79,113 research outputs found

    Review of current practices in recording road traffic incident data: with specific reference to spatial analysis and road policing policy

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    Road safety involves three major components: the road system, the human factor and the vehicle element. These three elements are inter-linked through geo-referenced traffic events and provide the basis for road safety analyses and attempts to reduce the number of road traffic incidents and improve road safety. Although numbers of deaths and serious injuries are back to approximately the 1950s levels when there were many fewer vehicles on the road, there are still over 100 fatalities or serious injuries every day, and this is a considerable waste of human capital. It is widely acknowledged that the location perspective is the most suitable methodology by which to analyse different traffic events, where by in this paper, I will concentrating on the relationship between road traffic incidents and traffic policing. Other methods include studying road and vehicle engineering and these will be discussed later. It is worth noting here that there is some division within the literature concerning the definitions of ‘accident’ and ‘incident’. In this paper I will use ‘incident’ because it is important to acknowledge a vast majority of ‘road accidents’ are in fact crimes. However I will use the term ‘accident’ where it is referred to in the literature or relevant reports. It is important to mention here that a road traffic accident can be defined as ‘the product of an unwelcome interaction between two or more moving objects, or a fixed and moving object’ (Whitelegg 1986). Road safety and road incident reduction relates to many other fields of activity including education, driver training, publicity campaigns, police enforcement, road traffic policing, the court system, the National Health Service and Vehicle engineering. Although the subject of using GIS to analyse road traffic incidents has not received much academic attention, it lies in the field of crime mapping which is becoming increasingly important. It is clear that studies have been attempted to analyse road traffic incidents using GIS are increasingly sophisticated in terms of hypotheses and statistical technique (for example see Austin, Tight and Kirby 1997). However it is also clear that there is considerable blurring of boundaries and the analysis of road accidents sits uncomfortably in crime mapping. This is due to four main reasons: - Road traffic incidents are associated with road engineering, which is concerned with generic solutions while road traffic analysis is about sensitivity to particular contexts. - Not all road traffic incidents are crimes - It is not just the police who have an interest in reducing road traffic incidents, other partners include local authorities, hospitals and vehicle manufacturers - The management of road traffic incidents is not just confined to the police GIS has been used for over thirty years however it has only been recently been used in the field of transportation. The field of transportation has come to embrace Geographical Information Systems as a keytechnology to support its research and operational need. The acronym GIS-T is often employed to refer to the application and adaptation of GIS to research, planning and management in transportation. GIS-T covers a broad arena of disciplines of which road traffic incident detection is just one theme. Others include in vehicle navigation systems. Initially it was only used to ask simple accident enquiries such as depicting the relative incidence of accidents in wet weather or when there is no street lighting, or to flag high absolute or relative incidences of accidents (see Anderson 2002). Recently however there has been increased acknowledgement that there is a requirement to go beyond these simple questions and to extend the analyses. It has been widely claimed by academics and the police alike that knowing where road accidents occur must lead to better road policing, in order to ensure that road policing becomes better integrated with other policing activities. This paper will be used to explore issues surrounding the analysis of road traffic accidents and how GIS analysts, police and policy makers can achieve a better understanding of road traffic incidents and how to reduce them. For the purpose of this study I will be trying to achieve a broader overview of the aspects concerning road accident analysis with a strong emphasis on data quality and accuracy with concern to GIS analysis. Data quality and accuracy are seen as playing a pivotal role in the road traffic management agenda because they assist the police and Local Authorities as to the specific location whereby management can be undertaken. Part one will consider the introduction to road incidents and their relationship with geography and spatial analysis and how this were initially applied to locating ‘hotspots’ and the more recent theory of ‘accident migration’. Part two will address current data issues of the UK collection procedure. This section will pay particular reference to geo-referencing and the implication of data quality on the procedure of analysing road incidents using GIS. Part three addresses issues surrounding the spatial analysis of road traffic incidents, including some techniques such as spatial autocorrelation, time-space geography and the modifiable area unit problem. Finally part four looks at the role of effective road traffic policing and how this can be achieved due to better understanding of the theory and issues arising from analysing road traffic incidents. It will also look at the diffusion and use of GIS within the police and local authorities

    Georeferencing Road Accidents with Google Earth: Transforming Information into Knowledge for Decision Support

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    Over the last fifty years mobility practices have changed dramatically, improving the way travel takes place, the time it takes but also on matters like road safety and prevention. High mortality caused by high accident levels has reached untenable levels. But the research into road mortality stayed limited to comparative statistical exercises which go no further than defining accident types. In terms of sharing information and mapping accidents, little progress has been mad, aside from the normal publication of figures, either through simplistic tables or web pages. With considerable technological advances on geographical information technologies, research and development stayed rather static with only a few good examples on dynamic mapping. The use of Global Positioning System (GPS) devices as normal equipments on automobile industry resulted in a more dynamic mobility patterns but also with higher degrees of uncertainty on road traffic. This paper describes a road accident georeferencing project for the Lisbon District involving fatalities and serious injuries during 2007. In the initial phase, individual information summaries were compiled giving information on accidents and its majour characteristics, collected by the security forces: the Public Safety Police Force (PolĂ­cia de Segurança PĂșblica - PSP) and the National Guard (Guarda Nacional Republicana - GNR). The Google Earth platform was used to georeference the information in order to inform the public and the authorities of the accident locations, the nature of the location, and the causes and consequences of the accidents. This paper also gives future insights about augmented reality technologies, considered crucial to advances to road safety and prevention studies. At the end, this exercise could be considered a success because of numerous consequences, as for stakeholders who decide what to do but also for the public awareness to the problem of road mortality

    A Survey of Road Accident Reporting and Driver’s Behavior Awareness Systems: The Case of Tanzania

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    This research article published by Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, Vol. 10, No. 4, 2020,Road traffic accidents are a leading cause of death in developed and developing countries. It has been shown that road accident reporting systems could reduce their effects by minimizing response time and mapping road accident-prone areas. This paper provides an overview of the systems and applications for road accident reporting and drivers’ behavior awareness. A field survey, conducted in Dar es Salaam region in Tanzania, investigated the current state of road traffic accident reporting. Findings showed that the main means of reporting road accidents were physical reporting and police emergency phone calls. The absence of alternative means for reporting road accidents causes information delay and lack of precise accident location for the emergency first responders. This paper concludes by proposing a mobile application system for road accident reporting and drivers’ over-speed a


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    Technology improvement gives positive impacts on increasing transportation mode. But it has a negative impact such as traffic jam and increasing number in traffic accident, so road safety issues must be a common concern. One of the efforts to prevent tha accident is to identify accident-prone areas as a warning system for user. Eleven road sections in Malang District and supported data from Satkorlantas Polres Malang District is used as scope of discussion in this study. In this study, the factors that caused accidents such as road characteristic, geometric and environment condition is used for identifcation the accident-prone area. Based on the data, database mapping was done and the pattern of potential accident-prone areas was determined. It can be used for analysis and decision. Mapping and testing process uses a neural network approach because the accuracy of this method has been already proven in various applications. The results approach on prone area identification indicates a precision with a variance of 0.015% in compare with accident-based data analysis through the validation process. This result shows that neural network approach can be used to identify the accident-prone areas as one of the solution in accident prevention and efforts in road safety improvement


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    Repeated brake failure accidents occur on the Buntu-Banyumas Road section, which features a 1 km downhill geometric condition. The braking force required increases with a vehicle's weight, speed, and elevation. This research aims to identify the causes of brake failure accidents related to the long downhill geometric condition of the road. The methods include fault tree analysis, road accident mapping, and safe speed calculation. The data used have road geometric data, vehicle speed, and vehicle weight. The research findings indicate that brake failure accidents on the Buntu-Banyumas Road section are caused by driver behavior, repeatedly applying brakes on a road with a slope exceeding the critical maximum gradient, leading to overheating and brake failure. Road authorities must maintain guardrails, install speed limit signs, and implement emergency escape ramps. ABSTRAK Kecelakaan rem blong terjadi secara berulang pada ruas Jalan Buntu-Banyumas yang memiliki kondisi geometrik berupa turunan sepanjang 1 km. Semakin berat suatu kendaraan, semakin tinggi kecepatan kendaraan dan semakin tinggi posisi kendaraan maka semakin besar daya pengereman yang dibutuhkan. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui penyebab kecelakaan rem blong terkait dengan kondisi geometrik jalan berupa turunan panjang. Metode yang digunakan berupa Fault Tree Analysis, Road Accident Mapping dan perhitungan kecepatan aman. Data yang digunakan berupa data geometrik jalan, kecepatan kendaraan, dan berat kendaraan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penyebab kecelakaan rem blong pada ruas Jalan Raya Buntu-Banyumas disebabkan karena perilaku pengemudi yang melakukan pengereman secara berulang pada kondisi jalan yang menurun melebihi batas maksimal kelandaian kritis sehingga menimbulkan overheat dan rem blong. Penanggung jawab jalan perlu memelihara guardrail, pemasangan rambu batas kecepatan dan emergency escape ramp


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    Repeated brake failure accidents occur on the Buntu-Banyumas Road section, which features a 1 km downhill geometric condition. The braking force required increases with a vehicle's weight, speed, and elevation. This research aims to identify the causes of brake failure accidents related to the long downhill geometric condition of the road. The methods include fault tree analysis, road accident mapping, and safe speed calculation. The data used have road geometric data, vehicle speed, and vehicle weight. The research findings indicate that brake failure accidents on the Buntu-Banyumas Road section are caused by driver behavior, repeatedly applying brakes on a road with a slope exceeding the critical maximum gradient, leading to overheating and brake failure. Road authorities must maintain guardrails, install speed limit signs, and implement emergency escape ramps. ABSTRAK Kecelakaan rem blong terjadi secara berulang pada ruas Jalan Buntu-Banyumas yang memiliki kondisi geometrik berupa turunan sepanjang 1 km. Semakin berat suatu kendaraan, semakin tinggi kecepatan kendaraan dan semakin tinggi posisi kendaraan maka semakin besar daya pengereman yang dibutuhkan. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui penyebab kecelakaan rem blong terkait dengan kondisi geometrik jalan berupa turunan panjang. Metode yang digunakan berupa Fault Tree Analysis, Road Accident Mapping dan perhitungan kecepatan aman. Data yang digunakan berupa data geometrik jalan, kecepatan kendaraan, dan berat kendaraan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penyebab kecelakaan rem blong pada ruas Jalan Raya Buntu-Banyumas disebabkan karena perilaku pengemudi yang melakukan pengereman secara berulang pada kondisi jalan yang menurun melebihi batas maksimal kelandaian kritis sehingga menimbulkan overheat dan rem blong. Penanggung jawab jalan perlu memelihara guardrail, pemasangan rambu batas kecepatan dan emergency escape ramp

    Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan Jalan Tol Semarang-bawen Dengan Integrasi Metode Importance Performance Gap Analysis, Lean, Dan Six Sigma

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    PT Trans Marga Jateng (TMJ) is a company engaged in service sector, which is managing Semarang-Bawen toll road. The result of preliminary surveyconducted by PT TMJ showed that service quality of PT TMJ is still unsatisfactory, so it is necessary to do research on improving service quality. Service quality can be measured from two perspectives, i.e., internal perspective and external perspective. The external perspective can be measured with Importance Performance Gap Analysis (IPGA) method, while the internal perspective can be measured with Lean and Six Sigma method. Thus, this study will use the integration method of IPGA, lean, and six sigma in effort to improve service quality of PT TMJ. Based on the research result, service quality attributes considered the most influential is road lighting, road surface smoothness, driving safety, and accident handling. Suggested improvements for each attribute are road lighting installation at vulnerable points of accidents,asphalt layer installation on bumpy roads, paying particular attention to the implementation of safety driving indicator, and improving value stream of accident handling. Based on future state value stream mapping, total lead time is 150 minutes and value added activity percentage is 72,6%

    Pemetaan Lokasi Rawan Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas di Kota Bandar Lampung Tahun 2017

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    This research was to examined the mapping of traffic accident locations in Bandar Lampung. This research to survey research. The subjects in this study were primary and secondary national arterial road as well as local residents. The object of this research is the points of vulnerable location and causal factor of accidents in Bandar Lampung . Data collection is using observation and documentation method. Data analysis is using Z-Score technique and scoring technique. Results of the research indicate that: (1) The location of accident point (black spot) on national road is located on Soekarno Hatta Street. (2) The traffic accident prone level is categorized as normal on the national road. (3) Factors that cause accidents at any crash-prone points on national roads are damaged road conditions, lack of traffic signs, weather conditions, and less cautious of road users.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tentang pemetaan lokasi titik rawan kecelakaan lalu lintas di Bandar Lampung. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian survei. Subjek dalam penelitian ini jalan nasional arteri primer dan arteri sekunder serta warga sekitar. Objek dari penelitian ini adalah titik lokasi rawan dan faktor penyebab kecelakan di Bandar Lampung. Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan metode observasi dan dokumentasi.Analisis data menggunakan Teknik Z-Score dan teknik skoring. Hasil penelitian menunjuk kan bahwa: (1) Lokasi titik rawan kecelakaan (black spot) pada jalan nasional terletak pada Jl. Soekarno Hatta. (2) Tingkat rawan kecelakaan lalu lintas dikategorikan sedang. (3) Faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya kecelakaan pada setiap titik rawan kecelakaan di jalan nasional yakni kondisi jalan rusak, kurangnya rambu-rambu lalu lintas, kondisi cuaca, dan pengguna jalan yang kurang berhati-hati

    Application of UAV in Road Safety in Intelligent Areas

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    With the continuous development of remote sensing(RS) technology, thesurface information can be collected conveniently and quickly by usingthe popular unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV). The application of UAVlow altitude RS technology in road safety in intelligent area has certainpractical significance. It can provide safety warning for most drivers, andprovide auxiliary decision-making for the road supervision department.Through the collection, processing, calculation and analysis of the roadimage, the UAV can find out the road obstacles with potential safety hazards, identify the road pit, calculate the radius and depth of the road pitthrough the digital mapping system, predict the accident risk according todifferent speed and provide scientific basis for the road safety monitoring.At the same time, UAV can provide repair scheme for damaged roads,estimate the quantity of materials needed for repair, and achieve the targetof resource saving and efficiency improvement. The experimental resultsshow that the UAV can not only provide scientific prediction informationfor driving safety, but also provide relatively accurate material consumption for road repair
