375,639 research outputs found

    Self-healing fuse development

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    The mercury-filled self-healing fuses developed for this program afford very good protection from circuit faults with rapid reclosure. Fuse performance and design parameters have been characterized. Life tests indicate a capability of 500 fuse operations. Fuse ratings are 150 v at 5, 15, 25 and 50 circuit A. A series of sample fuses using alumina and beryllia insulation have been furnished to NASA for circuit evaluation

    Girlhood and Ethics: The Role of Bodily Integrity

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    Our concern is with the ethical issues related to girlhood and bodily integrity—the right to be free from physical harm and harassment and to experience freedom and security in relation to the body. We defend agency, positive self-relations, and health as basic elements of bodily integrity and we advocate that this normative concept be used as a conceptual tool for the protection of the rights of girls. We assume the capability approach developed by Martha Nussbaum as an ethical framework that enables us to evaluate girls’ well-being and well-becoming in relation to the potential, and often subtle, threats they face. The capability approach can be understood as a theory of justice, and, therefore, as an ethical and political approach. An enriched concept of bodily integrity can help in the design of better policies to address gender biases against girls because it could contribute to seeing them as active agents and valid participant

    Autonomic Management of Cloud Neighbourhoods through Pulse Monitoring

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    Abstract-This paper reports on autonomic computing research, including the development of a self-* proof of concept, for a cloud based environment. It monitors administrative boundaries from within an autonomic manager, with each manager operating in a peer-to-peer mode and utilizing a pulse monitor. The prototype was developed in Java utilizing SNMP to demonstrate the manager's self-situation and environment-awareness of the current state of the whole neighborhood and proves the feasibility of communicating the health of the neighborhood to peer managers using an XML pulse concept. Each manager houses the functionality to enact changes to their neighborhood using SNMP based rules. This enables the capability to provide self-healing, self-configuring, self-optimizing and self-protection to network neighborhoods within cloud computing

    A multi-level study of entrepreneurial characteristics, IPR, and the degree of internationalization

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    An emerging topic in strategic entrepreneurial research is how institutional influences impact on entrepreneurial internationalization behavior. This paper sets out to undertake a multilevel study regarding the impact of home country IPR on the relationships among entrepreneurial self-efficacy, entrepreneurial opportunity perception, risk tolerance, and the degree of internationalization. Through a combination of the dynamic capability perspective and entrepreneurial bricolage theory, we propose a model that underpins the role of home country institutional influence, in particular, IPR during the internationalization of new ventures. Using a sample of 91 countries, we empirically test the model via multi-level logistic regression analysis controlling micro as well as macro variables such as personal education level, gender, household income, purchasing power per capita, and GDP growth rate. Our findings suggest that higher IPR protection mechanism in the home country will strengthen the positive relationships between entrepreneurial self-efficacy and the degree of internationalization, entrepreneurial risk tolerance and the degree of internationalization. However, although the findings support the positive relationship between entrepreneurial opportunity perception and the degree of internationalization, the moderating effect of IPR protection in the home country is not supported for such relationship. Our study contributes to the literature by extending entrepreneurial bricolage theory and dynamic capability approach into international entrepreneurship research. We advance the understanding of how the protection of intellectual property in home country influences the internationalization efforts into new ventures taking consideration of the personal-level characteristics of entrepreneurs

    Dynamics of SAMs in Boundary Lubrication

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    Surfactant molecules have some properties responsible for a number ofremarkable phenomena, such as oriented adsorption of surfactants at surfaces and interfaces. The capability to self -assemble into well- defined structures is often seen as being more important than their surface activity. When a surfactant solution is in contact with a solid surface, the surfactant molecules adsorb onto the surface, ideally forming an adsorbed layer of a high order, termed as a self- assembled monolayer (SAM). Many surface properties are influenced bysuch a film, and therefore, SAMs offer the capability to form ordered organic surface coatings, suitable for various applications, such as wetting or corrosion protection. Due to the flexibility in choosing the molecular architecture, organic molecules have many interesting applications, such as biosensors, in Photoelectronics, in controlling water adsorption or boundary lubricant coating. This paper Focuses on cationic surfactants (quaternary ammonium surfactants) with some unique properties that are not present in other surfactants

    Introduction to H2020 project C3HARME – next generation ceramic composites for combustion harsh environment and space

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    There is an increasing demand for advanced materials with enhanced temperature capability in highly corrosive environments, for instance enable space vehicles to resist several launches and re-entries. The EU-funded project C3HARME aims at combining the best features of CMCs and UHTCs to design, develop, manufacture and qualify a new class of Ultra-High Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composite (UHTCMCs) with self-healing capabilities. Applications selected to implement the new materials are near-zero erosion nozzles and near-zero ablation thermal protection systems. This paper aims at giving an introduction to the challenges addressed by C3HARME project including (i) the integration between well-established and novel techniques for CMCs and UHTCs production, (ii) the need for very high temperature characterisation, (iii) the meaning of self-healing capability for UHTCMCs, (iv) the contribution of modelling to materials development and (V) the investigation of the microstructure/ thermo-mechanical property correlations

    Intelligent, Self-Diagnostic Thermal Protection System for Future Spacecraft

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    The goal of this project is to provide self-diagnostic capabilities to the thermal protection systems (TPS) of future spacecraft. Self-diagnosis is especially important in thermal protection systems (TPS), where large numbers of parts must survive extreme conditions after weeks or years in space. In-service inspections of these systems are difficult or impossible, yet their reliability must be ensured before atmospheric entry. In fact, TPS represents the greatest risk factor after propulsion for any transatmospheric mission. The concepts and much of the technology would be applicable not only to the Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV), but also to ablative thermal protection for aerocapture and planetary exploration. Monitoring a thermal protection system on a Shuttle-sized vehicle is a daunting task: there are more than 26,000 components whose integrity must be verified with very low rates of both missed faults and false positives. The large number of monitored components precludes conventional approaches based on centralized data collection over separate wires; a distributed approach is necessary to limit the power, mass, and volume of the health monitoring system. Distributed intelligence with self-diagnosis further improves capability, scalability, robustness, and reliability of the monitoring subsystem. A distributed system of intelligent sensors can provide an assurance of the integrity of the system, diagnosis of faults, and condition-based maintenance, all with provable bounds on errors
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