Makrofauna Tanah pada Perkebunan Apel Semi Organik dan Anorganik

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    This study aims to determine the relationship of soil chemical content to soil macrofauna in semi-organic and non organic apple plantations in Tulungrejo Village, Bumiaji District, Batu City. Observation of soil chemical properties carried out in the BPTP East Java laboratory. The soil was taken systematically on both fields. Observation of soil macrofauna is carried out by direct observation. The study was conducted in March - May 2018. The parameters observed in this study were soil (H \u27) macrofauna, and soil (pH, C-Organic, and N). The chemical content of soil in the semi-organic apple plantation is (pH = 7.8 C-Organic = 1.54 and N = 0.16), while the chemical content of soil in the land of inorganic apple plantations is (pH = 7 C-Organic = 0 , 5 and N = 0.06). The results of research on soil macrofauna in Semi Organic apple plantations found 9 orders consisting of 10 families and amounting to 247 individuals. The role of soil macrofauna includes 3 families and 45 individuals, 4 family detrivor and 42 individuals, and 3 family predators and 160 individuals. The results of research on soil macrofauna in the field of Inorganic found 8 orders, consisting of 9 families and numbered 162 individuals. The role of the soil macrofauna includes 3 families and 25 individuals, 3 families and 18 individuals, and 3 families and 119 individuals. Diversity index value (H \u27) of soil macrofauna in semi-organic land is higher at 1.81, while in Inorganic land is 1.53

    Kepadatan Populasi dan Sebaran Cacing Tanah di Lahan Sawah Sistem Pertanian Organik, Semi Organik dan Konvensinal

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    Earthworm is one of the soil macrofauna, which consumes organic matter for body growth and life. Therefore the earthworm can be soil organic status and soil fertility indicator. On the other hand, at present, the organic farming system is developing and positively accepted by people as yield consumer, and yield price is higher than conventional yield price. The experimen to study the earthworm population rate and spread methode was conducted in 2008 planting season, in West Java, with RBD (Randomized Block Design). Three farming system as treatment i.e Organic farming, Semi organic and Conventional farming system and six location as replication. The result showed that Semi organic farming system is the most earthworm population rate and the earthworm distribution is random model

    Soil Quality at Rice Fields with Organic, Semi-organic and Inorganic Management in Wonogiri Regency, Indonesia

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    The high demand of rice is fulfilled by intensification, particularly with the use of chemical fertilizer that allegedly causes land and environmental problems in a long term. As public awareness of environmental health rises, more rice fields are managed organically and semi-organically, but there are still many that manage rice fields inorganically. Assessment of soil quality of the three types of rice field management is important to prove that organic rice fields have better soil quality than semi-organic and inorganic rice fields, as well as to evaluate soil conditions on the location. This research was conducted in Girimarto, Wonogiri, Indonesia, using a descriptive explorative method with a survey approach on three points of each management system of rice fields, which are organic, semi-organic and inorganic rice fields. Statistical analysis was performed by Pearson correlation analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) to determine the indicators affecting soil quality, which are called the minimum data set (MDS). There were selected indicators in this research, including total microbes, base saturation, cation exchangeable capacity and organic carbon. Based on the results of the study, organic rice fields have the best soil quality with a score of soil quality index (SQI) of 2.3, compared to semi-organic rice field SQI (2.2) and inorganic rice field SQI (1.7). The results indicate that organic management contributes to better soil quality and environment


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    Desa Sanrobone merupakan desa Mitra Binaan Universitas Muslim Indonesia (UMI) dan menjadi daerah pengembangan cabai rawit di Kabupaten Takalar, Sulawesi Selatan. Produksi cabai rawit di daerah ini mengandalkan penggunaan pupuk kimia dan pestisida kimia dosis tinggi  pada tanaman cabai rawit hibrida. Jenis cabai hibrida membutuhkan pupuk dengan dosis yang tinggi untuk dapat berproduksi secara optimal. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai pada kegiatan ini yaitu penerapan teknologi budidaya cabai rawit semi-organik untuk mencapai peningkatan produksi cabai rawit dan menjaga kualitas lahan petani. Solusi yang ditawarkan berupa: (1) Transfer  teknologi Budidaya cabai rawit semi-organik melalui pengurangan dosis pupuk kimia dan disubtitusi dengan penggunaan pupuk organik/Bokashi; (2)  Penanaman  cabai  bukan  hanya  di  lahan  pertanian/sawah melainkan juga di pekarangan kelompok mitra menggunakan polybag; (3) Pelatihan dan pendampingan pembuatan pupuk organik berupa kompos yang dimanfaatkan pada budidaya tanaman cabai rat. Metode yang digunakan pada Program Pengembangan Desa Mitra (PPMD) ini berupa partisipasi aktif (pemberdayaan) masyarakat melalui pelatihan dan pendampingan penanaman cabai rawit pada lahan petani. Hasil yang dicapai dari program ini diharapkan dapat mengubah pola pikir masyarakat  terutama petani dalam budidaya cabai rawit semi-organik.  Kata kunci: Pengembangan desa mitra, cabai rawit semi-organik.  ABSTRACT Sanrobone Village is a the Partner Village of the Indonesian Muslim University and is an area for the development of chilli pepper in Takalar District, South Sulawesi. The production of chilli pepper in this area relies on the use of high-dose of chemical fertilizers and pesticides on hybrid crops. The hybrid crops requires high doses of fertilizer to produce optimally. The objectives to be achieved in this study are the application of semi-organic chilli pepper cultivation technology to achieve increased production of chilli pepper and maintain the quality of farmers' land. The solutions offered are: (1) technology transfer Cultivation of semi-organic chilli pepper through the reduction of chemical fertilizer doses and substituted with the use of organic fertilizer / Bokashi; (2) Chili cultivation not only in agricultural / paddy fields but also in the yard of partner groups using polybags; (3) Training and assistance in making organic fertilizer (compost) which is used in the cultivation of chilli pepper. The method used in this Program is development of active participation (empowerment) of the community through training and assistance in the cultivation of chilli pepper on the field. In addition, a comparison was also made between production of the chili pepper cultivation using chemical fertilizers (inorganic) with semi-organic chilli pepper cultivation. The results achieved from this program expected can change the mindset of the village people, especially the farmers  in semi-organic chilli pepper cultivation. Keywords: Partner village development, chilli pepper, semi-organic