Surfactant molecules have some properties responsible for a number ofremarkable phenomena, such as oriented adsorption of surfactants at surfaces and interfaces. The capability to self -assemble into well- defined structures is often seen as being more important than their surface activity. When a surfactant solution is in contact with a solid surface, the surfactant molecules adsorb onto the surface, ideally forming an adsorbed layer of a high order, termed as a self- assembled monolayer (SAM). Many surface properties are influenced bysuch a film, and therefore, SAMs offer the capability to form ordered organic surface coatings, suitable for various applications, such as wetting or corrosion protection. Due to the flexibility in choosing the molecular architecture, organic molecules have many interesting applications, such as biosensors, in Photoelectronics, in controlling water adsorption or boundary lubricant coating. This paper Focuses on cationic surfactants (quaternary ammonium surfactants) with some unique properties that are not present in other surfactants